
The Surrogate's Downfall

"I'm Pregnant!", Alice declared with a smirk on her face, "What did you just say?", Max asked while running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. Amelia was in shock as she dropped the glass she was holding, making the coffee spill on the tiled floor. "I said I'm pregnant", Alice said with so much confidence this time, making Amelia's body shiver as the thoughts of her being pregnant for her boss clouded her mind. A jilted billionair tries to salvage the emptiness his fiance left in his house when she left him standing at the alter. He feels it's time to take charge of his life and the big decision was to get a son who would carry on with his empire when he died. He was far too hurt to trust women now. Presents Alice Richardson, a sweet, humble girl who the agency chose for him because they were the perfect match. Are they? Find out more in the surrogate's downfall...

Fash_Lois · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

Maxmillan's POV

I checked the CCTV footage in my room, Alice was outside, she was amazed by the beauty of my mansion, she was wowed by the opening of the gate, it was an automatic gate.

She walked towards the door, i was dressed in mu blue shirt and trousers, with my shoes and my cheapest wrist watch, i wanted it to look like an interview. I really hope everything goes well.

I heard a knock on the door, i opened the door, our eyes met , she kept looking at me, she was literarily drooling, was i so cute? "Hello, Miss Alice", i said bringing her back, "Go...o....good morning sir", she managed to reply.

After few minutes of introduction, I gave her our contract rules to adhere to... She read the first five rules, when she got to the sixth, she looked at me and smiled and faced it with a nod.

It read *Sexual Advances must not be made

It felt creepy, but i had to bear with her.

"Cab you start your first three days sleep over now?", I asked impatiently. She sighed gently aith a "Yes sir, i can", i looked to her side and saw a small bag of clothes with her, something that could last three days, she was prepared to be my surrogate, i was loving the atmosphere.

I walked her to her room, the guest house upstairs, a few rooms away from mine. I was more of monitoring her, that's why she had to stay upstairs. "We would go to the hospital after the third day, If you pass your test", i said to her and she nodded in agreement.

I decided to visit Thonio in his office and tell him how things were going.

Alice Richardson's POV

Mr Max took me to my room, and it was times 5 of my apartment, he smiled and left, closing the door behind him.

The large bed was covered in a purple flowery bed sheet, the walls were designed with a white and purple wall paper, a huge cupboard was beside the wall painted in white.

A large television was right in front of the bed on the wall, lampstand and cosmetics were on the shelf beside the bed. A shoe rack was placed beside the cupboard, the scent of the room filling the air, it felt like heaven, a second heaven.

My tummy was hurting when I remembered I haven't had a proper meal, i heard a knock on the door, it was Me Max, "When you're hungry, you can take anything from the fridge downstairs", he said as though he read my mind.

I had plantain and fried eggs for dinner, i had to be comfortable, i was so confident in myself that I was going to pass the test, all i had to do was to behave well.

Beatrice Bianchi's POV


I got to the room and met him in the bed half naked, he wrapped a towel around his waist, he was in his 30's, he seemed to be a really nice guy, his abs were well built and he his extremely good in bed. I'm not meant to say this things, but u can't help it, i couldn't get over his looks as a woman in her 50s.

He grabbed my ass and pushed me to the bed kissing me roughly, i gave in immediately and tightened my hands around his neck, wrapping my legs around his thighs.....he pulled my gown over, grabbing my breasts with his hand and sucking them like his life depended on it, making me aroused, his hands went deep through my thighs, penetrating within and pulling out slowly, i grapes his hair and urged him to go faster, pulling his hair and moaning his name, he did this till we both reached our climax, there after pulling out.

We had a shower together, spending few hours together, i gave him some money for satisfying my sexual urge, i was pleased after going several rounds with him.

We both wore our clothes and left the hotel, after giving each other a good bye kiss.

I went home to get some rest after the work i had just done, after all no one knows about it.

Anthonio's POV

I was deeply engrossed in getting the company's record set, when I heard a knock on the door, i was about talking when the door opened and Max walked in with a smile.

"Hey Max, how was the meeting with your wife to be", i said jokingly, "Wife!!!, Thonio you must be crazy, I'm never marrying again", i just need someone to bear me a child, you understand the love i have for children, Moreso i need an heir, that's why it's so important to me", he said with a slight smile.

"Max, i understand, i was only joking", i said and he he smiled. "She is at my house right now, she would be spending 3 days before I give her the job", he said which got me thinking, "You mean, she is in your house right now?", I asked to be sure. "Of course, she is. Is there a problem?", He asked.

"Aren't you scared of leaving her stranger all alone in your house?, What if something goes missing or something happens to her", i said in panic.

"Thonio, everything is fine, there are CCTV cameras everywhere, she would be fine", he said with so much assurance, still my mind wasn't at rest. "Let's go to your place together, i need to see her", i said to him. "But i only just got here, we can't just leave", he said grumbling and thing to persuade me, but i dragged him out of my office, We got in his car and drove to his house.


Alice Richardson's POV

I looked down the window in my room and saw a car coming in, it was definitely Mr Max, but it wasn't long he left home, i rushed downstairs to open the door, and surprisingly, he was with a friend, there were both way out of my league "Good evening sir", I turned to his friend who smiled back. "Good evening Alice, I've heard a lot about you from my friend, I'm Anthonio by name, nice meeting you", he had replied, i was reminded of his face from a concert they once held, i was a waitress at that party and I heard his name announced when they called the rich men and women. They were Billionare's and they lived in affluence.

"Alice, I'll be getting a maid for you tomorrow", Mr Max said as i looked at him in shock, i thought he didn't like maids, what could have changed his mind.

"What!, Max, you don't mean it right?", his friend asked, making me more surprised. "You must be joking", he said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm dead serious Thonio, i've decided to give it a try", Mr Max said softly, he seemed like a very gentle man to me, I pray I pass the 3 days test, i said within ***

Mr Max ordered 3 boxes of pizza and chicken, it felt like a party to me, but to him and his friend, it was something they could eat anytime.


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