
The Supreme Vampire King

YugiohGx/RosarioVampire Crossover!!! Ten years ago, monsters revealed their existence to humanity. The monsters who believed they were superior beings, declared war on the humans with the intent of turning them into slaves. But the humans weren’t planning on going down without a fight. Duel Monsters, which used to just be a popular game and sport, has now become the humans main line of defense against their more powerful enemies. By harnessing the power of duel spirits, duelists can now summon their favorite cards into the physical world by using the new and improved duel disk created by Kaiba Corp. Duel Academy is still in operation but has turned into a military style school which trains duelists how to use this new technology as well as teaches them how to fight. One of these students at Duel Academy is named Jaden Yuki. He is known as the school’s ace because he has a special ability. Jaden can summon duel spirits without the use of a duel disk! But he has a secret that no one knows about. Jaden is actually a monster himself! But not just any kind of monster. He is an elite S-class monster called a vampire, but his true form and his powers have been sealed away due to the Rosario he wears around his neck. Where does the source of his strange powers come from? And what is the truth he is hiding about his mysterious past?

LilacDream · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Rage Of The Sea Beast

Amelia and Chazz continued walking down the beach until they made it to a more quiet and secluded location, and when the coast was finally clear, Chazz flung the little witchlet off of his arm as he glared down at her. "Why the hell did you have to go and say all that stuff? Were you trying to piss him off?!" He said as he snarled. He had zero respect for Jaden, but at the same time, he wasn't trying to pick a fight with him either. Amelia smirked as she shrugged her shoulders. "So what if I was? And why are you acting all scared? It's not like he can do anything anyways with the seal he has on. When he's in that form, he might as well be a weak, pathetic human!" She said as she giggled mischievously.

Chazz rolled his eyes as he turned away from her with his arms crossed. "Yeah, you say that, but he had his seal on that night when he kicked my ass. I'm not trying to take any chances with him. He's dangerous." He said with a scoff. Jaden might be an idiot, but he was definitely not a weakling, and Amelia really shouldn't underestimate him, because he had to learn that lesson the hard way. "Anyways, why did you even bother calling me out here? What game are you playing at this time?" He said as he looked at her from over his shoulder. "Oh, I'm not playing any game. I called you out here purely for business. So let's discuss it." She said as she pulled out her wand again and projected an illusion into the air.

An image of a hand mirror appeared floating in front of them. The glass was round within a silver frame with flower and vine decals, and a cute small fairy design engraved at the top of it. "I'm looking for this artifact. It's known as Lilith's Mirror. It's a special mirror that can reveal the true form and nature of any monster that peers into its reflection. But there's a problem you see. Currently, the mirror is locked away in a chest at the bottom of the ocean. And to make matters worse, it's currently in the possession of a fish monster horde and being kept within their den. And that's why I called you out here today. I need you to help me get it." She said with an innocent smile, but Chazz could see right through her façade.

"I'd go ahead and get it myself, but those creatures are completely carnivorous! They're monster beasts and are more like animals than sentient people like you or I." Chazz stared at the image of the mirror but couldn't quite understand its appeal. Why on Earth would she want to get her hands on something like that? "Okay? And how the hell am I supposed to help you get it? I have just as good a chance at getting eaten alive if I swam down there to get it for you." He said harshly. "Oh my simple minded friend, I don't want you to go and swim down there. Even I wouldn't ask you to do something as idiotic as that! No, what I need you to do is act as a diversion for me."

"I know a spell that can rile up the sea monsters and lure them out of their cave, but I would only have control over them for a limited amount of time. I need you to basically act as my bait and keep them preoccupied while I go retrieve the mirror. The task itself shouldn't be too hard for you, right? After all, werewolves are also considered S-class monsters. You should have no problem handling a few angry fish." She said with a playful smirk, which oddly pissed him off. But still, the risk was too great. The only way he could possibly help her with her plan was if he voluntarily went out into the water, and werewolves weren't known for swimming. Their strength came from being on land. Without ground to walk on, what was so special about being able to move fast?

