
Chapter 1: Found her 

Chapter 1: Found her 

"Mam, I finally found her," remarked a middle-aged man, his voice carrying a hint of excitement as he stood behind a small house.

"Are you sure this time, How many times have we gotten it wrong in the last ten years?" questioned a middle-aged woman on the phone, her tone tinged with skepticism.

"Yes, mam, I am sure," he answered with unwavering confidence etched on his face.

"All the things match; just to be sure, we can perform a DNA test to confirm," stated the man, his determination evident in his words.

"Okay, we'll come on the following flight; I hope you're right," said the woman, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and apprehension.


South Korea, Seoul

The luxurious villa stood proudly amidst the hustle and bustle of Seoul, its white stone exterior gleaming under the warm sunlight. The tall palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows across the beautiful gardens surrounding the estate. Inside, the place welcomed visitors with its marble floors and exquisite artwork, setting the tone for the wealth that lay within.

A woman, fair-skinned with long hair cascading down her back and piercing blue eyes, stood in the grand manor, her mind abuzz with a whirlwind of emotions. She had just finished a phone call that left her feeling both hopeful and uncertain.

"Honey, whose phone call was that? Is it Adam? What did he say? Have we made a breakthrough?" inquired a middle-aged man, his athletic physique hinting at a life well-lived despite the worry etched on his face.

"It's Adam," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "He claims to have found our daughter, living in a small city in India. Can you believe it?"

Her husband's brows furrowed in concern. "How certain is he?"

"He says he's 90% sure, but we need to be absolutely certain. A DNA test is the only way," she responded, her voice betraying the uncertainty that gnawed at her heart.

"Then we must leave at once. Let's hope this time we've finally found her," declared her husband, his resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

With a silent nod of agreement, they made preparations to set off on yet another journey in search of their long-lost daughter. Despite the years of disappointment and false leads, they clung to a glimmer of hope, praying that this time would be different.

Next chapter