
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Ainz and the two girls were walking in the dark forest of Tob. They were heading to the base that belonged to the bandits. They didn't have a problem with the darkness because they can see in the dark. And finally, they reached the end of the forest. Ainz saw a wide plain that had large rocks everywhere and almost in the middle, he saw a cave that was guarded by 4 bandits.

He noticed Zesshi and Clementine. Their weapons were ready for another massacre. He never thought that the events will turn like this. He was alone, planning the creation of an army and then, boom, Black Scripture came out of nowhere. Still, he was glad that Zesshi and Clementine are with him because being alone is not a good idea.

"It seems we are finally here girls."

They both had a sadistic smile on their faces. Clementine licked her stiletto. She couldn't wait to go hunt her prey. They were waiting for Ainz to give the order to attack the cave.

"Massacre them all."


One of the guards yawned.

"30 minutes and my shift is over, can't wait to go and have some fun with one of the prisoners."

These men belonged to a group of mercenaries called the Death Spreading Brigade. They attack their victims outside the city of E-Rantel. If the victims were young women, they will be taken inside their cave and will be raped to relieve the lust of the bandits. Their victims might be commoners, merchants, nobles, they didn't care, they will take everything.

"Lucky bastard."

"Hey, man relax…"

Yeh, yeh, you may go and have your fun.

He didn't hear a response from his comrade so he turned his head to him.

"Hey, are you…

The man froze. What he saw, was that his comrade had a blade in his forehead and was still standing on his feet. His comrade turned to him and spoke.

"What… is... happening…

He fell dead on the ground. It happened in instinct and he didn't understand how. He turned to his other comrade to tell him to alarm the others but…

"What-what is going on?" frightened he shouted.

But his comrade was on the ground without his head. He wanted to run to tell the others but he heard a noise beneath him. He lowered his head and saw his guts on the ground falling from his body.


He desperately grabbed his guts to put them back in his body, but it hurt him so much and he was losing blood. Then he saw a person that was in front of him. It was clearly a female and was holding a scythe in her right hand. One could say, It was a grim reaper.

"Why-why are you doing this?"

The girl didn't answer his pathetic question and he saw himself flying without his lower body. The girl had cut him into two pieces. He fell to the ground but still alive. The girl with the war scythe went inside the cave leaving him dying slowly and painfully.


A muscular man with blue hair stopped what he was doing and lift head because he was hearing people fighting, running, and screaming. There were 70 people in this mercenary band. They were not as strong as him, but they still can put up a fight.

There were many traps around and it will be really hard to reach the cave. If they were adventurers, he could have heard explosions because they have magic casters.

"Who could they be?"

The man known as Brain Unglaus rose and went out of his private room. Another man burst in from the other direction. He was sweating because he had been running fast. When he saw him, he was relieved.


"Breath and tell me what is happening."

The man relaxed and spoke.

"Brain, the enemy's attacking?"

"I know that. What I want to know is how many are there? Who are they?"

"Just two of them, both women."

"Oh, could it be Blue Rose? This will be interesting."

Blue Rose was the adamantite adventurer team of the Kingdom and it was composed of five women. The warrior blood of Brain Unglaus was boiling. He always wanted to fight against strong opponents.

"There is no need for you to come with me. Just make sure you guard the inside well."

Brain tightened his katana and went to face the enemy.

Brain walked to the entrance of the cave and the smell of blood greeted him. He could still hear his comrades screaming. He approached and the scent of blood was becoming stronger, then he saw the horror.

His comrades have been brutally massacred. He saw body parts and organs everywhere, some others were decomposed.

Adventurers can not do a massacre like this, that's what Brain thought. This is just way too much.

Someone sent his comrade flying really fast. His body was smashed when it hit the wall.

"What the hell?"

The wall became red because of the blood. It looked like someone has thrown a tomato on the wall, but this time it was a human.

Two figures appeared before him.

"So you were not Blue Rose after all!" said Brain.

The two girls saw Brain. One was wearing a black mantel and her face could not be seen. On her armored glove, she was holding a stiletto.

The other one was a woman with heterochromia, for both her eyes and hair. She was equipped with a cross-shaped war scythe.

"Oh, I have seen you before~"

She lifted her head and revealed her face. She had short blonde hair and crimson eyes. Something told Brain that she was not a human. Those eyes might belong to a monster.

"You really did?"

"Yeah~ you lost to Stronff~ kuhuhuhu!"

"This woman…"

Brain tightened his weapon. He was angry by the words of the mysterious woman. Gazef Stronoff was the man that has defeated him in the royal tournament. Because of him, he had traveled to seek strength. He had made a promise that he will one day defeat his greatest enemy.

"Who is this Clementine?" asked the girl that was holding the war scythe.

"It's Brain Unglaus. He got his ass beaten by the Warrior Captain, hahaha."

Brain now was filled with rage. He wanted to kill this woman that was mocking him, but he can't do that, because he didn't know the strength of the enemy. Brain tightened his grip on his katana's hilt, slowly shifting into an attack stance.

"Hmm~ What are you doing?" she asked with wonder.

"Why don't you come and find out?"


As the woman approached him slowly, Brain activated his martial art called [Field]. An unique martial arts that Brain himself has made, allow Brain to perceive everything within a three meters range. In simpler words, it raises the user's accuracy and evasion to the utmost limit.

"I will cut that stupid head of yours, bitch."

She walked like she was going on a picnic. Brain wanted to break that arrogance of hers.