Not to mention that it was still daytime. A werewolf's power mostly came from how close they were standing to the moon, and what phase it was in. With the sun still up, he would be at a disadvantage. "You're crazy if you think I'll agree to something like that! How is that any better than me just diving in? Go find someone else to help you with your dirty work, because I'm not interested if this is going to be how it is." He said as he started to walk off, but Amelia only started laughing in a dark tone which made him stop in his tracks. "Fine. Leave if you want. But I will just consider this as you relinquishing the deal that we made together. Or did you forget about that?" Chazz glared at her as he sucked his teeth.

How could he forget about their deal? The night that she told him to go find Jaden, she had asked him to kill him for her. But not only that, she made a promise to him that she would help him restore his families name and honor, which was the most important thing to him at the time. She claimed that she had powerful connections, and if he helped her with her schemes and followed her blindly without question, then she would share those connections with him and the Princeton's would be sitting back at the top of the food chain like they used to be. He didn't believe her at first of course, but how could he pass up an opportunity like that? If what she claimed turned out to be true, he would finally be able to get the respect that he oh so rightfully deserved.

"Fine… I'll help you out. Just tell me what I need to do." He said in defeat as he walked back over to her so that he could listen to her plan. She smiled happily at his adjustment in attitude and swiveled her wand in the air and conjured up a fishing boat on the shore of the ocean. "Bring this boat to the location that I tell you to. I won't be able to signal you since I will be dealing with my own problems, but you'll be able to tell when the sea monsters are awake. The waters will start to turn black and quiver. That will be your que to attract them to you, and hopefully you'll be able to deal with them while I go and get the mirror. That should be easy enough for your tiny brain to comprehend." She said as she giggled evilly.

Chazz wasn't too keen on her jab at him, but yes, the plan seemed simple enough. They eventually split ways so that they could prepare and Chazz hopped onto the boat and started pulling it by using his monster strength, closer to the part of the beach that Jaden and the rest of their friends were hanging out at. The cave that Amelia was speaking about wasn't too far off from the shore, but it was still a good distance away and was far enough to where it wasn't easily accessible if someone were to try and swim to its location. They could drown from exhaustion if they weren't careful enough.

As he hopped on the boat and started preparing the sails, Syrus and Bastion swam over to him with intrigue in their eyes. "Woooahh! Cool boat Chazz! Where did you get it?!" Said Syrus as he hopped onto the boat as well and started checking it out for himself. The werewolf could feel a vein start to pop out on his forehead. Why the hell did they think it was okay for them to talk to him? They were just as stupid as Jaden was because he never gave them any indication that they were friends in the slightest. With how mean he was to them all the time, why couldn't they get it through their thick skulls that he didn't like them?!

"It's none of your business where I got the boat! Now get off before I throw you overboard!" He said with the fur on his ears and tail standing on end. Bastion accompanied them on deck and clicked his tongue while he waved a disapproving finger. "Now now Chazz. There's no need to be so rash, but now I'm curious myself. Were you planning to take this out to sea? Because as of lately I've been interested in the studies of marine biology. Would you be so kind as to take us with you? From the look of it, it appears that you're going fishing. We won't bother you if you let us go." Bastion said in his British accent, and Chazz couldn't help but growl. Saying they wouldn't bother him… they were bothering him right now!

"The only way I will ever let you onto my boat is if there was an act of god!" He said angrily as he clutched his fists tightly together. He really hated humans sometimes, but right now, there weren't any humans he hated more than the two that were standing in front of him. Just leave damn it, he shouted mentally to himself. Back on the shore, Jaden and Alexis were having a pleasant conversation as they sat underneath the beach umbrella together. But then all of a sudden, Jaden's stomach started to growl because lunch time was soon approaching. Besides the can of tomato juice that he had earlier when he and Syrus went to pick up the snacks, he hadn't eaten anything else throughout the day.

