
The Sweet Wife of President Fu

She entered his condo.. Feeling a little bit off, there's a woman shoes which is not hers. She heard some murmur, when she go to near his bedroom their murmur became clear. She opened the door a little and She saw Mo Fen with Chen Fei do such disgusting things. "You are so bad, Young Master Mo. What if your fiancee come here?" smiled seductively. "Don't worry, she won't. Because I told her I still have meeting with clients. So we can have fun till tomorrow, night is still long eh?" while hugging her waist. "What if WeiLin saw us together?" Chen Fei unbottoned his shirt while kissing him. "Don't worry about it, if she saw us, I can lie to her. She loves me so much, to the point she trust me so foolishly." he smirked at the thought how foolish Shen WeiLin can be. "So, do you love her more or me?" she's pouting. "Of course I only love you, I'm engaged to her because I want her shares in Shen Corp." He smiled at her so affectionately. "2 days later is your engagement day, how 'bout give yourself to me?" she said so seductively. "I'm already yours, Feifei." She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth to hold back her anger, not until she heard the moaning sounds from inside then she decided to walk away from there. 'Mo Fen, Chen Fei.. I will pay you back tenfold! I will make you live like in hell and wish you were dead.' she smirked.

annalynettes · Urban
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4 Chs


Shen WeiLin feel happy, because the day after tomorrow is her engagement with Mo Fen. She know him from childhood, They grew up together so you can say they're childhood sweetheart.

Tonight, Shen WeiLin have appointment for dinner with Mo Fen. She purposely spend her time on dress up. She put on a little make up, wear black sleeveless, and wear a necklace from him. "Mhmm, Perfect!" She thought. When she finished dress up, her phone ringing. Mo Fen called her,

"Darling, I'm sorry but I don't think I can go to our dinner. Because I still have meeting with clients from J Country. You know, I have to finish it before our engagement. Because after that, I want to go on a honeymoon with you.", at first she feel slightly disappointed, but when she heard he want to go on a honeymoon with her, she's no longer feel disappointed. She understand everything has a price.

"Mm, got it. It's okay, you've work hard. Don't forget to have dinner." She smiled

"You too, I love you Xiaolin."

"Love you too" then she hung up the call.

She look at the time it's only 5 PM, so she decided to review her work. She work as Assistant Finance Manager in Fu Tech Company. When she finished it, she didn't realize it was 8 PM now.

She have an idea to surprise him. She went to his condo, stop by to buy his favorite Tiramisu Cake. Her thoughts filled with how romantic this surprise was, when he comes home they can do candlelight dinner.

When she arrived at his condo, she smiled when she know his password is still her birthday. She entered his condo.. Feeling a little bit off, there's a woman shoes which is not hers. She heard some murmur, when she go to near his bedroom their murmur became clear. She opened the door a little and She saw Mo Fen with Chen Fei do such disgusting things. So she prepared to take video.

"You are so bad, Young Master Mo. What if your fiancee come here?" smiled seductively.

"Don't worry, she won't. Because I told her I still have meeting with clients. So we can have fun till tomorrow, night is still long eh?" while hugging her waist.

"What if WeiLin saw us together?" Chen Fei unbottoned his shirt while kissing him.

"Don't worry about it, if she saw us, I can lie to her. She loves me so much, to the point she trust me so foolishly." he smirked at the thought how foolish Shen WeiLin can be.

"So, do you love her more or me?" she's pouting.

"Of course I only love you, I'm engaged to her because I want her shares in Shen Corp." He smiled at her so affectionately.

"2 days later is your engagement day, how 'bout give yourself to me?" she said so seductively.

"I'm already yours, Feifei."

She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth to hold back her anger, not until she heard the moaning sounds from inside then she decided to walk away from there.

Shen WeiLin didn't know how many bottles she drinks, before she fell unconscious.

When she wake up, it's already afternoon. Feeling dizzy, she tried to get up and take a bath. After bath she went downstairs and found there's breakfast in dining room and a letter "I made you a breakfast, don't forget to eat it. I apologize for last night. I promise to make you happy during our honeymoon. I go to work first, rest well. From the man who loves you so much, Mo Fen."

She tore up the letter and threw it in the trash can.

She laughed at her stupidity. 'is it because I'm too naive or simply stupid?'

She's known him for 15 years, dating him for 5 years. The day she has been waiting for years, is the day she become a joke.

Back in highschool, they began dating from 17 years old. He's a gentle, caring, loving boyfriend. 'Why did he change? Or is it just an illusion he created for me? What did I do wrong? His feelings, his behavior, his smile, all of it is fake! I want to cry but I know it's useless. I have to be strong, I must stop being naive little girl only rely on him. He wants my Shen shares? Keep on dreaming!'

'Mo Fen, Chen Fei.. I will pay you back tenfold! I will make you live like in hell and wish you were dead.' she smirked.

She called someone and said "I already sent the files to you, I want a big show tomorrow. The bigger the better." and she hung up the call.

Tomorrow, The Engagement Day.

There's so many important guest today, because Shen Family is top five wealthy family in Country C, so it's not surprising that there are so many big figures from businessman to government.

When the engagement ceremony starts, Shen Jinghai, her grandfather said to the guests "Thank you for coming to my granddaughter's engagement party, since she was young, her father died in a car accident. Her mother single-handedly raised her. She's quite bright and an obedient child. This old man only hope for her happiness, please treat her well xiaofen." her grandfather cried.

"You don't have to worry, grandpa. Of course I will treat xiaolin well, because she's my princess." Mo Fen said.

"Oh please, dad. Today's a happy day, so don't cry anymore." Zhu JiaLi, Shen WeiLin mother said while helping her grandfather down to sit.

The emcee said "I'm sure many of you know the story of Mo Fen & Shen WeiLin. For those who don't, here's a bit videos from their childhood till now." The video starts playing.

There's photos both of them from when they in primary school, middle school, highschool, university, when both of them graduate, and the last one is the video she took when she's in his condo. The video began playing, the guests start murmur, Shen Jinghai face turned grim, Zhu JiaLi began run to her daughter, Mo Fen face turned panicked, both of his parents turned angry & embarrassed. They are looks at Mo Fen, some with angry, some with ridicule.

Hi! I'm anna. This is my second novel. I apologize if my grammar is bad. If you have any comment, feel free let me know. Thankyou ^-^

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