

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Venharice's Trial

Chapter 49 Venharice's Trial

"My Dear Daredevil….!!!"

Amdarais shout while flying toward me in relief.

Never thought this egoistic skull hugged me like he just missed someone.

"Ohh… I thought you had long gone…! I'm worried to death, you know…!"

Amdarais laughed, satisfied, still hugging me.

"Man, enough with the hug. I'm alive."

I said it while breathing because his hug felt like crushing me.

Think it through; I'm surprised that Amdarais's body has slightly become more visible and touchable.

Is it because the effect of my power increased as a Magician?

I remember he said that his Soul's part is linked with my Soul's Spirit, so he could gain power from my magic power.

If I become more potent than this, his physique will be changed entirely into the tangible form of himself, which I am curious about.

Anyway, his hug becomes stiffer.

I could be dead if this joker is not finished yet released his yearning.

"Amdarais, man, come on. I'll be dead with broken bone if you keep this up!"

I yelled with an annoyed tone.

Amdarais chuckled as he let me go.

"I can sense you have reached the Water Magic Spell, Daredevil! Well done!"

Amdarais congratulate me.

"The book we are looking for is in this tower ruins. Nobody would realize it if they can't sense it with Soul's Spirit resonation."

I am pointing to the tower ruins behind me.

"Ah, so Venharice placed it in there on purpose."

"What do you mean?"

"Perhaps…. Vaeral can elaborate it…."

Amdarais stared at Vaeral, who barely arrived next to him.

"Glad you're safe, Rezvan."

Vaeral exhales in relief.

He contemplated when seeing the tower ruins behind him.

"It's just as I predicted. My father placed the book in tower ruins under the sea by not forming it like the usual book."

"Why your father does that?"

"So Derberos families not aware of it. They mainly invade Venharice because they want to weaken Venharice by destroying the source of their magician skill, which is the book of water knowledge."

"Damn… they're ferocious when it comes to separating you from your own family."

"Yes… I swear I'm not letting Derberos and those cursed Halflings do this anymore for the sake of Venharice and my wife!"

"Such beautiful words, son…."

Sundamar suddenly intervenes.

He's walking calmly with a slow step toward us.

"You can say anything millions of times for apologize your mistake, son. But there's no use on it if I do not see your act on your word…."

Sundamar continues his statement.

"Then, tell me, father! What should I do for me to have Venharice's trust again?! I'll do anything for that!"

Vaeral accepts his father challenged.

Sundamar stopped his step, then looked at me for a while.

"I demand a simple act, son. The Supreme Magician apprentice was also involved in my trial."

I stare back at Sundamar with a serious face.

"I'm ready for it."

I said it firmly.

"Don't think that after you meet the dragon of wisdom, you could have a privilege on my trial. When it comes to Venharice's pride, your life is at stake."

Sundamar's words made me remember the dragon of wisdom' last words.

As far as I am concerned, meeting with the dragon of wisdom only reminded me of my reason to keep striving.

Life and death situations gradually become something I'm used to at this point.

"A-are you sure want to participate, Rezvan?"

Vaeral suddenly asked for conformity.

Probably it's not comforting for him to let strangers be forcefully involved in his family matters.

"It's your dad's requirement, though. So what can I say?"

I shrugged it casually.

"B-but… why? It's too dangerous for you. I know you and Amdarais have your own reason, and it's not about my family, right?"

Vaeral still insists.

I understand he doesn't want me to suffer severe damage or suffer because of his or Soliana's family problem.

From Amdarais' perspective, he also wants me to avoid getting involved too much in Dark Elves' noble families' problem since it's dangerous for me regarding my Magician skill.

But everything's already affecting me, whether I like it or not.

When Ice Queen had sealed my Red Dragon's eyes, I knew I should push myself further to break through my Magician limitation.

Even if it means I should fight Venharice, Yinleth, Soliana, or Derberos, I shall do it.

No matter what Amdarais protests or yells about, I'm ignoring it since this complicated problem has already struck me.

Destroying the complexity problem of these Dark Elves Noble Families or getting obliterated by it.

