
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter Fifty Eight

Holy Celestial Empire

The Holy Maiden Jeanne d'Arc had entered inside the Elvenor Embassy alone without guards. Most of the time, when she goes out alone, she will have two guards on her back, but this time she did not allow anyone to follow after her.

The two high elf warriors that stood at the door where the office of the legate was. They opened the door for Jeanne, she was greeted by a female noble high elf that had long straight hair and blue eyes.

"Welcome Holy Maiden." the noble called Adelaida greeted.

Jeanne didn't say anything, but walked near the office table and sat on the chair. Adelaida remembers Jeanne for a long time, but she had never seen her acting so cold. It seems she was in a bad mood.

"Would you like some tea, Holy Maiden?" she asked her in a good manner.

"No, there is no need. I came here because I have some questions for you."

Adelaida kinda knew what those questions were about, but she did not expect the Holy Maiden to come here, but some other nobles of the Empire. A maid arrived inside with a moving table, she brought the tea for her mistress.

"It will be embarrassing to be only me drinking while in front of me, is the Holy Maiden herself, please accept a cup of tea." something like this Jeanne did not refuse, she had plenty of time anyway.

The maid prepared tea for both of them and then went out from the office with the moving table. "So, what do you want to ask me about, Holy Maiden?"

"Just call me Jeanne." Adelaida nodded in agreement. "Now, what can you tell me about the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick?"

As expected, there was no way that the Holy Empire wouldn't want to know for the nation that came out of nowhere. As the person that stood close with the Holy Emperor, it was obvious that she would come in his place.

"I myself don't know much about it, because we became a territory of Nazarick all of sudden, but I will tell you what I have seen and heard. Nazarick is a nation ruled by the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, he is an undead being and is also worshiped as a god."

"A god… could he be like the Mighty Kings?"

Jeanne had come to an understanding that the people of this world worshiped the Dragon Lords of the past, the sun or the moon, the ancestors, and also the beings that created her, so the "players".

"Have you seen him? What does he look like?"

"Yes I was there when Queen Alea proposed to him for marriage. He has no flesh at all, but the robes he wears and his aura truly makes him look godly."

A confusing expression appeared on Jeanne's face. "Wait… it was Alea that proposed to him?"

"Mhm that's true, it was her Majesty that made the first move. While we know that his Majesty doesn't have flesh and skin to see how he looked at that moment, I can tell that he was surprised to a point that he did not know what to say, fufufu"

"She seems happy to be ruled by an undead…"

"I don't want to be disrespectful towards your king and queen, but who in the world would want to marry an undead? I mean, when did she meet him or how did she meet him?"

It was really confusing to think about it. An undead is a creature that does not have feelings at all. Jeanne also wanted to ask about how they were going to… procreate if the Sorcerer King was just a pile of bones.

"Actually, her Majesty was about to die from a Chimera in the O'valian Village that is located near the Kotorr Alps, but the Sorcerer King showed up saving her Majesty, and killing all the monsters that were attacking the village."

"Why was he there?"

"He was there at the perfect moment, because he wanted to return all the people that were kept as slaves by the orcs. He even rescued the dark elves that we have been fighting like forever… His Majesty is a very beneficent person Jeanne, and for why her Majesty married him, it was because she fell in love with him. It was nothing political, but only love. That night, her majesty was only looking at him like she wanted his Majesty for herself… the word love was written upon her face."

Ainz Ooal Gown showed up as a white knight to save the high elven queen... How can an undead be like that? It didn't make any sense at all, and it went against all the things that are known about the undead beings, from not having any feelings, to their appetite for slaughtering the living beings.

The memories of the past came back to Jeanne. Surshana ruled a human nation and he was worshiped as a god and was also a player like her creator. The Sorcerer King might be a player too or maybe just a powerful being of this world.

Now the question is… should she fight him or make peace with him? The person that she had to protect was absolutely pro with the war against the Sorcerer Kingdom.

"What should I do? He might destroy everyone who goes against him… He saved those dark elves and the Underdark Empire joined the alliance. Why?! He will think about the people of this continent as ungrateful wretches…

"Umm, Jeanne are you okay?" she asked with concern.


The Holy Maiden was for a moment in deep thought and was not responding that's why it made the noble high elf worried.

"Ah sorry about that."

"It's alright but I still feel worried about you. Is something happening?"

"No, no, nothing is happening." should she tell her about the alliance, that would make her a traitor. "Adelaida, what can you tell me about the army of the Sorcerer King?"

"I don't know very much, but it has types of undead soldiers called Death Knights and Death Warriors and their commander was a Death Emperor. They look pretty scary but are very protective."