Alexis's ears perked up at the sound of his hungry tummy, and she blushed. Was this her chance? She had been reliving the moments from when Jaden bit her the last time, and how good it made her feel and she really wanted to feel that sensation again. She hated that she had perverted thoughts like that, but she just couldn't get it out of her head. It was like she yearned for his fangs to puncture her skin again. Maybe, instead of craving human food, her blood was what he wanted this time? She cleared her throat as she turned her neck to the side and pulled her hair over to one shoulder, giving him a full view of her neck. "You know Jay, if you're hungry, I think I can help you with that."

But Jaden honestly wasn't even listening to her. As soon as his stomach grumbled, his eyes traced over to the cookies that those three nice girls had made for him. He grabbed one of the packages and started unwrapping it. "Oh yeah! I forgot I had these!" He said as he popped a bat shaped cookie into his mouth and sighed happily at how good it tasted. "Oh man! You really need to try this Lexi! They taste so good!" He said as he pulled out another cookie and handed it to her. As he munched away happily, he felt a shiver run up his spine when the beautiful blonde smiled at him, and he could feel her malice. He swallowed the food he still had in his mouth and laughed nervously. What was with this drastic change in atmosphere? He asked himself.

"Hey Jay?" She asked him in a calm tone of voice that didn't match her aura, which only made Jaden more anxious. "Y-yes Alexis?" He said as he swallowed back a large ball of spit. She stood up and leaned forward with her face right in front of his, and he could do nothing but sweat as he waited for her to say something. "You… Are… Such… A…. JERK!" She screamed into his face, causing his ears to ring as he fell backwards onto the sand while clutching the sides of his head. She scoffed as she started trudging away from him, and he quickly recovered and hopped onto his feet and started following after her.

He didn't know what he did to upset her, but he didn't want to leave things the way they were. "Wait! What did I do wrong?! Alexis, come on! Stop acting like this and tell me what I did!" He said as he trailed behind her, trying to keep up with her pace as she only continued to walk faster. She knew that she shouldn't be upset with him. It's not his fault that he wasn't aware of her feelings for him, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling petty. When he blatantly ignored her when she was putting herself out there just so he could pay attention to those damn cookies those bimbos gave him, she just had a surge of anger. And she knew it was wrong, and she was definitely acting childish because it's not like there was anything going on between them. But she really wished that the only one he saw was her and her alone.

He jogged ahead so that he could overtake her and got right in front of her path and looked at her with a pitiful and sad expression. "Just stop for a second and talk to me! Tell me what I did that made you upset! I won't understand the problem until you tell me what it is!" He said seriously, but she only got more mad. She grunted before she brushed passed him as she continued on her path. "The fact that you even have to ask just makes it worse! If you want to know why I'm so mad at you then figure it out for yourself!" Jaden sighed as he placed a hand on his head and rubbed his forehead. "Seriously… Just what did I do? Am I missing something here?" He said as he sighed from defeat and pouted as he continued to follow her.

"I told you guys to get off of my boat! Do you have cotton in your ears or something?!" Yelled Chazz as his chest rose up and down rapidly from how much he had been shouting. Alexis and Jaden finally made it to the part of the beach where they were, and an idea popped into the beautiful girls head. She knew that since last year, Chazz had an undeniable crush on her. And since she was feeling so petty, she wanted to give Jaden a taste of his own medicine. Maybe this way, he'll finally understand what he's been putting her through during these last few days. She smiled as she walked over to the boat and whistled. "Hey boys. Are you guys going out to sea?" She said playfully with a charming smile.

Chazz, who was still annoyed, turned around with a scowl on his face, but as soon as his eyes landed on her, his face erupted into a crimson blush. Since Amelia was with him the last time they ran into each other, he wasn't able to fully soak in her good looks. This was the first time he had ever seen her in a bikini before, and it was safe to say that the werewolf was not disappointed. "Oh! H-hey Lexi!" He said as his demeanor completely changed, and his tail started wagging almost like he was a puppy. "Y-yeah! I just thought I'd take it out for a spin. Do some fishing maybe, whatever I feel like really." He said as he tried to pose manly.

