

"Ow! Old ma-!" Luna yelled, getting struck by the wooden sword across the face. She grimaced at the pain of the strike as she got ready for the next incoming strike that she already knew was coming thanks to her great senses, but sadly her body couldn't move to block with her wooden sword or doge as it was too aggressive and fast.


Luna got hitt in the gut with another powerful strike, and she got sent flying into the courtyard wall.


She screamed out in pain as her back hit the hard wooden wall. She flopped to the ground, looking worn out as she hazelly looked up at the old man Aoi towering over herself. She had several cuts and bruises on her face and bruises on the little girl's stomach, which you could tell she had several broken ribs making it harder for her to breathe.

Aoi taught her everything she needed to learn about swordsmanship in the first month.

Luna is a Genius above genius when it comes to the sword. She absorbed everything Aoi tout her like a sponge. She quickly mastered all the primary forms and correct posture any swordsman should have.

Aoi looked down at her lean figure. As he looked closely at her body, the wounds on her body noticeably disappeared and closed and healed themselves in mere seconds as if they weren't there in the first place.

He sighed as he thought back to a conversation he had with Garp telling himself about Luna's fantastic body. And, of course, Garp threatened Aoi as well to make sure he wouldn't tell anybody. Only a select few know about Luna's fantastic body, and Garp would like to keep it that way.

Luna looked up at Aoi, not with contempt or any grievance whatsoever. She was excited! Her entire body shook with excitement! She loved a good fight! Especially with someone strong! She was a battle maniac through and through!

She wobbly got up to her feet with some pain displayed on her face as determination could be seen in her eyes as she shouted with a huge smile. Holding her wooden practice sword firmly within her grasp, she called, "I will defeat you!"

Aoi looked at her with a blank and unfazed look on his old and wrinkled face as he thought back to the several others days of this same sort of thing happening over and over again.

It always went like this. Aoi would put a harsh beating down on luna. Luna would then get back up and declare she would beat him. The same thing has been happening for a week now with no change whatsoever.

Aoi let out a tired and lazy sigh as he looked at The determined luna and said, "alright, this is enough for today. Do what we girls do and leave me alone. We will pick back up with this tomorrow…." Aoi said as he slid open the door to walk back into the traditional Japanese residence from the courtyard where Aoi and Luna just had their spar or more like one way beat down.

Luna stomped her feet on the ground with an angry face as she pointed her finger at the old man's back and yelled angrily, "Old hag! I know you want to drink your booze! You can't fool me! Get back here this instant! I will beat you!"

Aoi stopped just a step into the residence. As he turned around to look at her said she was a complete idiot, "how about you go swing your little wooden sword some more and get some more training in. I just beat you. How many beatings can you take?"

A tick mark appeared on Luna's childish flawless face as she screamed angrily and pointed the wooden sword in his direction. "You're the one that's supposed to be training me! But all you do is spar with me once a day, then drink booze all day! Quit acting like you have something special to do!"

Aoi clutched his chest with his hand as he looked at her as if his feeling were hurt, "but I do have something important to do."

"Oh, and what's that," Luna questioned but failed to notice the playful smirk on Aoi's face.

"Booze," Aoi said as he shut the sliding door on Luna's face leaving her dumbstruck several more tick marks appeared on her head, getting reader and reader as if it was about to explode from anger!

'Booze? Important? Yeah right! How can that be more important than teaching me swordsmanship?' Luna thought as she stormed off from the residence heading down the mountain to Rice village.


Luna stopped her descent from the mountain and looked in the direction of the sudden squeal. Suddenly it was as if her entire being was screaming at her to run in the opposite direction of the squeal, but sadly her interests were already peaked, so she ignored her instincts. of course, luna moved in the order of the squeal.

As she moved, she was on high guard as she held her wooden sword firmly, ready for any sudden attack. Her blue eyes scanned the environment with vigilance. The trees, the bugs, the slight changes in the breeze. She was observing everything.

Luna got the same feeling as before as she kept on moving; it was as if she was getting watched by something. She couldn't shake that eerie feeling in her gut.


She heard the same noise as before but way quieter than before. 'Hmm, this feeling sucks! It feels as if someone is stocking me. Whatever time to pick up the pace!' Luna thought as she shot from her position, heading faster toward the sound.

As she finally arrived at her destination, she couldn't help but feel surprised at the sight. It was a small blood-covered wolf lying down on the ground with several wounds all over its body.

Luna kneeled to the wolf's side with a frown "hey, Wolfe, your not looking too good. Who did this to you?... oh yea, you can't respond… haha.. anyway, here you go!" Luna said, a little embarrassed as she picked up the sharpest rock she could find around her and cut her palm.

Luna held her palm above the wolf's mouth and let it drip into its mouth. The little wolf didn't move and just let her do what she wanted. The wolf couldn't move in the first place because of all of its injuries.

Luna's palm stopped bleeding and healed just a few seconds after the cut was made. 'Hmm, it healed faster than I thought it would. I should have make the cut deeper… little Wolfe here should've gotten enough blood to recover its body right-'

Luna's thoughts were cut off as she tried to move, but unfortunately, she was too slow.

A considerable sized tiger slammed its razer sharp claws into Luna's gut slicing through her organs like nothing, sending her flying into a surrounding tree.



Blood flowed out from Luna's gut like a river. Luna held her bloody stomach and now bloody hands with a hazed look in her eyes 'heh… so that's what my instincts were warning me about, huh… oh well…' Luna thought as her gut healed in mere seconds as if it wasn't just ripped apart in the first place.

Luna frowned, looking at her bare belly that used to have clothes covering it. "You just had to rip apart my favorite top! You're going to get a beating!"

Luna said as an angered look appeared on her face as she pointed her pointer finger at the tiger, ignoring the fact that she got sliced like an apple but was madder about her ruined top.

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