

After they left the shop, Rhys brought her to the zoo. She was quite surprised though she wasn't expecting him to take her to a place like that. He didn't seem like someone who would visit a place like the zoo.

When they reached the place, they saw a huge crowd gathering in front of the gate. Some of them were buying entrance tickets while others were busy chatting.

This was Beatrix's first time at a crowded place like this. She was standing beside Rhys as he bought their ticket.

"Okay let's go." He took her hand and led her into the entrance of the zoo.

The entrance of the zoo had a sculpture of a giant tree with no leaves on its branches. The tree had different animals on it like monkey, peacock, bear and different bird.

A statue of a Lion had been built sitting in the front of the sculpture of the tree. There were also statues of Rhinoceros, zebra, and giraffes in the periphery area of the tree.

Then they came across a garden area where deer and stags were taking their strolls. The animals were very playful, smart, beautiful, and a pleasure to watch.

In one of the corners, Beatrix saw a huge tree where baboons and monkeys were jumping from one branch to the other.

They were very active and funny. They were playing pranks and tricks on one another. Some of them even came down when some people offered them bananas.

Beatrix beamed in excitement. "Look Rhys."

She said pointing to the monkeys who were swinging from one tree to another.

"They're so cute!" Beatrix said, clapping her hands in glee.

She glanced at him and saw that he was watching her instead of the animals.

Beatrix flushed and fidgeted." I know I look like a kid seeing something for the first time but I have never visited a zoo before!" Beatrix admitted in awe glancing around the premise.

Rhys arched his brows, clearly he was surprised that she hadn't visited a common place like the zoo before.

"Really? Not even once?"

Beatrix nodded, still staring at the monkeys. She wished she was brave enough to offer them bananas too.

"It's too crowded and a risk of safety. My father wouldn't allow me to go to any crowded place after-"

Beatrix trailed off as the smile disappeared from her face. A wave of sadness washed through her as the memories made themselves known again.

"Well then I'm glad I brought you here." Rhys said, breaking her out of her trance of sadness.

Beatrix turned to look at him and saw that there was a soft look to his eyes, that she hadn't seen

before. Her breath hitched and she nodded.


Rhys' lips curled up and he pointed at her camera, "You know that isn't for decoration right?" He teased.

Beatrix gave him a questioning look and blinked.

"Wait, the reason why you brought me here is to take pictures ?"

Rhys smirked, staring at the monkeys who were busily eating their bananas.

"Yeah, we have to test it right? Also I don't know if you even know how to use it." He said as he ran his hands through his hair, his lips tugged upwards.

A wave of warm feelings spread out in her chest. No one had ever done such nice things for her like this before except her family of course.

It was… as if she did not know how to explain it but at that moment, she just wanted to jump on him and hug him and kiss him hard. How could a stranger treat her so well? It was like he knew exactly what she wanted or what to do to make her happy.

Beatrix flushed and bit her lips. "Well actually I don't know how to use it. I-I have never used one before."

"Well give it to me. Let me teach you." He said, stretching his arms to collect the camera from her.

Beatrix handed it to him and watched him as he fixed the battery inside and then he inserted the film pack inside while explaining each step to her. He looked so good with his brows concentrated as he walked her through each step on how to use the camera.

She swallowed tightly with how close he was. She felt drugged by his clean and manly scent. She didn't want to tear her attention away from him because she found joyous satisfaction in studying his profile.

"Do you understand it?" He looked up, caught and held her gaze.

Beatrix's heart lurched as she couldn't tear her gaze away from him. Rhys let out a quiet chuckle, breaking the moment.

"Here, trying taking a picture."

Beatrix blushed and took the camera from him. She brought the focus to her eyes through the lens deciding on what to capture.

"Let's go there." Beatrix pointed to the garden.

Rhys nodded. He wrapped his arms firmly around her waist as they sifted through the crowd

Beatrix's heart thudded in her chest. She wasn't sure if he was holding her waist because he was afraid she would get lost or he was naturally possessive.

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