Alexis smirked as she walked over and leaned on the edge of the boat, pushing her breasts together which his eyes were instantly drawn to, and he was only seconds away from having a nosebleed if he didn't force himself to look away. "Think you have room on deck for one more? I'd love to come out with you guys. Maybe I'll do a little sunbathing while you boys have your fun." She said with a playful smirk. Chazz eventually gave in. He had completely forgotten about his and Amelia's plan, because right now, the only thing he could think about was getting the chance to put suntan oil on her back.

"You don't even have to ask! I'd love it if you came with us! So hop on board!" He said as he gave her a helping hand and hoisted her up onto the boat. Jaden scowled as he stared at his friends who were all of sudden acting chummy with Chazz. First it was Syrus and Bastion, but Alexis now too? And why was she acting like that? She hated Chazz! She never played along with his love drunk antics and constantly told him that she wasn't interested, but even Jaden wasn't oblivious enough to not notice how she was flirting with him. But he got the feeling that she was behaving that way to get back at him for making her mad earlier. And it was working, because he felt a feeling that he had never felt before. Jaden was truly and honest to god, jealous.

"Oh. So you're all going? Well, maybe I can come along with you guys too! I like fishing!" He said as he bore his signature grin. Syrus smiled as he leaned over the boat with a wide smile. "Heck yeah! Come on Chazz, let him on the boat too! He shouldn't be the only one left out!" He said happily, but Alexis just shot Jaden a glare which made him laugh nervously. "Actually Jay. I think it's best if you just stay here. You can't get wet, remember?" She said as she looked at the water that surrounded the base of the boat and Jaden started to get irritated once more. "Not to mention, I'm still mad at you and I want to have peace and quiet time with our friends. You'd be too loud and would only disturb me while I tan." She said as she flipped her hair to one side.

Jaden frowned and felt a twinge in his heart. She couldn't possibly mean that, did she? He thought she loved how flamboyant he was. Chazz smirked as he wrapped an arm around Alexis's shoulders, and although she had the instant urge to swat him away, she put up with it because she wasn't ready to drop the act yet. "You heard the lady, slacker. You just wait here where it's nice and dry! We'll see you later!" He said as he started the boats engine and revved it up. Syrus looked at his friend with sad eyes as he could tell that Jaden was in a sour mood. "If it makes you feel better Jaden, I'll hang out with you on the beach. I don't have to go if you're feeling left out!" He said as he was about ready to climb down, but Jaden stopped him.

He flashed him a weak smile before he shook his head. "Nah. Don't worry about it Syrus, you go and have fun with the rest of them. I'll see you when you get back. Just catch me a good size fish. Maybe we can have a grill out later." Syrus sighed, but then sat back down. He knew when to take a hint. Jaden must have really wanted to be left alone. He didn't know what was going on between him and Alexis, but he was just going to have to ask him about it later. Chazz started pulling the boat out from the shore and towards the sea, with Jaden watching them as they got smaller in the distance.

Jaden sat back on the beach with his arms leaning against his knees and he let out a deep sigh. Yubel materialized next to him in their ghostly form and watched over their master as he pouted. "Are you alright, my sweet Jaden? We can talk about it if you want." They said as they sat down next to him. "What's there to talk about? The fact that Alexis has a grudge against me for something I don't even know what I did, or the fact that I can't even do something so simple as swimming with my friends?!" He said as he flopped backwards on the sand. If he so much as dipped even a toe in that water, he would have been in for a shocking surprise.

Yubel giggled as she watched her precious master. They might not have been human, but they could understand the problems that came with adolescence. They just couldn't help but think it was so adorable how oblivious he was to the girl's jealousy. "Sometimes it's hard to believe that you're a proud and mighty vampire if you let something like this bother you so much. It will resolve itself out so don't worry so much about it. She won't stay mad at you forever, so just hold out a little longer." Yubel said as they patted Jaden's head. He sighed happily; his guardian spirit always knew what to say to ease his pains. "I get what you're saying, and you're right. Our friendship is stronger than anything. Once she calms down I'll try apologizing to her again. And hopefully she'll forgive me." He said with a large grin, his mood becoming lifted.

