

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Venharice's Trial (IV)

Chapter 52 Venharice's Trial (IV)

"You're a persistent one, human."

Sundamar clenched his palm and formed his fighting stance.

I took a step away from Vaeral with a sharp stare at Sundamar, ensuring his attention was toward me.

So far, Sundamar's not suspicious about Vaeral standing still without any movement.

"What's the matter, son? Did you give up already? Only big words like usual, I see…."

Sundamar diverts his attention toward me after looking at Vaeral with a disdainful face.

Vaeral surely held his anger for his father's insult, as he had something important to do rather than going wild because of it.

"Fight me!"

I yelled loudly as I rushed to Sundamar.

Only in a second, I jumped and threw my thrust kick to Sundamar's head.

I can see he already evaded it by ducking, but I'm not allowing him to counter it.

As soon as I landed, I turned my back and tried to hit Sundamar's stomach with a round kick.

Sundamar blocked it simply with his left hand and leg.

Even though I repeatedly threw my round kicks to keep the pressure, Sundamar could block all of it easily.

After the last-round kick, I moved forward before he countered his kick.

The distance between us became closer, making Sundamar change his kick into a knee thrust that I tackled using my right knee.

Our knee clashes, creating a second pause for us to prepare for preparing next attack.

Again, I gritted my teeth to force my muscles, nerves, and soul to move forward before he attempted to blow his punches or kick.

I succeed in barraging Sundamar with my rapid punches that aim at his head or stomach.

Even though my massive punches were as rapid as hell, this old man could tackle every punch using both hands smoothly.

"Have you gone desperate, human?! Such a speed couldn't tackle my agility and parry!"

Sundamar mocked me with a grin.

But I'm not faltering.

The seconds after my last punches, I dashed while hugging his body completely, then held it tightly.

"Foolish human! What are you doing?!"

Sundamar surprised me and slammed my back with his rapid punches endlessly.

My back felt crushed as my Magical Barrier gradually shattered because of Sundamar's barrage of punches.

I gritted my teeth again to swallow the pain and tightened my grasp until Sundamar's back felt cracked.

In the middle of pain, Sundamar still insists on keeping his stability.

"It's not a win, you crazy human! I will make the end of your stupidity!"

Sundamar clenched his fist to hammer my head, which made me instantly pass away.

However, I'm already prepared enough time for the actual attack.

Before Sundamar lands his fist on my head, the sound of a gleaming blue aura raises his awareness.

Sundamar looks surprised when he looks at Vaeral, who's in the middle of fully concentrating his Soul's Spirit until it emerges the blue aura.

The second Vaeral aimed his palm toward Sundamar's body and head, hundreds of Soul's Strike flew quickly to strike his father.

Sundamar immediate move stopped because his body was locked by my tight grasp.

He panicked since he couldn't evade hundreds of Souls Strike if he could not move freely.

"You human bastard…! You tricked me…! I-"

Under those desperate moments, Sundamar crossed his hand to guard hundred of Vaeral's Shooting Stars that were incoming.

I'm closing my eye and focusing only on guarding the incoming Shooting Star that will strike me along with Sundamar.


Hundreds of Shooting Stars clashed like a hundred rocks that hailed down and plummeted my body.

Even though My Magical Barrier is not destroyed entirely since it's already enhanced by the Anti-Magic Ring, it is still painful.

At the same time, I can hear Sundamar's scream since a dozen Shooting Stars landed roughly on his head, body, and back simultaneously.

His crossing hand is not effectively guarding all those Vaeral's Shooting Stars.

A few seconds passed into silence after Vaeral's Soul Strike ended.

Both I and Sundamar stumbled with similar injuries on our bodies.

If I had not an Anti-Magic Ring, my Magical Barrier would probably be utterly destroyed, and my body would be hollowed because of that rain of Shooting Stars.


I can hear Vaeral and Amdarais calling my name, but I have no energy left to stand up since my body feels crumbling.

I stayed lying down until I saw Vaeral helping me with his regeneration magic.

The pain is diminished gradually, which makes me could breathe more relieved.

As I stare at Sundamar, he's kneeling and using his magic regeneration on himself.

