
The Supreme God's Life After Retirement

During his life, all he wanted was to be the strongest. He challenged everyone he believed to be superior to him, but as he traveled, others around him began referring to him as the Supreme God. He never planned to rule or protect anything, but still went ahead and did it out of pure boredom. "Since I have nothing else to do, I might as well spare 0.000001% of my effort to help these mong-people." At first, he found it to be rather entertaining, but as time passed by, he became bored with his guardian duties and simply chose to retire after observing the beings below him. "After working incredibly hard all their lives, these mortals would actually retire. And I, the Supreme God, have already expended more effort as their "Guardian". Thus, it is time for me to retire!" After working "really hard" and spending the rest of his time watching the other beings to alleviate his boredom, the Supreme God finally decided to retire and spend his life in leisure and travel the omniverse. How would the Strongest God spend his life after Retirement~ ------------------------------- Just a heads up : this story would have a really big harem (like really huge), incest, netori (NO netorare), AU, and the mc would be very op from the very beginning so if you don't like the things I've said, this work isn't for you. Also, I'm doing this for fun, so there will undoubtedly be errors in my work as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language, but I'll do my best to improve the quality of my work. That's all, thank you and I wish you a pleasant reading.

LewdCIFER · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 0

[ Please Take Note •ᴗ• ]

"..." – Dialogues

'...' – Character's thoughts

[...] – Author's note


In a place filled with the scent of blood and dead bodies piling up into a big mound, a single figure could be seen standing at the top of all the corpses.

If you look closely, it can be seen that the figure has the structure of a child under the age of ten. He has shoulder-length black hair, which flows with the breeze, and his amethyst colored pupils, which contain great beauty and deep mystery. He is wearing tidy clothes without the slightest stain of blood or dust, which is contradictory to the scene around him. His face was extremely cold and indifferent, an expression that a young child should never have, yet it added to his charm.

His name was Raizen, and he was a dragon, or to be more precise, a hatchling. It had only been three years since he hatched from his egg.

From the moment of his birth, he was already different from all the other dragons, because he hatched from his egg while in his human form. Other dragons would have to cultivate extremely hard for countless ages in order to gain enough strength to transform into their human form.

Along with his birth, countless terrifying visions appeared across the vast omniverse. From the moment he was born, his strength had already belonged to the top. He was destined to be the strongest.

Somewhere outside of existence, a sleeping ancient being has also shown a reaction.

He was born in an era where gods and other mythical beings were as common as pebbles on the road. It was an era of war and bloodshed to prove who should stand at the apex.

From the moment he first opened his eyes, corpses and destruction were the things that first came to his sight. He woke up under the embrace of a dead white dragon. Presumably, his mother died fighting in order to protect her unborn child. On the opposite side of dead dragon were piles of massive bones with some trace of being burnt.

He was born with great insight and wisdom as he realized things at once; he was alone in a world where anyone could be your adversary, and absolute strength determined everything. From that moment, he decided to become the strongest. He desired to challenge the world.

He first decided to inspect and explore the world where he was born. It was filled with trees and lush greenery. It was a sight to behold if not for the massive crater at the center. Anyone could have guessed that this was caused by an intense clash between two opposing powers.

The current world he was in is approximately 500,000 km. In this world for half a year, Raizen stayed, and in these six months of traveling the world, he met and interacted different types of creatures such as werewolves, vampires, elves, demons, and humans, who provided more knowledge to him. He learned all the fighting styles available in this world through reading and observation. He was like a bottomless pit that absorbed everything thrown at him. In just six months of traveling, he mastered many things: instruments and weapons, poems and literature, painting and other art forms, he mastered everything.

[Young Raizen –> Image Here]

During his travels, he also discovered that he has a very special physique. He was growing stronger every day, even without doing anything. Yet even with this one-of-a-kind body, he still trained extremely hard every day in order to test his limits and eventually surpass them. As he traveled, his attitude became more carefree, but when facing an enemy, whether weak or strong, his attitude and demeanor completely changes. He would never underestimate an enemy; 'only fools would let their guard down', these were his thoughts. The usual calm expression and carefree aura around him would be replaced by a cold and indifferent look, and the killing doesn't bother him at all. His first kill happened just a week after starting his travels; it was a human who took a fancy to his looks and tried to make him his slave. He beheaded that human without the slightest fluctuation in his emotions. Even after this incident, he never held prejudice against humans or other beings, as he understood that each one is different from one another and judging the whole race because of a single mongrel would be extremely stupid.

After traveling for six months, he decided to return to the forest where he first opened his eyes, which was apparently called Amara. This is where he took his last name, Raizen Amara, as a sign of remembering his mother's burial ground and his birthplace.

