
The Sword of the Fearful

Shimizuosdreams · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The beginning of the story

 Once upon a time, very far away, in some kingdom like the other but where things will happen that will change everything. 

 Two hundred years ago, it happens that at a young prince , was curious about that river that was forbidden to people which was located in the dark forest of the demon region. One day he took his sword and how no one could stop his curiosity he went to find the river because he did not understand why people are not allowed there. His father, the king, he was afraid that the young prince would not return alive and he's watching his only child leaving and not coming back home. 

 -I couldn't stop him Bernnesse , I'm sorry my dear queen, I did not keep my promise, I'm sorry … 

 The prince has not returned, no one knows what happened to him and if he's alive or dead. The king soon died of the critical state in which he was and the kingdom was abandoned after his death. The kingdom had been abandoned and now no one is trampling there because it as a myth that the kingdom is haunted by a lost soul in today's world. 

 In these days, the young king, Gusion, how he was young and handsome, so handsome that all the girls gathered at the gates of the palace and waited for him to come, His father is thinking of making some petitions with the search for the right bride for the young boy. The news went through all the kingdoms and many families with their daughters had come hoping that their daughter would become the queen. 

 In a neighboring kingdom where the news had arrived there, as the princess was the king's age ,her mother would like to enroll her too, but the father, as he knows his daughter well, knows that she is not going to get married at this age. 

 Megumi, a 18 years old princess, charming and gentle, helping the world in her kingdom and loved by everyone ,in this time she was reading a book to those in the village until she was interrupted by her brother who gave her the news that she had to go to the neighboring . She didn't want to go but the people there encouraged, she has no choice and leaves the place where she reads and goes to the palace to prepare. She then find out that her sister Rukya is coming too And then she calms down because now maybe she thinks that the king won't notice her. 


-Calm down my queen, Megumi maybe be eating something now. 

 - Yeah? Mom? Did u said something? I was sleeping- I mean I- Megumi was stopped by her mother who took her to the carriage with which they went to the evening ball. 

 - Megumi really? Her sister whisper. You know very well that it's my mother's dream for us to become something great... Like a queen so we won't need to be marring a noble or below….At least are you paying attention ? Oi sister?? U there? 

 - I don't want to get married, not now, I haven't met someone suitable yet …. Maybe I won't *Looking towards the sunset* 

 - It's never too late! *Putting her hand on her shoulder* 

 The Queen and the two princess left as soon as the brother brought them the invitation with which they entered the Kingdom where the ball was being made for King Gusion.