
The Sword And The Tiara

Elena Smith who has lived her life as an ordinary girl finds out that she’s a powerful light fairy and the long-lost princess of Euroix, a magical European kingdom that’s home to magical creatures and home to her parents who are now late. After being attacked by vampires and saved by her best friend she’s determined to go to Euroix to explore her roots learn more about herself and find out who killed her parents. While she’s there she’s introduced to friends and enemies and she meets her other family members some of whom don’t like her so much. She begins to receive threats from an unknown enemy, an enemy that stays in the school for magical creatures, Magix Academy. She, Alex, and her new friends and teachers are set to find out who is threatening the princess, and at the same time, Elena tries to find out who killed her parents. Elena soon learns that the world both Earth and Lenfairia are full of hidden secrets and a history that intertwines.

Emiswift33 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Six

As soon as Elena opens the door to the walk-in closet she gasps. She has already gone through the whole room, she's seen the balcony and she can see the stables and the green maze from there she's seen the bathroom it's so large and clean and she can choose to clean herself in the bathtub or the shower.

She has jumped on her king-sized bed and she feels it's more comfortable than her bed back at home. She still misses her room back home though.

And now she's saved the best for last. The room with all the favourite things she loves. Clothes and accessories. Shoes and hats, jewellery lots and lots of jewellery.

There are clothes arranged according to what season it is. She spots a beautiful brown fur coat she's going to be wearing when winter comes. She's picking up the tiny jewels in the centre of the room. It ranges from diamond earrings to pearls and heart-shaped necklaces. There are three pieces of luggage arranged carefully at the side and the shoes are arranged carefully on the floor. Lots and lots of shoes. From sandals to heels to flats, boots and canvases.

"All these are for me?" she asks the maids and they nod. "And they all fit me well? How is that-" She was going to ask how that's possible, but she lives in a magical world where what she thought was impossible has become possible.

The designers here have designed their clothes in a magical way where clothes can fit any body type as long as you claim ownership of the clothes. Elena was so shocked when Alex told her that. It makes things easier for people with different body shapes. This kind of magic will be good on earth.

"We can help you pack up for school Miss." the petite maid with the blond hair says and the other maid standing next to her is a little bit chubby with green hair.

"We are here to make sure you look your best." The chubby maid says in a German accent.

Agatha and Freya are their names and Elena thinks it's nice of them to want to help her even though they were appointed by Marie to help her and it's their job.

"Thanks, girls," she says to them smiling and her eyebrows furrow. "But what am I going to wear for this ball."

"Ah, the ball gowns aren't here Miss, come." Agatha gestures for Elena to come out of the closet and that's what she does. She walks out of the closet that feels like a shopping mall and she's caught off guard when three men walk into the room. They're in black suits and white gloves and are holding what seems to be the ball gowns but they're folded.

The men hold bottles up pink in the air and sprinkle whatever is inside of the bottle onto the dresses. They loosen up and they're standing tall floating in the air. Elena gasps with a smile on her face. They used the pixie dust of flight on the dress that's why the dresses are floating.

It's an incredible thing to see and the dresses are beautiful.

The first dress is a lace long-sleeve pink dress with a v-neck tulle appliqued, the second is a blue off-the-shoulder long-length tulle dress with appliqued sequenced petticoat, and the third is a red strapless, sweetheart neckline. The third dress looks a bit over the top and Elena just got here. As much as she loves all these dresses she doesn't want to dress too extravagantly, not yet at least.

"They're all so beautiful," she says. "But I'll go with the pink."

"Are you sure that's your last choice princess?" Agatha asks and Elena nods.

"Uh, huh I pick the pink."

"Okay, you heard the princess." Freya says in a deep voice and that thick German accent of hers. "leave the pink dress for her." they carefully place the dress on the bed and Elena is smiling admiring the beauty of this dress. She cannot wait to wear it.

"Okay, what's next?" She asks, her eyes still on the pink dress.

"Where is she? Oh my Zeus where is the beautiful princess?" A dramatic woman with a British accent can be heard in the hallway. She steps right in front of the door and there stands a beautiful blond woman wearing a black suit jacket and underneath is a silver colored dress. She beams when she sees Elena and then walks into the room with her hands spread.

"There she is. Princess Elena Victoria Argentine has returned home." She places her hands on Elena's cheek.

"Hi?" Elena simply says. And the lady takes off her sunglasses. Elena can see the honey brown in her eyes.

"Forgive me. I am Violet, stylist, makeup artist I am many things and what I'm going to do is make you look less human and more of a fairy." She spins dramatically and snaps her finger twice. Next thing, people are marching into the room with makeup products and hair products as well. "Shut the door." Agatha closes the door. And she spins to face Elena. Elena wonders why she's spinning and thinks she should stop because all that's making her dizzy. But at the same time, she loves how enthusiastic and animated Violet is.

"Let's turn you into a princess." She says with a grin plastered on her face.

