
The Supreme Vampire King

YugiohGx/RosarioVampire Crossover!!! Ten years ago, monsters revealed their existence to humanity. The monsters who believed they were superior beings, declared war on the humans with the intent of turning them into slaves. But the humans weren’t planning on going down without a fight. Duel Monsters, which used to just be a popular game and sport, has now become the humans main line of defense against their more powerful enemies. By harnessing the power of duel spirits, duelists can now summon their favorite cards into the physical world by using the new and improved duel disk created by Kaiba Corp. Duel Academy is still in operation but has turned into a military style school which trains duelists how to use this new technology as well as teaches them how to fight. One of these students at Duel Academy is named Jaden Yuki. He is known as the school’s ace because he has a special ability. Jaden can summon duel spirits without the use of a duel disk! But he has a secret that no one knows about. Jaden is actually a monster himself! But not just any kind of monster. He is an elite S-class monster called a vampire, but his true form and his powers have been sealed away due to the Rosario he wears around his neck. Where does the source of his strange powers come from? And what is the truth he is hiding about his mysterious past?

LilacDream · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

The Overbearing Sister

Moka walked ahead of Tsukune as they headed together towards the school's duel arena so that they could speak at the assembly. "Don't you think you were being a bit harsh with him?" Tsukune said as he sighed with exasperation. "Don't you remember how hard it was for me when we first met at Yokai Academy? I know what it's like to have a secret that you don't want anyone to find out about. You should learn how to be more sympathetic with him Moka. He's still just a kid." As soon as he said that, Moka stopped walking to turn and face him, and poked him hard in the chest.

"That's the thing Tsukune. He is not a little kid anymore! He is sixteen years old! Basically a grown adult. You might be a vampire now but you're still learning how our culture works. While you were born a human, Jaden and I were born into a completely different world from you. We do not coddle our children. We show them tough love, in hopes that they will grow from the harsh realities of what it means to be a vampire. We can't keep treating him like a human. So I expect you to not do that anymore either. Learn how to let him go." She said as she turned away from him and continued walking down the hall.

Tsukune sighed again as he followed after his stubborn lover. He knew that she had a sweet side, but whenever it came to Jaden, the inner Moka that he met all those years ago comes out and resurfaces. "Okay, you're right. I don't know what it's like to be an adolescent vampire. But you should still show him that you love him. You know?" Moka shot him a sharp glare over her shoulder which instantly made him gulp. Perhaps he phrased that wrong? "Are you insinuating that I don't love my little brother?" Tsukune could feel her Yokai aura start to gradually increase, showing that he must have really struck a nerve.

"N-no! Of course not!" He said as he raised his hands in front of him defensively. "If I didn't love him, I would have never agreed to take him in. He's not my responsibility… And it's not like we grew up together. He was born when I was twelve years old and was kept a secret until I turned eighteen. But I do relate to him. In the eyes of our father, he sees us only as tools to use for his goals. And that's why it is imperative to me that I teach him how to be strong and independent. If I'm not there to protect him, then he needs to protect himself… Which he'll never be able too if he keeps rejecting his vampire side."

"You know as well as I how special he is. He's not like you or me. He's not even like Alucard. The same shinso blood that runs through our veins, runs through his as well. But more specifically, the reason why father needs him so badly is because of his other power. The power to bring total ruin to both our worlds. It's his destiny." The tone in her voice drastically grew more dramatic the more she talked about her younger brother. "Which is why we need to protect him! Who knows what your father will do if he gets his hands on Jaden again!" Tsukune said with alarm.

"And we will. But things have started to change now. His seal broke, and because of that he released a large amount of Yokai energy. He basically just sent out a homing beacon and told everyone looking for him that he's still alive. If we could pick up on his energy, then no doubt my father did as well." They stopped by the double doors which lead into the arena so that they could finish their talk. "He will only listen to you. So maybe you should be the one to train him. Convince him that it's okay to let out his inner monster. His friends will still love him, just like our friends still loved you when they found out the truth. You can help him in ways that I simply can't. Now, go in there and speak to those students, headmaster." She said seductively as she kissed him on the cheek.

