
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter Sixty Three

The royal capital city Görög of the Arvuth Kingdom has always had a dread image for the mortal citizens like the frost kitsunes and the white werebears. Because of the undead around, they could barely find food to fill their stomachs.

This situation was very critical with a queen that did not care at all about her citizens. If they dared to migrate somewhere else, the undead servants will notice this move and will kill the population, turning them into undead monsters.

The descent of the demon goddess in this land was a terrible day. Her rule brought nothing but terror and fear. The kingdom has become even colder with her appearance in this plain.

The mortals were just entertainment for the Demon Queen Esdeath. Such lowly creatures belonged under her foot waiting to be crushed like insects by her might. All the riches of the Frozen Lands belonged to her. Even No Mans Land in the north that was a cursed place did not stay very long without a ruler.

The only good thing she did was using her undead servants to built high walls turning the small towns into city-castles. Surrounded by walls, dangerous predators won't make it inside so their lives were secured, but still, the real predator was inside and it was the one that ruled them.

Today, the city was not as silent as usual. In the middle of the city was an Amphitheater that was used for battles. The fights here were brutal and the defeated opponent ended up dying in a miserable way.

The fighters were the humanoids, the beastmen, and sometimes low-level skeletons. The spectators did not scream like crazy for their favorite fighter but just stood on their seat watching the battle silently and applauded when the fighters did spectacular moves.

At the VIP seat was a female guarded by a group of Frost Knights. She was beautiful... she was absolutely beautiful. The female kitsunes were also beautiful but the Demon Queen Esdeath far surpassed them.

Esdeath was a tall, slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a general's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. As the "Ice Queen" that she was, her skin was porcelain white, along with that she also had a big bosom.

The Demon Goddess was standing upon her crystal throne in darkness. She had a bored expression on her face because of the battle that she was watching was… boring. The only part she was a bit satisfied was when one of the fighters was on the ground all bloodied waiting for his death. That short moment when the shattered soul leaving the violated body was the best moment for her.

"Tch, building an amphitheater just to watch low life forms die was a great idea at first but now it's getting really tiresome.

Inside the VIP room entered a maid. She was a frost kitsune with short white hair, white skin, blue eyes, big chest, she also wore a light black dress. She brought at the small table near Esdeath a bottle of Raki. It was an alcoholic drink made with grapes. Now the grapes here were created with magic because the temperature in the Arvuth Kingdom was not suitable for them to grow.

The maid opened the bottle and filled the cup for her queen. Esdeath grabbed the cup and took a sip. Raki or Rakija is a ridiculously powerful drink, the alcohol content was 90% so taking a big sip would burn even Esdeath's throat. Because of its strength, it became known as the lion's milk or the milk of the brave.

"Ah, rakija is the only pleasant thing in these boring lands."

It was literally the only thing that made her smile. Esdeath turned her gaze again at the battle.

Fighting at the center was a frost troll and a white werebear. The frost troll used his brutal attack to crush his opponent with a hammer. Usually, the werebears are not very fast but against a fat frost troll, this warrior was able to go behind his enemy to cut a limb.

"Ghuuuh, I'll crush your head and eat you whole after that, you white furry!" shouted the frost troll.

"Go to hell, you filth! WAAAAAAARG!" cried the werebear.

The left arm of the frost troll grew back as new, but the werebear jumped with all his might and stroke his enemy with the war-ax on the left shoulder.


The frost troll screamed in pain as the battle-ax went down slicing his body. Blood flout from his body like giant waves and fell on the snow turning it on a red sea.

"I win!" said the werebear breathing heavily from the intense fight.

"You-You think so, furry!"


The wounded frost troll dropped his war-hammer and grabbed with the right hand the left arm the werebear.

"You truly look delicious."

"What?! What are you…"

The monster opened his mouth wide showing his black ugly teeth. Like a lion eating an antelope, the frost troll approached the werebear with force and he devoured his left shoulder.


Powerless, the white werebear screamed in agony as his left shoulder got ripped off from the whole body. The mortal wound on the frost troll that was caused by the werebear got regenerated completely. Now he was able to ravage the werebear on the ground and start eating him.

The spectators covered their mouths in disgust and pitied the fallen werebear warrior. They have seen many scenes like this in the past, but they just can't stand this barbaric savagery.

"So he got his food for today, huh."

Said Esdeath as she took another sip of raki. Those cries of agony as he was getting eaten alive we're like a symphony for the ears of the Demon Queen. She felt nothing, not a bit sense of sorrow.

Weaklings live, weaklings die, big deal. Why should she care? That's what they are for, to entertain her in these boring times.

Esdeath went for another sip but at that moment she stopped the cup near her lips. She felt a powerful presence and it was right here, in the amphitheater. She slowly turned to look left and right but none of the spectators was any special, just trash and more trash.

"Where is it? I can't… huh?"

At the entrance where the spectators come inside the amphitheater, suddenly four figures appeared. One after another, the people turned their gaze at the newcomers. Their eyes went wide open surprised how extraordinary rich two of them in front looked like. The other two behind looked more like guards covered in total black robes.

