
The Supreme Necromancer(DROPPED)

Venerius lived his life peacefully in the outer walls. His dream was to join the army and fight of the zombies to reclaim the world from zombies and free the humans. That was until his first mission with his friends when he was betrayed and left to die in the forest. Night came and the zombies came from their hide out he got lucky and killed one. [Necromancer System successfuly entered the host's body] -Do you want to summon the zombie 0001?- Venerius smiled upon seeing this,'With this power. You will regret your actions.'he said to himself swearing to annihilate those who crosses him. Join me to see how Venerius's story will go.

LimitlessGOD_999 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The Dojo

"Okay, I hope you have a change of clothes."said Venerius handing them the duffel bag to fill with their clothes.

"Oh, sorry again."said Venerius,"I have two extra gym clothes and they aren't my size so they'll probably fit Anna and Amelia."

"As for you,"he said looking at Christopher and Jeremy, "I guess you'll have to wear some casual clothing and carry an extra for changing after training."he said as he headed towards his room to take the said clothes and in no time he was back where they were waiting for him to join them.

"Alright then, let's head out."he said as he started walking. The group followed him without much complain as they had gotten used to following him around.


"Guy's, where we're heading to is not at all a fun place to be believe me, the trainer there is crazy I swear it, he doesn't even care about your physical form he will mess you up either way."said Venerius trying make it clear that it would not be a walk in the park at all.

With that silence once again took control and refused to disperse as they all kept quiet and followed Venerius. Soon enough they arrived at a place with a banner clearly stating the words,'DENZEL'S DOJO' in bold.

"Master I'm hereeeeeeee."shouted Venerius in order to get his master's attention.

Even after waiting for quite a while the man still hadn't shown himself, undeterred Venerius called once more,"Master we have visitors. Please show yourself you're leaving a bad impression on the guest's."

"Who me leave a bad impression in what world~" a somewhat childish voice sounded in the room.

It was the kind of voice that would make people say,'Awwww cute.' And they were also tempted to do so but the fact that they couldn't decipher the origin point of the voice therefore amplifying it's intimidation.

"Master,please come o-"before Venerius could finish his words he was struck with a kick from above, it seemed that he had fallen from the sky.

Almost as soon as he struck Venerius he once again disappeared and re-appeared behind the barely standing Venerius and struck him once again before disappearing.

"Careful guys,"said Venerius," The training has begun, and try not to take too many hits."

After saying that he readied himself for whatever would came at him. He then closed his red eyes and focused before briefly reopening them,

This time his eyes had somehow changed, the group couldn't quite place their fingers on the change,

The only visible change outside was his deamenor his carefree cheerful attitude was nowhere to be seen and was instead replaced by a stoicism.

His focus was on the task ahead not wandering unnecessarily. His eyes also seemed to glow even brighter than before.

"How can someone change so fast!"said Jeremy out loud.

Anna and Christopher looked at him for a second before turning away,'I wonder where I heard those exact words.'thought the two of them at the same time.

Then as if out of thin air a man appeared in front of them. The man exuded an aura that forced one into submission, he had an almost ethereal appearance. To the groups eyes he appeared as a Divine being gracing the earth with his sheer power.

It seemed as though he could split mountains with a simple flick of his wrist. He was the epitome of power in their eyes, they all marveled at his presence alone which seemed enough to bring armies to a halt without his effort being required.

They continued to adore the man before them before he spoke up,

"That was for saying I was leaving a bad impression on the guests as I believe I am the most hospitable person in the whole world and I will not allow my hospitality to be disrespected by anyone~"said the burly man.

'Don't laugh please no matter what you do, do not laugh.' Venerius silently hoped that his friends would not laugh.

"Khwaaakkkk, haahahahah.. ha.. ha ..ha ..hmm."

But of course someone had to mess it up and that person was non other than Jeremy. He had burst out laughing like never before, tears could be seen in his eyes.

'Now you've done it. May the Lord help you get through this alive.' Venerius prayed internally for him.

The man looked at whoever laughed and then narrowed his eyes but lets him be seemingly forgetting what he wished to do to the young man in front of him.

"Since I was talking about my hospitality skills I will let you of the hook with a stern warning, I would like to believe that what happened was a slip of the tongue and will not happen again right young man?~"he said whilst concentrating his aura on the young man.

Jeremy feeling the force on him getting more and more suppressing nodded fervently not wanting to further earn the wrath if the man in front of him.

Meanwhile Venerius was busy throwing curses at the man.

'A stern punishment my a**, the time I laughed at his voice i was almost crippled by this fiend of a human being.' Venerius complained internally not daring to voice his complain.

'He's lenient to them as they are still guests I can't even begin to imagine what he would have done if it were me!'thought Venerius

The last time he laughed at his master's voice he was given the most physically taxing exercise his master could come up with at the moment and made him do it for a whole month without any breaks other than eating and sleeping and even those were cut partially his food was reduced by the Head Care taker after he was reported and he was meant to wake up even earlier than usual in order to do his chores and training.

He smiled bitterly as he remembered these bittersweet events.

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