Syrus, Bastion and Alexis were sitting in the seats in the bleachers as they waited for the assembly to start. "Damn, where do you think Jaden could be? I thought he would be here by now. I hope whatever talk he's having with Chancellor Shepherd isn't too serious." Syrus said with a soft pout. Alexis giggled as she nudged her tinier friend. "You need to learn how to relax Syrus. Jaden is just fine. I'm sure they have a lot to talk about, but he'll come whenever they finish." The spotlights in the arena turned on and focused on the center stage and everyone fell into a deep silence as the assembly started.

Tsukune walked in from the arena's entrance and instantly was greeted with an eruption of applause from all the monster students. He smiled warmly at the crowd and waved at them as he went to join Professor Crowler on stage. "From the sounds of your cheers, I don't think I need to give this man an introduction! But I'm going to anyways! So without further ado, I welcome to the stage, Yokai Academies headmaster, Tsukune Aono!" The screams in the audience only got louder when Crowler past the microphone over to the younger gentleman.

"It fills my heart with much joy to hear how welcoming you students are. I know I myself am young, and I still have a lot to learn, but at the same time I hope that I have things that I can still teach to all of you. Monsters and humans are really not all that different, and our two schools prove that coexistence is possible! Regardless of your species or where you came from, you can find a friend anywhere if you look for them hard enough and you can find allies in even the most unsuspecting places." Again the monster students cheered as he gave his message, but he was met with negative reactions as well.

Within the audience a cocky Obelisk student started to laugh. "Ha! Coexistence, riiight. Are we supposed to believe that we can trust you guys? Monsters are the worst! You're all ugly, and you're all killers! I can count a number of students who have lost family and friends because of your kind! I don't understand why Chancellor Shepherd even agreed to let you vermin in this school!" This sparked a debate among the crowd as students of differing opinions started arguing amongst themselves. Tsukune waited for the chaos to die down, but they persisted on with their shenanigans.

He sighed deeply and narrowed his gaze. His brown eyes turned into their vampiric state as he flared his Yokai energy which everyone both human and monster, could feel. Immediately, the room fell silent once more. "You make a good point. There are bad monsters out there. And a lot of them have done unjustifiable acts of cruelty. But couldn't the same be said about humans? Malicious people exist within both our races. Just because you have one cracked egg doesn't mean the entire batch is bad. Look around amongst yourselves to the people sitting next to you. You see that monster who you despise? Despite how much they know that they're hated, they still decide to stick by your side. Because at the end of the day, we are all fighting for the same thing. For the freedom of both humans and monsters. To free ourselves from the tyranny of people who think they can do whatever they want with our lives!" He said as he started to clench his fists.

"We want the same things you want, and we're risking our safety for it every day we go onto that battlefield. Monsters are risking their lives for the sake of humans. Never forget that." One by one, students started standing up on their feet and clapping. This caused a chain reaction and soon enough, the entire arena was echoing with the sound of applauding students and faculty. Professor Crowler couldn't help but shed a tear as he heard that wonderful speech and took the microphone back from Tsukune, who took a step back so that he could get a word in.

"Beautifully spoken headmaster Aono! I couldn't have said that better myself! Now then! Let's all talk about what we really came here for! Which is of course, the annual school crossover!" The mood in the arena was met with the sound of grumbles the minute that he started talking. He clenched his teeth and became so angry that he could almost feel steam coming out of both his ears. "Oh so when it's me talking none of you want to listen? Why you little… I AM A DOCTOR! Show me some respect!"

Tsukune couldn't help but hold a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud. Professor Crowler truly was a comedic man, even if he wasn't doing it intentionally. "Anyways, as I was saying! Starting Monday next week, second and third year students will go to Yokai Academy! You will all be split into groups of four and will have a student from their school be your guide once we are there." Tsukune took the microphone back so that he could speak. "The purpose of this trip is so that we can better understand each other. Think of this as a company retreat where we learn how to cooperate, as well as honing everyone's fighting capabilities. There is no better training for you duelists than facing against actual monsters."

