
The Supreme Vampire King

YugiohGx/RosarioVampire Crossover!!! Ten years ago, monsters revealed their existence to humanity. The monsters who believed they were superior beings, declared war on the humans with the intent of turning them into slaves. But the humans weren’t planning on going down without a fight. Duel Monsters, which used to just be a popular game and sport, has now become the humans main line of defense against their more powerful enemies. By harnessing the power of duel spirits, duelists can now summon their favorite cards into the physical world by using the new and improved duel disk created by Kaiba Corp. Duel Academy is still in operation but has turned into a military style school which trains duelists how to use this new technology as well as teaches them how to fight. One of these students at Duel Academy is named Jaden Yuki. He is known as the school’s ace because he has a special ability. Jaden can summon duel spirits without the use of a duel disk! But he has a secret that no one knows about. Jaden is actually a monster himself! But not just any kind of monster. He is an elite S-class monster called a vampire, but his true form and his powers have been sealed away due to the Rosario he wears around his neck. Where does the source of his strange powers come from? And what is the truth he is hiding about his mysterious past?

LilacDream · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

The Sickening Truth

Jaden rushed his father and tried to punch him, but Issa Shuzen being the strong patriarch of the family that he was, easily blocks his sons attack and twists his arm before throwing him to the ground. Jaden slid across the ground, stirring up the dirt before he got up onto his knees and glared sharp daggers at his father as he hissed at him like a snake, baring his fangs. Issa smirked as he saw his son becoming unhinged, and he was impressed to say the least. He didn't think the boy had it in him, but here he was, acting on his murderous instincts and killer intent like how a proper vampire should. "Yes Judai. Give into that passion of wanting to kill me. The more that desire festers, the more I get to see how powerful you truly are!" He said to the furious six year old.

Jaden hissed at him again before he darted forward and started swiping at him with his sharp claw like fingernails which Issa started to dodge. Issa laughed to himself as Jaden continued with his assault, but failed to notice when Yubel appeared behind him and held his arms back to keep him in place. "Now that isn't fair-" He started to say, but felt the wind get knocked out of him when Jaden launched himself forward like a bullet and stomped him in the chest, making his ribs shatter. Yubel let him go as he coughed up his own blood. Jaden stood in front of him as he continued to glare at him with those unfamiliar gold orbs. "When has my life ever been fair? To hear you talk about fairness truly pisses me off. I waited in that dark room for you to come and see me, and mother had to reassure me so many times that you actually gave a damn about me!" He said as that dark mist started swirling around him again.

"Where did you learn such vulgar words?" Issa said as he wiped his mouth and stood up on his  feet. "That is no way to talk to your father!" The ground around his feet started to splinter and he had just about enough of toying with him. He phased away, leaving behind an after image to distract Jaden as he reappeared by his side and punched his son in the back of the head, making him crash into the ground and creating a small crater. Jaden wheezed and then cried out when Issa kneeled against his back and grabbed a fist full of his hair. "It seems the powers of the Gentle Darkness have awakened, but they are still far too immature to be considered useful. Maybe it's because you're just a child that you cannot access your full potential. But it doesn't matter. With a bit more discipline and training, you will become a fine weapon." He said as he wrapped his hand around  Jaden's throat and lifted him up off of the ground.

He slapped him across the face and then used that same hand to squeeze Jaden's cheeks and force him to look at him in the eyes. "Look around you. This is what happens when you defy me." He said as he gestured to his mother who was still unconscious on the ground, and to Kahlua who was still standing off to the side, too afraid to move. "Your sister was out of line today, but deep down she knows that I am not worth the challenge. That's why she's just standing there and allowing this to happen." Jaden weakly looked over to Kahlua who was too ashamed to gaze his way, and he felt like his tiny heart was about to shatter. "You think I've been too harsh on you? If anything, I've been much too kind. If I had raised you with more authority, maybe you wouldn't have the gall to try and oppose me." He said as he started to squeeze tighter around Jaden's throat.

The young boy coughed and wheezed the tighter his father choked him, and try as he might, he was just not strong enough to continue fighting against the much older vampire. His vision was starting to grow dim and his hearing became muffled. Issa watched as his son's fighting spirit finally started to settle down. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I can't afford to lose such a valuable asset. But I am going to need you to sleep for a while. So don't try to resist." He said as he continued squeezing even harder. Just as Jaden thought he was about to pass out, that hot feeling started to reignite itself within his stomach. It spread throughout his entire chest until it reached his heart, and then he felt an entirely new sensation.

