
The Surrogate Father

How does it feel to get married because of the circumstances? If you refuse, you will deal with the police, but if you accept, it means admitting that she is a lowly woman who has done inappropriate things in someone's village. Adelia Nidya Adiwangsa is a beautiful, cheerful, and sociable twenty-one-year-old girl. Her mother has been gone since giving birth to her. For her father, Adelia was his only treasure. Something terrible happened to Adelia. Squeezed by circumstances makes the only choice, and a forced marriage ensues without his father's knowledge. ... “Mr. Chan Dewangga Putra, is it really you who have committed the theft?, "A policeman with a fierce face has stood before Chan and Adelia. “I didn't do it, sir?” “If not you. Where Were you when it happened?” Chan and Adelia thought hard. With a heavy exhale, Adelia spoke up, " he was with me last night Sir. We spent time together.” “Adelia, what are you saying? Are you out of your mind?” Immediately the police and citizens became more and more. “Adelia, are you sure?” “Adelia, take your words back!"Chan insisted against Adelia. "Yes sir. Last night he came to the Princess basecamp. And we did it.” Oh, my God! This is what it's like to get out of a lion's den and into a crocodile's den! What will happen to Adelia and Chan next? Enjoy the story of Adelia and the ambitious man Chan in 'The Surrogate Father '

Arsheto_Widhi · Urban
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37 Chs

24. Graduation

A few weeks have passed. The long struggle that has been carried out by students in the final level is now bearing fruit. It's time for graduation, all students who have taken the final exam, joyfully participate in today's activities.

"We have arrived at the graduation hall Sir"

"Oh well, let's get down." Adelia's family got out of the car.

From a distance, Chan was fixated on the arrival of Adelia and her family. In his heart, he murmured, 'Adelia, you are really elegant in the light blue dress you are wearing. If only I could see you closer then hug you del.'

Chan's gaze was still fixed on Adelia's figure. A few moments later, a young man approached her. Slowly the man grabbed Adelia's hand and the woman welcomed his helping hand.

'Wait, I've never seen that guy before. Only Mr. Adiwangsa I know. Then who are they?' Chan's mind started to go crazy, his heart was very broken this time.

Adelia's family is getting closer to the entrance to the graduation building. Quickly, Chan rushed into the building.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the graduation ceremony of the 119th period is about to begin. Attendees are requested to occupy the chairs and tables that have been provided" the graduation host began to guide the course of the event. Thousands of pairs of eyes filled the graduation building with emotion, pride, and happiness.

"Adelia, are you all right?".

Wiping away her tears " " Yes, well, I'm fine. I'm just thrilled to be able to sit in this place. You know how I struggle with all of this, don't you?." Adelia's tears exploded and could no longer be held back.

"Calm down, wipe away your tears." Mr. Adiwangsa handed a dry tissue to his daughter.

"Thank you dad".


"Damn, I'm late. The show must have started."Emily grumbled as soon as she got to the graduation place. There was a sad feeling in his heart when he read the rows of graduation greeting boards. 'I should have sat with them in this building, following a series of events wearing kebaya and toga. Hah but this has become my choice. I can't regret it.'


Emily was stunned, a man's voice shattered her sad feelings. 'Oh My God Chan?'



"How are you?"

"Ba ... well. Chan I..."

"Emily, I know what you're going to say. It's about Adelia, isn't it?"

"Chan listen to me first"

"No. You don't have to do it Emily, I can figure it out in my own way."

"Chan, Are you angry with me?"

"Oh no. I'm just disappointed in you. I've been disappointed in Adelia, and it turns out you did too. I was like an absent-minded Emily, one of my encouragement to return to the city was my wife, but it turned out that everything had changed. And I'm sure you know about all this, don't you?"

Emily was just silent, a wavering expression clearly drawn from her face. 'Oh God do I have to tell Chan everything about Adelia?'

"Come on Emily, there's no point in me being in this place. Everyone doesn't care about me. All right, no problem."Chan took a deep breath, forced his smile, then passed away from Emily's presence.

