

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft glow upon the earth below, illuminating the silhouetted figures of Morelle and Roxanne. The clearing seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the impending confrontation that was about to unfold. Morelle stood tall, her eyes locked onto Roxanne, her older sister, who emanated a raw, palpable hatred.

"I want her gone," growled Roxanne, her voice thick with venom as she glared daggers at Morelle. The words hung in the air like a curse, carrying with them a weight that threatened to crush Morelle's spirit. Her heart throbbed with a pain that ran deep, resonating in every fiber of her being.

Tears welled up in Morelle's eyes, blurring her vision. She blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. With a trembling voice, she choked out her plea, her words heavy with desperation. "Roxy... please. I don't want to fight you. I love you, more than Peren even. You're my hero, my rock, my light. Why? Why must we do this?!"

Her voice broke, and a pain-filled sob escaped her throat, shaking her entire body. Morelle's plea hung in the air, the words carrying the weight of a thousand shattered dreams and fractured bonds. The pain of their broken sisterhood seemed to echo through the forest, intertwining with the rustling leaves and the rushing waterfall.

Roxanne's hardened expression flickered for a moment, a crack in her armor revealing a glimpse of the sister Morelle once knew. But just as quickly, it vanished, replaced by a mask of cold resolve. She took a step forward, the movement full of purpose and determination.

"You don't understand, Morelle," Roxanne spat, her voice laced with bitterness. "This is bigger than us. Bigger than our love. I will not let Peren suffer the same fate of a loveless marriage that befell our parents. You are a threat, a danger that must be eliminated if he and I are to be together."

A surge of anger ignited within Morelle, burning away her tears and fueling her resolve. She squared her shoulders, meeting Roxanne's gaze with unwavering determination. "You're wrong, Roxy," she said, her voice steady and resolute. 

The moon's glow seemed to intensify, casting an ethereal halo around Morelle as if nature itself was in agreement with her plea. The soft rustle of the wind in the trees whispered words of encouragement, carrying with it the strength of their ancestors. Morelle's heart swelled with a newfound determination, a fierce love that transcended all boundaries.

Her outstretched hand trembled as she reached out to Roxanne, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "Please, Roxy. Let's find another way. Let's protect Peren, together. Our love is stronger than any darkness that threatens to consume us."

For a moment, Roxanne hesitated, her eyes flickering between Morelle's outstretched hand and the path she had chosen. The air seemed to still, time holding its breath as the weight of their choices hung in the balance.

And then, with a shuddering sigh, Roxanne's hardened expression softened. She reached out, her hand trembling in sync with Morelle's, their fingertips barely touching. The siblings, once torn apart by their differences, now stood on the precipice of reconciliation.

But just as their hands were about to clasp, Roxanne's demeanor changed and she stepped forward with the dagger and plunged it deep into Morelle's abdomen. Morelle screamed in pain, tears streaming down her face as Roxanne twisted the knife. She fell to her knees holding the dagger and looked up at her sister with sheer shock and betrayal. 

As Morelle lay on the forest floor, clutching her wounded abdomen, the pain radiated through her body, mingling with the disbelief and heartbreak coursing through her veins. Betrayal, like a venomous snake, had sunk its fangs deep within her, poisoning the very foundation of their bond.

Roxanne stood over her, her once-loving eyes now cold and distant. The cruel smile etched upon her face seemed to mock every memory they had shared, every moment of sisterly affection. Morelle's tears flowed freely, mixing with the dirt and leaves beneath her, as she struggled to comprehend the depths of her sister's betrayal.

"Why, Roxy? How could you?" Morelle's voice trembled with a mixture of pain and confusion. Each word felt like a blade twisting in her already wounded abdomen.

Roxanne's laughter cut through the air, devoid of any remorse or empathy. "Oh, sweet sister, you've always been so gullible, so easily swayed by emotions and ideals. I, on the other hand, have chosen a different path. A path that embraces power and darkness, one that does not shy away from the sacrifices necessary to protect what I hold dear."

Morelle's breath hitched, her eyes widening in disbelief. The sister she had once known, the one who had shared secrets, dreams, and laughter, was now a stranger with a heart consumed by darkness.

Roxanne knelt down, her eyes gleaming with a cruel delight. She twisted the dagger embedded in Morelle's abdomen, eliciting a scream of agony. The pain coursed through Morelle's body, but it was the shattered trust that pierced her soul.

As Morelle crumbled to the forest floor, Roxanne's voice dripped with malice. "You were always the weak one, Morelle. Too blinded by love and hope to see the harsh realities of this world. It's time for you to understand that power is the only currency that matters."

With an unrelenting force, Roxanne delivered a swift and merciless blow, propelling Morelle through the air, her delicate form crashing against the unforgiving ground. In that moment, Morelle's body shattered, her once graceful form now marred and fractured. As Roxanne towered above her fallen adversary, a sinister satisfaction coursed through her veins, the depths of her depravity laid bare for all to witness.

Yet, amidst the agonizing torment that consumed Morelle, a tender touch grazed her bruised and swollen cheek, surprising her senses with a glimmer of unexpected gentleness. With silver orbs filled with disbelief, Morelle lifted her gaze, only to meet the piercing gaze of Roxanne herself, the very source of her agony.

Under the soft caress of Roxanne's hand, Morelle's skin tingled with warmth, a bittersweet sensation that danced upon her cheek like a delicate brushstroke of affection. Though the flames of cruelty still burned fiercely within Roxanne's eyes, her touch carried with it a tender echo of the past, a whispered promise of solace during those countless sleepless nights. It was a torturous juxtaposition, a cruel reminder of the love that had once flourished between them, now irrevocably lost to the unforgiving hands of time.

