
The Swindler Mage(Hiatus)

Once upon a time, Only one world existed. This giant magical world gave a home to every race in the multiverse including humanity. This is the place where everything started. The first love, the first quarrel, and eventually the first war. A war against a superior race. This was the legendary war against MAGES. The war continued for centuries when a powerful mage finally appeared and said: "The ones who can't live together, the ones who can't put aside their differences for the sake of peace shall not live together." The mage created multiple planets after this and banished everyone who didn't know how to use magic. Millions of years later, Earth Noah Reiner, the 18 years old professional swindler and two of his classmates gets transmigrated to another world where they find out about the existence of magic. This is how the adventure of the Swindler Mage begins!

DeleTED · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Another World

"I was surprised that you really wanted to call off a potential alliance with the Reiners, just because of a YouTube video."

"Yes, that was indeed foolish, but that's not the point here. I'm pretty sure you said Reiners just now."

Noah tried to distract Jack again, but he failed this time. Jack was someone who won't take the same bait twice. A level headed person. Noah just smiled at this and decided to answer and not answer at the same time.

"Geez, you don't have to glare so much. I said Reiners just as you heard, however, one can say Reiner and that would be just as true." Said Noah while fondling his long hair, he looked like someone who enjoyed conversations like this very much.

"What? Sorry, but I won't believe that crap. You just trying to confuse me."

"Hehe, Maybe, but you don't have to believe it.

Noah acted like he didn't care at all. Jack wanted to ask one more thing after this, but someone suddenly kicked open the carved wooden door. It was Ling Mei. Her long black hair fluttered everywhere as she stormed inside the almost empty room. She truly stayed true to her energetic personality.

"You two come with me, the teacher is coming."

Jack and Noah didn't even have time to react. Ling grabbed their wrists and pulled the two of them out of the room. Jack started thinking about his father while he walked on the corridor with his two classmates. His father was right when he said that Noah was a crafty person with a difficult personality. Then a realization struck Jack's head not long after this.

"Noah, do you know my father?"


'This annoying a**hole.' Cursed Jack inside his head. Noah picked on him with his every word and this really annoyed him. Ling just turned back and showed him an understanding smile. The trio then arrived before the classroom. They didn't hear any noises so that meant that the teacher was still not inside the classroom. In fact, the whole school was strangely quiet.

Ling opened the door and surprisingly no one was inside the classroom. She looked at Jack and Noah. The two of them stepped inside just like Ling and looked around, but then something unexpected happened. A white light blinded them for no more than five seconds. A deafening whistling sound accompanied the white light. This triggered the reflex of the three people inside the classroom and they closed their eyes as a result.

The trio opened their eyes only after the deafening sound completely disappeared. A beautiful green field greeted them with a clear blue sky. The green grass field was surrounded by a pine tree forest. This scenery reminded them of the school territory. Only the castle went missing. The real difference was in the details though. The first one to snap out of the otherworldly experience was Ling.

"Where is the castle?" She asked confusedly. Jack just stood there with the same apathetic face, but there was a big question mark inside his head. He also became a bit petrified. The only one with a clear mind was Noah, he looked around and noticed the small details which were different.

"This is not the same place. The castle didn't disappear. It was not even here in the first place. The grass in this field is still uncut. The air also feels more refreshing. All of this happened in no more than five seconds. This is also not the past because the castle was built more than 300 years ago. There is no way that these pine trees looked like this 300 years ago right? I still can't believe it, but we got transmigrated to another world."

Said this Noah with a nonchalant expression on his face, as if all of this was a natural occurrence. He even laughed a little bit. Jack and Ling was surprised when they heard this deduction. They thought that Noah was just too different from them. When in fact, everyone here was weird. The situation was unexplainable, yet no one panicked. This is not what one would expect in this kind of situation.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

Jack and Ling turned to Noah and asked the same question at the same time. They unconsciously accepted Noah as the brain of this newly formed team. Sadly, they forgot about his so called difficult personality.

Noah replied "Let's defeat the demon lord."

Jack instantly started walking towards Noah with shaking hands. Ling luckily grabbed his wrist and stopped him. She turned away after that and started laughing with Noah. Jack saw this scene and calmed down somehow. Getting angry when everyone else laughed was a foolish thing to do, even if Noah intentionally angered him.

"Honestly, I feel like we can only do two things in this situation. Ask for help like a normal tourist would do or let's wait for something to happen."

Said Noah with a more serious tone this time. He was about to say the 3rd choice as a joke when the blinding light suddenly flashed once again. Luckily, there was no deafening whistling sound this time.

An old man appeared. He wan an old man with extremely long, white beard. Even his eyebrows were longer than the normal. This was just another sign of his extremely old age. There was also a wooden staff in his left hand. The most unusual thing was not this though. This old man actually levitated. Just a few meters above the ground.

The trio watched him with widened eyes. Even Noah was shocked this time. The old man looked at them for a few seconds and opened his mouth.

"My name is Dariq. I roughly understand what do you think right now and I will answer your every question. I'll have to say something important first. It's impossible to go back. Forget everything about your previous world. Forget your family and your friends. This is where you will live from now on."

New chapter out! I will change the synopsis later to a better one.

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