

Love is dangerous when it comes to two strings who are obsessed with one another. When such love takes difficult turns, blood is shed and innocent people fade away. Then there is this one lifetime defender, who is always there to protect and try to remove one through the pain of obsession.

Quinter_Kadiri · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Alani woke up after a few hours, it was already dusk. She was astonished to find herself in a state of nature. She could hear the sound of a hot shower as she looked around and stared at Agatha's picture as she smiled. She wore her clothes and sat on the bed as she awaited Agatha.

Agatha came out dressed in her white robe. She went and sat beside Alani but there was tranquility for a while. Alani slowly held Agatha's arm and kissed it.

'I hope it's not a casual sex' said Alani who put on rictus.

Agatha quickly removed her arms from Alani and slowly nodded her head. Seeing that Agatha was still in her bath robe, Alani sneaked into her closet and began to check on the best outfit that Agatha could wear for the night but couldn't find any since Agatha hardly wore anything at night, strange.

'I think you need to have a warm shower and put on of those bath robes then join me in the kitchen' said Agatha who went towards Alani and pecked her on her cheek.

It was inconceivable to Alani as she watched Agatha leave. For a while, she felt she had wasted time but the agape that just transpired made her feel that the illusion was going to flourish.

Alani joined Agatha in the kitchen sometime later who was already done with cooking. Alani was a sluggish person, therefore, she did things at her own pace.

It was already a splendid night but not really splendid to Angel Morgan. She held her wake for her entire family solely and urged no one to come. She claimed on all her social media accounts that she was going to burry her entire family alone. Talia and Amina felt pity for her. They decide to join her in her wake leaving Melody in the arms of Evans doubtfully.

The silence at the wake was traumatizing but the wailing screams were mental disturbance. Angel stood from her chair beside her were three pictures.

'Why did you three leave? Who killed you? I swear that this whole town will smell fire till I find the person who killed you' said Angel looking at the pictures as she cried.

Amina and Talia rushed towards Angel and tried to comfort her which was a success for a little while. Angel pushed them way and signaled them to leave.

'We are...t…trying to mourn with you' said Talia who almost cried.

Angel slapped Amina at that instant. She felt that Amina was to be blamed but had no reasons why. Talia wanted to slap her back because she felt that Angel had no right to do so but Amina stopped her.

'Let her lash out her anger on me if that will make her feel any better' said Amina as Talia walked around hesitantly.

Amina slowly knelt down on the floor and bowed her head. Angel was emotionally unstable, she did not know whether to lash out her anger on Amina or not.

'Please leave' said Angel in a commanding manner.

'Why are you doing their wake with their pictures only?' asked Talia a bit curious despite the tension that was there.

'This is what the world needs to be able forget about their existence. That way, I will be able to find the murderer very soon resting in his or her paradise and I am not sure if it's the law that will handle her' said Angel who laughed devilishly.

Talia looked at Angel filled with lots of fear. She could sense her blood for vengeance and bitterness to hurt yet she had other things in mind and felt good if she had a chance to lay them out at that instant.

'How about I fight your battles and you fight my battles?' asked Talia a bit tensed.

Angel looked at Talia with rolling eyes. She felt Talia was a little bit mannerless and inhuman. She was still mourning her family and somebody wanted to exchange battles with her? That was a little uncalled for. Angel signaled them to leave at that instant. Talia and Amina left but deep down they felt they should have been more stubborn and stay behind.

Angel continued crying as she looked at her family picture crushing them one by one as she blamed them being the reason why they were dead. She felt they had the chance to defend themselves at that time but no one dared to do anything.

She suddenly stopped when she heard footsteps crossing towards her place. She turned behind her and was happy to find out that it was Jamal who seemed sad.

'The gun is registered under an anonymous person. Not until we find the person who sold the gun, we won't be able to have any leads' said Jamal.

'Are you really a private investigator Jamal? It's my family we are talking about. They were killed in cold blood and I will not rest until the murderer suffers under my claws' said Angel who sat on the floor and continued crying.

Jamal sat next to her and managed to comfort her showing her a picture of Agatha and Talia from five years ago. The photo made Angel to stop crying at once.

'Follow me' she said as she stood and went to her car.

She felt something strange about it but then she had to prove and show that she needed a warrant to search for something.

Agatha on the other hand was eating accompanied by Alani. The kept feeding each other food as they cuddled yet Alani felt that what she was doing was not really right. She needed a full explanation as to the new transformation of her love life was all about.

'Time will tell. We can never know matters of the heart' replied Agatha who did not really want to create emotions that she will not be able to turn away.

She knew how love exposed her. Whenever she began to love, she loved unconditionally till she totally became obsessed with the whole love.

'But your mind games wouldn't play with me regarding love' said Alani a bit angry who moved away from Agatha.

'Fine! I have cancer and I might day any soon. If I make this relationship work. I will die even before we enjoy the love' said Agatha as Alani embraced her.

Agatha felt aspired. She felt by the fact that Alani didn't feel pity but truly loved her.

'Then let me be that' said Alani as she looked at Agatha seductively and smiled.