

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Vaeral's Offering to Peace

Chapter 36 Vaeral's Offering to Peace

"Suppose I offer you something that could bring you into the peace that any human longing for. Do you want to take it, Rezvan?"

Vaeral asked me with a serious and calm tone.

I don't know what he wants but let me hear it for a moment.

"What kind of peace?"

"The 'eternal peace.' You can bring humans that you adore to stay in here with us. If you take my offer, I guarantee there's no need for you to struggle and fight malicious monsters and humans again."

Vaeral constantly smiled while bluffing all of that.

He doesn't care if Amdarais become resentful for intervening in his ambition.

"I need a friend, Rezvan. A good and calm friend like you. I also can be a good friend to your sisters. Together, we'll be eternally happy here. Not worrying about training magic, collecting the Diamond, and defeating the Monsters."

Vaeral embraces my shoulder.

I can sense his hopeful desire for me.

His attempt to persuade me to bring my sisters surprised me, though.

It means the Dark Elves already know my sisters since they are getting kidnapped by the Astray Knights in The Temple Dungeon.

I understand he tries to 'put himself in my shoes,' so I can clearly see his offering.

Honestly, living in here without working hard as a Magician is tempting.

Even me and my sisters could have a joyous life.

They don't need to overthink constant threats from the monsters or the Astray Knights.

If Vaeral could release me from Amdarais' chain', my Magician life could be over, and my peaceful life could begin.

I believe no average human willing to suffer their self as a Magician.

If the human is depressed, it is possible they'll kill himself rather than live in hell by becoming a Magician.

But I was an exceptional man.

I'm driven by unexplainable reasons above rational and calculable reasons.

The reason might be varied:

'I want to be stronger,' 'it's my second chance at life, 'protect my family,' 'vengeance over anyone who belittles me,' or anything similar with that.

However, in the end, only those 'unexplainable reasons' still make me strive as a Magician.

I remember the moment when my death is very near at the Secret Dungeon, especially when I throw a small rock at Amdarais as a sign of challenging him.

Am I choosing death when I do that?

Am I being desperate and choosing anything that will end my suffering?

Probably yes, even though I was not thinking that way then.

It's like unconscious thought on me, who chose to throw the small rock at him.

I never thought of a slight possibility of me having a life as a Magician, to begin with.

Furthermore, it also feels familiar when I think about the Soul's Spirit journey in the middle of 'good' and 'evil' among Monster races.

The Soul's Spirit never reveals itself as the good or evil bringer.

They just move to someone's focuses mind on them, not measured by the good or evil intention.

Are they driven by something beyond good and evil?

As far as I read from the books, it could be a possibility.

Even though it is still a mystery if they have already reached that way or not.

But I'm interested in that Soul's Spirit journey.

If there's some way for me to move above good and evil, even if it has to do as a Magician, then I'll do it as far as I can.

I know it's a complicated train of thought for me, which make everyone like or hate me for many reasons.

Getting liked or hatred by anyone because of this… I think it's not essential to think anymore.

I'll just move forward as Magician from now on.

"No, sorry."

I said it softly while letting go of Vaeral's embrace.

"I'm not interested in living with my sisters here."

Amdarais grinned widely upon hearing my answer.

On the other side, Vaeral was stunned for a while.

He's not expecting my answer like that.

"W-why…? I thought it's your main reason as a human to have a peaceful life, right?"

Vaeral questioned me while frowning.

"You're right about a peaceful life. But living in here is not peace. Same as the Ice Palace. It's just… nothingness."

"That's it! That's what I'm talking about, Daredevil! You heard that, boring-ass Dark Elves?!"

Amdarais sounds happy for cheering my statement.

Vaeral exhaled.

I can feel the disappointment on his sorrowful face.

"It's a sad decision, Rezvan. I can feel your kindness is being used by Amdarais ego."

"To be honest, I'm more surprised that you're so sad for me, Vaeral."

I dare myself to express my honest thought toward Vaeral.

