
The survival of the last hunter in the magical world

A young soldier is trapped inside an old fortress with a mutant monster chasing him everywhere, and the only way to survive is to escape from this world.

High_castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
219 Chs

kind bandit

"Mr. Robin Hood..."


  "Can we rest for a while?"


  "But I'm already tired, my body can't take it anymore..."



  "If you say anything else, I will punish you severely..."

  A young man wearing a cute fox mask was walking slowly, while a silver-haired girl was walking behind him

  The girl was carrying a huge bag full of things

  This girl's name is Ner. She is from a common family. She used to hunt monsters in the forest to help her parents with household expenses

  Today she was on a normal hunting mission, but by chance she saw that someone was trying to rob a group of noble young men

  Ner gritted her teeth when she saw this sight. She is one of the adventurers who hunts in this forest periodically, so she also suffers because of bandits like the rest of the adventurers.

  But what can she do?

  They outnumber her, even if she is strong, there is no guarantee that she will win against them

  So she didn't want to risk her life due to being overconfident

  But today she discovered that there is a bandit working alone and robbing other young men. She suspected that there are people working with him and hiding somewhere.

  But the bandit defeated these nobles alone

  'He was skilled, but he was not strong, so he relied on malicious methods such as poison needles and poison gas'.....Ner analyzed his movements

  She noticed him using poisonous needles, if she can block the poisonous needles and hit him with her sword, she will surely win.

  If she saves these young nobles, they will surely reward her and may even be honored by Cairn City officials.

  Ner smiled as she imagined her future

  Ner stroked her cheeks to regain her senses. 'This is not the time for fantasies, Ner. I must focus on defeating my enemy.'

  She attacked her enemy, and was able to repel the poisonous needles

  She thought she had the upper hand, but the situation changed after she launched her attack

  Her enemy was skillfully dodging her attacks, and performing acrobatic movements that a normal human being could not perform

  "..." Is this guy made of rubber?

  Ner began to gradually become more worried, she did not expect her enemy to be so skilled

  Her stress caused a gap in her defense, and her enemy took advantage of this gap

  She was miserably defeated, and became helpless before her enemy

  Despair took hold of her

  But Ner's eyes lit up when she saw the young nobles getting up

  "Run..." The nobles screamed and fled from the place

  "..." Ner was speechless, she couldn't believe that these scoundrels had left her at the mercy of this criminal.

  This criminal asked her to compensate him

  But she answered him that she had nothing valuable

  "You have to pay me using your body..." The masked man said evilly

  Ner remembered all the terrifying stories about bandits who were committing all kinds of crimes

  Her eyes began to roll with fear when imagining her fate, and then she fainted

When she regained consciousness, the first thing she noticed was the pain she felt on her cheeks

  After several seconds, she knew what the source of that pain was

  The masked man was slapping her hard while screaming. "Wake up, this loot will not carry itself. We have a lot of people to steal.."

  Did he say, we have people to steal? we?

  Ner doubted her ear for a moment

  The masked man pointed to a huge bag full of things. He ordered her to carry the bag in which he stored the things he was stealing.

  Is this what he meant when he said I should pay him using my body?

  Ner felt ashamed, lowered her head and blushed, she forced a smile on her face

  She was glad that was all it took

  But she soon changed her mind. This work was exhausting, the bag was very heavy

  Is he storing stones in this bag?

  He didn't let her rest even for a moment, even when she begged him

  She could not escape, because this masked man took her ID card. He knew her identity. He threatened her that he would chase her if she escaped.

  Ner didn't want to lead this criminal to her house and cause problems for her family, so she reluctantly agreed

  They came across a group of adventurers while they were wandering in the forest.

  Ner became worried

  She didn't want to help this man rob others, especially innocent adventurers

  She also hunts monsters like them, so she knows how dangerous and tiring this work is

  But the masked man passed them without looking at them

  Ner stopped walking for a second

  Why didn't he attack them?

  Ner asked out of curiosity. "Why didn't you attack and rob these adventurers?"

  "I only rob criminals and nobles. I don't target ordinary adventurers or harass them. As for the reason I treat you this way, it's because you were the one who attacked me first..."

  Ner was stunned

  "..." Since when were bandits very kind?