Three more steps, two more steps, one more step, and…

"You are dead!"

Brain moved like a lightning and struck with all his might.

For a moment he was thinking about how to kill the other girl but…


He stared in shock. The powerful attack of Brain was blocked. If it was blocked with her stilettos, he might have been able to admit that he had met an unimaginably powerful opponent.


The woman has caught his blade with her fingers that were covered with armor. Suddenly he felt a chill down his spine. This woman was not human at all. This woman was a…

"Yu-You monster!" frightened Brain shouted.

The woman hit him in the face with her hand and sent him flying just like she did with his comrade. But he did not get smashed because his body was strong but blood came out from his mouth. He couldn't believe that with just one attack, he was in this critical state. For such a long time, all his work…

The powerful mysterious woman was in front of him with her two stilettos in her hands.

"I worked so hard… I worked so hard to defeat him one day."

He was always arrogant that thought he was the strongest, but when someone stronger than him appears and defeats him, that makes him train more and get stronger.

But now, the situation was different. This time, his opponent had monstrous strength and it didn't have respect for the honor.

"You worked hard? Believe me Unglaus~ I too worked so hard to reach the realm of heroes and in the end, It didn't even matter. Why you may ask. Well, humans are nothing but weak creatures~ the woman said that with a wicked smile on her face.

Brain was shocked by her words. This woman reached the realm of heroes and after that, she abandoned her humanity.

"Bullshit, so you abandoned your humanity for more power…"

"And I love it~"


Brain screamed because the woman stabbed him in his leg. He was feeling intense pain. If this goes, all his dreams will end. All his work will be nothing.

"Do not underestimate the humankind, you monster!" angry, Brain shouted.

"Hoo, monster you say."

Another voice was heard. This time, Brain heard the voice of a male. The woman quickly turned away from him and someone else appeared. Brain froze and couldn't feel anymore the pain that was caused by stilettos, and his eyes went wide by what he saw. He had no flesh, no skin, and was wearing a majestic robe.

It was death himself.

He came closer and with his dreadful eyes, he was staring at Brain that was sweating from fear and terror.

"You call us monsters, huh, but your boys outside murdered a couple and were raping their daughter, and who knows how many times you have done this. Aren't these the actions of a monster? So right now, we are killing monsters like you. Doesn't that make us… heroes?

Brain's memory now was returning. He remembered all the wrong that he has committed. He has killed innocent people, raped many women, but he didn't care because his goal was to become stronger and defeat Gazef Stronoff.

"Ar-are y-you the gr-grim reaper?!" terrified, Brain asked.

"Something like that…"

Suddenly, the undead being grabbed Brain by the neck.

"Argh- pl-please s-stop!" begged Brain.

"Ah, you little piece of shit, you think that I am a grim reaper, right? Well then, let me do his work. Your soul will be tortured for eternity and will never rest."

Something foggy appeared from the skeletal hand of the undead being and covered Brain.


Brain screamed and struggled to free himself from the undead being, but it was futile. The dark fog entered inside his body and the heart of Brain Unglaus stopped. His dream to defeat Gazef Stronoff broke like a mirror.

Ainz dropped the dead filth on the ground and turned at Clementine.

"Go kill the others!" ordered Ainz.

"With pleasure~ my beloved Master~" like a beast, Clementine went hunting her prey.

"That was amazing, my love!" said Zesshi that was looking at Ainz with admiration

"Thank you Zesshi."

Ainz observed the copse of the filth that he killed.

[Create High Tier Undead - Grim Reaper Thanatos]

The black liquid dripped from Ainz's hand and covered the corpse. It rose on his feet like a zombie and then started to change form.

What appeared in front of Ainz now was a 2-meter tall undead being. It was wearing a robe that was completely dark. His hands were covered with dark armored gloves and were holding a large black war scythe. His skeletal chest was covered with a breastplate. The skull that was hard to see was dark, and two blue points glisten.

What Ainz just summon, was a level 100 creature of death and darkness. He kneeled and bowed his skull in front of his master.

"Your loyal servant is ready for orders, Supreme one."

He spoke with a voice that only fits an undead being that harvests the souls of the living beings.

"Thanatos, summon three Soul Eaters."

"Right away, my lord."

"Oh~ a new comrade!"

It was Clementine that spoke. She returned from the hunt.

Thanatos observed her for a moment to find out if she was an enemy, but he learned that Clementine was a comrade because Ainz informed him with telepathy, so he carried out his orders.

"Good job Thanatos."

Thanatos bowed his skull with respect. The three Soul Eaters were ready. Ainz, Clementine, and Thanatos hooped on them.

Zesshi didn't understand why she didn't have a Soul Eater and she was watching with concern, but Ainz grabbed her and hooped her on his Soul Eater. The face of Zesshi was red.

"Zesshi, you are not like us, so you need to sleep."

Zesshi was a living being, so she did not possess the skill of an undead being.

"Ye-yes my love."

"Goddammit, she is so cute!"

Ainz covered her with a bedsheet and patted gently her head. Zesshi slowly closed her beautiful eyes and slept in the arms of her beloved husband. Clementine on the other side was looking with envy.

"Give up." suddenly, Thanatos told her.

"Hey that's rude, I will not give up."


Thanatos approached his master.

"Where are we going, my lord?" Thanatos asked his master.

"We are going to Katze Plains, Thanatos." replied Ainz.

"As you wish my lord."

"Let's go"

And with that, the powerful beings stepped out from the cave and rode in the night.