It's only two probabilities for me and no alternative between them.

"When a man is challenged for their pride, I shall accept it and win, Vaeral. As simple as that."

I answered with simple words.

Vaeral lost words, and so did Amdarais.

They both know they can't change my mind when I am entirely determined.

"Father, we are both ready."

Vaeral said after a long pause.

Sundamar smiled menacingly.

This Old Dark Elf stretches his hand to the circling sea around us, then casts Ice Magic Spell.

"Silent for the sake of wisdom

Quiet for the grace of Arcane

Freeze the unstoppable

Let us contemplate, o Majestic Ice!"

The second Sundamar finished his recitation, he clenched his palm and slammed the ground with it.

The magical blue formation spread vastly, covering all those circling seas inside its area of effect.

The circling sea froze instantly as the blue aura emerged from the magical formation.

Now it feels like I had trapped inside the middle of Ice Mountain.

Vaeral and I look dumbfounded because of Sundamar's Great Ice Magic Spell.

I know Water and Ice Magic Spell have related to each other, but man, this is a great magic ice spell recitation from the old dark elf.

"It's just a beginning, kid."

Sundamar stood with his hand full of ice steam.

He grasps both hands and then starts a new recitation magic spell.

"By the grace of your flow

Be formless

Be shapeless

Dance on, Noble Water!"

As Sundamar finished his casting spell, the ice steam diminished.

The blue aura now emerges on his body, craving the blue line of light on his entire body until it is half of his face like a guiding light.

Even the blue light line looks faint; my Soul's Spirit senses an incredible drive of aura in every Sundamar's movement.

Is this also a part of the Water Magic Spell?

It's my first time seeing that.

"It's a simple trial, kid! If any of you can land your fist or shoot your magical spell to my head, back, or stomach, then you won this trial!"

Sundamar explains Venharice's trial.

It sounds simple, but it's fishy for me.

"Is your father going overconfident this time?"

I whispered Vaeral.

"No, it's one of the Great Magic of Water Spell that is hard to master because it vastly improves agility. You can't underestimate that."

Vaeral replied and looked concerned.

He feels the same about Sundamar's magic skill.

"Let's surround him from a different side, casting the Soul's Strike on him quickly and constantly. Don't give him space, even if it is just a less second. Focuses on your aim."

Vaeral clenched his palm as the Blue Aura of his Soul's Spirit emerged, prepared to cast the Soul's Strike.

"Isn't that too overkill? Soul's Strike is really fast and hard to avoid, you know. It could kill your father if we shot him too much like that."

I warned Vaeral, but he's not agreeing.

"Like I said, Rezvan. Don't underestimate the Great Water Magic Spell. Remember our plan and keep shooting until we win the trial, right?"

"Okay, got it."

I'm not continuing my concern and focusing on the trial.

When Vaeral started running to the east, I ran west.

We had already prepared our Soul's Spirit, so the Blue Aura emerged in our body, ready for the Shooting Stars.

Simultaneously, Vaeral and I aimed the Sundamar's body and then massively cast the Soul's Strike.

Thousands of shooting stars flew rapidly toward Sundamar, who was still waiting.

As one of the Soul's Strike almost reached Sundamar's head, he already evaded it by simply tilting his head.

Another Soul's Strike surrounds the Old Dark Elf's head from every direction incoming.

Still, he can evade it by simply duck then somersaulting to avoid a massive Soul's Strike that almost hit his body and feet.

The moment Sundamar landed, he tilted his head and body continuously, smoothly evading dozens of Soul's Strikes that tried to penetrate him.

I can't fathom how perfectly Sundamar could evade all my and Vaeral's Shooting Stars even without seeing all of it from any direction.

He's like 'dancing' among those hundreds of shooting stars barrage that couldn't even land on him.

From afar, I can sense the frequency of Vaeral's Shooting stars gradually decreased as he started getting exhausted because of a long casting spell.

At that moment, under Sundamar's hyper-agile movement, I can see he runs and rolls jumps simultaneously to shorten his range toward Vaeral.

Is Sundamar not even using his magic spell to counter our attack?

What is he planning to do?