Chazz pulled the boat to the coordinates that Amelia told him to go to after remembering about the plan, but he wasn't too worried about having extra passengers with him. He knew about the attack that was eminently approaching, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle himself. He was a werewolf for Christ's sake! These losers didn't need Jaden and his stupid vampire powers to protect them! And maybe Alexis will be able to see how cool and strong he is, and he'll finally be able to win over her heart. He was so much better than that dumb Slifer Slacker! "Hey Chazz, what are you staring at?" Asked Syrus who walked over to him as Chazz stared off into the ocean, waiting for the signal. Chazz just ignored him and continued keeping an eye out. Syrus rolled his eyes. "Okay then, good talk I guess…" He said as he went back over to Alexis who was sunbathing like she said she would.

She felt like such a jerk after saying all that mean stuff to him like that. What had gotten into her! It wasn't even that big of a deal! All he did was say that their cookies tasted good, it's not like he was actually flirting with them. Not like she did with Chazz just to try and get underneath Jaden's skin. She was such a bad friend… "Ugh! Why did I do that?!" She said as she started kicking her feet and hid her face behind her hands. Syrus sat next to her and tucked his legs into his chest. "So, is everything okay between you guys? I don't think I've ever seen you give Jaden hell like that before." He asked curiously. She sighed in response and uncovered her face as she looked at him.

"I don't know what the problem is either! I just got so mad when I saw those girls fawning over him, and then he started eating those freaking cookies! I just got so upset that I ended up saying things that I didn't even mean! Ugh! I'm just the worse aren't I?" She said with sadness and regret lingering in her hazel eyes. Syrus chuckled as he laid down beside her. "Hey Alexis, can I ask you a question?" He said as he stared up into the blue sky. "Do you have a crush on Jaden by chance?" He asked out of nowhere, which made her blush. She sat up and covered her mouth. "W-what would make you think something as ridiculous as that?!" She said as he tried to play dumb, but Syrus wasn't going to fall for that so easily.

"How could I not know? You make it so obvious, especially today. If you like him, then why don't you just tell him instead of just talking circles around it?" He said as he sat up too and looked at her seriously. She sighed as she curled her toes. "If it were only that easy. I just realized recently that I like him myself. It's like these feelings came out of nowhere! I never thought about him like that before! And I don't think it would matter if I told him how I felt anyways, because it's clear as day that he only sees me as a friend." Syrus tried to think of a good reply before he responded. "It's true that Jaden isn't exactly that most romantic person out there. But honestly, I don't think there's a better person out there for him than you! Those other girls pale in comparison to you!"

Alexis giggled and pulled him into a hug, which made him blush. "I'm glad to have you as a friend, Sy. And thanks for the advice. Remind me to tell Jaden I'm sorry for acting like that when we see him… He deserves that much at least. He's probably sitting on the beach beating himself up because of what I did." She said as she sighed again. How was she ever going to come up with an appropriate way of making it up to him? Like come on, she even let Chazz put his arm around her! Was she crazy?! Maybe she was, or at least, she was just crazy in love. They do say love can make you do stupid things sometimes.

Amelia was standing on the cliff side of the beach when she saw Chazz pull his boat into the correct position. "Huh. I didn't tell him to bring anyone else with him." She said as she spotted three more individuals inside the boat. However, it didn't matter if things were to go wrong and they ended up getting hurt. Her only prerogative was getting the mirror, and there presence in the line of fire would only serve her purpose more. Their carcasses would make for excellent bait, keeping the beasts even more occupied as she goes to retrieve the artifact. She raised her wand up high as she started casting her spell. "Awaken yee beasts of the oceans swill! Arise, make haste, and follow my WILL!" She yelled with the end of her wand erupting in a bright red light.

