
The Supreme Ruler and his Mischievous Little Kitten

“You know what I don’t understand.. how some of the greatest Love stories always end in some type of horrific tragedy.. why can’t love start and end with love? Why must there always be some type of price to pay.” Shinah angrily threw a piece of tree bark on the ground angrily. Little ShiiShii leaned forward wrapping his arm around the girls waist pulling her into his embrace. She felt his warm breath against her neck as he sighed. “No matter ones age, one can always relate to pain on some level… that’s what makes it so overwhelming, you see most people will casually reminisce moments of happiness associated with love… but will never forget pain. A love lost in tragedy is always brutal … but brilliant.” He wrapped a thick blanket around Shinah and leaned back against the tree pulling her into a comfortable position against his chest. “Stop thinking about them and get some rest we have to escape this region before summer arrives.” He played with a lock of her hair absentmindedly lulling her to sleep.

Roronoajinx · Fantasy
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68 Chs


"Hey, Little Xixi did you hear about the Second Young Master clearing out multiple stalls of medicinal herbs... of course under that mysterious New Physicians orders again."

"No way that's the fourth time this week! The new Physician has no shame using the Young Masters affection for his sister in his favor. Tingting.. Can you keep a secret.. I heard the New Physician demanded worse from the Third Young Master. He was sent to retrieve a hefty amount of rare spiritual plants. Third Young Master even broke the doors down at the Gao sisters Devine Apothecary Hall. Ya Ling's sister saw him sweep the line away and took their all the top shelf herbs, elixirs, and their rare spirit plant reserves... He even had the guts to leave the creditor .. as 'the name of the Kings new Physician'."

"Ha ha as if anyone would have the guts to come to the palace to redeem it! Oh I feel bad for the Devine Apothecary Hall they suffered a huge loss this time. But it seems like everyone trusts that mysterious New Physician."

"If you ask me it's just plain robbery, he better have an unparalleled skill in medicine with all that haughty arrogance he's throwing around. I heard his identity is so mysterious The King can't retrace his origins.. since you spend your nights with that Imperial Physician Lin have you heard of anything about him? I hope he's good enough to cure the Little Miss!"

"Shushhh Xixi, what if others heard.. Mm no, Xavier only feels aggrieved about not having the chance to meet him yet, but he did say the Young Miss has a weird temperament when it comes to Doctors that he himself couldn't be in the same room as her so he couldn't even check her condition so he doesn't believe this New Physician will be able to get close to her enough to administer medicine.. Oh dear I believe Young Master Kiyoshi's in for a good beating now that Young Master Shen's home."

"Weird temperament with physicians? If that's the case what's happening with all those spirit plants and elixirs? And your absolute right. Young Master Shen wouldn't chance ruining the relationship between the Gao Sisters over his siblings he's the Crowned Prince he'll definitely give the Young Masters and that New Physician a sound beating for causing so much trouble while he was away!"

"Ehh no wait forget it Little Xixi ..my brain must be a little fried in this heat! I'm sure the new Physician isn't misleading the Young Masters!"

Jing Xuan stealthily hid behind a pillar in the hall, as a pair of maids pasted by, silently listening in on their gossip.

"Of course he's my big brother Shen, he wouldn't let those bad eggs cause trouble now that he's back." He whispers under his breath.

"Oh I wasn't aware I had another brother?"

Jing Xuan turned to face a tall young man in a light blue and gold set of robes matching his golden eyes and gentle smile.

"Spirit Beast Kingdom crest? Ah ..Little Xuan I presume?"

"That... that's right... I am the crowned prince of the Spirit Beast Kingdom Jing Xuan. So... can I assume your brother Akuma? You look like my Big Brother Shen slightly... he told me about his younger twin brothers. What was it he said again... Oh yes the quiet one is the good one and to avoid the loud one in the center of trouble.. I don't see any trouble so you must be Second Brother Akuma?"

"Hmm I wonder ... how shall I attract trouble today?"

"Wait.. trouble? ...Oh no, I shall make a move first. Excuse me Third Brother Kiyoshi."

"Haha Shen sure knows how to pick up cute little strays... Come Little Xuan'er, I decided to be your guide. Let's see what trouble we can stir up on the way!" Akuma playfully embraced Jing Xuan in a choke hold dragging him around the palace.


In the mountain hide out

"Do you hate it, I could change back? It's just a disguise I've been working on. I can't exactly explain how but I can change my appearance. I also tried it on Kiyoshi last time and made him a lady.. want to see!"

"Hey little brat don't get any ideas! I already made a list with my preferences for you to follow. I must look drop dead gorgeous this time."

"I don't hate it. I'm just not used to seeing you so ... grown up."

"Yeah I could modify my height, weight, any exterior or interior body features, I could even move an injury's or make specific body marks. I could change genders and color of any of my features... isn't that cool!"

"Cool? Does it make you feel cold? Stop using this illusion you might get sick."

"Haha stupid, she meant it means cool like ... amazing or interesting."

"WAIT you can change genders? Does that mean your ... changed right now?! Turn back immediately!" Rai Shen pulls Shinah's arms over her head. "Don't touch or look at any male bodies not even if your like this yourself understand! Actually don't ever switch that part of your body ever!"

"Haaa Shen I'm not a child! Let go, Let go! It's not like I've never seen—"

"Who's! Who dare showed you? Tell me now ...I'll sever their member!"


"HaHAhaaaa brother remember the little brat was married and had a child before she was reborn, how could she have been pregnant.... without doing the deed, let alone merely glancing at one."


"He ...He ..that's bastard dared to touch my Little Shin'er, I'll kill that little runt from the Spirit Crystal Kingdom." Rai Shen places Shinah down and starts walking out the cave.

"Is he..."

"I believe so..."

"Shennnnnnnnn!" Both siblings called after Rai Shen pulling him back into the cave. It took a while to coax him into not charging into the Spirit Crystal Kingdom.

Kiyoshi and Shinah sit lazily at the table munching on various spirit foods ...secretly prepared for Shinah by Little ShiiShii.

"You'll spoil your dinner, don't eat too much."

"It's fine, my metabolism burns it off faster than I can eat. Besides I've mastered the art of cultivating through menial tasks like this. Besides I have something I'd like to ask you for."

"Who do you think your fooling little brat, don't use flowery words to hide your gluttonous tendencies."

"Everything I say is true! And who you calling a glutton you nearly finished all of my snacks! Ugh so annoying!"

"Enough Kiyoshi ... What do you want, Little Shin'er, I'll do my best to get it."

Rai Shinah pulls out a few scrolls, passing them to Rai Shen.

"This is..?!"

"Remember my requests before you left? These are the plans and blue prints I jotted down; for Ehmm ..that business. Look them over and add anything else you thinks necessary. Here is some elixirs and pills, exchange them at the Auction House under the name of the Kings New Physician... it's for the start up capital well need. If we can get this up and going before we start Phase Three then we'd surely be swimming in benefits while our enemies are drowning in loss." Rai Shinah pulls out ten crates of artistically shaped bottled elixirs and three small boxes full of beautifully packaged pills.

"The Little Brat and I went over all the potential options for the cover, and this one seemed the best... no one will expect our base of operations to be a brothel— ~cough~ ....entertainment lounge."

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