"My students are very receptive to human company, so don't be scared if this will be your first time going to my school. The Great Barrier surrounding Yokai Academy is only known to me, as well as Chancellor Shepherd. So until Monday, I will be staying here to help guide all of you to the portal through the Great Barrier. I hope I get to know you all better through this next week. If you have any questions, please don't be afraid. Now, everyone dismissed!" He said with authority, signaling the end of the assembly and everyone soon started to disperse.

Back with Jaden, he was sitting on the school roof with his legs dangling off the ledge. He was still upset about what Moka and Tsukune told him, and still didn't know what the right thing to do was. "Hey, Yubel? Can I ask you a question?" He asked his guardian spirit who quickly materialized next to him. "What is it Jaden? Is everything alright? You seem agitated right now." They asked as they sat next to him on the roofs ledge. Jaden sighed as he laid down backwards with his arms crossed behind his head, soaking in the suns rays. "I'm just confused on what I should do. I ran out on my sister when she was just trying to give me advice. But she told me to do something that I just can't!"

Yubel giggled as she stroked her beloved masters hair. "It's rare for me to see you like this. Normally you're so cool and collected and you never let anything bother you. So why is this eating away at you so badly?" They asked curiously. Jaden just shrugged his shoulders in response. "I guess I'm just scared. Moka told me that I need to find a key or my Rosario will break… And she thinks I should ask my friends. But is that really my only option? What if they end up hating me?" He asked as he wiped away a stray tear that pricked from the corner of his eye.

"Oh Jaden. Everything will be fine. They love you and you know that. Do you think that them finding out you're a monster will change that?" Jaden sat up as he ran a hand through his hair. "But it's not even that I'm just a monster! I'm a vampire for Christ's sake! Why couldn't I have been born normal? I wish I could be like everyone else. No powers, no destiny, just me." Yubel rolled their eyes and clamped Jaden's face between their palms, turning his face so that he could look at them. "And what's so wrong about being special? I think it should bring you comfort that you have the ability to protect the people you love. And I think your friends won't mind as much as you think they will. Just stop over thinking everything." They said as they smiled down at their master.

Jaden smiled and laughed lightly. "Hearing you say that makes me feel better. Not by a lot, but I don't feel as depressed now. Thanks for listening to my problems Yubel. What would I do without you?" Out of nowhere, his other partner, Winged Kuriboh appeared next to him. "Kuri kuri!" He said as he flapped his tiny wings rapidly while jumping from side to side as if he was trying to say something important. "Huh? What's wrong buddy? I can't understand what you're trying to say. Think you can slow it down a little?" He said as he tried to listen to his fuzzy companion.

Winged Kuriboh sighed as he pointed with his little green hands up at the sky which caused Jaden to look upwards where he was pointing to. His eyes grew wide as he saw something falling from the heavens, their silhouette contrasted against the suns bright flare which almost left him blind as he stared into the sky. But they were falling at a rapid descent, and if he didn't move now then he surely would get flattened! He gritted his teeth as he stood up on his feet and jumped backwards only moments before that person made an impact with the ground, which shook the entire school building. He covered his arms over his eyes as pieces of cement and shrapnel exploded into the air.

"Hoohoo! That sure was a lot of fun! I wish I could do it again!" Said a delicate, feminine voice. Jaden looked up and saw a woman with bleach blonde wavy hair that perfectly complimented her dark, tan colored skin. She wore a tiara on top of her head as well as ballroom gloves and a beautiful, silky white gown that had a deep v cut neck that extenuated her bosom. And her name is Kahlua Shuzen, Jaden's second oldest sister as well as his father's top agent for his company, Fairy Tale.

Kahlua looked around and saw Jaden who stood a few feet away while looking flabbergasted. She shrilled with delight as she tackled him into a hug. "Judai! I can't believe it's really you!" She said as she rubbed her cheeks against his, and even though she was enjoying every second of their family reunion, Jaden couldn't have been any more uncomfortable. "You look so grown up! I can't believe it's been almost ten years since the last time I saw you." She smiled at him while humming, until she saw the Rosario which hung on the choker wrapped around his neck, and her friendly demeanor faltered.

