
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Ainz vs Zesshi

Zesshi approached slowly and she was now 15 meters away from the skeletal being. They both stared at each other, heterochromia eyes and crimson points, war scythe and black sword. Zesshi smiled at Ainz and spoke.

"May I know your mighty name? This one is called Zesshi Zetsumei."

Ainz observed her with curiosity. A level 85 warrior, It surprised Ainz because It was the first high level being that he had seen since he arrived in this new world

"Well, if it's gonna be like that."

Ainz lifted his head and introduced himself.

"My name is Ainz Ooal Gown!"

Astrologer and Rovena that were watching, trembled when they heard that name. It was a powerful name that only fit an overpowered being like this undead.

"Do we really have to fight miss Zesshi?" asked Ainz.

"I have been looking forward all my life for a moment like this, Lord Ainz." replied Zesshi smiling.

Ainz just heard something weird.

"Why are you referring to me as Lord?" asked Ainz with wonder.

He had killed almost all her comrades, he was the enemy. Didn't she have a bit of empathy for them or she didn't care?

"That's because you are a mighty powerful being."

This world is like a jungle. Power and strength was everything to survive. If someone doesn't seek strength, then it will be devoured by the strong, this was the way for this world.

"I see... Well, I have to say, I really like your eyes...no, you are really cute though." said Ainz.

Zesshi just stared at him for a moment, then her face became red. Never in her life had someone told those words to her.

"You...you think I'm...cu-cute?" asked Zesshi, hardly controlling herself

Ainz started to regret, calling her like that.

"Ye-yeah... look, if I offended you, I'm sorry…

"No, no, I just… I have never been...fufufu~" Zesshi closed her eyes and rolled her head. "Ahh, I'm really getting excited, shall we start now?!"

"...Ight then Zesshi, come at me whenever you want." said Ainz.

Zesshi smiled joyfully, finally a powerful being that might defeat her was standing right in front of her. The warrior blood of Zesshi was boiling from excitement. The powerful undead being, raised his bony arms like he wanted to welcome her. She took a fighting position and started to activate her martial arts.

Martial Art - [Greater Ability Boost] [Reaper Strike]

Zesshi, like a bloodthirsty maniac charged at the undead being with a speed that no mere human can do or even achieve. The ground exploded beneath her feet with every step she took. The undead being remained unmoved while observing Zesshi that was about to strike him with the war scythe and with a soft voice, he spoke.

"You better watch where you seat foot, girl."


Three huge explosions blew Zesshi's body away. Before crashing on the ground, she thrust the blade of her war scythe on the ground to control the fall. She saw her gear and steam was coming out because of the heat that was caused by the explosive magic.

[Widen Magic - Asteroid Rain]

She heard the powerful undead casting his magic, then she turned her head at the sky, and the reason why was because there were hundreds of large rocks on fire that were falling in her direction. This was really bad, she quickly activated her martial art.

[Greater Ability Boost] [Greater Evasion]

The large asteroids made an impact with the ground and caused huge explosions, shockwaves, earthquake and made large craters on the ground. Zesshi was running fast and she was dodging every asteroid that was coming at her.

Zesshi had a grin on her face and she was thinking to use this to her advantage. Zesshi jumped in one of the asteroids and when the huge rock crashed on the ground, the explosive and shockwave force gave her tremendous speed, sending her straight at the undead being direction.

[Fatal Edge] [Reaper Strike]

At the moment she was about to hit the undead being with her war scythe.

[Astral Smite]

Small shining rivets hit Zesshi's body, causing her to scream in agony but still, she endured because she activated [Dull Pain]. The blade of the war scythe was about to hit him, but…

[Sharks Cyclone]

A 100 meters high tornado with a 50-meter diameter showed up and sucked Zesshi inside. She managed to cut the giant shark that was coming at her in two pieces, but the tornado sent her flying very far. Zesshi crashed harshly on the ground causing her intense pain. She spat blood on the ground and managed to get up on her feet.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, so powerful. How can I even reach him?"

Zesshi took out a healing potion and drank it, she felt the scars that were caused by the fight recovering, but she still felt pain inside her body.

Suddenly, a shining pillar was coming toward her really fast. Zesshi's black and white eyes went wide because the pillar was really huge. She ran fast from the large pillar and then managed to fall into a hole that was caused by one of the asteroids. The huge shining pillar passed her, it was not just huge, but long too. When it begins to touch the ground, it destroyed everything that was on his way. Trees, rocks, all of them were destroyed and the shining pillar still didn't stop, but then…


The huge pillar exploded, sending shockwaves almost in the entire forest. Zesshi and the others closed and protected their eyes because the explosion was even more shining than the Downfall of Castle and Country.