Among the things he discovered was magic. He has the perfect affinity for every basic element; water, earth, fire, air, nature, darkness, and light. In addition to these elements, he also has the best affinity possible for known special elements in that world; time, space, creation, destruction, and even chaos, which was believed to be impossible for any being to use. It is said that the chaos element existed from the very beginning, and that it was uncontrollable and unpredictable. But the truth, which only a few individuals know, is that this magic taps into and utilizes the chaotic forces of the universe, granting the user chaotic magical powers and a mastery of spells that are capable of warping, manipulating, and/or reconstructing reality and probability, as well as the very fabric of existence. When practiced to absolute perfection, the user can cause total chaos and destruction to the cosmos, even rewriting entire multiverses on a whim, making them virtually omnipotent. However, if left unchecked, the user can lose themselves in the very chaos they've invoked. Even Raizen has yet to comprehend its nature. Even with his monstrous comprehension, he can only wrap his arms with the chaos magic.

For now, this doesn't bother him because, even though his chaos magic is a bit lacking in his view, in all the other elements, he can already be considered a top expert, and right now, what he wants to refine more is his space magic. Since he wants to travel across countless worlds and vast universes, he needs the ability to travel and transcend space.

His training in space magic only lasted a few weeks, and he was already able to travel 500,000 km every time he entered space. Before his training, it was only 50,000 km, which enabled him to travel the current world in just a few months. This was still far from his limit, but it was sufficient for him to continue his journey.

Raizen traveled worlds after worlds after worlds, challenging potentially strong individuals and learning every knowledge possible in that world.

It had been exactly three years since Raizen was born, and right now he was standing alone atop a mountain of corpses with a cold and indifferent expression. All these beings were once the strongest gods, demons, and heavenly creatures of the universe, but right now they are just cold bodies beneath him. He fought all these beings alone for four days without resting even for a bit. He stopped counting when he reached 500, as they kept coming even after killing so many. All these godly beings attacked him together because of fear and jealousy. They feared his strength and, at the same time, envied his extremely fast growth, both in terms of power and reputation. He was called by many titles: God Slayer, Demon Vanquisher, Archon of Destruction, Dragon of Chaos, and because of this battle, he would soon be called by a new title that would bring fear to every being now and till the end of time, whether god, beast, demon, or mortal.

The Supreme God, the sole absolute being who has nearly put all gods and immortals in the omniverse into extinction.

'So this is everything that this place has to offer. I guess it's time for me to travel to a new universe.' Raizen thought.

He met many people and made more acquaintances in the past few years, but that's it. He doesn't have anyone he is unwilling to part with, but if he does, he can just bring that person with him since his space magic has already reached the level that even gods haven't reached. With just a single thought, he can tear space and travel from one universe to another without drawbacks or backlash. Normally, any god would have to spend every bit of their strength just to travel to a new universe, and they can only bring a limited number of people when traveling, but this doesn't apply to Raizen. He can bring as many as he wants, but he knows that this isn't the limit of his space magic. He is still quite a distance from completely mastering the laws of space. Someday, when he truly reaches the absolute perfection of this magic, even traveling outside of existence will just be a matter of thought.

Raizen tore through space and began his conquest of other universe after a brief moment of reflection.

As soon as he reached the other side, a scene of a massive battle welcomed him.

'So it is the same wherever it may be, as long as there is life, conflict and wars are always along with it.' Raizen thought after seeing the scene. 'But their wellbeing is none of my concern, and having many strong fighters gathered here would reduce the effort I would need in traveling and finding them.' He added.

The beings who were fighting stopped when they felt that a new powerhouse had appeared on the battlefield. They couldn't exactly tell how strong that being was, but after seeing Raizen's young appearance, they became even more vigilant, opposite to the usual development where they would mock and underestimate him because of his appearance. The place they were was a real battlefield for gods and immortals, and only those with great strength are qualified to take part in this battle, since just their auras alone are able to destroy countless galaxies and cause ripples in the universe, and seeing Raizen, who has a very young appearance, only means that this person is a real monster, and adding the fact that they don't recognize him means that he was either well hidden or he was not from their universe. After a brief pause, a single thought appeared in the minds of everyone in that place: 'Quickly remove the mysterious variable.'

Seeing their behavior, Raizen knew exactly what they were planning to do. He smiled coldly and gestured for them to come. In an instant after his gesture, a sphere made out of a black flame flew towards him at an extremely fast speed. It was directly aimed at Raizen's head, but just as it was about to touch him, the sphere exploded, and a big explosion occurred which caused a massive smoke to appear. Yet, more attacks came after the other, they didn't even wait for the smoke to disappear and just continuously released their most lethal attacks towards Raizen's direction. They didn't have any idea if that explosion at the start damaged him or whether their attacks were effective, but despite this uncertainty, they just continued to bombard him with attacks.