"That's not my name anymore. I refuse to go by a name that that man gave me! It's Jaden now!" He said while she was distracted and summoned Elemental Hero Flamed Wingman behind her, who raised his giant dragon shaped claw up and grabbed her by the back of neck and roughly tossed her to the side. Jaden stood up and stood behind his monster who looked ready to defend him. Kahlua stood back up on her feet as well, but she was uninjured. Her bangs covered her eyes as her arms fell limp to her sides. "That much is clear. You're not my little baby Judai. You're just an imposter taking his place."

Before Jaden could even respond, she disappeared within the blink of an eye and appeared behind his duel monster. She grabbed it by the wings and tore them off of his body with ease. The beast screeched in pain before it dissipated and dissolved into thin air. Jaden couldn't even see her next attack as she appeared by his side in a flash and sent a devastating kick across his cheek which sent him spiraling across the floor and off the school's roof. He screamed as he started to plummet to his death. "YUBEL! I NEED YOU!" He shouted loudly which caused them to spawn. While he descended, Yubel safely grabbed onto him and carried him down to safety.

He hopped out of their arms while clutching his arm which felt like it had been torn out of its socket at the same moment Kahlua hopped down from the roof and landed gracefully on her feet. She stared at him with a blank expression while Jaden kept his guard up. "I thought that thing was destroyed, but I guess I was wrong. All I want to do is play with my little brother who I haven't seen in ages. So stop struggling and let me break that thing already!" She said as she rushed him, but Jaden was already ready and prepared for her next attack. Yubel braced for the next attack and was barely able to match the crazy vampires strength as they stood at a standstill.

"I got you right where I want you!" Underneath Kahlua's feet, the ground started to crack and eventually it broke as a large bottomless pit appeared beneath her. Jaden smirked as she started to fall right into his trap and Yubel hovered confidently over the abyss. "I activated the trap card "Trap Hole"! You were reckless big sis. Have fun getting out of that one!" He declared confidently. As Kahlua continued to fall she leaned forward and dug her nails and toes into the wall of the hole to hoist herself up. She continued scaling the hole until she was back at the top and hopped out.

She dusted off her dress and looked at Jaden with disapproving eyes. "Stop joking around Judai. You know this isn't how I like to play. Stop hiding behind that fake and give your big sister the attention I want!" Jaden couldn't even react when he was kicked in the stomach and shot back like a bullet. He slammed into a rock and felt his rib cage splintered apart. He lied motionless on the ground while he was too helpless to do anything about it. He struggled with all his might to use whatever strength he had left to lift his head off the ground, but that was all he could do. He was no match for her for she was just that much more powerful than he was.

Kahlua crouched down as she frowned at her brother. "If you just give me what I want then I wouldn't have to discipline you like this. You are being very rude Judai. Why don't you just listen to what I tell you to do? Are you trying to break my heart?" As she talked to him, her eyes glossed over his Rosario which hung around his neck which made her scowl. "No doubt it's because of this thing. But don't worry! I'll free you right away! And then afterwards, we can play for as long as we want to!" She said as she grabbed onto his seal and started to tug on it.

Jaden struggled, but it really didn't do him any justice. "Stop, please! You don't have to do this!" He pleaded as he tried to pry off her strong hands. His hope was beginning to run out until the cavalry arrived. While Kahlua tugged and pulled at his seal, Etoile Cyber and Drillroid appeared and simultaneously attacked her from the side, sending her flying and freeing Jaden from receiving anymore damage. "Don't worry buddy! We're here to help you out!" Said Syrus with their friends in toe. Jaden sat up coughing while clutching his throat. His sister's attempt at removing his seal left him breathless as his choker began to suffocate him, but he was free now and could finally breathe.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?! You need to leave, right now!" Jaden yelled at them. He looked at his older sister who was already starting to recover from that surprise attack. No doubt, they didn't accomplish anything except piss her off even more. "We came because the Demon Alarm went off and we traced it to this location! Don't worry, the headmasters should be here any second now!" Shouted Syrus as he helped him to stand back up. Jaden's eyes grew wide when he sensed Kahlua's murderous intent and began to worry for the safety of his friends.

He grabbed tightly onto Syrus's arms as he began to shake him. "You guys can't be here! It's too dangerous! You need to get far away from here! Right now! I can handle her on my own! So please, just run!" He finished saying when he saw from the corner of his eye as she started approaching them. He barely had any time to reach when she flashed away again, and he was able to push Syrus out of the way just in the nick of time. Kahlua crashed down right where Syrus was once standing, leaving a crater of destruction in her wake.

