
The suspicious secretary

Daoistyie1gd · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Cynthia woke up the next day feeling her throat dry, she tried getting up to get water to drink but a heavy cold thing was pressing her down, she wondered what it was, opening her eyes she looks down to see Tina embracing her tightly, for a moment she was confused as how she got there but with her memories returning to her, she smiled and got up quietly trying not to wake her up, she went into the bathroom and after doing her business, she came out to see Tina sitting up and looking out the window, as if noticing her presence, she turned towards her smiling warmly, Cynthia's heart skipped a beat on seeing her smile,this was the first time she has seen any emotions on her face, her smile is fresh like a green leaf bathed by dew and kissed by the sun even though she was a girl she couldn't help the blush creeping up her face, she preferred seeing her smile more,smiling back she approached her,sitting beside her she said "thank you for last night, I hope I didn't disturb you? "

"No, you didn't, you should stop crying for men like that, they don't deserve you or your tears okay? " Cynthia smiled at her comforting words, they both prepared for work, ate the tasty breakfast Collins prepared for them and left together.

After Tina escorted Cynthia to her office she was on her way to hers when someone intentionally or unintentionally (who knows) bumped into her but instead of Tina falling she felled hitting her buttocks harshly on the ground, lucky her nothing broke, Tina ignored her like she didn't see anything and continued her way but then "Hey, you bitch, are you blind or what? " Tina gave her no reply and continued on her way, "Am talking to you, duckling" she rushed to Tina to drag her back but she shifted and she fell again, this time the girl became mad with anger "You think am afraid of you, who the hell do you think you are, huh?, you think we all dont know how you whored yourself to get your position?, Well what do one expect from a murderer like you shameless whore" and that made Tina pause her step, she turned back and walked intimidatingly slow towards her with , "Repeat what you just said" the foolish girl scorned and said "you think am afraid of you,I know you killed your family and fiance, what a fool he was to be deceived by you" murmurs filled the whole place, everyone was whispering and pointing accusing finger at her, the girl smirked at her, seeing that she didn't say anything, she smiled thinking that she put her in her place,she made to leave but Tina reached out and draw her back by her hair, a scream tore her throat by the throbbing pain on her scalp, "I will show you exactly how a murderer behaves" she hit the girl's face on the nearest table and everyone present could swore they heard a bone cracking, she picked her up by her hair again, dragging her across the whole floor, she lifted her hand and landed a hit on her left cheek, which swelled up immediately, someone rushed to hold Tina but one push was enough to send him hitting the wall and fainting immediately, Tina kicked the girl's tummy really hard, she made to do so again when a warm small body held her from behind, "It's me Cynthia, calm down Tina, you might kill her" Tina's hand paused mid air, she left the girl who was in a very sorry state, if not for the quick raising and felling of her chest, no one will deem her alive, Tina separated herself from Cynthia, straighten her suit, took her bag and continued walking to her office as if she didn't make someone almost met and shake hands with the grim reaper just now, everyone made way for her to pass, fear and shock written all over their faces, the more composed ones called the ambulance to take the two people out, the girl was unconscious, her nose bleeding heavily, everyone knew that her nose is a lost cause without surgery, some pitied her while some didn't after all she laid her own doom.

Dom was enraged after hearing what happened, mostly at the girl but he was angry that Tina couldn't hold it in till he came, he told Tom to go to the hospital and inform the girl to go home from there, she has been fired, then he stormed into Tina's office. she stood up in respect when she saw him her expression still same as always, his angry expression didn't even made her tremble or blink at all, "How could you do that in the midst of all workers, couldn't you wait till I came back, huh?, what if she had died, it would only solidify her claim of you being a murderer, am so disappointed in you"

"She caused it first, I don't feel sorry" a vein popped at Dom's muscle, he felt like shouting out his frustration, "even though she did, it doesn't mean you can fight, this is a company, my company and no one will mess it up for me, don't you know how much trouble this caused me? " Tina kept mute, just looking at him,

"I never knew a woman could be so heartless" immediately he said that he regretted it, but it was too late, Tina stared at him straight in the eyes, if she was shocked at his words, she didn't show it at all, Dom could swore he saw her eyes changed color for a moment but it was gone before he could register it well, "just go home, you are suspended for two weeks, you can come after it" she nodded, closed her computer and went out.

Tina can feel and see many glances directed at her, hostility, hatred, curiosity but all in general fear, she can hear clearly their whispers, about how she was a psychopath, how she has a anger issues and many things not pleasant but she pretended not to hear all of them and left the company, they thought she was sacked and some were relieved, but if only they knew.

Tina didn't go home directly, she instead went to a bar,the bar guy was not all surprised to see a woman in suit coming in their to drink,even though she looked slightly out of place,she ordered their strongest drink and drowned them one after the other without pausing, as she was getting inebriated a little , someone sat down beside her, intentionally or not, the person brushed the hand over her thigh, she looked up to see a very pretty lady smiling at her, Tina didn't respond just kept staring, "am Selena but my friends call me Sisi, you? " she drowned another drink before answering "Tina" the girl giggled and Tina wondered what amused her, she drew her seat closer to her such that Tina could smell her distinct perfume, her sweet blood scent but not as sweet as her boss's own, Sisi placed her hand on her thigh leanings close to her ear she whispered "How about we find somewhere private? " Tina glances at her smiley face and nodded, paying the bar guy, she left with her, walking with clarity for someone drunk.

when they arrived, after opening the door and stepping inside, Tina grabbed her and slammed her on the wall, it didn't hurt her though, linking her hand on her waist, she pinched her jaw and drew her in for a searing hot kiss...

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