Underneath the ocean's currents within the sea monster's den, the fish looking monsters started waking up one by one, snarling and showing off their pointed and jagged teeth before they started a frenzy. Following Amelia's command, the hundreds of sea monsters swam out of their underwater cave in a haste, leaving behind all of their treasured loot. Just like she said would happen, the waters started turning into a thick black color, almost as if the waters had been tainted by a large amount of ink, and the boat started rocking back and forth as the sea monsters started swarming Chazz's boat.

This was it, the werewolf thought to himself. Syrus along with Bastion and Alexis huddled on the deck as they tried to steady themselves from the heavy waves. "What the hell is going on?!" Shouted Bastion as he anchored himself to the side of the boat. A large fish monster emerged from the oceans surface and started to try and climb its way up onto the boat while it screeched a terrible sound. "GET DOWN!" Chazz yelled out as he fully transformed into his complete werewolf form, and using his sharp claws, he jumped over Bastion and cut the monster to shreds right before it could sink its teeth into the brits arm. Chazz cracked his fingers as he prepared for another attack when three more fish creatures tried climbing onto the boat but he easily disposed of him with the help of his super speed.

"Why are they attacking us all of a sudden?! And where did they even come from?!" She said in a panic and instinctively went to reach for her duel disk, only to remember that they had all left their equipment on the beach. Another sea monster jumped up from behind her, and when she turned around, she looked with terrified eyes as the fish humanoid raised its arm up and was about to strike her. "AAAAHH!" She screamed in fear which Jaden could hear all the way back on the shore. Jaden's ears perked at the sound of her shriek, and his eyes started glowing red as he used his vampiric vision to focus on their location and saw what was happening.

"Oh no! They're in trouble!" He said as he stood up and started to run towards the water, but stopped an inch before he touched the waves. He gritted his teeth in irritation. This couldn't have happened at a more worse time! With all of this water surrounding them, he couldn't go and help defend them. "Elemental Hero Ocean! I summon you!" He said allowed and soon, the duel spirit materialized next to him in a physical form. "Go out there and give them support! I'll try to do what I can from here! NOW GO!" He commanded, with the duel spirit nodding its head and quickly jumping into the water to go and aid them.

Even with Chazz there to help protect his friends, with the large number of enemies that surrounded them, even he would have a hard time keeping up with everything. Jaden couldn't help but watch helplessly and pray that Elemental Hero Ocean could help make it to them in time. He didn't have many spirits at his disposal that were very effective in the water, so sending Ocean alone was the best that he could do for now. Chazz was on the boat breaking a sweat as he fought tooth and nail as the sea creatures kept coming in huge waves. He knew this wasn't going to be an easy task, but he never thought that the situation would be this dire. With his limitation due to the moon not being out, he wasn't able to fight at full capacity.

Chazz heard Alexis scream but couldn't do much as he was attacked with a barrage of three more creatures. He had his hands full as he turned to look at her and saw the beast ready to strike her but could do nothing about it. "ALEXIS!" He screamed out as he bit the creature holding him back in the neck and tearing out its throat. Alexis hunched over with her eyes shut tightly, but when she thought it was about to be all over, Ocean popped out from underneath the waves and swiped the creature with his trident, knocking it back down into the water. "Jaden! He's looking out for us!" Syrus said happily as he waved at his best friend who was still on the shore.

The fighting persisted until their numbers started dwindling down, and they all could start relaxing for a bit. Chazz slumped down onto the floor and landed on his butt while leaning back and resting on his arms. "When is it going to be over?! I've already used so much of my Yokai energy! I don't know how much longer I can keep this us for!" He said as he started panting. On the shore, Jaden sighed with relief after witnessing the fight from the sidelines. "I think the worst of it has past… Thank goodness." He said, but his relief was short lived when he sensed a surge of demonic energy. His eyes jolted up back to the boat, and the waters started rumbling and split in half when a large kraken appeared out from nowhere.