The light slowly fades away, there was the sound of sizzling, as though someone had thrown a burning torch into water. Zesshi raised her head from the hole and the first thing she saw was a 100-meter giant red cross that had kissed the heavens, but then she saw the earth…

"Oh my god!"

The explosion had destroyed everything in 300 meters. Nothing alive prevailed, there were several areas on the ground which were still emitting smoke. This scene looked like the world has ended and only death prevailed there. It was a horrifying scene for Astrologer and Rovena that had closed their mouths with their hands from the shock.

Zesshi came out from the hole and turned slowly to see the undead being.

"Sorry about that Zesshi." apologized, the undead being

"What was… that?" asked Zesshi with a shaky voice.

"It's was a mere 10th tier spell called [Falling Angel] and I really wanted to see how this spell looked like." said the undead being.

A mere 10th tier spell… He called that, a mere 10th tier spell? What was more shocking is that he just wanted to see the effects of the spell. This sent Zesshi a shiver down her spine. What could he have more in his arsenal?

"Is he just toying with me?"

Since the battle started, she hasn't managed to hit him at least once. The angry half-elf grabbed her war scythe that was on the ground and started to walk towards the undead skeleton gradually.

"Oh, you're approaching me?"

"I cannot fight you without getting closer."

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like."

"She said it! I can't believe she said it, hahaaaa!" screamed Ainz with joy.

[Ability Boost] [Greater Ability Boost]

Again Zesshi charged at the undead skeleton but this time way faster. It reached him really fast. The undead being raised his hand to cast a spell but…

[Greater Evasion]

She vanished, leaving only reflects of her behind, then she appeared behind the undead skeleton. Zesshi tightened her war scythe, this was her chance.

[Full Throttle] [Reaper Strike]

She aimed at his skull and the moment she was about to hit him, her war scythe was blocked by the black sword. Zesshi's eyes shocked because the undead wasn't even looking behind.

"Stronger with magic and stronger with the sword, what the hell?!"

"Cheh! [Flow Acceleration]"

With increased speed, Zesshi jumped in front of the undead.


The undead was faster.

[Magma Pillar]


A rock in the form of a pillar came out from the ground and hit Zesshi on her stomach, then it exploded, that sent Zesshi 20 meter away from him. Zesshi fell and rolled on the ground but she didn't give up. With the help of her war scythe, she managed to rise. She looked at him with fury eyes and started to activate her martial arts again.

[Limit Breaker] [Ability Boost] [Greater Ability Boost] [Greater Evasion]

The use of so many martial arts will give her a really bad pain. Like a light speed, she loose from the ground, leaving a huge crater behind, and went for the kill.

"[Physical Boost] [Reaper Strike] HHAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

A metallic sound was heard. The bloodied Zesshi attack was blocked again by the black sword.

"You never give up, don't you?"

Zesshi smiled at Ainz.

"Don't get so cocky girl."


[Maximize Magic - Gravity Maelstrom]

The black orb hit Zesshi's stomach and it took her 15 meters away, but the orb exploded, and that sent Zesshi flying 60 meters away from Ainz. She made an impact with the ground causing the dust to rise. Now she can't get up on her feet anymore. She was all beaten up. From the use of so many martial arts, her body was shivering like she had been staying out on a cold winter night. She didn't have a potion or an item to recover, that means, soon she will die.

"Well… this looks really bad." spoke the undead that had defeated her.

"Am- Am I s-so we-weak?" she spoke with difficulties because of the blood on her mouth.

She was never defeated since the day she started to train. All her life she has been looking for someone to have a powerful fight but nobody was on her level. The cardinal never let her leave the cathedral. She waited for ages and still no one, but now...

"You are really strong Zesshi."

With tears in her eyes, Zesshi smiled at the gentle words of this powerful undead that has defeated her easily. She closed her eyes because she thought that the undead being will kill her, but nothing happened.

Zesshi felt a hand that was lifting her head and she quickly opened her eyes.

"Lo-Lord Ainz… what ar-are you doing?"

"Hey, hey don't beat yourself up, drink this."

He gave her to drink a red-colored healing potion that she has never seen before. When the red liquid went down her throat, her body started to heal completely, even her gear recovered. She felt like she can fight again.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Am-am good, but...what was that?"

"Ah, that is just a Minor Healing Potion."

"I-I see."

"Umu, well I will leave now..." said Ainz turning her his back.

The eyes of Zesshi went wide and quickly rose on her feet and ran after him.

"Hey, are you just gonna leave me like this?" she shouted.

Ainz turned his skull slowly.

