
The survivor's system : Lost in the darkest dungeon world

transported to another world, adam is struggling to keep himself and humans around him safe, because the world he had transmigrated to is the very same difficult and dark game he used to play on his pc " darkest dungeon" from the fear of death to the thrill of fighting and shedding blood, the ecstasy of victory, building one 's might, and making the fate itself, travel together with adam to the most dangerous and darkest dungeons ever.... you will always enjoy the next adventure... if you survived the current one that is .....

IBEN_MATAR · Fantasy
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17 Chs

More danger than anticipated!!

The state panel was more like an encyclopedia, this was what adam honestly thought, but not for too long because SORA had a say in that regard

" Host needed to see every detail in the state panel especially about the skills descriptions, and the damage and killing mechanics because you are seeing it for the first time, and the more you know the better you get to understand your powers and your position...

but the host don't need to worry because the state panel had foldable sections , you can have the skills names there types and level... .. and your attributes wouldn't show how it was calculated and was it is for, you can see those details anytime you want, does host want yo apply these changes please confirm"

" okay confirm, now this is more like it " said adam he was glad the system was this flexible..

" ding : foldable state panel created "

" foldable state panel applied "

"thank you SORA "

said adam but like he expected there was no answer, he figured out SORA would only answer to his questions or misgivings, well in most cases that is ... this was really helpful.. having to read that much data every time is bothersome... and he don't always have time for that.. however there was details that were too important to ignore so he was planning to analyze the whole panel and study it deeply ...when he find a shelter of course ....

adam climbed down from the tree he was on, and looked around him for any clues that may take him to the town, he knew it was not too far away since he was in the ruins, after some searching he found a paved road, he didn't linger so much on what was happening to him, so he would hit the road, and keep the thinking and planning for when he reach the town..

walking the ancient road, he tried to be as stealthy as possible, so he had to make every voice coming out of him as quite as possible, his foot steps light, his breathing slow, and he would stop from time to time to scan his surroundings and try to sense any danger, since he knew about his passive sensing ability now, he would gladly exploit it, he walked and walked and walked, but howls and another sounds didn't stop for sometime now, seriously how long he needs to walk in this forest ?!

"Ding: system warning, calculating dangers in the forest at night....

Ding: host has less than 10% survival chance in the current circumstances....

Ding: system suggests the host stop advancing and hide on top of a tree "

"damn and you are telling me now, why don't say earlier damn it "

adam didn't feel danger yet, but only now he knew he was a big moron, [hunter senses] is not a skill for scouting danger, it is a passive that is more useful in last second warnings, it won't be of any use to him here, because he needed to avoid danger totally , hell what was he doing? he really misjudged his situation this time, the distance to the closest town was way more than he remembered from the game ...

than it hit him, " damn damn it " adam was swearing while running to the tallest tree he can see on the side of the road...

after climbing the tree adam felt that he aged several years, damn he almost died there what was he thinking ?? didn't the system warn him not to bet his life on what he knew from the game?? and hell he did just that ...

but what the hell? there was that much difference?? the town in the game won't take even minutes to reach... haah okay no use dwelling on it now , i need to adjust my mentality, i could not feel it before, but i am still thinking of this somehow as a game i'am playing, if not for the system warning....!!

he shook himself from his shock and looked around him, monsters probably wouldn't be able to reach him here, so the wilderness guide would probably say that he needs to have some sleep, but how the hell he's going to do that?

adam remembered his chain-axe now, the axe itself was resting on his waist while the chain was in a special small pouch that came with the weapon, the pouch was tied to his left leg, he can either attach the chain to the axe, or separate it, how convenient!!!

he took the chain form its small bag and tied himself to the thickest branch he could find, hammering the hook to the wood using his axe, adam felt he wouldn't fall down if he slept like this, still could he really sleep?

unbeknownst to him, the bounty-hunter talents kicked in, those mercenaries needed to sleep anywhere and anyway they can, they may sometimes be obliged to pursue there targets for months so those talents were crusial for them, because of that, adam fell asleep without even trying....

what woke him up was a system notification

" Ding: sun has risen, danger in the forest is now manageable ..."

adam woke up and looked around him lazily, but something was wrong, and he shook his body wildly, stupified.... " what is this place what the hell is goi... "

" damn, of course this not my room on earth ... sigh... i wished it was only a bad dream .... "

after calming himself down, adam recalled that this was his situation now, he can't help it, anyone would wake up thinking he was in his sleeping room, especially if it was his first time sleeping on a tree in the wilderness!!

he untied himself and pulled the hook out of the wood, he needs to move, because after yesterday he would suppose the worst, no more wishful thinking from him... that would never happen again... if he was to die he would die when he is expecting it and knowing he can't escape it, when that day comes, he will gladly embrace death after taking down as much enemies with him as he could... no one likes to die in vain, a stupid death.....

the day was much more assuring than night, with a long sight range from all sides, so he can react in time in case of any kind of danger, and the number of wolves roaming the forest will absolutely be a lot less... and indeed it was, because after more than an hour of walking the old road... adam did not hear a single howl ...

in the way to any human shelter he may find... adam was not idle , he was swinging his weapon around trying different postures, and trying to familiarise himself with the chain, swinging it around and hitting trees left and right he came to know how fierce this weapon of his was, the hook teeth were too sharp, they sunk into wood like it was nothing,

like cutting a watermelon with a knife ...

and the axe was on another level entirely, how easily it cut plants and trees was creeping him out... he even wondered if plants were only holograms...

of course he could've not known that class holders was way more Powerful than ordinary people, that's not to say his weapon was anything like run of the mill wood-axes, it was made to crush bones, armours, and thick hides of giant monsters, of course wood was nothing for it.

climbing an upward hill, adam reached a familiar place but he kept his happiness to himself, he would not fool himself again, he has to make sure this time, standing on top of the hill... adam screamed out " Yeeees" he could see it .... it is the "HAMLET" the human town closest to the ruins...

Hello my friends this is unfathomable ocean , and this is my novel, writing in english is somewhat a new experience for me so if you feel i'am repeating terms and words too much, or making some mistakes, please feel free to correct me in comments, i am open to any critics ...i certainly won't turn down any chance of learning and getting better..

i hope you enjoy your time reading "lost in DD world " thank you...

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