"Death Knights… Death Warriors… Death Emperor…" shook fell over her face, Jeanne knew these creatures very well, except the Death Emperor. Heaving such giant territory, the Sorcerer King might have a large army of these types of undead that can destroy nations single-handedly.

"That cursed overgrown lizard wants to send everyone to hell while he stays on the throne of my creators watching everyone die!"

Everytime she mentions that dragon, wrath captures her heart that almost made her abandon the Empire and her promise of protecting Ajax, just so she can go to the holy city of Eryuentiu and slay the Dragon Lord. She was mad at Ajax for the reason he lacked eagerness to take back the throne of his ancestors.

But still, there is the Sorcerer King too… Eryuentiu with all its wealth and riches might attract the undead lord.

"It doesn't matter anymore, huh… It was impossible, even being a level 100 warrior, alone she can't do anything against unknown powerful foes.

"Thank you Adelaida, I'm going."

"Anytime Jeanne."

The Holy Maiden left the embassy and headed to the Vortis Palace. She saw in the halls of the palace a lot of important knights in full plate armor of the Holy Empire. They were coming out from the war room.

Every knight that walked near her bowed their heads because she was an important figure of the empire. If she leads a battle, there is no way for the imperial army to lose. Her divine beauty filled the knights in a battle with endless valor.

But this time, the knights were not seeing her beautiful smile or her serious face when she went to battle. This time she had a cold expression over her face, they had never seen her like this before.

When it was time for battle, she was the first to proudly announce that his imperial majesty's army will crush the enemy, but this time she wasn't even present in the war room.

Suddenly, Jeanne encountered a dark skinned girl with long white hair, red eyes and wore a dress armor. Her name was Zooey and she also was a strong young knight of the Empire.

"Holy Maiden." Zooey bowed her head.

"Is the conference over?" asked Jeanne.

"Yes my lady, but only you were missing."

Jeanne sighed. "It's pointless anyway."

"Huh? What-What do mean, my lady."

"You will find out soon with what you all are dealing with, Zooey."

Waving her hand, she walked away from Zooey leaving her confused and scared. Jeanne had come to an agreement with herself, that the Sorcerer King was definitely a player like the great kings. She did not want to think deeply into that matter anymore, because invading such a large vast land, was the doing of a player.

As the conference was over, she went to the office of the Emperor. She did not bother knocking at the door. Jeanne opened it and went inside. Ajax was looking at some papers, he raised his head and saw Jeanne before him.

"Why weren't you present in the war room?" asked Ajax as he dropped the papers upon the table.

"Why should I?"

She made the Emperor confused from the way she responded. It was disrespectful and it went against her oath, but she was slowly losing respect for him.

"Jeanne, the entire continent is coming together to defeat the forces of evil and you go out. There is no time for-

"What in the world is wrong with you, Ajax?

Again she confused Ajax because she did not say "your Majesty" It was the first time she did that.

"What do you mean?"

"You are not supposed to fight alongside that damn lizard, but to cut his head and take the throne of Eryuentiu, because you are the last bloodline of the Great Kings, making you the rightful owner! Don't you understand that?!" she shouted angrily.

Ajax moved his head tiredly while hearing the Holy Maiden with an expression like "not this again". In his mind, he thought that Jeanne still believes that one day the glory of the Great King will rise again if they take back Eryuentiu, but that was just a childish dream that will never happen.

"Jeanne, listen, we have discussed this many times. Forget it!" his words shocked the maiden.

"This is your mission Ajax, and not going in a foolish war for a married queen that you have never met."

The face of Ajax turned red and angry. "Alea is being held hostage by the undead, and we must save her and the high elves!"

Jeanne hit her forehead with the palm of her hand. This man was completely blinde and uninformed. She couldn't imagine his face if Alea herself told him that she married the Sorcerer King willingly, because she loves him.

"It's not true at all Ajax. The high queen loves the undead king, that's why she married-"

"Lies!" wrathfully, the Holy Emperor barked. "You stupid or something?! Nobody would want to spend their entire life with a disgusting rotten monster! Would you want something like that Jeanne? Would you marry an undead creature?" asked Ajax with a disgusted expression.

"Who I would want to marry is none of your business, also Alea's marriage too. You are going after the wrong female, Ajax. The course you are following will doom this Empire. That damn lizard is manipulating all of you to fight his wars, WHILE HE HIDES INSIDE THE HOLY FLYING CASTLE THAT BELONG TO MY CREATORS! The lizard is the true enemy here, Ajax! We must kill him, to take revenge for the Great Kings, for Lord Byzant!" Jeanne was trying so hard to change the mind of the young Emperor.

