
Chapter 21

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

There was utter silence in the room, well, if you ignore the loud thumping of Klaus's heart from the rage he is feeling at the moment.

In one corner, Katherine Pierce was sitting on the kitchen floor, leaning against the wall, her coffee cup long forgotten. On the other side, Maddox was trying to remain invisible to Klaus and his rage, an array of thoughts running wild in his head.

For over a thousand years, he had been waiting for this time, plotting about it in hopes of achieving his goal. To not remain alone. To create an army for himself, something his father cannot ruin. And now, after years of preparation, he gets to know that the whole thing was planned inadequately. That the foundation of the plan was a trick. The rage and deception he felt for his deceased mother increased tenfold. She really was playing with him from her grave, and he can't for the life of him do anything about it, except break another set of tea mugs.

"Maddox, what's the probability of this theory working?" Klaus asked, after getting himself in control.

"There is no denying of logic behind it. However, as it is a complete U-turn from what we have been planning, I say, it's better to ask for a third party's advice," The warlock answered nervously.

But Klaus shook his head after a second, saying, "No. No. The more people we ask, the more diverse answers we will get. I don't want this to be any more complicated than it is now."

He paced around the apartment living room for a while, and turned towards me with narrowed eyes, "How sure are you about this theory?"

It wasn't a question I was expecting, but, I answered it nevertheless, "It's a theory, but I am pretty confident."

I knew I am standing on a thin-line, but, I didn't want to take any chances, and ruffle the delicate sensibilities of an Original Vampire. Thus, I gave him a straightforward reply. And he began pacing again.

"For suppose, if I went with your way, assuming that I will, and let the doppelganger live, only for the ritual to not work...then I will kill you," Klaus said, with a deadpanned look on his face.

I couldn't help but gape at his audacity. That was absurd.

"That's not fair," was the only thing I could answer back.

"Life is not fair," he said. "Also, I was going to kill you anyway, this will just be sooner rather than later. And let me tell you, I will enjoy every second of it."

"Come on. Its...Look, how about we make a deal? Something that would benefit both of us?" I said, clearing my head a bit for the chat. "You can kill me as you wish if this thing goes pear-shaped. But...If you come out of this on top as I said, and can create your hybrids using my method, then you let me go free."

"And, why, pray tell, should I do that?" Klaus asked, with a scowl etched on his face.

"That's the logical thing to do. Risk and Reward," I bargained. "Also, if what I said is right, then that means even if you had killed me 500 years ago, you couldn't have created more hybrids up until now as I would be dead and buried. That means, technically, it wouldn't really matter if I fled all these years or died as I couldn't have helped with your cause. Thus, the grudge you are holding against me for my 'transgression' is considered nill and void."

By the time I was done, Maddox was sweating, looking in between us nervously. Klaus just stared at me right in the eye for a long moment, and I held his attention without a blink.

"My dear Katerina, what have you done to the naive girl who used to believe in true love? Or the girl who feared me so much that she changed her name to live. The one who faked her own death just so she could hide from me? Were you always like this? Have I really underestimated you?" Klaus whispered as he tucked some of my wild hair behind my ear.

I didn't know if the questions were rhetorical, or if he was expecting for me to really answer them. Though, I was freaking out internally, trying to reorganize my brain to see if I gave it away to the original hybrid about my origins. However, his next question made me recover my composure.

"You talk a good game, Katerina. Still, why should I take it under consideration? You still were the reason for the wrath and destruction I caused during the time, and I had to spend on a lot of resources throughout the years to capture you."

"You would still have done that if I was dead and couldn't create your army. Let's not forget the wrath included the death of my whole family. Rightfully, you should pay me compensation for that if this goes my way, but I am willing to keep an open mind and exempt you from that clause if you are willing to set the bad blood behind us and let me live my life. Let the bygones be bygones. What do you say?"

Years and years of meetings with my family solicitors served me well in helping me learn a thing or two about settling the disputes. It was usually related to my shameless, nincompoop of relatives that were after my assets. But I hope it helped me in this case with the Original hybrid. Personally, I think I am doing a pretty good job.

Klaus and Maddox stared at me for a few more seconds, and it was quite unnerving. The unofficial competition ended when there was a loud chime of a cellphone ringtone.

"It's Greta," Maddox answered the unasked question, taking the phone into his hand.

"You can leave. But do hurry. If you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get. Also, share our recent crisis with Greta, would you? I would like to know what she thinks about it before we go with this," Klaus said to his warlock, and all he got was a nod in return.

"Where is he going?" I asked. Is it time to kidnap a vampire and werewolf already?

"To retrieve me. So I can get out of this bad hair-do," Klaus explained, ceasing my worries.

Even though I hate the annoying talkative blond vampire, I wouldn't want her to die in a stupid sacrifice. Caroline kinda grew on me. Like fungus. Not that I would say that to her.

"So...do you accept?"


"The deal, of course," I reminded him. His old age is definitely catching up with him.

Alzheimer's maybe.

