
The Sword Of The Unknown Begining


rohit_kumar_2089 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 45 [GETTING OVER IT]

I understand what are you saying but still I want to help him , i think i should go and give him some motivation. Andrew pulls Reza hand to stop her . Reza don't do this , if you do this now then I am not so sure that i will give my all to teaching him cause after that it's not his will that keep him going , instead it's your words that push him , to keep working harder and i don't think a warrior is ever be born without fighting his own self. ok , i got it know . then Reza and Andrew go to sleep.

At midnight , Reza opens haren rooms and don't find him there and rushed towards Andrew room. Andrew wake up , did you see haren , he is not in his room , it's midnight did he gone at this time of night . Reza , i think you should go and sleep. what are you saying Andrew, are you gone mad . Reza let that , half ass , moron run wild , might have gone back to his homeland so go and sleep and also let me sleep.i will find him myself, i don't need your help. Reza leaves the house , Andrew saw her leaving the house. stupid kids , that is why I hate being a teacher . Reza run on the street in search of haren and after an hour she got tired and stopped near the river . where are you haren . then a flash of light striked the other shore of river . Reza looked closely and see someone lying on the ground of the other shore , she got suspicious.

" spirit of water come to me and make me control it " .

the river divides into two half , the ground underneath the water can be seen , she walked on the path she make , with ever step she take , the face of person on the next shore can be seen more clear . after reaching half the way , the face becomes crystal clear and the person on next shore is haren lying unconscious. haren wake up , what happened , speak to me . haren slowly get his consciousness and see Reza face . what are you doing here in the midnight , Moron. haren wake up and sit next to Reza. sorry for bothering you Reza , i am grateful that you came . but what are you doing at this time.

i am training. but you can train in the morning.

no , if i don't come here for training , then it is impossible for me to keep up with my burning will and move forward. so what did you gain from this training. i learned Kelvin technique , but it is better than his . what , you learned Kelvi The t-rex of flames technique in some hours . ya , i just did it right know but got a little shock from it but i figure it out , how to avoid the shock . so the flash of light, i just see is the technique you learned. "" is he evolving with the fight , if this goes on then , he is gona surpass even me ,he is one of a kind of monster"".