
The Sweet Wife of President Fu

She entered his condo.. Feeling a little bit off, there's a woman shoes which is not hers. She heard some murmur, when she go to near his bedroom their murmur became clear. She opened the door a little and She saw Mo Fen with Chen Fei do such disgusting things. "You are so bad, Young Master Mo. What if your fiancee come here?" smiled seductively. "Don't worry, she won't. Because I told her I still have meeting with clients. So we can have fun till tomorrow, night is still long eh?" while hugging her waist. "What if WeiLin saw us together?" Chen Fei unbottoned his shirt while kissing him. "Don't worry about it, if she saw us, I can lie to her. She loves me so much, to the point she trust me so foolishly." he smirked at the thought how foolish Shen WeiLin can be. "So, do you love her more or me?" she's pouting. "Of course I only love you, I'm engaged to her because I want her shares in Shen Corp." He smiled at her so affectionately. "2 days later is your engagement day, how 'bout give yourself to me?" she said so seductively. "I'm already yours, Feifei." She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth to hold back her anger, not until she heard the moaning sounds from inside then she decided to walk away from there. 'Mo Fen, Chen Fei.. I will pay you back tenfold! I will make you live like in hell and wish you were dead.' she smirked.

annalynettes · Urban
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4 Chs

But.. you choose to betray me.

Morning at Shen Family Manor.

"Are you awake now, dear? what time you'll be flying?"

"2 PM mom, are you coming to see me off mom?"

"Alright, of course I will. I will come to you when I've time later, dear. Come, eat breakfast first."

"Mm, okay mom. Oh, I will come to my office first to handed my resignation letter before we go to airport. Is that okay?"


"Where's grandpa? are grandpa coming with you to see me off too?"

"Well, your grandpa can't bear to see you leave, so he can't see you off later. And he's still sleeping right now, he didn't feel well this morning. Mom think because of yesterday issue. Let grandpa rest."

"Got it mom."

Shen WeiLin got a text massage from Xu Mian "when will your plane take off Linlin?"

She replied "At 2 PM, Mianmian.", Xu Mian replied "Alright, Linlin."

After breakfast, Shen WeiLin change clothes, and went to her office Fu Tech Company. She went to her superior to handed her resignation letter, and they chatted briefly.

"Why are you quit, Lin?"

"I want to go to Country E this afternoon, for my further studies."

"Alright, but we must stay in touch. When you're arrived there you have to call me Lin."

"I will, Cia" after they chatted, hug each other, and she left.

To be honest, she like this work. Because not only their high pay, her co-workers is nice to her.

When she in lobby, she bumped into President Fu, CEO of Fu Tech Company.

She bowed and look at him "I'm sorry, are you okay President Fu?"

President Fu, Fu Tianchen, only look at her briefly and walk away, his assistant said "It's okay, next time pay attention to where you going."

She only bowed and apologize, then left the bulding.

At Airport..

There's her uncle, her mother, Xu Mian.

"When you arrived, remember to call me! miss me so much to the point you won't forget me. Promise?" Xu Mian said while cry

"Silly girl, of course I will miss you. I will call you later, don't cry anymore, you're ugly."

"Ugh, only you have audacity to call me ugly." Xu Mian is prettiest girl number 3 in Highschool, while Shen WeiLin No. 1, and there's Chen Fei No. 2

"So, don't cry anymore, alright?"

"Alright, I will miss you Linlin." Xu Mian said while hugging Shen WeiLin.

"Don't skip a meals, don't stay up too late, don't go to strange places, call me often. If you need anything, let mom know alright?"

"I will mom."

"Okay, okay. Don't be like this, this is only makes Xiaolin hard to leave. I won't nag too much, but remember if you need money or anything, let uncle know."

"Haha, alright uncle."

"See you again Mom, Uncle, Mian. I will miss you." then they heard announcement her plane about to take off. Then she went board the plane.

When she's landing in Country E, she turn on her cell phone to call her mother. Before she could call, there's incoming call from Mo Fen. She choose to declined it then call her mother "Mom, I've arrived at Country E Airport safe and sound. So, don't worry too much alright?"

"Don't forget to wear a jacket, and have a meals before you sleep, my dear."

"Alright mom, I'm going to hang up first."


Then she grab a cab and went to her apartment. She buy food on her way to apartment. When she arrived at her apartment, she unpack her things, and text Xu Mian and Cia. She had a dinner and went to sleep.

At midnight she's woke up because of consistent incoming calls. When she look who's bother her at night she cursed 'What the h***. This scumbag's never give up, is he? very well. Let's hear what this as*hole say about it first.'

She decided to pick up the call, and there's his voice "Xiaolin, I miss you. Please don't misunderstand me. We've known each other for years, didn't you know me best?"

She didn't know whether laugh or cry when she hear him say this, isn't he embarrassed to lie with straight face? She sighed and say

"Mo Fen, I know you for years, I've devoted myself for you, but what did I get? You've cheat on me behind my back, you stab me! you even wants my shares. So, tell me. Did I wronged you? or do you think I'm foolish?"

"That's not it, Xiaolin. You know how much I love y.."

"Stop. That's not love, that's your greedy. You want to achieve something you couldn't achieve yourself. You want to take shortcut. Before I accept you as my fiance, I used to think whether you really love me or just want to have something. I used to think that it's okay if you after my family wealth. It's okay if you want something, I'll fully support you whatever path you choose as long as you by my side. But.. you choose to betray me."

"No, Xiaolin. I'm sorry, please give me one more chance alright? I'll make you happy for as long as I live, I'll love you fully, but please come back to me." He said while crying

"Save your tears, I won't be fooled again. I hope this is the last time you call me, good bye." and she hang up the call and went to sleep.

When she woke up, it's already morning. Then she wash up, and go out to buy breakfast before she goes to university to report her enrollment.

She arrived at her university, and went to her teacher office.