In Raizen's POV, he already saw that a man was storing energy in his palm and was preparing to launch a surprise attack. He is always coating his body with chaos magic to protect him from attacks. He was able to reach this stage in chaos manipulation by constantly using his magic. In reality, there is actually no need for him to do this since his body has absolute resistance to all magic. As he continues to grow, his body also grows and evolves with him. He hypothesized that in the future, he would also have absolute resistance to all types of physical and mental attack, curses, poisons, and other debuffs.

More attacks came in his direction, but they just vanished the moment they came into contact with his magic. He didn't wait for them to stop their attacks before starting his counterattack. Raizen bent his knees slightly, then he positioned his hands to the side as if he was about to draw a sword. Then, a sword that was made purely of magic appeared in his hands. He quickly drew the sword, and a burst of energy emerged that allowed him to cut enemies from a distance. Everything that touched his slash turned into ashes instantly. Even the space was not spared. It was distorted and created a blackhole that swallowed a large number of his enemies.

Some were able to avoid death, but definitely not unscathed. They either lost a limb or suffered serious external and internal injuries.

Because of that slash, the smoke was cleared out and the surviving people were again able to see Raizen. A look of horror and disbelief appeared in everyone's eyes as they couldn't even find a single scratch on his clothes, let alone injury. Their attacks couldn't even reach his skin. Adding to the fact that this person's single attack has caused such an exaggerated result, they felt cold sweat run down their back.

Raizen didn't care about their reactions. He raised his right foot slightly and lightly tapped the space beneath him, which made everything freeze in an instant. What he used was one of his basic spells, Absolute Freezing. This power allows him to freeze absolutely anything, from tangible targets to intangible energy such as fire, or concepts such as time, or even a person's mind.

Everything in that space was frozen, even the blackhole he caused was no exception.

Then, he snapped his fingers, which caused everything to be shattered into small glittering particles.

Without looking back, Raizen then tore the space again and continued his travels.

He continued this process for nearly 15 years, and right now he is already 17 years old.

His previously shoulder-length hair had grown to up to his waist, and his cute and charming face had been replaced by an extremely handsome one. Every women he met was eager to spread their legs for him. Since he was a well-cultured man, Raizen had slept with the most beautiful women in each world he visited. It was only something like a one-night stand, but instead of doing it only for one night, Raizen would have sex with these women for weeks, months, and even years without stopping. He did all this without wasting much time thanks to his time and space manipulation. He didn't really feel anything special for them, aside from an appreciation of their beauty. The same could be said with those girls. They were attracted to Raizen mainly because of his looks and strength.

[Mature Raizen –> Image Here]

Those women felt extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to sleep with Raizen even once in their lives, but because of meeting him and experiencing those pleasures with him, they could never look at or even consider having contact or even being in close proximity with another man. Just remembering his well-sculpted body, perfect face, and, more importantly, his huge dick and his performance in bed made those girls wet and horny.

In the past few years, he had already conquered countless multiverses and more than a hundred thousand universes. Just imagine how many fairies she has slept with and deflowered.

His sex life were not the only interesting that happened to him in these past years, he had also fought and killed more enemies, and among them were tyrannical gods who abused their power to oppress the weak and lead the lives of godkings. Even though he killed these beings for his personal reasons, the others still worshipped and adored him for his "heroic" acts. Hence, solidifying his position and reputation as the Supreme God, and becoming their "Guardian" and "Peacekeeper".

In these years of travel, Raizen was also able to realize that no one could truly give him a good and serious fight. There will be stronger ones in every universe he visits, but they will be nothing compared to him. Yet, he still continues his journey in the hope of finding an opponent he can have fun with. The omniverse was infinite, and so did the possibility of having at least one individual who he could call equal. But unlike before, he also did his "job" and spent some time observing different universes and deciding if they should be allowed to continue existing or just be destroyed to save him some more work in the future.

Raizen then tore the space and was planning to continue his journey, but as soon as he reached the other side, all he could see was endless white. The place looked as if it was extending endlessly on all sides. He couldn't even sense any signs of life, as even the concept of time and space was nonexistent. Raizen himself was taken aback by this place. It was the first time he had seen something like this.

He decided to explore this white place first, and maybe he could find something interesting to lessen his boredom. He wasn't scared by this place, but he still kept his guard up and was prepared for any unexpected developments.

