

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

The Trial of Sacrifice (2)

Chapter 6 The Trial of Sacrifice (2)

"Goddamn it! That bitch escaped?!"

Herdi yelled while coughing heavily because the air had become thinner than before.

Mister Agung also feels the same furious as Herdi.

It's four red crystals left to make the last clock tick normally.

But Herdi and the other two Knights had done enough for waiting.

Each of them took the bag of Diamonds and rushed to the green gemstones.

Mister Agung hurriedly brandished his silver sword, threatening them not to go further.

"Stupid dumbass! The fire will become wilder if all of you escape using green gemstones!"

Herdi parried Mister Agung's slash while the other two Knights slammed Mister Agung's head with their fists.

Mister Agung fell hard, almost going unconscious.

He groans loudly in the middle of his bleeding nose and mouth.

It is impossible for me to stop Herdi and the other two Knights because they have gone rampage.

Even Farhan can't do anything because he still helping me stand.

Those three knights run like mad while carrying each bag of diamonds.

Two other Knights took green gemstones first, then Herdi.

Relieved smiles of these two arise when the instant teleport gate is on their hand now.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, creating a circle of fire that spread into these two Knights like a hurricane that obliterated their bodies into ashes.

Herdi, who barely catches the green gemstone, instantly turns back while covering his face from getting burned.

He trembled in fear while holding the heat that made his skin feels like melt.

As soon as he activated the green gemstone, the light green radiated through his body.

Herdi throws his look at me, watching me with a regretful face.

"I have a wife and two children…."

Such a small voice, but I knew Herdi intended to say it to me.

I don't know whether I should despise Marie and Herdi for this chaos or forgive them because of their condition.

Ultimately, it's an endless unfairness.

The circle of fire flared up immediately after those three Knights were gone.

Every armor we use for protection is blistered because the heat becomes aggressively destructive.

In this ugly condition, the oxygen depletion in the secret room forces Nadia to pass out.

"Nadia, no!"

Farhan wants to help, but fortunately, Mister Agung moves fast to hold Nadia.

Only four of us still stay in this cursed room.

Nobody is willing to speak in this hopeless situation.

I look again at the large clock behind the giant goat-headed statue.

It still two red crystals remaining.

I understand it will be finished soon, but our dying condition could not make it in this blazing heat.

Are we destined to die burned alive in here?

Become tiny ashes in this cursed trap room?

Most likely, yes.

However, I feel something inside me resonates in my heart to do things beyond reason.

"You guys should escape from here using green gemstones."

I throw my idea while pointing out the three remaining green gemstones.

Farhan and Mister Agung stare at me with mixed feelings between doubt and hope.

"No, we can't do that. We don't leave you in here, Rezvan."

Farhan quickly rejected my idea.

"There's no other option, Farhan. Our situation is dire, and only three of us can escape staying alive."

I insist.

"I said no, Rezvan! Stop being a martyr, for God's sake!"

"It would be better if only three of us could stay alive rather than all of us die miserably here."

"What the hell are you thinking, Rezvan?!"

"Okay, stop it, both of you."

Mister Agung intervene.

"Rezvan's plan might be crazy, but he is right about our bad condition. Nadia almost lost breath. She would be dead if she stayed in here any longer."

Farhan's face becomes pale. The fear of being abandoned by his loved one is haunting him.

"T-then let me stay in here! You three go out from here and use those green gemstones."

It was absurd when I heard Farhan's idea.

My right leg is frozen now, so Nadia and I are a burden here.

"The line of fire circle is widening. If Mister Agung must bring Nadia and me together at once, it will take a huge effort and time to reach the gemstones. You will see us burned into ashes on our way later."

I said it straightforwardly.

"Then how about me? What if I am the one who stays here? Like it or not, Herdi is right about my responsibility as Raid Team Leader. I'm willing to do that for paying my mistake."

Now Mister Agung move as a martyr.

Regardless of his chivalry act, I think it's pointless.

