
Chapter 19

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

Klaus Mikaelson is someone who is called a heartless evil. He is someone who can't be messed with. And if someone did cross him, then they are as good as dead. Actually, they are better off dead because once the original gets his hands on them, there will definitely be hella lot to pay.

He basically shut off his humanity to any but his family. Though he is vengeful and power-hungry, he places usefulness before the pleasure of tormenting. He keeps people alive when it suits his needs. A reason for the still-beating undead heart of Katherine Pierce.

"This body is useless," Klaus/ John said out loud.

After getting thrown out of the house for the second time, the original wanna-be hybrid came to a conclusion.

"Ha, finally. Something we can both agree on," the brunette mused, slurping her blood bag as slowly as possible. As she isn't going to get another one until the next day. It is just stupid thinking that if she savored it for a long time, she wouldn't feel hungry and desire it for a while.

Klaus decided to give her one blood bag every day when she looked at him like he was the last blood sausage on the earth.

"I am not finding even a bit of info in this. They don't trust him," Klaus said, motioning to the body he is currently possessing, "not even with their non-existent cats and dogs. Forget sharing secrets."

"Told you. John's a dick. No one likes him, not even his daughter Elena, or his family who knew him for over 17 years. He literally showed his asshole-ness to everyone."

"Who do you think would've been a better choice then?" He asked, looking at the girl before him in the eye. His pupils dilated a little.

"Alaric," was the girl's quick, compelled reply.

"The Vampire Hunter?" Klaus asked questioningly.

"And Jenna's boyfriend. Damon's best friend. Loved high school history teacher, and a guardian of Mystic Falls Scooby gang. He is basically an all-rounder," the olive-skinned girl said, throwing the now-empty blood bag into the bin. "And he looks nice. A lot nicer than John."

John fished out the phone from one of his pockets and dialed a very familiar number saying, "Madox, I have some work for you, mate."

And so, Alaric was forced to lend his body, 4 days before the sacrifice.

The next morning, Klaus got up early and decided to pay a visit to the gang in his new body.

"Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?" Alaric, who was freshly possessed by Klaus, said, opening the history teacher's closet.

"Okay, bad, or badder?" Klaus asked, holding up two shirts.

"You know, you changed two bodies and two homes until now. At least give me a pair of new clothes. I helped you, granted it was a forced one, but it still counts as help," the bored-looking girl commented.

"Katerina...bad or badder," Klaus said, dragging her name a little long and completely ignoring her statement.

"Bad, obviously," she grumbled out loud.

"Oh, thank you, honey. Okay, since I am going to be a member of the inner circle, I should know about this body and them a little more," Alaric murmured, then increased his pitch, saying, "Time for the pop quiz."

"Yay," the brunette thought, sarcastically.

"The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatores' possession, correct?" Klaus asked.

"The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house," the girl explained, detailedly.

"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy is a buzzkill," Klaus groaned. "Anything else?"

"Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend, Jenna. Or so I think. It's been two weeks now, and Ric might have wooed her already," Catherine/ Katherine said.

"Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?" he asked.

"Other than the fact that everyone is out there trying to kill you with the help of Martins power of hundred dead witches...nothing," the doppelganger shrugged, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

However, Klaus was skeptical. Since the time he met the elusive Katherine pierce, he knew there is a lot more than what meets the eye. He had this feeling that inside her somewhere, there's something nobody knows about.

"Really, that's it," Alaric asked, cocking his head to a side, studying the girl before him.

"Oh, God! Not the Bennett spell," the girl repeated in her head. "Don't ask about it."

Just think of the situation. If Elena dies, Klaus can't make hybrids anymore. And he would go on a rampage killing everyone in his path. Mystic Falls gang would hate her for spilling the beans. Klaus will wait for another 500 years to look for a human doppelganger, and so Hope Mikaelson won't be born. Or if worst comes worst, he would shove the cure down Katherine's throat and use her as a blood bag, and when he is done with her, Silas would drain her blood and leave her to die of old age.

Katherine's thoughts were running wild when Klaus bent down a little to meet her eye.

"Look, I believe that you believe those are the only things I have to worry about from the Mystic Falls clique. But you know something that you are trying to keep from me. Hmm? Anything? Tell me," the Original compelled her once again.

"Mikael," the girl before him, blurted out. "The vampire who hunts vampires."

A brief look of fear flashed in his eyes.

"What did you say?" Alaric asked, utterly caught off-guard.