It was ginormous in stature and probably one of the biggest krakens he had ever seen. It appeared to be the leader of the pack that had started to attack them based on how enormous its surge of Yokai energy was. "Oh no…" He said in disbelief. Chazz and the rest of the gang stared with wide eyes as the kraken loomed over them. The werewolf gulped but solidified his resolve when he rose back on his feet. His precious Alexis was still on the boat, so he couldn't back down now. "I knew it wasn't going to just end like that… Things are never easy are they!" He smirked and belted out a howl which echoed in the air. With what little strength he had left, he leaped into the air and punched the kraken straight in its giant face, but it didn't do much except push it back a little.

It screeched before it raised one of its large tentacles and swatted at Chazz who was unable to dodge while he was still in the air, and he got struck and bounced across the waters surface like a pebble being skipped on a lake. The kraken roared one more time and started preparing to sink the ship, but Elemental Hero Ocean jumped into action and cut its swinging appendage in half, with its limb falling into the sea. "RAAAAHHH" It screamed out in pain. But it wasn't done yet. It slinked another one of its tentacles underneath the boat and was able to grab ahold of Ocean's leg and swung him around violently, before the arm slunk around him body and squeezed him. The duel spirit screamed before he shattered and quickly dissolved away.

Without Jaden's duel spirit and Chazz there to defend them, their friends were left as sitting ducks. "We're going to die!" Said Syrus as he fell back in fear and started crawling backwards. But he failed to notice as another tentacle appeared and proceeded to pick him up and held him in the air. "SYRUS!" Jaden yelled out in desperation as he watched in horror. The Kraken made a sound that was similar to laughter before he yanked Syrus down and underneath the water. Jaden gritted his teeth, and an overwhelming feeling of anger overtook him. "Fly me over there Yubel… right now." He said to his guardian as he stared at the ground with his bangs covering his eyes.

"But Jaden! If you get even a splash of water on you, you'll become immobilized! It's too risky!" They said in protest, but Jaden's demonic aura erupted around him. His seal started sparking, and the air around him started to turn as cold as ice. It was much different from when he lost control before. It was more sinister, and it made Yubel uneasy just from feeling it. "I don't recall asking you for your opinion. All you need to do is listen to me. So do what you're told before you piss me off." He said as he glared at them, and his eyes were not like their usual color. They weren't brown or red, but an eerier and haunting shade of gold. Almost as if the look in his eyes belonged to someone else. It was a look that Yubel hadn't seen in hundreds of years, and they could do nothing but give into their masters command. "Yes, my king."

Yubel flapped their wings and took off into the air, but not before grabbing ahold of Jaden and carrying him over to the boat. Alexis heard the sound of Yubel's strong wings flapping in the air, and when she looked up at the sky she saw Jaden being carried before he was dropped onto the boat and landed with a thud, his bangs still covering his eyes. For a second, she too felt that icy aura that Yubel had experienced and she shivered. "Jaden?" She asked him cautiously. But the young vampire only smiled and looked back at her. Whatever mysterious power that had overtook him was gone, and his warm brown eyes took place once again. "Sorry for the wait. Were you scared?" He asked with his usual grin.

Alexis nodded her head and smiled back at him. "Thank god you're here. But Syrus… He's…" She said as she tried to hold back her tears. "Don't worry. I promise, I'm going to save him!" He said with a determined look in his eyes. He walked over to the side of the boat, ready to jump overboard and follow after him before Alexis grabbed onto his arm. "What are you thinking?! You can't follow him! The water is only going to hurt you!" She said desperately, but Jaden's smile didn't falter. "Well it's a good thing you're here then! When the time is right, I know you'll do the right thing. Now, wish me luck!" He said before he held his breath and jumped into the sea.

His body was immediately effected by the water as electricity starting shooting throughout his entire system, but he ignored the pain as he continued swimming lower into the oceans depths. He saw Syrus who was past out and still within the Kraken's grasp. He summoned Elemental Hero Ocean again to help assist him, and the duel spirit slashed through the monster's tentacle and freed Syrus. Jaden swam closer and got ahold of his best friend and started pulling him back to the surface. He was slowing running out of oxygen, and not to mention the pain from the electricity was making him delirious. But he wasn't going to let that stop him.

