
The Surrogate's Downfall

"I'm Pregnant!", Alice declared with a smirk on her face, "What did you just say?", Max asked while running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. Amelia was in shock as she dropped the glass she was holding, making the coffee spill on the tiled floor. "I said I'm pregnant", Alice said with so much confidence this time, making Amelia's body shiver as the thoughts of her being pregnant for her boss clouded her mind. A jilted billionair tries to salvage the emptiness his fiance left in his house when she left him standing at the alter. He feels it's time to take charge of his life and the big decision was to get a son who would carry on with his empire when he died. He was far too hurt to trust women now. Presents Alice Richardson, a sweet, humble girl who the agency chose for him because they were the perfect match. Are they? Find out more in the surrogate's downfall...

Fash_Lois · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 12

Rodriguez POV

My lawyer arrived just in time, we shook hands and sat. "Anderson, you're just in time, how have you been?, It's been a while, "I've been good though, Imran down here as soon as you called. What's the problem?", He asked thoughtfully.

"Well, i think, time is no longer on my side, anything cab happen to me, ill be undergoing chemotherapy soon, due to hair loss" i said and showed him, he looked at me so pitifully, but that wasn't the case, i just needed to finalize my will, "I'm really sorry about what you're going through, I sincerely hope you'll be fine", he said sadly.

"It's fine Anderson, I'll get straight to the point, I may die anytime from now, You give half of my property to my wife, 1/3 of my property to my son, My companies also go to Max, Is Bianca changes for good, She would get part of the company and my cars, My mansion would also be hers, That's if she changes for good". I said briefly.

"Okay sir, I'll do as I've been told", We had few drinks before he left my house, after 20 minutes of thinking, Max walks in with a smile, "Hi father", he said walking towards me to give me a hug, I've never seen him that excited, he was always frowning, but today, he walked into my house with a smile.

Did the whole surrogate thing really make him happy?, He his unusually happy than he used to be.

"Dad, how are you feeling now, are you really okay?", He asked, "Of course son,.I'm fine, I'm better now", i said trying to assure him, this wasn't the time to make him worry, i was also worried about him, but i trust him to handle the whole thing, after few minutes, he left, which made me realize I had someone u could trust.

Knowing fully well about how worse my illness had gotten, it mad me sad, a lot of things were on my mind, but i needed to be determined before getting any weaker.

Maxmillan's POV

I got back from seeing my father and I drove to the office, i was 7:00 p.m, and work should have been over, I definitely knew Amelia was going to be there, I assigned out to do so many things, I got in the elevator and on getting to the office, i heard screams, it was definitely Amelia's.

I ran in and saw a man trying to sexually abuse her, the sight was frightening, he stopped immediately he saw me, i punched him severally on the face, marking his looks, he ran outside bleeding, Amelia was in deep pain, he had removed the first three buttons on her shirt, leaving her boobs exposed, Gosh!, How far did he go?, My dick twitched, but this wasn't the right time to do anything stupid.

I had to help her, she was breathing so fast, and it was frightening, I had to remove my suit, i covered her with it, which made her calm a but, she burst into tears and hugged me, inside the same, wrapping my hands around her tightly, she was so scared.

"H.e...e...e alm...o..st raped me", she said sobbing softly. "Amelia, calm down okay, we would get to the end of this, I'll find the person and get him arrested", i said to her which made her a bit calm.

"I should take you to the hospital", I said to her and she nodded her head, We got to the hospital, And they made it known that she was almost abused, She was given some drugs for her injury and to make her calm.

She must have been through a whole lot, would I even let her go to her house like this?, What if he came after her again, this Timex he could succeed because i won't be there to save her.

"Will you go to my place?", I asked her, "Huhhh ...sir....i..", "it's fine, I'll inform your parents, i just want to be sure you're okay", she nodded her head ass a response.