"Pearl, a friend, told me that there was a way to kill you. And it doesn't mean dagger dead. Though you said daggers don't work on you as you are a part mangy dog. But she said there was a hunter who has the means to kill you. But she is dead, and the only way to contact him is also gone," Katherine said in a strained voice like she was trying not to fess up more than she did.

"What else are you keeping from me?" Alaric asked in a tense tone.

"I know you fear him. 1922. Chicago. I was there the night when the club was attacked by what appeared to be police. But they were using wooden bullets. And somehow, you knew precisely who it was. So you dragged your sister along with you after compelling Stefan to forget about you both. You were covering your tracks like you were running from someone. After the firing, a vampire came pretending as a detective and showed Stefan a drawing of your sister and you. When he couldn't find anything, he left," I explained to him all the things I could think of from the show, "So, who is he? What's the weapon that can kill an Original wanna-be Hybrid."

"Who else did you tell about this?" he asked her.

"No one," she said, sincerely.

"You are going to forget everything you know about Mikael," Alaric wasted no-time, compelling the smirking doppelganger before him. And just like that, the girl's pupil dilated, and her smug expression was wiped off and was replaced with confusion.

Alaric/Klaus took a pocketknife out and handed it to the bewildered girl, who was trying to process what's going on around her, and ordered, "I want you to take this knife...and stab yourself."

Katherine took the knife, quickly finding the loophole that he never mentioned where to stab herself specifically, and chose to go for the femur.

"Now take it out," he commanded, and she complied grunting a bit from the pain.

"Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again and if you get bored, switch legs," he instructed to the girl as soon as the wound healed.

And what irritated the doppelganger most is that the Original put it like he was the most caring and empathetic person in the world she could ever meet, and he was doing her a favor.

"Are you going to school to teach history, now?" the girl in the back leather jacket asked, trying to put a hold to her punishment, "maybe you should brush up some facts before taking the classes."

"I think I can keep up, Katerina. After all, I have lived throughout history. Oh, look at that," he said, looking at his watch, "I'm gonna be late. Goodbye, Katerina. I am gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelganger, now," Alaric/Klaus said, trying to kiss her forehead, like the loving ex-boyfriend/ Kidnapper, which the brunette as expected by him, dodged by moving backward.

"Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning," he said, walking out of the house, and hollered an, "again," looking over his shoulder when he saw the said vampire sitting, ideally.

He finally left with a smile on his face when he heard the doppelganger stab herself...again, grunting in pain.

While the girl from another universe was still wondering about what the hell she did to make the hybrid angry after two days of no punishment...Klaus's tense posture relaxed, slightly, when he deemed that no one will know about Mikael anymore.

It took everything in Klaus not to bash the head of the insolent chattering students, and not to snap the necks of the flirty colleagues in the staff room. He was already angry, hearing his father's name early in the morning, and the humans around him aren't making it any easier. But he endured. After all, he still had to give a good scare to the new doppelganger and her friends who seem to think they can take on the bid bad Original, easily.

"Hello, Class. What are we learning today?" He walked into the class, trying to act as smooth as possible, turning the pages of the high school book.

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week," a girl from the class said, oblivious to Klaus's acting.

"Right. The sixties," he shrugged like he wasn't on the verge of embarrassment if it wasn't for the girl, who looked eager for extra credit.

He then saw her, the girl who is born to break his curse, that he was bound to for over a thousand years. He quickly recovered before anyone could see his creepy psychotic look, saying, "The, uh, ahem..."

"The sixties," he wrote on the board, trying to think about his days during the decade.

Well, other than looking for Katerina, avoiding Elijah, and carrying the coffins of his remaining siblings, he didn't do anything interesting.

"I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but...Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the...we walked on the moon. There was Watergate," His thoughts down the memory lane were cut off when the latest doppelganger said, "Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I...I mean, Mr. Saltzman." She stuttered a bit when everyone looked at her.

"Right. It's all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena," He said, turning towards the board with a grim look.

"Katherine must be smirking now," he thought.

To think a Vampire can teach history, naturally, without any glitch.

Later, the Original tried to cheer up his mood by compelling the cheerful girl from the same class, whose name he found out is Dana, to inform Elena Gilbert that, a certain Klaus asked her for the last dance at the party, and also to search for that hot guy even if she isn't able to dance.

And to say the least, Klaus was absolutely delighted by the response both girls gave. Not even an hour later, Alaric's phone dinged, informing that he has to get to the boarding house for the meeting.

Look's like this body and Katherine's brain are useful after all.