The first person on the left side was a short silver-haired girl with seductive crimson eyes, pale white skin, and fine facial features. The true beauty wore a soft black dress with a big heavy skirt, her upper body was dressed in a lace embellished ribbon and a short tailored jacket.

She was as beautiful as the demon queen but there was another person that got all the attention of the public. He was a tall person that was wearing a cruel dark full-body plate armor that looked like it was crafted in the pits of hell.

Esdeath was surprised by the sudden coming of these unknown people. She saw the person in cruel armor that had a skull for a head meaning that this person was an undead being. Now Esdeath wanted to know which of those two was the lieder.

The four figures walked till they took a seat. The two robed beings stood up as guards. The citizens were starting to believe that those two were nobles from far away.

"Any of you know who they are?" Esdeath asked the frost knights and the maid.

"I've n-never seen them before, your Majesty." responded the maid with a shaky voice.

She was terrified to a point that she might have her head chopped off for not answering the queen what she wanted.

"They don't look like they are from these parts, my queen."

"I have never seen that clean white skull around."

All of them were giving her similar answers. Who were these mysterious individuals? They looked amazingly powerful, even the woman that looked like she was not a threat at all, had a dangerous light around her and the other being was totally something else.

Esdeath was already about to rise and go meet these people but…


The frost troll got up roaring with his face full of blood and flesh after finishing devouring the poor werebear. Again the spectator felt disgusted from this ghoulish scene and they were about to leave the amphitheater.

"Ahahahaha! Who wants to fight me next, huh?! Who is brave enough to go against me, hahaha."

He spoke arrogantly while looking at the spectators waiting for the next opponent. Nobody was strong enough to fight him now.

"You! You with that weird armor!"

He pointed his finger at the undead being that arrived with the others inside the amphitheater a moment ago. The undead being pointed the finger at himself to make sure the frost troll was talking to him.

"Yes, you! Come and fight me, or are you afraid to defeat me."

The spectator did not understand why he was calling an undead being to fight him when he can't go against a frost knight. The undead near the girl looked even more dangerous than the frost knights that protect the Demon Queen.

The girl and the undead stared at each other for a second. He shrugged and then raised to jump on the fighting area. The frost troll grabbed his war-hammer and approached the undead being close enough.

"Hehehe, If I eat your bones, I will get stronger than everyone."

Unexpectedly, the undead being also walked close to him which surprised the frost troll. The undead being raised his hand close to the face the demihuman.

"What is this-

The confused spectator blinked once and after that, they did not see the frost troll in the battle area. But only a shockwave hit their bodies and pushed them back.

"What the hell?!"

"Where-Where is he?!"

"What is going on?!

Not many know what the hell just happened, but the undead being had stroked the frost troll with his index finger sending him on the orbit. While the spectators were still confused by this "fight", only the short girl was smiling and applauding for the undead being that came with her.

Ainz, on the other hand, still did not know what was the frost troll's problem. Eating his bones to become more powerful sounded like a stupid idea but that was how the brain of lowly monster works.

"Oh well, let's go and meet this queen-"

Quickly Ainz turned his attention at the dark VIP room. From that place, a very long ice pillar was flying in his direction. Ainz grabbed his sword and shattered the ice pillar in an instant.

Ainz got more confused when the citizens started to scream and run for the exit, but he again turned his skull at the VIP room where someone jumped out from it. Ainz saw her and…

"Oh! Is that… Is that a military uniform?! That's gorgeous!"

Ainz had something like a fetish for military uniforms, especially nazi uniforms. This reminded him that he had to visit his own creation one day and give him to protect the world items that he collected in this world.

"Ara ara, you were able to stop my attack like it was nothing. You are a strong one, aren't you?"

He was kinda amazed by her beauty and that military uniform made her even more beautiful and sexy. The true vampire Shalltear and the Nazguls jumped near Ainz to protect him from this woman but Ainz stepped forward telling them to stay behind him.

"Maby I am strong… Maby I'm not." said Ainz bluntly.

"Well let's find out, shall we?"

With a sadist grin, Esdeath unleashed a rain icy-like bullets at Ainz which they did not do anything to him, just got shattered when they made an impact with the armor. In an instant, Esdeath went to attack with her weapon. The blades clashed against each other mightly, creating sparks and spreading shockwaves around.

"My, you are not flinching at all."

"You are pretty strong too, miss." said Ainz.

Smiling, Esdeath jumped back but from the cloudy sky fell a gigantic icy ball that put into darkness the entire amphitheater. But the icy ball was cut in half and crashed on both sides of the amphitheater. Esdeath did not even notice how the undead being was able to do it and that was amazing.

"Hahaha, marvelous! Incredible! Excellent!"

"Is she okay?" he thought.

Ainz was confused about why this woman was getting so crazy and excited. She was kinda acting like the half-elf Zesshi, a battle maniac.