I got to my house and Alice was Waiting for me, Amelia had slept off in my car and i had to carry her, i took her to my room, she must have been so tired. She was in her shirt and a long skirt, slit in between. I needed to get her changed, she must be so uncomfortable, i didn't want it to seem i took advantage of her in this situation. I decided to call the eldest maid inhad appointed 3 days earlier, she seemed like a really good person,ni gave her a night gown which she changed her into while i was away.

Alice was walking towards her room when she saw me and asked "Is anything wrong sir?", "Well, it's been taken care of, thanks for worrying", i said to her and she left. I didn't want to tell her anything because I didn't know the full story, I'll ask Amelia when she wakes up the following day. I put her on my bed and tuck her in, covering her body with my blanket.

I had to sleep on the chair in my rooms that way I'll be able to monitor how she's doing, my one prayer was that the guy didn't touch her at aklz i didn't know why, but i was really worried about her, Who and why could that person have done it?. I could barely sleep. Did she do something wrong?, Was she a skut?, She couldn't have been, she was definitely not like other girls, i need to stop over thinking.

Alice Richardson's POV

It's 9:30 p.m., It was quite late, Mr Max has not come home, I thought of where he could be, he only called and approved that I should have dinner, after 40 minutes of waiting, i heard the car horn, the gate opened immediately, he walked inside with a familiar lady, i saw her face when he tilted her to the side, it was Amelia, his personal secretary. Was he doing something with her?, They couldn't have talked about work till this time of the night, i was worried and jealous at the same time.

I asked if there was a.problem, Mr Max told me it haf been taking care of", i felt hurt , but what could I do?, I could stay around and observe the things that were going on.

I dashed into my room, thinking if what to do, i slept off in the process, it had been a long tiring day.

Amelia's POV

I woke up with my head aching severely, what happened the previous night?, My eyes was still closed, the bed was unusually comfortable, my mum was supposed to scream my name out, but u wasn't hearing a thing, was i kidnapped?, I opened my eyes and i was on a very huge bed, the room was bigger than my entire house, Oh My God, this was beautiful, but where was i?, My clothes had been changed, but who changed it, this got me scared.

I tried remembering what happened last night, my eyes caught a chair, someone was there covered in blanket, i saw my shoes on the floor and carried it, i walked closer and it was my boss!, I remembered everything that happened last night immediately, i was almost raped, this wasn't the first time, but why would Justin come to the place where I work.

I stared at my boss, did he change my clothes, it must be so embarrassing, he was really handsome, he was almost waking up, i ran back to the bed and tucked myself in, pretending to be asleep, He stood up and walked towards me, what was he going to do, i became frightened.

"Amelia, open your eyes, i already saw you", damn, he caught me, how would I face him, he caught me staring at him, i opened my eyes slowly and saw him smiling at me.

"Go...o....od.....mor....ing...Sir", unsaid stammering, "Good morning Amelia, are you really okay now?, I already told your parents you had some things to do in here, i couldn't tell them what really happened, they might be worried, I'm sorry", he said softly.

"He was just so cute, i can't believe my boss would really do that for me, "It's fine sir, thank you so much ..... Ehmmmm..., Sir my clothes, i... Ehmm..who", "Shusshhh, i ordered the head maid to change your clothes, are you that scared of me?", He asked with a face of disappointment.

"Sir, no, ehmm. It's not that" i quickly told him. "It's alright, so what really happened yesterday?", He asked me and my mind skipped a beat, what do i tell him, i was scared and speechless "Ehmm...it... I....hmmm, that guy was my ex boyfriend", i said in shame, even though it was no big deal.

"Ohkay, but why would he want to do something that terrible to you", "Truth be told, I really don't know, we dated for a month, i caught him cheating on me, the day i wanted to give him my virginity, but i really didn't know why he came for me yesterday", i told him I'm tears, I was really embarrassed.

"Don't cry Amelia, we would get to the root of this, Did he touch you at all", he asked while staring deep into my eyes...