A few seconds later, twenty Dark Elves wearing a similar robe to Sundamar jumped in and covered Sundamar.

They immediately restore their master using regeneration magic, so Sundamar's recovery goes faster.

In the awkward silence, some of Sundamar's apprentices suddenly prepared their magic spell for me and Vareal.

Vaeral immediately stood then, preparing his Soul's Spirit more firmly to counter it.

"You dare to continue this into a brutal fight, huh?!"

Vaeral shouted threateningly, making Sundamar's apprentices tremble in the middle of their casting spell.

"Enough! All of you!"

Sundamar shouted back, then coughing since his body still felt crumbled.

Thanks to that, his apprentices stopped threatening Vaeral and me with their casting spells.

As the regeneration magic had recovered almost all my injuries and exhaustion, I kneeled to maintain my breath stable.

"Father, your promise."

Vaeral asking Sundamar for confirmation.

Even Sundamar looks angry.

He probably felt it difficult to accept our victory.

But at the same time, it's a shameless and prideless act for them to ignore it since the injury is real evidence of his loss.

To him, it's hard to accept his son, who was initially a traitor, now returned and defeated him in his own trial.

"It's because of your trick…."

Sundamar mumbled while staring at me, who was still sitting under regeneration magic by Vaeral.

"But loss is a loss. You win, son. This Trial is over."

I heave a sigh of relief because of Sundamar's statement.

Regardless of the agility buff from Great Water Magic Spell, it was damn exhausting to go kung fu and brawling simultaneously all the way with this old man.

Vaeral smiled over his father's acceptance toward him.

"Thank you, father. I hope your apprentices are not disturbing our victory with their disrespectful actions."

Vaeral stare at the Sundamar's apprentice, who initiates the casting spell for threatening.

"Venharice is not over yet under the hand of Derberos! We'll not be giving up Venharice to them!"

"It's our pure magical skill that had value in Venharice that Derberos would not understand its meaning!"

The rebellious apprentice started yelling back with anxiety.

"Such a shameful magician, aren't they…."

Amdarais mocked with a flat tone.

"Listen! I'm not a Derberos's dog! I'm Krismenar, but that doesn't imply I want to destroy Venharice! On the contrary, I want to help Venharice! Don't you understand I'm proper for doing all of that?! I'm succeeded the Venharice's Trial!"

Vaeral emphasized our victory firmly, so those rebellious apprentices lost words.

He shifted his focus on his Soul's Spirit, creating an emergence of a Blue Aura that covered his body completely.

When his Soul's Spirit already resonates entirely with his body, Vaeral punches the ground making the magical blue formation spread into the frozen circle of sea.

"There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

Vaeral's spell recitation melted all the frozen sea circles into the water just like before.

The sound of flowing water around us lifts our spirit compared with the previous sea ice cage' with a depressing atmosphere.

The water flow feels like celebrating my achievement on my new magic spell.

Finally, I had a water magic spell to elevate myself to counter Ice Queen's magic in the next battle.

However, is this Water Magic Spell enough for the rematch later?

I know Water Magic Spell could tackle Soliana's Ice Magic Spell, considering my Fire Magic spell is blocked by her Ice Seal.

Since The Dark Elves and Halflings are afraid of Ice Queen, I know something more made her so strong besides the Ice Seal.

Perhaps I need another magical power for fighting back the Ice Queen beside the Water Magic Spell, even though I still don't know yet what it is.

I should discuss it with Vaeral and Amdarais when we come back to Amdarais' Clock Tower to plan the next strategy.

During this rest time, I looked around and stopped at Sundamar, staring at his son without a word.

Looking at Vaeral's Water Magic Spell, Sundamar is silent with a hopeful expression.

Perhaps, it is Sundamar's hope to see his son back to Venharice's family to solve the commotion between Dark Elves' noble families.

"Water and Ice Magic Spell are inseparable. You might have mastered the water spell at this point, but it would be a different story regarding Ice Magic Spell."

Sundamar said in a concerned manner.

Vaeral looked contemplated when he heard that.

What does that mean?

Does that imply Sundamar had another secret regarding Ice Magic Spell learning?

I hope he had.