He squinted his eyes a bit, studying me, "You will have your answer by midnight."

I accepted it. Mostly because I didn't want to push him to do something drastic, for something stupid I would say. I mean, I never really expected to solve my life and death problem with Klaus civilly. So it's a huge win on my part. It was better than nothing.

"Alright, I will go for one last spin in this body, and see what's the mystic falls gang is up to. Let's just hope Elena didn't do anything stupid, now that the elixir is missing. All the planning you have done for your future would go to waste," Klaus said, "And don't forget the rules."

Rules...How could I forget? I can't forget even if I want to as they are compelled into my brain.

"You can have another blood bag, by the way. Just one," he said.

I didn't realize how weak I was until I tried to stand on my feet. The near-death experience was really something I wouldn't want to go through again. Maybe it was something I deserved for killing Lucy Bennett. Though at that point, I had a lot on my mind, and the only thing I saw her as was a fictional character that I needed to cut ties with. At least, she had a quick death. It really hurt me, like a thousand neck snaps, probably because I was running low on the blood supply. But I can't say as it was my first time at experiencing the physical pain that deep. So, I really didn't have anything to compare it with.

By the time I was done with my blood bag, there was a commotion at the door. Normally, the apartment was silent during working hours. I checked the time, and it read 11:00 am. So, I strained my ears for a better sound only to hear the voices of two familiar vampires and an unfamiliar third voice.

"Katherine?" Damon's voice echoed. "Are you in there?"

I waited for them to open the door as I can't do it myself, nor can I reply back. Stupid compulsion. I let out a breath when Damon, finally, broke the lock and opened the door.

"Ah! Good to see you alive and kicking," Damon said with a smile.

"You too," I said, looking at Damon and Rose.

"What happened?" Rose asked with a hint of concern when she saw my bloodied shirt.

"Klaus," was my answer.

"Just one more day, okay? Then Bonnie will..."

I didn't let him complete the sentence.

"No. Don't tell me anything. I will have to tell him everything, if he decided to compel me," I said hurriedly.

"Alright," They both said after sharing a look.

"Any way I can get you out of here?" Damon asked after a moment.

"I don't know. Kill Maddox maybe," I said, "He is Klaus warlock. It doesn't matter. Listen to me carefully. I think I managed Klaus from keeping Elena alive after the ritual. I mean, he said he will tell me his decision by tonight. But I am one hundred percent sure he will agree to the plan."

"What? How? What plan?"

"I was explaining before you interrupted," I scowled at him, to which he rolled his eyes, gesturing me to continue.

"So, Klaus told me about his lineage and about how the curse is broken. And in doing so, I found a loophole in it that helps both Elena and I," I started, explaining. "Apparently, Klaus's mother, the original witch, cheated on her husband with a local werewolf but kept it a secret. However, once she turned all her children into vampires, they started killing people in bloodlust. And when Klaus made his first kill, his werewolf curse activated, outing his mother's dirty secret. His father was undoubtedly angry with it, and to appease him, and find some twisted version of redemption for herself, Klaus's mom put a curse on him to bind his werewolf side. To do that, she needed a binding agent. So, she used the moonstone and the blood of the doppelganger, who was in Klaus's village at the time, Tatia. My ancestor. The witch said, to break the curse, Klaus needs to sacrifice a vampire and werewolf, who represent both parts of him. And then, he needs to kill the doppelganger until the brink of her death using the moonstone."

"How is this gonna help you?" Rose intervened, making me glare at her.

"I am telling you that. So, apparently, Klaus wants to not only break his werewolf side but also wants to create more hybrids like him. So, I came up with a logical theory. From what Klaus told me, the Original witch hated him as he was her greatest mistake. So, how legit does is the unbinding ritual? I told him that if he wants to create more of his hybrids, then he will need Elena's human blood. Whats to say the werewolf's he sire won't need the blood, when he the Original needs it?"

"And he agreed to it?" Damon asked, his tone a little disbelieving.

"Well, not outright. But what's not to believe?" I said, shrugging my shoulders a little.

"So, if he agrees with it, he will let Elena stay alive after the ritual, for her blood," Rose stated, processing the information. "And you get to be free because...you came up with this?"

"It's a little more complicated than that. I kinda pulled the whole, 'Perry Mason' act, and convinced Klaus that, if what I assumed was right, then he wouldn't have created more hybrids. Even if he had killed me and broken the curse 500 years ago, and he would've waited for Elena's blood all these years," I elucidated. "If he agrees to use my method and it works, then he goes his way, and I go my way. Water under the bridge. That's the deal. He said he will give his decision by midnight."


"How confident are you about this?"


"You realize your neck is on the line, right?"

"It always is. But, yeah, it's the best option for everyone."

"That...That was totally not what I was expecting," Rose said.

"What were you expecting? Me, to be dead? Or me tied up in a creepy basement being tortured?"

"Actually, yes," Rose admitted, "We also bought a human with us, in case we can't enter the house to untie you." I acknowledged the unfamiliar human behind them and nodded.

