
Chapter 5 The Peasant Fights the Tycoon_1

Translator: 549690339

A battle has already erupted at the entrance of the Imperial Luxury Hotel.

Zhang Xian and two bodyguards collided with each other with the intensity of meteors crashing down from the high skies.

Quite a few tycoons from the business world were amused to see a country bumpkin daring enough to confront the two bodyguards of the Cao family, feeling both surprised and contemptuously amused.

However, the smirks on their faces didn't last long. In less than a minute, the two bodyguards were surprisingly at a disadvantage, unable to defend against this country bumpkin's attack.

"Hmm, interesting. I didn't realize this guy was such a worthy opponent."

"Yes, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, or measure the ocean by the handful. This guy doesn't look like much, but he's surprisingly strong."

"What on earth is happening? What does this mean?"

Many people saw how Zhang Xian had completely suppressed the two bodyguards, their mocking smiles froze, and they stood bewildered as if they had turned into stone statues.

Some of them even started to connect the dots between the corporate heiress of the Yanjing-region's biggest Tycoon, the Mo family, who was also referred to as Yanjing's number one beauty, and this village boy. Their perception shifted from amusement to something approaching wariness, as they began to sense an unsettling undercurrent in these recent events.

"Did... did he learn martial arts? He's so incredible!" Mo Shaoyun was equally astonished.

A decade go, her grandfather and Zhang Xian's master had indeed arranged for their engagement. Despite the images of Zhang Xian that had lingered in her mind, any attempts to find out more about him had been fruitless. The only thing she knew was that her grandfather and Zhang Xian's master were close friends, and the depth of their friendship was illustrated by her grandfather's readiness to hand his granddaughter over to his friend's disciple.

"Shaoyun, what should we do? Do we need to intervene?" asked Xiao Nan, beautifully mature lady who had initially shielded Mo Shaoyun.

"No, let him do as he pleases. It has nothing to do with me," Mo Shaoyun shook her head and replied.

Due to an incident from a decade ago, she actually held some fondness for Zhang Xian. Her grandfather's promise to him had led her into countless fantasies about how to accept Zhang Xian and develop a relationship with her future husband. She knew that she did not have a choice in the matter. Her grandfather's promise was a shackle that bound her. As long as Zhang Xian was not entirely worthless, she believed she could be a good wife.

Unfortunately, reality could be cruel. Zhang Xian had shown up at the wrong time, in the wrong place, displaying his feelings in entirely the wrong manner. This had led to her feeling deeply humiliated. She regarded Zhang Xian as a brute who acted without thinking. As the acting CEO of Tiannan group and the only heiress of the Mo family, shouldn't Zhang Xian have been more considerate of her feelings and reputation?

"That guy is really outrageous," lamented Xiao Nan. As much as she was surprised by Zhang Xian's skills, she was also appalled by Zhang Xian's lack of tact.

Anyone should strive to make a good impression when meeting their future spouse, right? Zhang Xian hadn't, and had instead managed to make a laughingstock of Mo Shaoyun in front of the entire circle.

"Bang…" One of the bodyguards was suddenly sent flying with a punch.

Immediately following this, Zhang Xian swiftly appeared in front of the other bodyguard, grabbing the fist that was being thrown at him.

"Damn it, this guy is too strong!" The bodyguard's forehead was covered in sweat; no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't free his fist from Zhang Xian's grip.

As an elite former soldier, he had great confidence in his abilities—an aspect that had helped him become the personal bodyguard of the young master of the Cao Family in Yanjing. However, just when he was confident that he could easily take down the bumpkin in front of him, he realised he was as fragile as a small boat in the stormy sea, seemingly about to be capsized at any moment.

He had never thought that he—who always considered himself to be a vast, powerful wave—would one day be reduced to a tiny boat in front of a country boy.

"Get lost…" Zhang Xian kicked the bodyguard, sending him flying. He then turned his cold gaze onto Cao Ge and disdainfully said, "Seems like this is all you amounted to, and that too, only because of others."

"You...you…" Cao Ge was furious and felt like he was consumed by rage.

"What was that?" Zhang Xian sneered, "I actually don't even feel like hitting you, but you just won't stop courting death."

Cao Ge felt a wave of anger surge inside him and was at a loss for words, his face turning as red as a monkey's bottom. He hadn't expected that the guy in front of him was actually incredibly capable.

"Such a worthless piece of trash, yet so cocky?" Zhang Xian glanced at Cao Ge, then turned to Mo Shaoyun, saying despondently, "Perhaps, I really shouldn't have come today or even had these thoughts."

Mo Shaoyun turned away, neither acknowledging him nor knowing what she should say in response.

"I spent a long time making this bracelet, but it's useless now. No one knows its real value. You are most likely just like he said: You deem me a total mismatch for you—an invincible goddess; whereas I am merely a village bumpkin. It all seems to be nothing but wishful thinking," he said looking at the bracelet in his hand, and laughed at his own words.

After a slight hesitation, he tossed the bracelet on the ground, turned around and started walking away, "If you wish to break off the engagement someday, feel free to contact me whenever."

"Well, at least this guy is self-aware."

"Hehe, tomorrow is going to be a lively day, Mo Shaoyun actually has such a weird fiance."

"Hmph, so Mo Shaoyun isn't as high and mighty as she likes to believe. Even she can have bad days! The guy sure arrived at just the right time."

A few tycoons who disliked Mo Shaoyun coldly laughed and then, chatting casually, entered the Imperial Luxury Hotel in high spirits.

Mo Shaoyun stayed rooted to her spot, watching Zhang Xian as he slowly disappeared into the distance. A thin layer of mist appeared in her beautiful eyes, but being a woman who detested admitting defeat, she stopped any tears from falling.

"Shaoyun, don't think too much about it. That guy isn't worthy of you," insisted Cao Ge, stepping beside her.

"Go inside! I don't need you to worry about me", said Mo Shaoyun coldly.

"Shaoyun, actually, I..."

"Go inside, or I'll lose my temper," warned Mo Shaoyun.

Cao Ge's mouth twitched unnaturally in response. Suppressing his anger, he cast a dark glance at Zhang Xian's retreating back before turning to leave.

"Shaoyun, shall we go inside now?" asked Xiao Nan.

"Of course. I, Mo Shaoyun, am never one to easily admit defeat," Mo Shaoyun's delicate fist tightened. "Those who dare to laugh at me, I'll surely pay them back tenfold!"

"Ah, I can't imagine what Zhang Xian was thinking to show up at a time like this." Sighed Xiao Nan, "Not only men but women also deserve respect and recognition."

"Enough, you go in first. I want to be alone for a while," said Mo Shaoyun, turning to look at Xiao Nan.

After Xiao Nan went in, Mo Shaoyun stood there for a while, then picked up the bracelet that Zhang Xian had dropped and, with a furtive glance around to ensure no one was watching, slipped it into her bag. Only then did she head towards the Imperial Luxury Hotel.