Ajax got up from his chair and walked around Jeanne.

"Do you know that only our nation worships one of the Great Kings as a God? The entire world hates them, Jeanne, for what they have caused. The previous Emperors had to keep our religion a secret, you too, because if those nations that have suffered by them would have found out who we are, they would have joined together to destroy us. But gradually over the years, our neighbors started to see us differently like friends, even when we told them who we worship."

"Where are you going with this?" asked Jeanne, she was not understanding him.

"We are in debt with the world, Jeanne! They have forgiven us, even the Platinum Dragon Lord has forgiven us! And we must return the favor…"

The Holy Maiden was frozen like a statue looking at the portrait of the Great King Byzant that was on the wall. "Who-Who is this person… I can't recognize him anymore. This person is not an Emperor, this person is a… naive kid. What is happening with the bloodline of my creator?"

Like a doll with cut strings, Jeanne fell upon the chair with a shocked face. Her hopes to turn the Holy Emperor in the right way have been shattered by the Holy Emperor himself. She saw her mission to protect the bloodline of her creator, failing. Right now, she really… really wanted to die and leave this world for good.

"Do you understand now why we have to save the world Jeanne?"



The Holy Maiden was crying. Tears were flooding from her eyes like a waterfall covering her face and making it shine. Jeanne got up from the chair and went out running while crying leaving the Holy Emperor alone shocked. She did not want to see or talk to anyone so she went to her room locking the door. Again she fell on the floor crying non stop.

"I have failed you, master… I have failed you!"

Sea city

Tsar had sent his armor to the deepest level of the Sea City.

Down here it was an endless darkness than one couldn't see anything at all.

But for the Platinum Dragon Lord, darkness was nothing because he had darkvision.

Around him, he could see walls or he should call them outlines.

This place was built a very long time ago for a dangerous creature that should not be awakened.

But Tsar had no choice, he needed more potent allies. He did not believe that the nations would do much against the forces of the Sorcerer Kingdom.

But the one who sleeps here… she might defeat the lord of the undead.

Tsar reached the bottom of the sea. He looked around to find the one he was looking for.

There was no need to walk because she was there sleeping. It was an unimaginable large monster with seven heads.

Her breathing sounded differently this time because she smelled the armor that was controlled by Tsar.

All the heads opened their eyes as one and turned to see who this intruder was. The female monster spoke.

"Who dares to disturb my slumber?" a high threatening voice came out from the beast.

"It's me, the Platinum Dragon Lord, Tsaindorcus Vaision." Tsar introduced himself before the monster.

"Son of the Dragon Emperor, huh? You are far away from home brat. What brings you into my realm?"

"The world is in danger again and we need your help. The otherworldly monsters are back conquering the land."

"Why should I fight in a war that your stupid father started?"

"I know what he did was wrong and he paid for it with his life, but what has happened has happened. The enemy this time is far more dangerous and evil-

"Leave, I don't care about the troubles of the world." She lowered her heads to sleep again.

"Tch, have you gotten so lazy over the years or you just can't get up because of that fat body of yours?"

Tsar tried to mock her, but what he did was very wrong. The body of the beast turned into a shadow that surrounded Tsar. He was beginning to panic for a moment as he looked at his surroundings.

The thick dark shadow started to rotate like a vortex and in front of Tsar something was forming. All the dark shadow was being gathered in front of Tsar till someone appeared.

This skill shocked Tsar like never before. The monster that was bigger than the Oceanic Emperor Kraken, had transformed into a humanoid being. She had the appearance of a petite girl like Evileye, but she had long black hair, golden eyes, protruding crookedly black horns and a long dragon tail.

The petite girl was staring straight at his eyes striking fear at Tsar. She was angry, very angry, and was tightening her fists, but Tsar did not want to look weak. If she decides to hurt him, he will have to fight back.

"So are you going to help-


Without finishing his word, the Platinum Dragon Lord's armor was punched out of the deep sea very high, almost reaching the orbit. His armor was shattered completely and his wild magic was not able to control it anymore.

Back to Eryuentiu, Tsar was speechless and was not able to describe that powerful force of that… girl.


The petite girl had come out to the surface looking at the night sky. Waking up after such a long time made her curious to see the surface for a bit.


She spoke with a childish voice and went back to her lair.

Nobody knows how old this girl was.

Nobody knows where she came from.

Nobody knows what Dragon Lord title she had.

But she had a name that only the old Dragon Lords knew.

The name of this girl was… Kulshedra, and she possessed the position as the strongest being in the entire world, but still... nobody knows that.