
The Supreme Satanic System

This is the tale of the time when mighty dragons and legendary phoenixes ruled the world. Under the shadow of such powerful beings, the feeble humans lived lives worse than slaves. 1560 BC, Jerusalem The darker-than-ink night sky was torn asunder by the tongues of purple lightning. The nocturnal macabre was augmented even further by a priestess that was busy performing a forbidden ceremony. Around her were six innocent kids that watched the priestess in silence as she performed her ritual with a ceremonial bowl in front of her. A drop of blood could be seen, making its presence known inside it. The priestess was unperturbed by the earsplitting noises of the incessant lightning outside her abode as she chanted the spell in old Hebrew. The ritual was complete when she placed the drop of crimson blood on the tip of her tongue and gulped it down with her eyes closed. "Heed my prophecy, my little ones. From today onwards, you shall walk on the path of greatness that will make you the rulers of this world. Here, drink this to your heart's content and unleash the power that is bestowed upon you." She cut her two wrists and filled the bowl to the brim with her blood by cutting her wrists. The lightning noises could be heard even louder than before at this time. The children obliged and drank the merlot drink one by one. But the macabre of the night was increased even further when the children started shape-shifting. One turned into a vampire, while the other changed into a werewolf. There was a witch among the children now. And being turned into a chimera and an elf were the fates of the other two. The children changed into something else before turning back into humans again. This was the phenomenon that happened with five children. But the sixth child remained human. Why did he not shape-shift? ------------------------------------------------ (Warning!!!!!) Main Theme: A grim-dark Fantasy plus, +18 rated harem novel. (whole spectra of Western meet Eastern taste!) Tags: System, Vampire, Sci-Fi, Aliens, Werewolf, Slice of Life, Overpowered MC, Harem, Dragons, Phoenix, Witch, Magus, Cultivation, Military, Strategist, Arrogant female leads, Romance, Humor, Assassin, Angels, Celestials, Titan, Devas, Asura, Ancestry, Medusa, and many more to be added with the progress of this arcs. Joined me here: https://discord.gg/hhNdsfGbMJ ----------------------------------------------- # The cover is not rine. Every contribution goes to the genuine artist.

The_handsome_fatty · Fantasy
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445 Chs

Are You A Butterfly Or A Moth?

"Kekekeke! " Bobby started laughing weirdly. He then started looking at her body from her boobs first, then to her neck, and finally to her wrist.

"I am just waiting for that," He said with a grin at her and continued speaking, "Your smell is so sweet. I can't wait anymore." Suddenly, his personality turned 180 degrees.

Aimee was also surprised, and tried to release her hand from his grasp. But she could not, as Bobby's hand was glued to her hand.

"Sir, please release my hand. It is not appropriate." Aimee said. Then she started resisting him.

"Hey, don't be so boring. I will finish it quickly, or do you want to get fired from your job?" He started threatening her with a devilish smile.

But she still tried to remove her hand.

Bobby caught both of her hands and pinned them on the wall. He then pressed her body tightly against the wall with his body.

"Wow! Your body is so soft like cotton. " Bobby exclaimed.

"Release me, you pervert. You will be punished heavily for molesting me. If you continue and forcefully r@p* me, then by our city's rules, you will be stoned to death in public. '' Nurse Aimee started screaming in panic.

"Hahaha! You have just agreed. I will take that as a compliment." Bobby started laughing loudly and continued speaking. "Hey, this is my first time. So, stay still. Or it may become more bloody. "

He warned her and moved his face closer to her face.

Aimee became helpless. She closed her eyes and gnashed her teeth, started trembling her body.

Bobby didn't kiss her as she expected. He moved his mouth toward her neck and thought, "From this close, her blood smells really nice. I wonder what the taste of her blood will be like? " He started sniffing while waiting for his pair of canine teeth to elongate.

For the next five minutes, nothing happened. So Aimee opened her eyes.

At the same time, something bit her neck suddenly.

"Aaahh!" she moaned loudly in both pain and surprise. But, after a few seconds, she started moaning again.

"Aaaaahhh!" She moaned. This time, it was due to sudden ecstasy and pleasure. She had her orgasm along with that long moan.

Bobby started sucking her blood.

After 10 minutes of sucking her blood, a beeping sound started ringing in his head.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

[ Host has successfully sucked blood to his fill from his first target. ]

[ 1 experience point awarded. ]

[ 1 bonus experience point awarded for intimidating the prey while feeding. ]

[ Host can now add the 2 experience points to any of your stats ]

Bobby finally retracted his fangs and separated from her neck.

Aimee was still in her ecstasy state.

"Why are you stopping?" She demanded. Her body convulsed slowly from time to time.

"Are you married?" Bobby asked instead.

"Um, I even have a daughter your age. I like to experience that feeling again. Can you do it again? Please," Aimee replied, and pleaded to him. After that, she became extremely tired, lost consciousness and was about to hit the ground.

Bobby caught her quickly. He then picked her up and made her lie on the bed.

"So, after all, you are just a butterfly who wishes to be a moth." He said while looking at her gently. And the next moment, he suddenly said with a grin and licked his lips, "I am the hellfire. Don't ever come near to me, little butterfly. Otherwise, kekeke, you will become a moth."

Bobby turned his attention inside his head and saw the new status.

"So, I have gained 2 experience points. Hah, let's see if they work. " He murmured to himself.

He then used his mind and added 1 exp. Point to Agility.

"Alright, let's check it out." He said and ran inside the room.

"Now, I feel my body is much lighter. Hahaha," He laughed and ran back and forth once again.

He then checked on his status bar. It came out as,

[ Lvl 0: Mortal Realm.(Need 5 experience Points to level up) ]

[ Health: 15/15; Mana Chi: 10/10 ]

[ Agility: 1.4 (Attack speed increased by 0.01 %); Strength: 0.3; Intelligence: 99 (able to use 5.3% of brain) ]

[ Movement speed: 0.5; Armor: 0.6 ]

[ Abilities: Vampiric skills (Mind compulsion, and Water Elemental manipulation) ]

"Oh, Mind compulsion! Hahaha, things will become more convenient for my next meal. " He murmured and continued speaking to himself, "There is still one experience point left. Which one should I use it for?" He then started thinking.

"My Intelligence is now at 99. Let me see if there will be any changes after reaching 100." He thought in his head. He then put the last point to Intelligence, making it reached 100.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Just after that, another status bar came out as,

[ Intelligence: 100 (Host can use 6% of his brain); Mana Chi Regeneration of 0.5per sec. ]

Bobby felt something really good inside his head just after that. Now, his outward view of the world slowly started changing. And his currently developing distorted thoughts began to calm down a bit.

"Hmm, I am totally a newbie to this vampire situation. This is not good. I must give her a call" Bobby murmured to himself.

He then took out his pair of glasses and put it on. And he clicked on a button on the frame of the glasses.

"Connect a line to Diana." He spoke out.

"Voice authentication is matched. Now, a line is connecting to Diana," A soft female voice spoke from the pair of glasses.

"Bobby, what do you want?" Diana spoke.

"Hey, Diana. I know you are a vampire. " Bobby said without beating around the bush.

"So what?" She responded with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Um, I kinda turned into a vampire just now after drinking your blood. Can you help me?" He explained.

"Ah! That lady on the bed. Have you already started drinking her blood? Wait there. I am coming to you right now. Don't get out of the room?" She then cut the line abruptly.