
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter Five

Kami Miyako, Slane Theocracy

In a large dark room with decorated pillars and statues, stood six figures. All of them were staying on the line and in front of them, was a young man with long black hair and he was wearing an ornate armor. He has put his humble spear on the floor because he was on his knees and bowing deeply in front of the six old figures.

These six figures that were wearing a robe that cover their entire body, are the highest appointment holders of the six sects that are devoted to the Six Great Gods.

"Captain, we have an important mission for the Black Scripture." spook on of the cardinals.

Black Scripture was a special forces unit comprising of individuals with heroic level abilities. They were the strongest among the six scriptures and the trump card of the Slane Theocracy.

"Yes, Your Holiness."

The captain of the Black Scripture lifts his head and opened his sharp red eyes.

"Captain, have you been informed of what happened to the Sunlight Scripture?" Asked the only woman in the room.

"No, Your Holiness, we were on a mission in the Dragon Kingdom to drove away from the beastmen." replied the young captain.

"They have been massacred captain, every single one of them, and the treasure that the Gods left behind to protect humanity, has been stolen."

The captain's red eyes went wide from what he heard. The Sunlight Scripture was one of the strongest of the six scriptures. To be massacred and let not a single survivor, was truly unbelievable. And what was more terrifying was that they had a powerful item of the Gods.

"But-But how?"

"We don't know who or what killed them, but we all know that the one who did this, is a dangerous threat for our nation and we must eliminate it at all cost."

The captain bowed again. "In the name of the Six Great Gods, we will destroy this threat." he proudly declared.

"The extra seat will be coming too." said one of the cardinals.

He lifted his head quickly. " Your Holiness… she is the trump card of humanity, she must not leave the cathedral. The treasures of the Gods will be in danger."

She was the guardian of the artifacts that the Six Gods left behind to protect humanity. If she leaves the Slane Theocracy, the entire nation might be in mortal danger… even humanity.

"Captain, the water-miko that was using divination magic to observe the Sunlight Scripture died in a horrifying way. Blood came out from her mouth, nose, eyes and ears, may the Gods lift her poor soul up to the six havens, and Thousand Leagues Astrologer has predicted the revival of the Catastrophe Dragon Lord… Do you understand the danger now, Captain Angelos Arianiti?"

The cardinals were right, someone that can kill a Miko Princess that can use divine magic of the highest level in a really large distance is a real danger.

The captain bowed his head again. "Yes, Your Holiness, the Black Scripture will do everything to eliminate the one that has caused all this.

It was a bright day, Ainz and Blue Rose were heading inside the city of Re-Lytos. The citizens were watching the adamantite adventurers with shocked eyes and the reason why was because the dark warrior was holding on his two armored hands a skeleton that was enrobed with a red and dark gown. So terrifying this undead was that it made the mothers close the eyes of their children.

The guildmaster of the guild of this city was staying in the middle of the road with some adventurers and a priest. They saw that the dark warrior and Blue Rose were approaching. When they were close, the dark warrior dropped the skeleton that he was holding to the ground in front of the guildmaster.

"By the gods, what did you people bring in this city?" said the priest that was looking at the skeleton with a disgusted expression.

"Well, this is the one who has been kidnapping the people of this city. There were 4 elder liches too, but I used a powerful item and they got annihilated."

All the people around looked stunned at the warrior with their mouth open. To kill so many undead magic casters that can destroy this kingdom was never seen before, only in the tales of the 13 heroes. This was the power of an adamantite adventurer, the pinnacle of human strength.

"Thank you, thank you all for everything, the lives of the people of this city are safe!"

The words of the guildmaster came out from the depth of his heart. All the citizens had a relief expression. The tragedy that happened to them now was no more, and all this thanks to these great young heroes.

"Blue Rose, Sir Momon you saved us all."

"You should not thank us."

The one who spoke was the short masked girl.


"We Blue Rose did nothing. The only one you should thank is the dark hero, Lord Momon!"

The short masked girl declared with a firm tone.

"Why is Evileye saying this all of sudden?" thought Ainz

"He defeated all the undead magic casters and the skeletal dragons. We were all unconscious on the ground because we were hit by the powerful spells of the undead magic casters. They declared that they will turn the Kingdom into a land of the undead and Lord Momon stopped them. If he wasn't there with us, we will not be here right now, so he is the one who should be praised."

Evileye shouted, her voice echoed through everyone's ear like a lightning.


The citizens were all surprised by the words of the masked girl.

"Ahem...no, that's not true. Blue Rose fought alongside me against the undead army with bravery, so I should not be the only one to be thanked. Still, the sad fact is that we didn't find survivors." said the dark hero while lowering his head.

"P-Please don't worry sir Momon, we all know that the undead hate life, we should be grateful that you destroyed them before causing any more deaths." said the priest of the Fire God.

"Sir Momon, Blue Rose let's go to the guild for your payment." said the guildmaster.

"I don't want any money." said the dark warrior.

Everyone was looking dumbfounded at the dark warrior, even Blue Rose.

What did he just say?

After all this, he doesn't want to be paid.

"Si- Sir Momon, bu-but why?" asked the guildmaster with an astounded face.

The dark warrior turned his back to everyone and hop on his golem warhorse. The sunlight has fallen on his armor and was making a great shadow than he turned his head to the guildmaster that was looking at him with astonished eyes.

"It was something that must be done no matter what because saving someone in danger is common sense. Give the money to the poor citizens that lost their loved ones, they need the money more than me." said the dark warrior that turned to head towards the gates of the city."

A true hero…

This warrior was the true face of justice. Everyone felt a great emotion when they heard those noble words. After ages, the heart of Evileye started to pump fast, she felt a great warmth inside her cold body, like she was a human again. An electric current ran up her spine from between her legs, and Evileye's petite frame shuddered.

"He is so amazing"

Those were the only words that Evileye could say about the dark hero.

How many stories will be written for this warrior?

How many songs would be sung by the bards?

His name will be embedded in the legends of heroes.

Momon The Black...