
The Surrogate's Downfall

"I'm Pregnant!", Alice declared with a smirk on her face, "What did you just say?", Max asked while running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. Amelia was in shock as she dropped the glass she was holding, making the coffee spill on the tiled floor. "I said I'm pregnant", Alice said with so much confidence this time, making Amelia's body shiver as the thoughts of her being pregnant for her boss clouded her mind. A jilted billionair tries to salvage the emptiness his fiance left in his house when she left him standing at the alter. He feels it's time to take charge of his life and the big decision was to get a son who would carry on with his empire when he died. He was far too hurt to trust women now. Presents Alice Richardson, a sweet, humble girl who the agency chose for him because they were the perfect match. Are they? Find out more in the surrogate's downfall...

Fash_Lois · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

Anthonio's POV

Today marks the fourth day of Alice stay in Max house, it was time for her to carry his seed, they would be going to the hospital today, i was happy he was going to be happy, after all he is my best friend. I thought of how hard it would be for him to take care of a pregnant woman.

The lady seemed okay since the 3 days stay at his house, nothing seemed suspicious, she was more than qualified.

Max would be going to the hospital In few hours for the insemination process, I really hope everything goes well, It was a really hard decision for him to make, YouTube what's that b**ch Amanda did, I hope I don't bump into her one day, I really don't know what I'll do to her.

Alice Richardson's POV

They third day passed quickly, personal secretary came over again to work at his home, But it was for business, and Mr Max didn't seem to like her, there was nothing to worry about, I thought from his younger sister who didn't seem to like me, Did i look that suspicious to her?

She doesn't have a say though, I was told to go bring my bags today before going to the hospital for the insemination process. I hope everything goes well, The last place I worked and did an insemination, i had a miscarriage which spoilt the whole process. It's felt awful, I wasn't worried about the baby to be honest, I was only worried about my money, Even though the wife of that man wasn't able to give birth, i slept with her husband and got caught by her, the whole contract was canceled after I had a miscarriage, She didn't pay me handsomely as she had promised.

Now that i've gotten a single man with good looks, rich in money, has the nicest smile, i plan on making him my husband, i hope i succeed.

I boarded a cab to my place. Would I say I was rather fortunate, My bags were being thrown out of my apartment, I was owing For 8 months, The house owner had called me during the three days I was away, i ignored him and now he is burning in fury, "Don't you dare step your foot into my house again", he said with rage and stomped off.

I called a cab and arranged my luggages in them, we drive off to Mr Max's mansion, it was like a dream come true, millions of people would do anything just to see and talk with this man, but i was going to be carrying his baby and live in the same house with him, this made me more excited.

I walked into the mansion majestically, the maids rushed in to vow and greet, it was more than I expected, Was Mr Max always this nice?, They rushed to collect my bags and headed to my room, i happily handed the bags over.

One of the maids told me to come down for breakfast, it was a smile mean of sandwiches and coffee. I couldn't find Mr Max during breakfast, i wonder where he went, it seemed he was still busy with some things in his room.

He came down after i had breakfast, he was dressed in a wine tuxedo suit, a white shirt underneath, damn!, His hair was combed in a frontal style, his looks was killing, he really had an expensive taste for clothes, but why was he dressing this elegant to the hospital?, Wouldn't it attract attention, I was wearing one of my old gowns with a worn out sandal.

"Miss Alice", he said smiling, "This is for you", he said has he handed over a box to me, i opened it and in it was a pink flowery gown , from the looks of it, i could tell that it was really expensive, a 4 inches heel was also in the box.

"You can get changed into this clothes before we leave", he said to me smiling, i nodded slightly, "I'll excuse you now, meet me in the car outside", he said and left. "Okay sir", i whispered gently and ran off to change into my new dress.

It was a short gown with purple flowers, a long sleeve hand went with it, a black strapless heels matced perfectly with this, i believe Mr Max knows more about fashion than i .

It was a perfect combination, i was about leaving when I decided to check the latter part of the box, in it was a gorgeous black bag with silver stones on them, "Wow this is huge", i said to myself as i hurriedly went down the stairs. He was waiting in the card i walked stylishly to the car moving my waist side to side, i sat beside him at the back of the car.

Maxmillan's POV

We were going to the hospital today, I woke up quite early, I already informed Amelia about the whole thing, And she didn't need to come to my house today, I was quite nervous about this, All I needed to do was to inculcate my sperm into her, I'll be fine, i said, rest assured.

I went downstairs after Alice had breakfast, i dressed officially, I didn't want any suspicions, I had bought address for her too, It wasn't something special, But she showed gratitude which made me smile.

I left for the car, few minutes later she joined me and we drove off.

We got to the hospital at about 11:00 a.m., We walked in together, I had given orders , not to allow visitors in, except it's an emergency.

We met the doctor, Doctor Smith, a middle aged man, he welcomed us warmly, and invited us to his office, "Sir, cab we start the test now", he asked me. "Yeah, you should", i said as he took Alice away. He was going to test her for any possible ailment, before anything at all.

After some hours, the result were out, and we were good to go, my semen was collected and instilled into her genital tract, a lot went through my mind, i have a responsibility to take care of her till she gives birth to the baby, this would make her pregnant already.

As soon as the doctor finished with us, we shook hands and left. He gave us some advice. I had a lot to take care of, it wasn't going to be easy but i had to try.

We got in my car and she spoke, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity", she said with a slight smile. "Let's hope everything goes well", i said to her and she nodded. We left the hospital at about 3pm, we decided to go to the mall, i gave an order to send everyone out, i couldn't bare being glared at, we shipped for few things, food, clothes and lots of chicken. She insisted on eating chicken.

We left after shopping, at least she was behaving more humane than before, i felt better seeing her at ease, i wonder how these moths would pass by so fast, i just couldn't wait, i was going to have a child.

Amelia's POV

My boss had called me and he would be going to the hospital, i really wish everything happening was becomes a dream, i can't help it. Why did i have to fall in love with someone like him, someone who would make me work when others take a break, I'll keep on working and working.

He just keeps using me, I'll do a lot of strenuous and unnecessary things for him, like giving him documents in his office next to mine.

And now, another woman was going to carry his child, i really wish it was me, i cried out in tears, and he would come back to the office and make me do a lot of work, sometimes he made me do things that were totally unnecessary.

I've tried severally to stop my feelings from clouding my mind, no matter how hard i tried, these feelings never died, instead it grew more and it's torturing me.

Tears were rolling freely from my face, but i had a lot of work to do, so much so that i can't even think properly, because i have to be busy, why on earth is my life like this? He should be with her right now, what would they be doing?, Would they be watching a movie together or going for a ride, thoughts kept on coming, distracting me, i kept on pushing them away.

I didn't want to hate anyone because of the love i have for someone, i should just give it up already, I'm not his type of girl, nor am I in his league, i couldn't do anything to make him happy, i didn't have so much money, i had to take good care of my parents and my siblings had to go to school.

I was beautiful no doubt, i had curves and was sexy, i tried my best not to dress slutty, if i did, i bet everyone in here would be dying to lay with me. I dress so modestly, i wasn't ready to be a victim of rape, and i couldnyfight either, all i had to do was to be careful.

I checked the time, it was time to take a break, i heaved a sigh of relief, i realized I had used the whole time to think about how miserable my life was.

Oh! How stupid of me.

TBC ....