
Chapter 3: "Where it all started" Part (3)

It was a gruesome and cruel war.

For a year, Ashlyn and her troupes fought with all their might killing every enemy that their eyes laid on.

They suffered for months and months but, they continued to fight.

For Ashlyn and her troupes, it was a normal situation. This is what a knight should be. Be killed or kill.

But, in the end, they win. A year of suffering has ended. This was another gain of victory of the Oryn Kingdom.

Their victory spread out throughout the state. Many citizens were happy and planned to celebrate the success. However, this was not the case inside the palace.

"Your majesty, we should celebrate this wonderful accomplishment, " one of the nobles, who is on the side of Duke Vista said.

"That's right your majesty, this is another proof that our kingdom is unbeatable. Celebrating it would be the best idea," Duke Vista agreed.

King Mathias looked at them with annoyance in his eyes. "Really? How about you Baron Ed? Do you have other ideas?"

Duke Vista took a side glance toward Baron Ed. He had this hatred toward the Baron since he took a first step inside the castle. He knows that this baron did something but, he can't make a move. The king has been so edgy towards him starting half a year ago.

"Absolutely, your majesty, this loyal baron has always a brilliant idea when it comes to this," the baron said with a mockery in his smiles. No one can be happier than him. For the king has already set his trust in him thanks to the sweet tea he secretly gives.

"Tell me, my loyal baron."

"Your majesty, the people of this kingdom have been preparing to celebrate the victory of our dear Oryn. That is how they love our kingdom however, should we also do the same?"

"What do you mean, Baron Ed?" Duke vista asked. The baron looked at him with ridicule in his eyes.

"I mean is that the people are already celebrating it. So, there is no need to hold a party just for these knights," the baron spread his arms, smiling. The nobles who are on the side of the grand duke were shocked by his statement.

"How rude of you Baron..." Duke Vista was about to retort back when the king raise his voice

"How dare you raise your voice against my loyal servant, Duke Vista? Did you forget where you are right now?"

Duke Vista was taken by surprise at what the king has said. The king was not like these before. What could have happened?

"Your majesty, this is a traditional event! We can't set aside the holding of a party for it is how we show the appreciation toward the knights who suffered on the battlefield," Duke Vista said.

"You are in the wrong here, Duke Vista," Baron Ed said as he walks toward him. "Did you forget the plague that has been happening in recent villages? How can we celebrate when the people are suffering due to these diseases? It might cause trouble in the future if we don't resolve it quickly. Is that right, your majesty?"

"Oh my, I didn't know that my loyal servant is concern toward these people," the king laughingly said. He stands up and points his finger toward Duke Vista and his companions. "Did you see Duke Vista? Baron Ed is a great example. He is concern toward our people that he decided to not hold a celebration party, how about you?"

Duke Vista clenches his fist and lowered his head. "I apologize your majesty."

"Your majesty," Baron Ed steps forward and looks up at the king, smiling.

"We can't let this pass. What if another noble made the same mistake?

Would you let it pass? They ignore the people of this kingdom. You should give them what they deserved."

"Baron Ed!" the nobles that are on the side of the duke were about to answer back but, the duke stops them by shaking his head.

"You have a point, Baron Ed," the king nodded in agreement. "Therefore, I decided to punish Duke Vista by not letting him attend any of my meetings or to have a word with me for his ignorant towards the people of Oryn. His punishment can only be dismissed if I decided to withdraw the order. Is that clear Duke Vista?"

All nobles were surprised at this declaration although, some of them are secretly happy with these results.

"Yes, your majesty. I will do as you have commanded me to," Duke Vista bows his head and turned around. He left the room with a sad heart. He didn't imagine that one day; he will be restricted to face the king. This that entire baron fault, one day, he will expose him and erase the despicable smile of his.

When the door was closed, the king sits back and dismisses the other nobles except Baron Ed.

"I am glad that you made a wise decision, your majesty," Baron Ed said.

The king grins and looked at him. "You always please me, Baron Ed. You are an aid that always on my side. That Duke is finally out of my sight. How dare he hold a party just for that woman?"

"You are right your majesty. Duke Vista has always been in favor of Knight Ashlyn. It is so obvious whose side he is," Baron Ed shook his head showing how displeased he is with Duke Vista.

"Because of what you've done today, Baron Ed, I will reward you greatly."

"Thank you, your majesty. In return, I will send more entertainment to your chambers," Baron Ed smiled at him.

The king smiled at him showing how glad he is. "Now the celebration party had been dismissed. What should we do to those people that you mentioned earlier? Baron Ed?"

"I already have a solution to that your majesty," Baron smiled as he explains his ideas to the king. This brought a big smile to the king. He can't wait to have another pest be gone in his kingdom.

After two days had passed, Ashlyn and her troupes had gone back from the battlefield.

They were welcomed with cheers and flowers by the people.

"I am glad to be back," Ashlyn mumbled. She can't wait to lie on her bed and enjoy a small party.

When they reach the gate of the palace, they were taken surprised when a young knight approaches them.

"Commander Ashlyn, the king asked for your presence."

"This might be congratulatory from him. Can't he wait for that later at the party?" Ash jokingly said while she got off from her horse and hand the rein to one of the knights.

"Umm commander, there is no party that will be held at the castle," the young knight said. Those words confuse her.

'Why is there no party? Did he forget that this is traditional?' she thought.