"Well, I appreciate the thought. But you were not wrong. Got tortured the first two days. But then I started running my mouth, and Klaus found me a bit useful and forced my hand in helping him. I mean, he took over John's body to get information out of you, how dumb is that? Of course, he really didn't like it when I pointed out his mistakes. But what can one do when you are being compelled to tell the truth, right?"

"Ha! So, Alaric was your idea."

"Guilty," I admitted with a sheepish look.

"What happened to that arsehole, anyway?" I asked.

"Who? John?" When I nodded my head, Damon answered, "Don't know. Didn't really care, actually."

Of course.

"It's just, Klaus doesn't know John can help in resurrecting Elena from the dead. If things go sideways, we can always use him," I said.

Damon shook his head a bit and said, "I will keep an eye out for him. Anyhow, you are okay, right?"

"As I am expected to be."

"Good. That's good," Damon said. "So, anything you want me to do? Other than killing the warlock who trapped you here."

"Not really. Just stay safe, and let everyone in the loop. Don't be Klaus's sacrifices. If you see the Lockwoods, ask them to get out of the town," I said, and as an afterthought, I added, "And tell Elena, not to do anything stupid."

"You are a bit too late for that," Rose muttered.

"Why? What happened?" I asked but immediately cut myself, "Actually, no. Don't say it. It's better for everyone."

"Okay," Damon said, "Oh! I forgot. I got you some vervain," he said, holding up a tiny vial.

"Can't. He compelled me not to take anything without his permission," I told him, causing him to sigh exasperatedly.

Just then, Damon's phone pinged, and he muttered, "Stefan got Jenna out of the house. Klaus will be here any minute now."

"Then you better get going. Just consider what I told you," I told them hurriedly, and they nodded. Just when they are about to leave, I called out, saying, "Also, instruct Caroline to be safe, okay? Tell her to stay in her house until the full moon, and ask her not to step outside even if there is an earthquake. If she denies, explain to her how good I am at killing people."

"Alright," Damon said.

"Try not to get killed," said Rose, and they zoomed away with the human.

Klaus, who was in Alaric's body, stepped into the apartment after, half an hour, looking battered. Something, I was pleased to see. But I made sure not to let it show. Before he could get a word out, the bell rang again and in came Maddox with his baggage.

"Hello, Love," Greta, the Martin witch greeted Klaus with a smile.

"Greta, finally," Klaus said back.

"Nice body. You ready to get out of it?" The witch asked flirtatiously.

"God, yes," The devil replied.

When Damon came back to the boarding house, he was met with a broody Stefan and a weeping Jenna. He got to know that Elena consoled her aunt a little after Klaus's fiasco in Gilbert's home, and went back to, wherever she went, to talk to the Original in a suit. His little brother then proceeded to ask, if Damon had found anything new about Katherine or Klaus, and Damon honestly didn't know how to reply to that. He found a lot, actually.

"I think Katherine found the solution to all the problems," he said.

"How?" his brother asked.

"I think it's better to inform everyone at a time," Rose suggested.

"Yeah. I really don't want to repeat it," Damon said. "Let's call for a meeting."

And they did. Even though it took some time, they all appeared.

So when Elena finally entered the Boarding House with Elijah in tow, they were met with the whole gang lolling in the living room.

Caroline was on phone with someone while Damon, Rose, and Stefan were drinking Damon's Bourbon. Bonnie was sitting in front of a map, and a candle, chanting in an unknown language, with Jeremy to her side, and a very confused Jenna was looking in between Bonnie and the Map.

"They are out of town. Mason said Katherine would know where he is, and that he really doesn't trust me enough to give his location," Caroline said aloud, as she got out of the phone.

"Whatever. I don't want to know where they are. I just want them out of the town until this stupid ritual ends," Damon muttered.

"Found him," Bonnie chimed after a moment. "Timberlake. About 2 hours from here. I can pinpoint the location if I have the map of the town."

"John's a backup plan. Let's leave him for now," Damon started saying when he was interrupted by a clearing of a throat.

"Ha! Finally," Damon said when he saw Elijah and Elena at the entrance. "Hope you talked everything through, cause we have a lot to talk about."

"What's going on here?" Elena asked, looking at the people in the room. A few shrugged their shoulders, and others shook their heads.

"So, we went to see Katherine," Damon started, gesturing to Rose and him. And everyone's attention was on him.

"What? How is she?" Caroline asked, shocked.

"Blondie, let me talk. Questions later," Damon scolded the newbie vamp. He then proceeded to tell everything they discussed. And once he was done with explaining, he rubbed his hands together and said, "Alright. Questions?"

Jenna was the first. She slowly raised her hands and asked, "Ah...who is KATHERINE?"

Finally. After a long wait. I hope you like this chapter. I successfully freed myself from the writer block's grasp. For a second I thought I am dealing with Stockholm syndrome but I bet it, and I am taking therapy. :)

Anyway, Than you for being patient with me.

I hope you are feeling well and are following the necessary instruction given by WHO.
