
The Supreme King System

Young male’s name is Jay’Den McDonald, 21 years old and being Okatu. He really huge fans of anime but his top favorite is Black Clover. He really want to born in Black Clover! He don’t like to be involve with society. just like peaceful and quietly. If there an noises, he will get pissed off.

EternalKingOfAll · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Ch 12 Try Out His New Grimoire

Next day….

He excited to test out of his Grimoire Book 6 Clovers Supreme Creation, and went to his territory Forest.

"System, how I can cast multicolor lightning?" Jay'Den asked and wondering how to use it.

"You can cast all of colors like red, orange, yellow, green, purple, etc like black, white. Also you can lightning with your other Attribution like Yang-Yan Lightning." System replied.

'Really interesting to try out!' He thought and hold his chin.

He started to test out of his grimoire book.

"Come out, Black lightning." He said, point to tree and black lightning came out of his hand.

"I want try Space-Time spell." He said and read grimoire.

Page said:

Space is void which is nothingness and Time is eternal which is nonstop time, keeping going until destruction and becoming ashes into perished

1st Spell: Space

2nd Spell: Time

3rd Spell: Space and Time

Required - tons of manas and magic. Highest Intelligence.

Warning - if your mana and magic ran out, you will be trapped in space, time or space-time.

"Wow it's pretty dangerous spell!" He said and chill down his spine.

"I recommend Host use it for short time so you will see how much it will take your manas and magic. Also you don't have to use voice to cast spell." System said with disdain voice

"Okay." He said with unemotional voice and get ready to cast Space.

'Come out, Space!' His thought and air start discourse and separate black oval shape float in front of him.

"Wow, let see my manas and magic." He said

~~~[Loading Host's Mana and Magic]~~

~~[Mana: 12,654,230/11,540,000]~~

~~[Magic: 610,310/471,031]~~

``Whoa, it took a lot of Mana and Magic but good thing I did kept training until I turned 15 years old.' He lost in his thoughts when he saw how much it did take.

"Okay next is Time and last is both." He said and just came back to his senses.

'Froze time.' He casts time spell with his thought.

Time made Grey, everything sudden frozen but only Jay'Den can roaming freely around Time frozen.

Two breaths…. Six breathes... 10 breaths...

'Thaw Time then show me mana and magic.' He thought and started to feel a little tired.

~~[Mana: 12,654,230/7,050,010]~~

~~[Magic: 610,310/250,002]~~

'Holy crap, it took tons of mana and magic. Let's try Space-Time Spell tomorrow.' He thought and not dare to cast Space-Time.

"System, I want to buy and try to refine the formation." He said and curious about formation.

"Yes Host, Completed Refine The Formation costs: 100,000 SP." System said.

~~~[Congratulation Host, you acquired Completed Refine The Formation!]~~~

He started excited and studies Refine The Formation Completed book.

"Oh it's evening now, I have head home." He said.

He arrived home, his mother started cooking food for dinner. He went to help his mother to get prepare for dinner time.

Next day, he woke up, went to bathroom then start to doing his chores.

Sorry for delay time, I have hard time with ideas for Jay’Den’s Journeys!

If you want help me out with ideas then comments! I will read your comments.

Thanks for your patience.

EternalKingOfAllcreators' thoughts