Before she follows the young knight, she commanded her troupes to go to the training grounds and wait for her.

As she walks the hallway, she notices a bunch of women loitering around.

And what worse is that they are not from a noble's family. They are a bunch of women who are working in the red district.

Ashlyn knew this for she had a case before that involved women like them.

This, even more, make her confused.

When they arrive in the main room/hall, the young knight knocked on the door. "Your majesty, Commander Ashlyn has arrived."

"Let them enter."

The guards that are standing in front of the door opened it for them. And when Ash saw the inside of the room, it leaves her in disbelief.

"Oh, looks like my dear cousin has arrived," the king said. He was sitting together with a bunch of women around the table. He was not in his formal attire but, in his nightgown. His hair was quite a mess and he seems to be drunk.

"I will take my leave," the young knight leaves the room and closed the door.

"What is the meaning of this, your majesty?" Ash asked as she briskly walks toward him. But, she halted when Baron Ed faces her.

"Don't be such a rude knight, Commander Ashlyn. Can't you see that the king is enjoying his time?"

"I have no time to speak to you, Baron Ed," she said angrily.

"Oh my word, is this the results of being on a battlefield? You seem harsh and impolite."

"What? How dare you speak to me like that?"

"I have the right since I am now the new adviser of the king," Baron Ed placed his right hand on his chest, smiling.

"New Adviser? I am the adviser of the king!" Ash said angrily.

Then suddenly someone throws her a glass of wine on which she avoided. "Who dares to throw at me?"

"Do you want me to cut your tongue, Commander Ashlyn?" the king stood up and looked at her furiously.

"What's wrong with you, your majesty? And what is this new adviser thing?" she asked.

The king combed up his hair with his fingers and walk in her direction.

"Is it not obvious?" the king grab her chin and make her face him. "I am replacing you."


"Why you ask?" the king grins as he stares at her light brown eyes. "For I have another job for you my dear cousin," the king let go of her chin and crossed his arms. He looks toward the girls and smiled at them.

"Girls, please get out of the room quickly for we have some matters to discuss."

"Yes, your majesty," the girls said and bow at him. They quickly adjust their clothes and left the room leaving only the three of them.

"Now, where were we?" the king return to his throne and sat on it with his legs crossed.

"The new job, your majesty," Baron Ed said.

"Ah yes, that right, I have assigned you to a new job Ashlyn. This job suits you perfectly well."

"What is it?" she asked. She has a bad feeling about this.

"Well, when you were at the battlefield, a strange disease has occurred at some small villages like a plague. I don't want to cause this some trouble in the future. That is why I assigned you to this."

"I am not a doctor, your majesty. You should leave these matters to the physician," she said.

"It will take a long time to cure them, Ashlyn. That is why, Baron Ed and I have come up with a faster solution," the king looked at Baron Ed and gives him a nod.

Baron Ed steps forward and faces Ashlyn, wickedly smiling. "We want you to burn down the entire village and kill all the residents in there."

"What?" she exclaimed. She can't believe what she's hearing right now.

'Kill and burn them? Have they gone mad?' she thought. Anyone who would hear this will think that they have gone crazy. What kind of ruler kills his own people?

"Didn't you hear me, Commander? Kill and burn them. That would be the faster way to solve this dilemma," Baron Ed said. He had this satisfying smile as if he is pleased that everything is going as plan.

"That is a grievous sin, your majesty! The people will resent you because of this," Ash speaks as she expresses how disbelief she is.

"If you do it discreetly, they wouldn't know. Burn their village during night time and kill them at the same time," the king said as he leans down his chin on his palm. There was no sign of regret on his face. It only made him happier to be exact.

"I am sorry but, I will not do what you commanded me, your majesty. This is madness, all of it. Baron Ed must have told you this idea, but this is wrong. This is not what a king should do!"

"How dare you insult my loyal servant, Ashlyn!" the king yelled. Baron Ed witness this and secretly grinning at them.

'Yes, be like that, you foolish king. Fight each other until my plan is done. Everything will be mine at the end anyway,' he thought. He can't wait for the end to come.

"I am only stating the right thing, your majesty!" Ashlyn answered back.

"Calm down, your majesty remember, we had our hidden card if she denies the order," Baron Ed walks toward the king and stands beside the throne where Ashlyn used to be.

'Hidden Card? I don't feel good about this', Ash thought.

"Oh yes, I forgot. Thank you, Baron Ed," the king calm down and sit back. He smiled at Ashlyn-a smiled that spells doom-and lean forward.

"Since you don't want to do what I have told you, looks like I have no choice. Baron Ed," he looks at the baron and smiled, "Tell your recruits to ambush the orphanage and kill every person in there."

"WHAT?" Ashlyn exclaimed. She quickly ran toward the king but, before she can approach them a group of assassins surrounded her. 'When did they come here?' she thought.

"That is just like you, dear cousin, despicable."

"Please, don't hurt the children," Ashlyn slowly fell down on her knees and lowered her head. She doesn't like to do this kind of thing but, for the sake of the children, she would do it even if it means throwing her pride as a knight.

"How lovely and caring of you, dear cousin, since you beg, I would spare them," the king raise his hand and that was the signal to the assassins. They quickly disappear from their sight.

"Now, again, would you burn and kill them? Or would you let the children be killed?" the king wickedly smiled at her.

Ash rose from her feet and clenches her fist. She looks at the king and gives him a chest salute. "Your wish is my command, your majesty."