
The survivor's system : Lost in the darkest dungeon world

transported to another world, adam is struggling to keep himself and humans around him safe, because the world he had transmigrated to is the very same difficult and dark game he used to play on his pc " darkest dungeon" from the fear of death to the thrill of fighting and shedding blood, the ecstasy of victory, building one 's might, and making the fate itself, travel together with adam to the most dangerous and darkest dungeons ever.... you will always enjoy the next adventure... if you survived the current one that is .....

IBEN_MATAR · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Acquiring a class !!

The room that was dark and silent before came to life when adam stepped into it, from the side of his vision he caught a glimpse of a spark, then it happened, one torch at the very edge which was attached to the ground suddenly lit up, and not even one metre away from it another one did, and another and another ... and it kept happening untile the room was brightly lit.. the first thing that was revealed to him was how spacious the room is, and the strange shaped altar in the middle of it.. Well at least that high platform looked like one, his legs moved and he was in front of the platform in no time, on either side of him was the torches lighting a straight path for him, it was obvious, he was to climb that thing, and climbing he did...

Adam now stood on that elevated structure, it was not hard to climb since its hight was only one metre and a half... After ascending he was again facing absolute darkness, he did not need so much thinking to figure out that it was another darkness veil so he was supposed to walk through it and more into the middle of the platform.. he did just that..

his body was shaking, he can't help it, he was in the heart of the unknown.... human's gravest fear ....

after several dozen steps the scenery changed, and on the platform there was now what looked like tables, there also was an object on top of every one of them, adam walked carefully into some of them, and it was exactly how he expected it, that was not an in game experience but he knew how it should work because he recognised those objects, the first one he saw was a book, a thick one with runes on it , it was the holy book that the {vestel} always carries around with her, the vestel was a healer class in the game, she can also deliver holy damage that is very usefull against unholy monsters...next was a pickaxe this one was the main weapon of another girl, this class is a rogue class that depends mainly on her high dodge, critical damage and throwing knives to outwit her foes, she was a great one, but adam was looking for a heavier hitter, being a glass cannon was not something he was hoping to try out, mainly because he was afraid ... he might have chosen this one if it wasn't a do or die matter..

The class adam was looking for was one that can take some hits, but not a musclehead with no tricks, that is why he skipped the table with a mask on it which is the {leper's}, talking about strength, this greatsword wielder is the real deal, the damage one of his swinges can cause is catastrophic, he can even heal himself, but he was too heavy and too clumsy for adam, he was not planning to become a sitting duck for his enemies, and he also don't have a party, and shouldn't rely on one either, because nothing was certain and he don't know what the future may bring, he need to be able to act alone, hit first, and to always have a way out ...

If adam was told that he would someday put all of his hopes of surviving on that particular class, he would've probably laughed at or even mocked the one who's telling him that, but now... he is technically a beggar, and beggars are no choosers...

Adam stood silently in front of a table, on it was an axe, one handed war axe specifically, with a long metallic chain branching out of its handle and at the end of it a sharp hook was attached.. this was the bounty hunter's class special weapon, the axe and chain, adam put his hand on the weapon and it turned into particles of light then disappeared without a trace...

Before he could make any reaction, he felt an acute pain in his head, and a huge number of scenes was transmitted into his mind, they were like memories but not exactly that, they were more like training and fighting experiences and some postures and -chain_axe- wielding techniques, a lot more knowledge was imprinted into his mind, and it did not end before adam screamed more then he did in all his past days combined, he was sweating ,crying, salivating, every liquid was leaking out of him, seriously! It was too painful, the time refused to budge it elongated strangely, and it was like he needed to savor the taste of that prickling maddening pain he was lucky he did not pie himself or even something worse...

it eventually ended but he didn't feel glad at all, don't tell me this is how it feels to be raped ...

ahh what am i thinking about now, i need to focus ...get a hold of yourself adam.. breath in ... breath out ... breath in ...breath out... breath in....

After adam calmed down and sorted out most of his knowledge he looked at the yellow flickering window on the side of his vision ...

[ -Main class has been chosen !

-Main class has been acquired successfully!

do you want to hear the survivor's system introduction?]

Before choosing to hear anything he caught his breath and calmed his racing mind, then he sat on the floor and said " yes" and he heard SORA voice once more

" Welcome host this is the survivor's system, because of the immediate danger this procedure was delayed, now listen carefully"

" through tens of years of experience the system came to know that the ones who impacted the world the most were those who lived long enough in the first place, so do not be burdened or mistaken, you are no hero,

you basically have one objective in all this ordeal "

"And that is to survive "

"Survivor's system will help you in some ways but it won't fight instead of you, you would become stronger the more ordeals you survived , that is the main principle of this system "

" One of the helps the system can provide is the statues panel , it will keep you informed about your current states , your body and mental condition ,your missions progress , and will answer some of your questions "

" Last remark : there is noway you're going to power up in the middle of a fight, not with help of the system, so don't underestimate any enemy and certainly .. don't get yourself killed too fast"

adam was helpless " hey what is this mocking language seriously, do you have to rub salt on my injuries?!" said adam not exactly waiting for an answer he was just talking, he needed to say something ....

the system never answered

adam was back to his composed self after some time, he had no choice ...

"Sigh ... Of course i don't want to die, and no shortcuts huh ... How harsh "

Adam understood what all of this meant, he must be very careful, the system and the one behind it don't look that concerned about his safety , he can't be relying on them too much...his survival will depend on his deeds, and the first deed to do now is to get out of here .....

Hello there my friends, if you like what you read feel free to comment, give us some motivation to keep going, my story here is indeed inspired by a game ..which is darkest dungeon, but it is not a fan-fiction, its a new story altogether and the world differ so much from the game, only some class names or places are kept as it is, so don't assume this novel lacks originality ....

thank you for reading....

IBEN_MATARcreators' thoughts