

The story of a warrior who is paying for sins even he is the sword of god.

TheLastVerse · Fantasy
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The death road to heaven

After 2000 years of Great war .

After so many years the gate of holy land Is still close for everyone except gods and angels and still protected by "Rudram" The Sword of Supreme God .

In these years people almost forgot about the way of holy land , even in some world holy land remain in just old books of history and in thoughts of some people who are the follower of any Gods , but no one know the exact way to go holy land in the vast galaxy . Until one day some dao cultivator from Black world (black world - abandoned worlds by gods) come on the gate of holy land in search of world with extreme rich world energy for their cultivation .They were on a long journey of finding new world for their cultivation and also surviving purpose because their black world is close to extinct due to demonic power domination . They go to countless world in order to find a new world for them in their way they conquered some and destroy some but their greed never fulfil. Until one day when they were on journey they face the one of the most dangerous beast of galaxy ' the void worms ' .

Void worms can swallow anything and there is least chance if someone can survive from that . Void worms were created by the Goddess of creation when she sealed holy land . She create the void whirlpool around holy land . void whirlpool are the forbidden place for everyone no one can go near it because it attract everything and destroy it without a single thing left . Void whirlpool are like nest to void worms they live near it to stop anything from entering void whirlpool because if something survive from void whirlpool they can enter the hidden and sacred world Holy Land .

The dao cultivators are a group of people of DAWN dynasty . The First prince who is in dao emperor stage with four guardian in saint stage is leading the army of 500 cultivators who all are in dao lord stage . Any army in whole galaxy can tremble in fear in front of them . They destroy countless kingdom even some worlds in their journey but their fate take a turn against them . After destroying the Shuan kingdom of Azure world they conquer the whole world easily and move to next world the crimson star world but for reaching there they have to pass through one of the void whirlpool . When they were closer to the void whirlpool they feel at ease because they can't saw void worm anywhere but they forgot that void worm can hide their presence for hunt . 

Edison Dawn ( first prince of the Dawn kingdom ) - hahaha look elders didn't i tell you no one can stop us not even a ferocious beast of this vast galaxy . See there is not any void worm here because they know i the great prince of dawn kingdom and the leader of strongest army of whole galaxy is coming . See elders see everyone this is our fear , it force that worm to hide from us hahahahahaha.

Ruan Deoros (third elder ) - You are right my prince in front of power that worm run and hide in his hole. 

Venji Raul ( first elder) - haah no matter if that worm is here i will crush that worm in my hand.

Everyone laughing and suddenly as soon they come in front of void whirlpool their mana detecting machine suddenly start giving the sign of danger and they all realized why is machine giving them sign because they can see they most fearsome beast of galaxy in front of their eyes. They were in deep shock some of start panicking from fear and suddenly void worm make a fearsome sound from his mouth that can directly effect everyone below the emperor rank. The whole army get affected where elders and prince start trembling in fear in front of such formidable opponent but first elder handle himself and turn the face of ship to the void whirlpool in hurry and boost full power forward . Suddenly void worm attack ship but ship protect by barrier around, but protective barrier got damage to eighty percent and the next attack will destroy ship and everything in ship. Void worm attack again and miss but it push ship in void whirlpool .

Luan Zedi (second elder) - What are you doing first elder why you push ship inside void whirlpool now no one can save us .

Arthur Frey ( fourht elder)- Everyone look what is this light and why our holy body of ship is going toward it itself .

A bright light come that boost the ship and take it to the part of galaxy that they never heard and see . Part of galaxy with only one world which is shining like the brightest star in whole galaxy which is overflowing with the world energy . The greed in their eye grow bigger .

Edison Dawn - Move ship toward the world fast . haha we finally get the biggest treasure of whole galaxy .

The world is covered with many asteroid in chain like structure like it is wrapped around world and in between them there is a asteroid on which a gate like structure is made from cutting asteroid .As the ship came close to that gate like structure asteroid they start seeing a person siting on a rock between that gate while holding a sword but any of the ship member can not see any energy coming from that person . 

Ruan Deoros - It look like a crafting of a dead body is put here to decorate the gate hahaha .

Prince and elder come down on asteroid to watch that gate and suddenly they feel a stare that see through them in instant and it shock them and they all stop where they were standing . They start hearing the sound of breathe that is coming from that person they thought is dead body. They all are in fear and shock and suddenly it increase more when that person move his hand from the side and hold sword in front of him and unsheathe it a little and a strong sword aura come and slice their in two in a flick of eye . All elders and prince start trembling in fear they are sweating like they are in front of their death .

Venji Raul - Who are you and why are you attacking us . do you even know who we are ( in fear)

That person Stand from stone and move a step toward and raise his head slowly and stare on Venji Raul and say 

I am the the protector of this world "Rudram"...

Hey everyone i hope you all love this chapter and forgive me for my mistakes . I promise to improve my skills and give you the best ride of adventure in my world .

Thank you for reading and please give your feedback i will appreciate that ...

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