

Jayde Clinton is a twenty-five years old lady that has been struggling to keep up with what life has been throwing her. Jayde has to work night shifts to get money for herself and her mother. Her mother got a loan from one of the loan sharks and she couldn't pay it off. She was taken and Jayde had to turn up. So, they would release her mother and keep her hostage till her mother pays up. There, she meets with Beatrice Everett, a famous billionaire whose daughter ran away because of a marriage contract between her and the son of a billionaire, Henry Carson. Since Jayde looks exactly like Beatrice's daughter, she made a deal to release her mother and even pay her a million naira if she can be a surrogate for Hattie Everett. To save her mother, Jayde agreed. She tries to keep herself away from Henry and only had to see whenever it's necessary. In the course of it, Jayde finds herself falling deeply in love with Henry. She didn't know what to do with the man that wasn't hers and would never be hers. Henry has also started to reciprocate her love which seems to be confusing for her. Because to Henry, she is supposed to be Hattie Everett What will Jayde choose to do? What will happen especially when Hattie returns to take her place beside Henry.

Lyon_Lee_0926 · Urban
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87 Chs




I open my eyes, my memory blur.

I turn on the bed. I look around and realize I'm alone on the bed.

I feel like shit already. My body is sending a hurt signal from the middle of my legs.

I look at my body, at the blanket on my body.

Then memories of last night fash back. I remember vividly what I had asked for. Even when Henry stopped, I forced him to continue.

I know what I was signing for. This will actually be the last time I will ever be with him. So, I'm not going to regret it at all.

It's what I have always wanted. It doesn't matter if we will be separated today. I feel good doing it with Henry.

I manage to sit. Where the heck has Henry gone to. He was still supposed to be with me.

Well, I have to plan for the divorce. The papers should arrive today. I just need to go through with the court proceeding.