"Wait For Chan."

Chan stopped his steps. Without turning around, Emily approached him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be a good friend to you".

Without any reply, Chan continued his steps. Disappointment and a little anger in his heart had reached a peak. 'I didn't expect everything to have changed so quickly. Don't need your help Emily, I'll find out about what happened.'

Emily was still standing in her place. He looked at Chan imperceptibly from the edge of his eyes. Feelings of guilt began to fill Emily's heart. 'Chan I'm sorry, if only you could understand my reasons without me having to tell you, surely my inner burden wouldn't be this big.


"Adelia, go to the bathroom. Mr. and Mrs. Wibisana, excuse me to go to the toilet for a moment."Mr. Adiwangsa stepped out of the graduation hall, followed by Adelia and Hendra's family behind him.

"Okay, Dad, we'll wait here."

Mr. Adiwangsa hurried away. Adelia took a breath, her heart was happy because her struggle had been fruitful. 'Wait, it looks like it's Emily'.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to go for a while. I want to see my best friend for a moment, he's there."Adelia pointed at a woman who was turning around.

"Well, just remember for a moment."

"Yes, Hendra." Adelia happily walked up to Emily. His footsteps felt very light this time.

'Puk ... puk.... Adelia patted Emily on the shoulder.

"Oh my God Adelia, are you here?"

"Haha yes Emily, the graduation ceremony is over. Hi. what happened to you? Are you crying?"

"No, Adelia. I'm just a little moved to see you in this place. I'm witness to your struggle del." Adelia hugged her best friend and crying ensued.

"Thank you Emily, you are my best friend. Thank you for strengthening me and supporting me all this time."

"No need to thank del, it's my duty as your best friend. Oh yes, this is for you " Emily handed an object to Adelia.

"What a graduation gift for me?"


"Thank you, man, I really like it. All right, next event let's take a picture before Hendra and his family ask me to go home."

"Hahaha, well come on" the two friends looked very happy. They took some pictures together.

A few moments later, " Adelia, let's go home. Nathan was waiting at home."

"Em ... Hendra, Emily came here alone, she came to leave her sick mother for me. Can we take her home first? It just so happens that Emily's House is one lane with the direction of our house."

"Fine if it's like that. Let's get ready."

"Yes. Come On, Emily."

"Adelia, you've gone too far, you don't need to do this."Emily whispered to her best friend.

"Hust, shut up. We follow Hendra." Adelia's family and Wibisana's family also stepped away from the graduation building.

"Excuse me"

All steps stopped. A young man deliberately stopped the steps of the Adiwangsa and Wibisana families.

'Oh My God Chan. What's he gonna do? Emily's heart was pounding uncontrollably.

"Sorry Is it true with Adelia's family?"

"Yes, that's right. My daughter Adelia. Sorry who are you?" Adiwangsa spoke up.

'Gosh don't say that now Chan, please' Emily began to fidget, she covered both ears with her fingers.

"My name is Chan. I am a friend of Adelia and Emily."

'Hah ... thankfully. Thank you for not saying it now.'

"Is that so Adelia and Emily?"

"I...that's right om. He's our friend. Before Adelia had an accident and lost her memory, we had been friends for quite some time."

"Oh well then. We'll wait in the car, please talk. But remember Adelia we have to go home soon, your son is already waiting at home. Poor him. Isn't that so Hendra?"

"Oh yes, of course." Without the slightest hint of jealousy, Hendra approved the decision of his father-in-law.

"Okay, Dad, I understand." replied Adelia obediently.

Adiwangsa, Hendra and wibisana's family walked to the car. As agreed, they will wait for Adelia in the car for some time.

'Baby? Is that baby my son?'

"Chan, Are you daydreaming?"

"Oh no. Em ... happy graduation day del. I have a little gift for you."

"Thank you, Chan, You are a good man. Your lover must be very lucky to have a partner like you. Isn't that right, Emily?"

Emily and Chan just looked at each other. Something is stuck between them.