Waiting at the side of the boat was Alexis and Bastion who were eagerly looking over the side in search of their two friends and gasped when Jaden's head popped up and dragged Syrus over, with Bastion acting quickly and hulling the unconscious blue haired teen out of the water. "We got him! I'll administer CPR right away!" He said as he laid Syrus on the ground and started performing chest compressions. Next was Jaden's turn, with Alexis trying to help him onto the boat too, but his strength was all gone by now. "Grab on!" She yelled to him, but he couldn't hold on any longer as his eyes drifting close and he started sinking underneath the water's surface once more.

As he sunk lower and lower, thoughts started filling the vampires mind. He didn't know how many times he had come so close to death in his life, but this moment really cut the cake. All he could do now was believe that Chazz would come back and help out, or anyone for that matter. He did all he could, and he was just ready to let go and let sleep overtake him. But he felt a warmth wash over his body which made his eyes open, and although his vision was blurry, he saw the silhouette of an angelic figure in front of him with their arms spread out wide. He started to relax when the angel wrapped their arms around him, and he could feel the angel press their lips against his and started blowing oxygen into his lungs.

Slowly, he started coming back to life. Now that he was able to breathe, he could see again and saw that Alexis had him in a tight embrace with their lips clashing. Hunger overtook him due to the lack of energy in his body. He kissed her back and then moved his head over to her shoulder where he brushed her hair to the side. Without a moments hesitation, he sunk his fangs into her skin which made her gasp as air bubbles escaped her mouth. He greedily started drinking from her and she moaned within the water as she held onto him tighter and tilted her head back. Once he had his fill, he caressed her face and made her look at him.

He smiled at her warmly before he took ahold of her hand and brought it up to his choker. He helped assist her, and together, they yanked off his Rosario. Alexis gripped his seal within her hand and shut her eyes tightly as his demonic aura erupted from his body in a purple light. The ocean's surface went from an inky black to a glimmering violet as Jaden started to transform. His hair turned silver and his skin became pale. His friendly, warm brown eyes turned into their vampiric state as inner Jaden took over. Alexis was close to passing out herself but felt relief when he held her in his arms and started swimming back to the surface.

Bastion was still on the boat giving Syrus chest compressions, and thankfully the small boy started coughing up all the water that was in his lungs. "Relax! Stay still and take it easy. Breathe deeply, and if you need to vomit, go ahead and do it." He said as he rubbed Syrus's back who leaned over on his side and started coughing up bouts of sea water. "Come on Alexis… Hurry up. I hope you and Jaden are both okay down there." He said, until he saw the waters surface start to change color. Not too long after that, Jaden burst from the waters surface and landed on the boat with Alexis in his arms. Sparks of electricity shot out from his body, but he seemed unphased as he smiled down at his savior.

Alexis started coughing when she opened her eyes and saw the vampiric version of her first love. He smirked as he looked at her and brushed her wet hair off of her face. "I guess I owe you one. That was a brave thing you did, jumping into monster infested waters to save me. So now it's my turn." He said as he laid her down gently on the ground while she clutched the still bleeding puncture wounds on her neck. "You guys sit here and take a breather. I'll take care of the rest from here." He said cockily as he turned around to face the enraged Kraken. Alexis weakly sat up and raised her arm up as she tried to reach him. "But you're still weak!" Jaden chuckled as he looked back at her from over his shoulder. "That may be so, but I can still take down an overgrown fish like this." He said as he continued to walk away.

But Alexis could tell that he wasn't as okay as he said he was. He had been submerged for a very long time, so she knew he must be tired. Even if he did drink her blood, would it be enough to give him the strength to fight a monster as big as that one was? Jaden cracked his neck as he stared up at the Kraken who was looking ready to start another attack, but this time, its attention was solely on him. "I don't know where you came from. But you made a big mistake messing with my friends. You probably think you're all big and bad and that you rule over these seas… But I've got some news for you." He said as he smiled a toothy grin and flashed his fangs. "A new king is in town now, and you're about to get dethroned!"