"Are these your friends Judai? It truly is disgusting how you would even think of associating with these lowly creatures. Have they been filling your head with rubbish? But don't worry. I can clean this all up quick. Just give me a second little brother, I'll get rid of these pests and then we can finally go back home together. Father has been waiting for your return. He really misses his only son, after all." Etoile Cyber came rushing at her upon Alexis's command but she quickly disposed of the spirit. "Ch. You think I'll fall for the same trick twice? You humans really are such simple creatures."

She walked over to Syrus who sat on the ground while leaning back against his arms. He was too terrified to move as he stared at the terrifying vampire woman in front of him. "Wait… Little brother? Jaden. What is she even talking about?" Asked Syrus who's voice was already beginning to shake. Kahlua started to chuckle as she tilted her head to the side. "Wait a second. Don't tell me they really don't know? Since they were your friends, I assumed you told them everything about you. But I guess you aren't as close as I thought you guys were to keep a secret like that. Just how long have you been lying to them?" She said as she turned to look at Jaden who looked visibly fuming.

"Shut your mouth Kahlua… I'll kill you. I swear to god I will!" He said, but gasped in pain when she transformed her arm into a flurry of bat winged shaped blades that she used to attack him, leaving a giant gash across his chest and pinning him down. "I'd love to see you try little brother. But for now, why don't we show them the truth. What do you say? Don't you want to be a good friend? I'm sure lying to them must be very stressful. As your big sister, I want to help you make amends with them." She picked up Syrus who was crying and still frozen in fear.

"Now watch closely, human. Take a good look at him over there." She used her dagger like fingernails and traced it across Syrus's cheek. Blood started to flow through the small cut she created and she watched with delight when Jaden immediately started to react. Because of the injury she inflicted onto him, Jaden was more sensitive to the smell of blood. Jaden gasped again as the sweet scent of human blood filled his nose and his entire body started to quiver. Without any control of his actions, his eyes started glowing that eerie shade of red and his fangs also grew in length.

Jaden's best friends saw his features start to drastically change in front of them, and they didn't know how to handle this new information. "It should be clear to all of you now, right? Judai- Oh, I apologize. You don't know him by that name. Just another thing he's been lying about to you all I suppose. But Judai here is actually my little brother. We come from a long line of alpha vampires. I'm sure you all must feel betrayed from being deceived like this. And on behalf of my little brother, I sincerely apologize." Said Kahlua smugly. Alexis held a hand over her mouth but she couldn't hide the shock that was written all over her face.

"She's lying, right Jaden? You can't possibly be related to her! You would have told us if you were a monster! We would have understood!" Said Syrus as his tears started to flow even harder. Jaden stayed silent for a moment as his bangs covered his eyes. "How could I have told you?... Everyday, you guys trash talked monsters like we were scum on the face of the Earth. How was I ever supposed to tell you the truth when I felt like you would have hated me if I did?!" He said with tears starting to streak down his own face.

"You heard it folks! It's your fault that he's been lying to you. You humans are so judgmental against anything different from you. That's the whole reason why we stayed in the shadows for so long. But no longer… We won't cower anymore. We will not stop until the monsters take their rightful place at the top of the hierarchy again!" She said as she was about to kill Syrus, with Alexis, Bastion and Jaden all screaming, pleading with her to not go through with it. "Alright, that's enough. I think you've had your fun. So it's time to put an end to these games."

Tsukune finally made his appearance along with Moka and Chancellor Shepherd, and he was gripping tightly to Kahlua's arm to stop her from killing the terrified blue haired boy. His eyes were in their vampiric state as he yanked her away and pinned her arm against her back after her shoved her against the ground. "I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't try to kill our students." Kahlua started laughing while she was being restrained. "It's so unfortunate for me that you and my precious little sister would both be here! We should have known it was you that was behind Judai's disappearance. Father won't be happy once he finds out about your betrayal." Tsukune looked unphased by her threat as he responded with a smirk. "That's if you make it out alive to tell him."