It was almost like someone had possessed his body and controlled his emotions and actions. With the little bit of consciousness he had left, he took hold of his father's arm and squeezed it with only a fraction of his newfound power and broke his wrist. Issa screamed out in pain and dropped the boy as he clutched his flopping hand. "Why you little! Huh?" He said as he saw Jaden who was knelt on the ground with the darkness swirling around him. Jaden stared at the ground with a blank expression as the evil energy began to overtake him. His body was burning like he was sitting in the pits of hell but his mind felt like it was freezing. It was only moments ago that he was enraptured by the feeling of intense anger, but now, he was totally calm. "You poor child. Look how much you've suffered." Said a menacingly demonic sounding voice.

The shadows surrounding him took the form of a person who's silhouette was very similar to Jaden's. He knelt beside the boy and wrapped his arms around his small frame. "Let me in, and I will make all this pain go away. You won't feel this ache in your heart anymore. This anger, hatred, sadness, betrayal… I can make it all stop. If you just let me in, I can give you the power to end this mans life if that is what you truly desire." He said as he whispered into the young boys ear. Issa watched the shocking new development with an entertained expression and smirked wickedly. "And just who might you be I wonder." He asked the evil spirit. A faint grin etched into the mysterious figures face as it looked up, its own eyes shining that same special shade of gold just like Jaden's. "I am far too superior for a simple creature like yourself to understand. My name is not important, but you may call me The Supreme King."

Issa gritted his teeth because of the figures arrogance. Who was he to call him a simple creature?! He was a proud and mighty vampire; his race was the king of all monsters! And he was the leader of his entire clan. For a superior being, the title Supreme King definitely did not ring a bell to him. "Oh? So you call yourself a king? And just what do you want with my son? My liege?" He said that last part in a very mocking tone, but the figure just laughed in response. "I already answered that, didn't I? I want to share my power with the boy. Only he is worthy of becoming my vessel. But all he needs to do is accept me, and let me in. So…" He said as he stroked Jaden's cheek who was still lost in a trance. 

Jaden finally lifted his head and he stared back at the shadow. "What do you say little one? Will you accept me? Can I become a part of you?" He asked in a sadistic tone. Jaden slowly started nodding his head, and the spirit immediately started to laugh. Issa glared at the figure and took a step forward, only for the winds of darkness to attack him and send him flying backwards. This power definitely did not belong to his son. Jaden was far too small and weak to harness an energy like this. Which means that this Supreme King was the true owner of the Gentle Darkness, that could be the only explanation. "What are you planning on doing to my son you foul creature?!" He said with the sound of poison dripping off of every word. He might not have had any unconditional love for his son, but he was still protective over him. Jaden was his to control, but this spirit threatened to take that away from him.

"Me and him are going to become one." He said before he dispersed his form and turned into a cloud of black mist. He flew around in a swirl before he started entering Jaden's mouth, forcing his way into the child's body. Jaden's eyes grew wide as he felt the spirit merging with him and he clutched his throat as his veins started pulsating underneath his skin. His eyes started glowing even brighter as the darkness continued to fuse with him. His consciousness withdrew into his mind and he found himself within the domain of the Supreme King. A mirror materialized in front of him and the shadowy figure reflected in its surface. "Welcome child. Since you have accepted my offer, as promised, I will share with you my power. Watch closely what I am about to do. I'm about to fulfill your wish."

The Supreme King disappeared and the image in the mirror reflected Jaden's point of view in real life. Back in the real world, Jaden was drunk with power and started to lose control. Large bat wings sprouted from his back as well as black veiny looking mark etched into the sides of his neck and traveled up to his cheeks. Issa watched in horror as his son transformed into a twisted version of a vampire. But not just any vampire, he had transcended into the form of a shinso; a creature born from pure darkness with the blood of the first ancestor Alucard. It was no doubt a power he had gotten from his mother who was also a descendant, but her powers never manifested. Besides Moka and his late wife Akasha, he never thought Judai would be able to meet their level of power and become a shinso at such a young age. 

