
The survivor's system : Lost in the darkest dungeon world

transported to another world, adam is struggling to keep himself and humans around him safe, because the world he had transmigrated to is the very same difficult and dark game he used to play on his pc " darkest dungeon" from the fear of death to the thrill of fighting and shedding blood, the ecstasy of victory, building one 's might, and making the fate itself, travel together with adam to the most dangerous and darkest dungeons ever.... you will always enjoy the next adventure... if you survived the current one that is .....

IBEN_MATAR · Fantasy
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17 Chs


" WHaa....!! What the hell was that!!?"

" the host can call me "SORA" , my mission is to introduce the system to the host "

" Wait! You mean system!? like in games system?! "

Said adam with a hint of urgency in his voice

"This is not a game adam!" Came the answer in a feminine mechanical voice ... surprisingly it did not say host this time, it again called his name like it was doing so everytime it wanted to make a crucial point, and indeed it was..

after a bit of silence like it was waiting for the idea to sink in, it carried on

" This is reality , death is permanent here, there is no second chances.. you die here and ..that's it ..the end"

The word death made his heart beat faster, and the last sentence kept repeating in his head, Adam was just your ordinary human, at the age of 25 he indeed was an adult but he was in no way ready for what was coming for him ....

Certainly he got a strong reasoning, his mind that was flooded with emotions and thoughts soon cleared, and he was now thinking of what to do next, this SORA thing may decide to suddenly disappear, it said it itself, its mission was to introduce.... And introductions may not be that long a process after all .... He need to give it the right questions and gather as much data as he can, he needed to survive and now information was his lifebuoy ....

Like the patient machine it was, SORA was just silently waiting for the human male that was its host to ponder and properly sort his thoughts, it was amazing though from SORA perspective this was a promising host , not even a couple minutes latter , the look on his face changed, he was not hesitating anymore, he couldn't afford to ... This was a danger zone ...

fighting the urge to ask it how the hell did it know his name, adam cleared his throat and said :

"Okay SORA if you are still there tell me, what is this place? How dangerous it is? and what did you mean when you said i am going to survive?

Lastly i ' am not going to ask you who brought me , but why did they bring me here?"

seconds of silence ticked, and after SORA processed the questions it answered :

"Answering host :

First : this place is a dark world called "DHALAMSIA" which is an unbalanced world where darkness dominates light ...

Secondly: since it is a dark world, DHALAMSIA is extremely dangerous, humans are on the verge of collapsing here.. monsters roam the land unhindered.. only big cities are considered a little safe .... - the dungeons were a way to save the world, and it worked in the first hundreds of years, but humans became weaker and weaker, untile clearing dungeons was too slow to make any difference ...

Thirdly: you are going to survive because currently there is no danger to your life in the vicinity... and because you are soon getting to choose your class ...

Lastly: you were brought here to balance the tide , your mission is to bring the world back to its balanced days ... and you don't have a lot of time, usually when the balance is broken the gap between light and darkness will only widen and it will eventually lead to the destruction of this world... "

Adam was somewhat not very surprised to hear some of the answers, but he was shocked to hear others, he was especially burdened by his mission, because he played the game, he knew how harsh and dark this world is, he was basically in a hardcore difficulty mode.. when he die even once ... Hell he can't even afford to take critical hits.....

"One last question" said adam to SORA

"Go ahead but be fast we need to move now" said the Ai without a shred of emotions in its voice...

"So .... How similar is this world to the game i used to play?" Asked adam hurriedly...

" If you think this world is like darkest dungeon you are half right "

" This is a world , a reality , and the game you played is just a leaked simple demo in your gaming terminology ... and even the content you saw and played is not necessarily true, and that is to be expected games of your timeline are not advanced to the point they can simulate a world easily.."

" Shortly .. don't go depending on what you know from the game without first making sure they are legit, don't bet your life on them ... You are going to re-discover the world ... and find the differences and similarities yourself ... Now then shall we be off?"

"Wait one last question: can i go back to my w---"

" No you can't "

"But what if..." before adam could spell his misgivings he was shut down

"Ding : a new objective is set, delaying the introduction of [darkness survivor's system] "

" Ding: you have 10 seconds to exit the room "

" Ding : failing to comply will result in the host's death "

"Damn, so sudden" screamed adam while his feet were already dragging the door closer to himself..

"9 seconds" "8 seconds"

" 7 seco--- "

" Ding: objective updating "

Exiting the room adam was -as he expected- standing in long corridor, on both sides of it were rooms, a lot of rooms, or should he call them cells prison cells?? whatever.. everything around him was built from the same gray polished stones he saw in the room behind him, he was not seeing anything new, this was indeed inside one of the dungeons in the ruins zone ...

"Ding : new objective .. find the golden door" came the system again after seconds of silence

This time, adam moved, he don't want ever to see one of those timed death messages .... and again, the objective was simple enough, because he soon found a door with a golden colour, when he touched it ... it opened with a creaking noise, but unexpectedly, there was no shining light or teleportation or anything, it was dark ... He could not see anything beyond the door, it was in a way ... Magical, even when he tried to keep only an inch between his eyes and that veil of darkness, he still could not see beyond the door...

Before any other death message appears, he took that last step through the entrance, and guess what, he was able to see what is inside now...