Esdeath disappeared from her position and showed up above Ainz. She swings her sword vertically only to be blocked by Ainz but the power of that impact caused a wide crater beneath them and an earthquake that made the amphitheater crumble slowly.

Ainz saw the woman still had a sadist grin on her face and he was getting annoyed right now and tried to give her some of his medicine.

Out of nowhere, Esdeath felt an internal pain.


Fresh blood spilled out of her mouth as the undead being kicked her on the stomach sending her flying like a bulled. Esdeath came back to her sens again and used her skill to rise a wall of thick ice to slow the speed.

"Lord Ainz would you allow your wife to take care of her? There is no need to dirt your precious hands with this foolish woman."

"No, it's okay Shalltear, I'll deal with her."

"As you wish, my dear."

"Cough… Cough… Cough…"

Esdeath rolled her head to remove the cloudy vision from her eyes. She was breathing heavily and looking at the ground to concentrate her vision because it looked like the world in front of her was rotating very fast.

After a moment, she used her sword to slowly rise on her feet. She saw the undead being and again she was smiling as nothing happened. She touched her lips with her hands and saw the blood.

"Haha, cough… haha… I've never ever seen my blood before. You are the only one that has made me bleed."


"Who are you?" asked Esdeath.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick."

"A king?"

She felt relieved because she was not thrashed on the ground so easily by a simply strong being but by a powerful ruler like her. Now that she is observing him more deeply it truly gave the aura of a supreme ruler.

"Well, well, well, what a great day. Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Demon Goddess Tunrida Görög, or short, Queen Esdeath." she introduced herself.

Ainz liked that short alias name. It can truly put fear through the hearts of her weak enemies.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Queen Esdeath. I apologize that our meeting had to be like this."

"Nothing wrong with that, I enjoyed the pain."


He got confused, the way she said it, that sounded very kinky.

"Hmm." Esdeath's face was starting to become flushed and this time she had a more warming smile. "I have decided…" she pointed her sword at Ainz.

"What? Does she still want to fight after all that? Maby she has a trump card! A world-class item?!"

Ainz was starting to panic even when he is immune to world items, and also Shalltear has one too, so she was protected. The two Nazguls, on the other hand, can be easily replaced, nothing will be lost.

Ainz gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and was ready for any danger attack that might come from the demon queen.

"Ainz Ooal Gown… we are a perfect match, become my husband."

For a moment, the silence ruled the ruins of the amphitheater. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the cold wind that echoed through the walls.



Suddenness fell upon Ainz and Shalltear from this proposal that came out of nowhere. He was staring at her thinking how should he respond to this sudden proposal.

It took Ainz back in the past, the situation right now looked exactly like the situation with Zesshi but that one was a bit dramatic. Esdeath looked like she was bored with all this ruling with an iron fist and wanted someone to love her.

"Are you… serious?"


"I think you got crashed too hard on that icy wall. Maybe… maybe you are not feeling good Esdeath, you should rest a bit."

"Thank you for being worried but It's nothing at all, now become my husband."

He with Shalltear were confused as hell. This woman did not care and was entirely serious about the proposal.

"But… but… but this is just weird and has happen before with my other wives. We just meet and you are proposing for marriage, that's... bizarre."

"It's not weird…"

"Yes, it is, at least for me. Lo-Look at me Esdeath." Ainz pointed his hands at himself. "I am an undead overlord that has a skeletal body. A freak! Shouldn't a beautiful woman like you, propose to a handsome man for marriage? I don't think I am an interesting guy. I'm literally invading your Kingdom."

Ainz spoke in a desperate way throwing away his pride so Esdeath would understand and think hard about that proposal.

"Lord, Lord Ainz, please don't say those words. You are the most beautiful man in the world." said Shalltear while touching his hand.


"She is right." Esdeath interrupted him as she stepped closer. "But I myself don't care about that beauty crap you are talking. I value your strength, which is more important than a fancy fool, so please accept me as your wife.

Shalltear was looking at both of them. She would have screamed at her all kinds of vile words but she should not forget that Zesshi helped her to become Ainz's wife so she should do the same.

Esdeath was very close Ainz with her hands on her hips, he stared at her from bottom to top and rubbed his skull.

"She looks so damn fine in this military uniform, of course, I would take a woman like her."

Ainz had a great weakness. He did not like to see her sad or broken if he would refuse her proposal. He did not want to imagine her gorgeous blue eyes dropping tears of sadness especially when she was making a cute blushing face and waiting eagerly for the answer.

He releases a long sigh and he gave the answer.

"I accept..."

The demon queen smiled like never before and that surprised Ainz. Her cold and cruel heart had become warmer. She was now like a true woman in love.

"So… what now?" asked Ainz bluntly. They can't stay in silence forever.

Esdeath grabbed Ainz's hand. "Let's go to my bedroom."


She kept pulling AInz by the hand.

"Hey, I want to join. I am Lord Ainz's wife too you know." said Shalltear while following Ainz and her new sister-wife.

"Okay, you can join."

"Oh great, I'm about to get raped again I guess."