"This is… this is! Absolutely… MAGNIFICENT!" Issa yelled out proudly as he watched his son gain even more power. Jaden had finished transforming, but neither the Supreme King nor him were in control of his body. He was a mindless beast, drunk off the endless energy from the Gentle Darkness. An incomplete form of the two souls merged together. "You're a fool to be excited about this Issa… " Said Jaden's mother as she slowly rose to her feet while clutching her head. "Adella, so you're still alive huh?" Issa said with a smirk as he looked at the injured woman. "Barely. No thanks to you." She replied back as she watched cautiously at her rampaging son. "You pushed him too far. I've warned you since the beginning that my bloodline is a curse. We Yuki's are descendants of the Supreme King, who was the first vampire to be born from the blood of Alucard. But we came with a curse… Only the men in our family could inherit the Gentle Darkness, which was unique only to us." 

She said when she flinched after Jaden released a terrifying shrill. "Judai is the first boy to be born into my family after a thousand years. The Supreme King is a malevolent spirit which plagues our blood. And now, he has taken over my boy…" She said with tears streaking down her face. "I never wanted this to happen, and I prayed that it never would. But because I allowed you to have your way with us after all these years, the gift that you gave me might be gone forever!" She said as she started slowly walking towards Jaden who was sniffing the air like a hungry beast. "It's okay Judai. Mommy is right here, you can hear me still, can't you?" She said as she pushed her way through the thick cloud of black mist.

Jaden watched helplessly from within the Supreme King's domain as he pounded on the glass. "Mommy! I'm right here!" He shouted with desperation. He looked around to find the shadow, but he could not see it. "Make it stop! You said you would make my dream come true! But I don't have any control of what I'm doing! Make this stop before I hurt her, PLEASE!" He begged, and the shadow materialized next to him once again. "I cannot. You still have yet to fully accept me, that is why this is all happening now. If you cannot give me complete control, then I cannot stop you from doing something that you will regret. My power is much too strong for you to handle without my influence." Jaden gritted his teeth as he glared at the shadow.

"You never said anything about giving you control! You just told me to accept you!" He shouted angrily, but the shadow chuckled in response. "Did I? That's my bad. I thought I mentioned that earlier. But now that you know, will you submit to me and give me your body?" He said as he tried to coax the young vampire. But Jaden knew not to trust him, not after hearing what his mother had to say about him. The Supreme King was evil, and if he gave him his body, he knew that it would do him more harm than good. But if he didn't surrender his body then his mother could die! What was he supposed to do?! "I see you still don't have an answer. That's fine then. I guess we can just watch together as your mother dies."  The Supreme King said as he disappeared. "Wait, no! Come back! Please!" He shouted out, but this time he got no response. 

Adella finally made it to Jaden and she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "It's alright, you can calm down my little bat…" She told him, but he just shrieked again and sliced her across the stomach. And although it hurt, she did not scream because she didn't want to scare him. "You must be tired, right? How about mommy sings you your favorite lullaby, and you can take a good long nap, okay?" She said as she started stroking his hair. But he didn't care, and the smell of her blood made him even more frenzied when he bit into her shoulder and started greedily drinking her blood. But she did not falter. She continued on with her song as she allowed him to cannibalize her.

"Let's go in the garden. You'll find something waiting~" She sang but flinched when Jaden only bit down harder. "Right there where you left it, lying upside down. When you finally find it… You'll see how it's faded~ The underside is lighter when you turn it around." Jaden visibly started to relax in her arms when his mother's words reached his ears and he wasn't biting as hard anymore, telling her that she was getting through to him. "Everything stays, right where you left it. Everything stays, but it still changes. Ever so slightly~ daily and nightly, in little ways. When everything stays~". Jaden blinked and flapped his wings as he finally regained control over his body. He unfurled his wings and they started dissolving away in a beautiful array of red and purple shimmer until he was finally back to normal. 

"Huh? Mommy?" He said, only being able to vaguely remember what had happened to him just now. Adella smiled happily down at him, relieved that he had finally come back to his senses. But her strength was completely tapped out and she could no longer hold herself up. She collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. "MOMMY!" Jaden said as he took ahold of her hand. Adella gripped his hand and patted him gently. "I'm okay Judai. Mommy is just tired. I think I'll just rest my eyes for a little, okay?" She said quietly as her eyes started to drift close. "Don't be fooled by her kind words." Said Issa as he walked over with a smirk. "She's dying. And soon, she will dead." He told his son bluntly.