Sorrow washed over Morelle, mingling with the confusion that clouded her thoughts. Her lips quivered, unable to form coherent words as she tried to comprehend Roxanne's conflicting actions. The tenderness she had felt just moments ago now vanished, leaving only the cold sting of betrayal in its wake.

Tears welled up in Morelle's eyes, glistening like liquid diamonds as they spilled down her bruised cheeks. She had known Roxanne once, intimately, and had believed their love to be unbreakable. But now, the depths of Roxanne's hatred overshadowed any remnants of their past affection.

With a pained smile, Roxanne ceased her caresses, withdrawing her hand as if it had been tainted. The warmth that had briefly ignited within Morelle's being dissipated, leaving her feeling empty and desolate. The torment of their current situation intensified, as the realization hit her that the love she once knew was forever lost.

"Why?" Morelle managed to whisper, her voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and longing. She desperately sought an explanation, a glimmer of understanding, amidst the chaos that had consumed their relationship.

Roxanne's smile turned bitter, a flicker of remorse momentarily crossing her features. "Because," she replied, her voice laced with both regret and venom. "Although I hate you now, I once loved you dearly, and I will always cherish those memories." Her words hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of what they had lost.

Morelle's heart broke, shattered fragments of their past love scattered across the battlefield of their present animosity. The sorrow engulfed her, threatening to drown her in its depths. She yearned for solace, for the chance to mend the broken pieces of their connection, but Roxanne's cold demeanor offered no respite.

As Morelle's world crumbled around her, she clung to the memories of their love, refusing to let them fade completely. In the face of Roxanne's hatred, she held onto the flickering ember of hope, praying that one day, the wounds of the past would heal, and their love would find a way to rekindle.

But that hope shattered as Roxanne knelt on Morelle's bleeding abdomen, causing a torrent of blood to surge from beneath the knife. " But now it's time for you to rest dear sister, so kindly, stop breathing for me."

As the world around her faded to black, Morelle clutched Roxanne's arms with desperation. "No! Please don't leave me!" she begged as Roxanne's fingers dug into her wounds, her fingernails drawing long gashes in the pale flesh of her stomach. "You promised! You told me we'd always be there for each other!"

With eyes as devoid of emotion as the moonless night, Roxanne peered down at Morelle, her gaze fixed upon her like a predator stalking its prey. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of Morelle's labored breaths, each one a painful reminder of her waning strength. The knife, cruel and unforgiving, was lodged deep within her, a malevolent presence that seemed to mock her agony.

"I lied, Elle," Roxanne's voice cut through the stillness, cold and devoid of remorse. As if performing a twisted act of cruelty, she yanked the knife from Morelle's trembling body, causing a fresh wave of searing pain to surge through her. Morelle's pale lips trembled, a silent plea for mercy that fell upon deaf ears.

Turning on her heel, Roxanne's every movement exuded a calculated nonchalance, a mask to hide the darkness within her. Her path led her to Perren, a figure that stood motionless, an enigmatic statue carved from marble. His once inviting chocolate locks, now devoid of their warmth, hung limp around his face. His eyes, once vibrant and alive, were now dull and lifeless as if his very soul had been extinguished.

But then, as if a ray of sunlight pierced through the impenetrable darkness, Roxanne's arms encircled Perren, enveloping him in an embrace that seemed to ignite a flicker of life within him. A spark of warmth danced in his eyes, like the first light of dawn breaking through the darkest night. And in that fleeting moment, he pressed a tender kiss upon Roxanne's head, a gesture that once belonged to Morelle alone.

The pain that coursed through Morelle's broken body was nothing compared to the agony that consumed her heart. Memories, like shards of glass, pierced her mind, reminding her of a time when Perren's gaze held the same warmth for her and his embrace was a sanctuary from the world's cruelties.

Amidst the torment, Morelle barely registered the sound of their retreating footsteps, fading into the distance like echoes of a haunting melody. Left alone, her body growing cold and weak, she lay in a pool of her own blood, abandoned and forsaken.

Loneliness seeped into Morelle's wounded body, enveloping her in a chilling embrace. The absence of Roxanne, once her sister and confidante, left a void that seemed impossible to fill. As her consciousness waned, the room echoed with the haunting silence of her solitude.

Her eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted by the stark reality of her surroundings. The forest seemed to grow colder, the air heavy with the weight of her isolation. Each breath became a reminder of the vast emptiness that now consumed her.

With her strength waning, Morelle's mind began to wander, seeking solace in the distant memories of connection and warmth. She could almost feel the tender caress of a hand brushing away her tears, the sound of laughter shared in their secret hideaway.

But as the pain intensified, so did the ache of loneliness. Morelle longed for a comforting presence, someone who could understand the depths of her despair. She yearned for the touch of a loved one, a simple gesture to remind her that she was not alone in her suffering. Her parents had been dead for a long time and her sister for many years was her only source of companionship before marrying Perren. Now they had both left her in the cruelest way. 

The only one she had left was...

"Adeline!", Morelle's eye suddenly gained clarity as she thought of her young child. 

In the stillness of the night, she whispered into the void, hoping her words would be carried on the winds of fate. "Is there anyone out there? Can anyone hear me? Please, I need to check on my little girl" Her voice trembled with desperation, a plea to be seen and acknowledged.

But the only response was the relentless echo of her own voice, bouncing off the walls of her shattered existence. Tears mingled with the blood staining her body, as she grappled with the reality that her cries for companionship may forever go unanswered. 

Until she heard the ever-familiar sound of a baby's wail.