"Why? It's normal for me to have pity toward others?"

Vaeral asks with his feeling of disapproval.

"I don't know. It's not a pity for me. It's a pity on yourself, as far as I can see."

"M-me…? I pity myself? That's ridiculous…! I abandoned my pride in helping my family and my loved ones! For this eternal peace!"

"If that is so, why are you offering me? Isn't this peaceful garden and the Palace already yours and your families? Isn't this kind of peace that you want from the beginning? Why do you trouble yourself to invite me? I feel you want me to have this kind of 'eternal life' just to accompany you in this shallow place."

Vaeral stunned.

His mouth opened, but there were no words that came from it.

I know my honest words seem too harsh, but somehow, I had to say them.

I don't care if Vaeral accepts it or not.

During this silent moment, my memories of defeating the mother dragon suddenly come without reason.

I remembered the moment the Demon provoked the Mother Dragon to have an act of revenge over the death of her children.

It still baffles me when I remember the Demon opening the magical gate.

The Demon does that so the Mother Dragon can vent her rage toward humans and Knights, who she considers the murder of her child.

I know the Demon's provocation is nasty.

Still, somehow, it inspires me with some ideas I had never thought of, even for a second.

I aimed the floor between Vaeral and me, then cast the Fire Explosion Spell.

The floor is suddenly carved with the flame magic symbol.

Anyone who stomps or touches that symbol will activate the Fire Explosion trap.

Amdarais and Vaeral suddenly get surprised by my unexpected act.

"I bet you are already aware of this Fire Explosion trap, Vaeral."

I said firmly in the middle of their confusion.

Amdarais said before that the Ice Seal on Vaeral's body is the weakest, and it is possible to remove it using the fire magic spell.

Technically speaking, the Ice Seal on Vaeral's body creates numbness, so he can't cast the magic spell properly.

Only a fire magic spell can release its numbness since the fire naturally burns ice with a proper blaze.

"The flame could burn your Ice Seal, Vaeral. So whether you want to break your seal by yourself or continue your life in this peaceful garden, it's up to you."

Amdarais laughed satisfyingly after he heard my statement.

"Hahahaha! Now that's a damn clever, My Daredevil! Do you see that, Vaeral? That's the choice you longing for after getting stuck in these years of boredom, eh?! I'm your true friend! It is me who offers your freedom over anything!"

Vaeral looks dumbfounded while hearing Amdarais mocking him.

Vaeral stared at the floor carved with fire magic symbols for a long time and went speechless.

Regardless of what he chooses later, I do not really care.

I just give him a choice that he might be waiting for.

"Now, it's time for the Supreme Magician wannabe to meet the Ice Queen, eh? We had wasted our time here."

Amdarais reminds me of my main objective after he finished with his laugh.

Since Vaeral keeps silent with a crestfallen face, I decide to go out of the garden.

I had fulfilled Vaeral's calling and given my answer, so I have any reason to stay here.

"Rezvan, wait…"


Vaeral immediately asks me once again before I leave the garden.

"Do you think it's wrong for the Monsters to hope the 'eternal peace'? As a human, you might see the Monsters as wild creatures that want to bring chaos to your world. But it's not all of us. Some Monsters just want to live in peace and avoid those evil Monsters."

Vaeral asked with a trembling voice.

It seems Vaeral tries to convey his honesty deep inside his heart.

"Either Monsters or humans, I think there's nothing wrong with reaching 'eternal peace.' But, regarding the chaotic Monsters, a human also does that."

I answered while remembering the Astray Knights' evil plan.

"So, you demand peace, too?"

"Yeah, of course. It's just…the 'true peace' that we are longing for seems mystery for all of us."

"Why it's a mystery?"

"Only your heart can tell it, Vaeral. It's a bit complicated, but you must be brave to achieve that."

Vaeral is back to silent.

I continue my walk to move out of the garden and leave Vaeral.

It's time for me to face the Ice Queen properly.