Jaden's eyes grew wide when he heard that and he started to panic as he tried to shake her awake. "There's no point in trying. She's already dead, you did that to her. You drank your own mother dry; how do you feel about that?" He said mockingly while Jaden felt like he was going to start losing his mind. He didn't mean to kill her. It was just an accident! He would never do that to her on purpose, he loved his mom! "You wanted to kill me, but you ended up killing her instead. And good riddance, because you saved me from having to do it myself." Issa said as he started to laugh. "Shut up!" Jaden shouted while breathing heavily. "Face it Judai. You are a monster. Not just in terms of your species, but because of who you are. You will always, and will forever be, a blood thirsty monster!" 

"NO I'M NOT!!!" Jaden said as he shot up in bed. He looked around and saw the worried expressions of his friends as they surrounded him. "Huh? What's going on? I thought… I thought we were on the bus." He said as he rubbed his eyes. Alexis took ahold of his hand which made him look at her. Her brows were furrowed with worry. "Syrus tried to wake you up, but you just wouldn't no matter how hard we tried. And then you started talking in your sleep. You were screaming and crying, we didn't know what to do. So Miss Akashiya told us what room we were staying in and Bastion carried you here on his back." Jaden looked down at the sheets and squeezed his eyes shut. So that was all just a vivid dream. But it felt so real, almost like he was reliving those moments all over again.

"I'm sorry I worried you all so much. I guess the pressure of being back here got to me." He said as he forced on a smile. "But I'm okay now, really! It was just a really, really bad dream. I'll get over it eventually." He said with a frown but shook his head and forced on a smile once again. "Are you sure? You know you don't have to hide anything from us. We're your friends for a reason. We are here for you." Said Syrus reassuringly as he sat on the side of the bed next to his best friend. "Trust me, I'm aware. And I'll tell you about it one day when I'm ready. But now is just not the time…" But there was definitely one part of his dream that caught his attention the most. It was about that shadowy figure. He wasn't sure before, but now it was clear where he had met him. 

Back when he got into that fight with Chazz in the forest and that spirit helped him to break the seal, he had no recollection of the spirit at all, but the spirit definitely seemed to know him. It all made so much sense now. This Supreme King had possessed him before his powers were even sealed away; before Outer Jaden had ever existed to begin with. All the memories he had from his childhood were things that he himself hadn't actually got to experience, but in his dreams he got to relive those moments through Judai's point of view. It was like an inciteful experience where he got to rediscover his past, but it left him with a lot more questions than answers. Who was this Supreme King? Where did he come from? And why did he choose Judai to be his vessel?

He always knew that his powers to summon Duel Spirits was a special ability that only he had, he just never knew why he could do that. But it couldn't be more clearer now, and he didn't know how to feel about it. This power he has now felt dirty and tainted, especially when he realized what the cost was to obtain this gift. It wasn't actually his power, but it was the power of this spirit that clung to him like a parasite. This Supreme King was the real reason why he was even conceived. He wasn't born because he had parents that wanted him. He was born out of convenience and for his father's selfish reasons. While dark thoughts plagued his mind, his partner Winger Kuriboh materialized next to him and started nudging his face. "Kuri Kuri!" He said as he rubbed his fury body against his master.

Jaden giggled as he nuzzled his partner back and summoned him so that his friends could see him too. "And I'm sorry to you too Kuriboh. Were you watching over me this entire time? I probably scared you too didn't I? I'm sorry buddy." He said as he rubbed his partner's head who was affectionately resting in his lap. "Wow! I ain't never seen someone do that before! So it is true what they say about you!" Said a thick southern sounding voice. Jaden looked around until he saw an unfamiliar teenager sitting at a desk wearing his Yokai Academy uniform. He had spiky blue hair, sea foam green eyes and a duel spirit of a Ruby Carbuncle sitting on his shoulder. 

"You're a genuine Spirit Caller! You can summon Duel Spirits all by yourself without a disk! That's pretty amazing!" He said enthusiastically as the cat looking Duel Spirit purred and nodded it's head. Jaden looked at him cautiously before he spoke. "Uh yeah, thanks. And just who are you exactly?" He asked him, but the teenager just chuckled. "Well, considering you're sitting in my bed in my room, I should be the one asking you that. I got to know your friends pretty well but I ain't heard nothing about you yet." He stood up and strode over to the vampire and stuck his hand out. "My name is Jessie Anderson! And I'm going to be your chaperone while you stay at Yokai Academy!"