"Trust me! I know we all have a family! I also have a wife and a kid! But if it's my responsibility, I will do it even if it costs my life!"

Mister Agung confirmed his willingness.

Farhan might be compliant as he can't reject it.

However, I want Mister Agung and Farhan to avoid becoming martyrs uselessly.

"It has no difference with Farhan's idea, sir. The number of green gemstones is limited, and they must be captured quickly before the circle of fire attacks us. If we bring two burdens at once, we will surely be burned before reaching the green gemstones."

Mister Agung and Farhan become quiet.

I know they can't argue with my explanation.

"Mister Agung! We have no time! Please! Go! Reach the green gemstones along with Farhan and Nadia before too late! The heat will kill all of us!"

I force Mister Agung to act.

But Farhan still can't accept my idea.

"N-no, sir. I think there is another way to-"

"Mister Agung! Hurry! It's the only way to save the remaining of your team!"

Mister Agung gritted his teeth because of the mental pressure.

I must force him to be brave in taking a risk!

"Mister Agung! It's the only reasonable way to survive! Come on! Do it!"

"No, don't hear him! I believe we can-"

"Okay! Okay! I get it!"

Mister Agung ended his doubt.

He is staring at me intensely with a sad face.

"I'll go with Farhan and Nadia. With this group, we can move fast, and Farhan can protect us with his shield to reduce the risk of the heat on the way to reaching green gemstones."

I forced my smile, but Farhan knew I lied.

"No, sir! This is a mistake! We should-"

Farhan stopped because Mister Agung abruptly slapped him.

"It's Rezvan's choice! I know it is hard, but you must respect your friend's decision! If I see you become stubborn again, not only your girl, but we will be dead! Do you understand?!"

Farhan looked down at the bruises on his cheek.

Then, finally, he just nodded slowly to apologize.

Mister Agung carries Nadia while Farhan focuses, so his shield casts its protective barrier to cover them.

Even though it's useful, it only works for a short time because the blaze of fire is unbelievably crushing.

Mister Agung and Farhan stare at me in a glimpse and turn away their heads because it becomes more painful for them to leave me alone here.

"Rezvan, I'm sorry!"

Farhan and Mister Agung left.

They both rushed near the aggressive circle of fire.

I gasped when Farhan's protective barrier broke because of the blaze.

But Thank God, they managed to catch all the green gemstones.

The light green radiates over them, activating the magic teleport that escorts them out successfully before the blazing heat crushes their skin.

As far as I believe, they are saved from this cursed Dungeon.

However, my doomsday starting now.

The circle of fire spreads abruptly around the floor.

My remaining armour part wrecked in a second.

I constantly cough as my lungs feel squeezed because of diminishing air.

It became worse.

I screamed when the blazing heat felt like crawling in my body, skin, and half of my face.

It feels like the fire peeling my skin brutally.

Is this how the Weakest Knight dies?

The Weakest Knight even dies to save some people who betray him until the end.

Curse, despise, and hatred feels hollow because those will not change anything.

At least, The Knight Association will pay the assurance for my sisters after my death later.

From far away, in the middle of my torture, I see all the red crystals around the last clock shining, making the clock ticking at the usual speed.

The circle of fire dies in a second, and the red-light magic formation in the giant goat-headed statue disappears.

The blazing heat stopped crushing my frail body.

I breathe more with my mouth because the air is not as thin as before.

Is the game trap finished?

Am I successfully completing the task from the trap master?

I don't know whether I should celebrate it or not because my fragile body still torturing me.

Maybe I could relax a bit if somehow the Knight Association deputy came here to rescue me.

If that is true, perhaps resigning from this deadly job would be the right time.

That imagination lifts my hopelessness.

But everything fell apart when I noticed the sound of giant steps from the north, east, and west.

The sound comes from the step of the giant statues that previously obliterated my team.

Now, with the heavy step that makes the entire secret room's floor shiver, they walk closer to me.

The chained coffin in the north end also opened with a cracking sound, even though it was still unclear for me to look inside the coffin from far away.


Are they want to stomp me together until death?