"Didn't the healing potion worked?" asked Ainz with wonder.

"My wounds are healed but my heart is not."


"I-I'm sorry, I-I don't understand…" suddenly his words were interrupted.

"I have been waiting so long, I have been waiting for this moment for ages."

Still, Ainz didn't understand shit. She said that she has been waiting for ages but she looked like a teenage girl and what was that she has been looking for ages made him curious.

"Please, take me with you, I want to be with you, please!"

Zesshi has put both her hands on his skeletal chest and tears were coming out from her beautiful eyes. The green aura of Ainz was exploding like a volcano.

"But-but I killed your friends…"

"They are not my friends! They all call me a freak because of these!"

Zesshi reviled Ainz her ears. Those ears didn't belong to a human. Zesshi was a half-elf with heterochromia eyes, but what Ainz saw, was something else. He saw himself when he was a weak skeleton mage that was hunted all the time and others called him a disgusting creature. He saw Suzuki Satoru.

Ainz took out a white handkerchief and began to wipe the tears of Zesshi.

"Zesshi please don't cry. That's not good for your beautiful face."

Those gentle words made her heart pump faster and she hugged him tightly.

"My love, I want to stay with you forever!"

Again the green aura of Ainz was activated when he heard that word.

"Lo-Love? But Zesshi I am an...:"

"I don't care, I just want you!"


Ainz started to pat her head and then hugged her. His emotions keep suppressed by his undead nature.

"Ah, lo-lord Ainz…"

They were interrupted by the voice of another girl. Both Ainz and Zesshi looked around where that voice came from. Then they found her. Ainz remembered her, it was the blonde girl that started everything.

"Oh, it's you."

The girl was lying beneath a tree. He thought, his AOE spells might have killed her but no, she was lying there with hands on her stomach.

"You are wounded?" asked Ainz.

"Please, heal me..." she begged.

"Why should I?" again Ainz asked with wonder.

"I can do everything for you! Please! I can't stand the pain anymore!" she begged again.

Ainz turned his skull and looked at Zesshi that was smiling at him.

"You all called her a traitor. What did she do?" asked Ainz.

"Yes my love, she is accused of murdering a Miko Princess and killing many citizens of the Slane Theocracy."

Ainz didn't care what was that princess, but little did he know that he had killed one to.

"What is your name?" asked Ainz.

"Clementine, my lord."

"Well Clementine, even if I heal you, you are worthless to me."

With tears in her eyes, Clementine lowered her head and fell in despair. He accepted Zesshi because she was worthy, but she was weak, she didn't belong in his ranks. She will just die here and her corpse will be eaten by monsters. She didn't belong in this world.


Clementine lifts her head fast to hear the undead.

"If you abandon your humanity, you will become my subordinate."

She thought for a moment. She didn't know what kind of monster he will turn her into, but she didn't care, If it means she will stay alive, then so be it.

"Yes… Yes, I accept."

"So be it then."

[Create High Tier Vampire - Blood Empress]

A red liquid appeared and covered Clementine completely. The red liquid did not disappear, but it entered inside Clementine's mouth. Her skin now was pale white. She opened her crimson eyes and saw Ainz.

"Your loyal slave is ready to serve you, Master~" when she spoke, her sharp fangs could be seen.

Zesshi was just smiling because she accepted everything her husband does. She didn't mind having Clementine as a comrade again.

"Umu, collect the most powerful weapons and items of the Black Scripture and bring them to me."

"Yes, my Master. Ah~ what about those two blood bags over there~ shall I have them for dinner~ my Master?"

The way she talked irritated Ainz. Was she always like this?

"Go do what I told you to do." ordered Ainz with a serious tone.

"Ye-Yes Master!" the level 90 vampire obeyed her master.

Ainz and Zesshi went to Rovena and Astrologer that were kneeling some meters away. Astrologer was shaking from fear, but Rovena had an angry face. When the two powerful beings were in front of, she started to shout.

"You fucking half-elf whore traitor, you will pay…KUUUGGGHHHHTHHH"

The reason she stopped shouting, was because Ainz cut her throat with his black sword and she fell on the ground dying slowly.

"Oh no, you can't call my waifu like that."

Astrologer was horrified, she wanted to scream and beg for mercy. With tears in her eyes, she saw Rovena's body shaking and the blood flowing from her throat, then the undead was right in front of her, but now he was wearing a majestic dark gown adorned with golden and violet edges. Even Zesshi was surprised when she saw it. Astrologer understood that all this time, they had been fighting the God of Death.

"You were the only one that didn't want this to happen, so I will let you go, but for now... sleep dear child, because beautiful dreams await you...

Hail the Supreme Overlord!