He decided to accept the request of the clothes, the 500-year old Vampire was pestering him to buy, for the past 2 days.

"Should he knock or just enter like he owned the damn place?" Klaus thought, standing in front of the boarding house.

He decided to ask the doppelganger and texted to the phone, he got for her for emergency cases after thoroughly compelling her to not use it in any form, unless it was him that is texting.

"Who cares. Everyone is edgy with the whole situation to notice if you entered knocking or not," was the reply he got.

"She should really start respecting me," he thought through his gritted teeth.

And so he decided to knock.

"There you are," Damon Salvatore said, urging him inside.

"Sorry, I'm late," Klaus said, a little bewildered, thinking about the difference in the welcome he received the last two times he came there posing John.

"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move," the older Salvatore told him, brushing off his excuse.

"Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?" Elena asked, facing everyone in the room.

"I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him and take my daughter from him," Jonas Martin said in his typical business look.

"That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around," Klaus/Alaric said, a little skeptical about the power that can be used to kill him. He thought he only had to fear his father that possess the White oak.

"Alaric has a point. I mean, can we really trust the words of Original in the suit. What if it backfires, or what if he...," Damon started saying, while running to attack the warlock, but was landed across the room with a flick of Martin's wrist.

"Well, I am impressed," Stefan said in an amused tone, "I mean he was a lot powerful even without the powers. And now he has a thousand witches backing him up. I say we do it."

"Well, his thousand dead witch powers couldn't find Katherine," the older Salvatore scowled, getting up.

"I already told you, Damon. It is either bound to a witch's life or she is no more," Papa Martin explained, calmly.

"I know she is still alive," he ground out, to which Stefan and Rose nodded in agreement. They really didn't want to think otherwise.

"I really suggest you don't let Caroline hear about this," Stefan muttered to the warlock, knowing how weirdly close the vampires were, and Jonas nodded his head in understanding.

"Where's Caroline, anyway?" Rose asked the blonde vampire's friends, Elena and Bonnie.

"She is taking care of today's dance preparations," Bonnie said.

"We thought it would keep her mind off her new missing best friend and boyfriend," said Elena, with a light shrug.

Klaus heard of Caroline from Isobel that she is a newly turned Vampire and one of the two best friends of Elena. What he didn't know was, she was a friend to the cold-hearted vampire, Katherine.

It looks like he doesn't know a lot of things about the vampire that's currently sitting in Alaric's living room, stabbing her legs, over and over again.

Maybe, he should use this vampire friend, Caroline, to get back at the doppelganger's insolence.

When he finally returned to Alaric's house he was gifted with a beautiful visual of the bleeding legs of Katerina Petrova.

"Ah, aren't you sight for sore eyes," he said, entering the flat, "and you're right. The warlock is all juiced up and aiming to kill," he said, walking inside.

"Should I feel sorry for you," the ex-traveler witch said, sarcastically.

"We're gonna have to kill her, Maddox," he told his loyal warlock that's in the kitchen, who came by to drop off the doppelganger's clothes.

"Do you think this Alaric guy has anything vintage?" He asked out loud, rummaging through the closet to find Crossbows, wooden bullets, and automatics instead of the good looking shirts.

"Didn't you say this guy was a local hunter?" he questioned, Katherine.


"Then how come he is playing groupie with Vampires in the town," he said, confused for a minute, going back to the living room.

"He came to this town to kill Damon when he saw him killing his wife, but later he found out that his wife isn't dead but was turned into a vampire by her own request. Then he got to know Elena is the daughter of his supposed wife, just like that he eventually got dragged into the everyday supernatural drama in the town, and got a girlfriend for himself," explained Katherine, nice and easy.

"That explains the clothing," Klaus murmured, "He is one of those broody types."

"But no one can compete with Stefan in that category," the girl replied.

He thought about it for a minute and nodded his head, seeing the vast difference between the Ripper he met in the 1920s from the high school student he saw recently.

"Why aren't you stabbing yourself?" He asked after a minute, looking at the girl before him. The response he received was a glare, a scowl, and angrily gritted teeth. There was not even a tiny bit amount of fear in her eyes. And he hated it.

He thought he figured her out from all the runnings she made from him, and stories he heard about her. But this, this comes nowhere near it. He should really not believe in rumors.

"Okay, stop," he said before she could stab herself. "You are stinking, so go, fresh n up. There's the dress you need in the washroom."

He should look for a different method for her to fear him. Torture isn't getting him anywhere.

He will figure her out.

And when he does...he will break her

And he will make her pay.