After Elena showers she's put on a white robe and is seated in front of the mirror for the makeup artists to put on her makeup.

Violet sits on Elena's bed scrolling through her phone and according to Violet, everyone is talking about Elena's reappearance on social media. People thought she was dead but the king has confirmed just now that the princess is very much alive and has explained to the people where she has been.

"They're talking about you on Phoenix," Violet says and Phoenix, Elena is guessing is a social media app.

Elena has never in her life been talked about on social media. Sure maybe her school's Instagram account but not worldwide. She can't help but smile to herself because as an aspiring model, being talked about is the best thing ever. She doesn't mind people gossiping about her.

She remembers that now she has to get a new phone because she's left her phone back on earth. The phone wouldn't have worked here anyway.

She hasn't had a lot of people working on her face and hair, they're making her hair more stylish. According to Violet.

Whatever that means.

"You are going to look perfect at the ball tonight and everyone's going to know that I did this," Violet says proud of herself.

It wasn't until Elena put on her dress, heels, necklace and bracelets that she looks at herself in the floor mirror. She doesn't gasp or make a sound she just stands there looking at herself. Herself or someone else she doesn't know all she knows is that the young woman staring right back at her is a different person. This isn't a model or an aspiring model or the most popular girl in school. This is a Princess.

"Oh and the finishing touch." Violet snaps her finger again and Elena has noticed that she does that a lot. Snaps her fingers without saying words, she loves how cartoonish this lady is, it reminds her of Naomi, her friend back home. With just a snap of her finger comes someone holding a brown box. Violet opens that box and brings out a beautiful crystal tiara and she slowly places it on Elena's head.

"There, now you look like a princess," Violet says clasping her hands and smiling at the looking glass.

Elena doesn't think she looks like a princess, she thinks she looks like a queen. She looks perfect she turns over to Violet.

"Thank you, Violet." Violet waves her off.

"Please, no need to thank me. I'm just doing my job." Elena looks back at her reflection admiring herself. She never thought this day would come so soon.

If only Nick could see her now. She can't wait to see Alex and she can't wait for Pierre to see her. But what if he won't care what if he'll only see it as her playing dress up and nothing else? And why does she care so much about what Pierre thinks? This was how she was with Nick and look how that turned out, she got dumped and it has made her look like a desperate whore. She knows Pierre is nothing like Nick-actually, she doesn't know that. Pierre is still a man, humans are not, and he has shown that he's a gentleman and he's hot but Nick was all those things as well.

"Alright alright, the ball started ten minutes ago. It is time for the princess to be revealed to the world. This event is going to be broadcast and people are going to be taking pictures with their phones so it gets posted on social media. Now come come."

Elena follows Violet with the support of Agatha and Freya walking by her side.

"You look beautiful Miss."

"Exquisite." Both Agatha and Freya compliment her and they're genuine about it. Elena throws a grateful smile their way.

"Is the princess rea- Oh." Marie stops in her tracks when she sees Elena coming out of the room. She's changed her outfit she's still wearing a suit but this time it's purple "You look amazing princess."

"Thank you, Marie," Elena says in a low voice.

"Okay, now hurry the guests are waiting for you." Says Marie spinning and walking ahead of them. "Only the elite are here, politicians, entertainers, athletes and royals. The other citizens and the students of Magix can see this event on their projectors and social media." Marie stops in front of a large red curtain.

"The whole world wants to see you," Marie says with a smile on her face. "Are you okay Princess?"

"Just a bit nervous." She says fanning herself with her hand.

"It's okay to be nervous. But just know that you have to continue to be yourself no matter what. Not everyone here is expecting anything from you. They're just happy that you're here and that you're healthy."

Elena nods her head.

"Are you ready?"

Elena swallows her nervousness and embraces the courage and confidence that makes her her. "Yes, I am."

"Okay, as soon as I pull this curtain. You're going to hold your head up high and you're going to walk down that grand staircase. And do not trip." she warns with a pointed finger and Elena nods her head.

Tripping will be the worst thing that will happen to her right now. She's on TV she's just going to act like this is the Met Gala or she's walking the red carpet as a model. She's been practicing since she was a kid so she should be able to get this right.

Elena can hear Marie counting down. And once she counts down to one, the curtain goes down. Elena lets out a loud sigh before walking ahead.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Princess Elena Victoria Argentine." The announcer yells saying it over again in the main Euroxian languages that exist in this continent. In Spanish, German, French, Russian, Italian and Ukrainian.

All eyes look up at her and they all say her name again.

"Princess Elena Victoria Argentine." they begin to clap and cheer. Elena did not see that one coming, she thought a bunch of elites were going to be looking at her all judgy, but they're not. They're looking at her pleased that she's home. Elena thinks that the elites knew Elena was alive before everyone else. Well, maybe not all the elites but a vast majority of them knew she'd be coming back home.

And yes, she is indeed home.