Raizen then walked through the space at a leisurely pace, but he was constantly increasing his speed in the hope of finding something worthwhile, and sure enough, he wasn't disappointed. He heard drums and flutes playing maddening sounds. These sounds were getting louder and louder as he continued to walk. Then, after half an hour, he saw something from afar. He wasn't able to recognize what it was, so he decided to just teleport near the thing.

As soon as he saw the thing, even with his absolute immunity to mental attacks, he felt a slight tug from his consciousness. If it were any other person, they would have lost themselves just from a quick glimpse of this creature.

It was massive, but its appearance is impossible to describe, as even Raizen felt threatened just being close to it. But he didn't retreat his gaze. Instead, he tried to more thoroughly inspect its appearance and tried to search his memories to see if he could get even a little hint about this creature.

As Raizen was staring at the creature, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"If you stare so intensely at me like that, even I would get embarrassed~" The voice was clear and beautiful, yet it was very seductive.

As soon as Raizen heard this, he instantly flickered away from his previous spot in order to gain a little bit of distance. When he looked at the owner of the voice he was even more surprised. It was a woman with fair skin, pale yellow eyes, a beauty mark above the left side of her chin, and long dark hair with an ornate flower hairpin. She wears an elegant black collar with a pattern reminiscent of a spider's web, a black robe with red accents, and a gold obi. Her body curves was so perfect that it can ignite the lust of all men just from a single glance. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman Raizen has ever met.

[Her Image Here]

"Ufufu~ you don't have to avoid me so openly like that, I won't bite~" The woman spoke with a seductive smile.

Raizen knew that she was definitely dangerous, especially the fact that she was able to sneak up on his back without feeling her presence.

"You claimed this 'thing' as you, so who are you?" Raizen asked with a stoic look while staring at the woman.

"Isn't it impolite to ask others' names without giving your own first? Don't you think so, Ra~i~zen?" The woman replied in a playful tone. "Anyways~ to be more precise, that thing used to be a part of me." She added.

He wasn't that surprised when he heard her call his name since he knew that he had gained quite a lot of popularity because of his looks and strength. What interested him more was her last statement.

He paused for a moment, as if thinking about something, and then he asked her, after organizing his thoughts.

"So, this thing is like an empty husk, a molt. Is that what you mean?"

"Oh~ what makes you think so?" She replied in a slightly amused tone.

"Since you said that it used to be a part of you, then there are only a small number of possibilities. It is either your clone, or a part of you that has gained its own sentience. " He explained, "But this thing doesn't have any signs of life in it, or any type of energy that any living creature should have. This brings me to my next conclusion, that this thing was only a previous part of you that had been discarded, something like what reptiles do, ecdysis. " He added.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

The sound of clapping echoed in that space along with the sound of drums and flute.

"Ufufu~ you are really something else" She said with a big smile.

"Then, can you tell who I really am?" The woman then asked with a mysterious smile while staring at Raizen's eyes.

"Azathoth" Raizen answered without hesitation. "Though it's real name was unknown, "he" was known in different alias such as The Blind Idiot God, Daemon Sultan, and Nuclear Chaos. "He" is a cosmic and boundless deity of colossal proportion and the great and all-powerful ruler of the Outer Gods and creator of all of existence. It is said that "he" is omnipotent beyond the power of the Great Old Ones, such as Cthulhu, and even his fellow Outer Gods, including Yog-Sothoth and Yobb-Tstll, and all other beings — and is the sole most powerful being in the entire omniverse." He continued,

"It was also said that all of reality is merely a part of Azathoth's dream, unknowingly created by itself. When Azathoth awakens, all things will end, once and for all, and all will once again be Azathoth. Countless lesser deities then played a maddening tune on innumerable drums and flutes to keep Azathoth from awakening in order to stop the ultimate destruction of existence. "He" is said to float at the very center of the omniverse at the center of chaos itself, where no one has yet to enter."

"When I first heard the peculiar sounds of the drums and flute, I had already started speculating about this place, after feeling that tug in my soul when I saw that thing, I was already 80% sure that my guess was correct. And after you said that these things used to be a part of you, I was totally convinced since your strength is definitely greater than mine." Raizen explained.

"FUHAHAHAHA~" The sound of laughter was the only thing that resounded across the space. It was a laugh filled with great amusement, but it was still melodious to the ear.

"Hahh~ you are truly the best. In all my existence, you are definitely the most special thing that I have ever seen." The woman said, with a very satisfied expression.

"As a reward for answering my questions correctly, allow me to properly introduce myself."

"My real name is N#@!%@$? $/@0∆%" She said with a mysterious smile.

After hearing her name, Raizen felt the same feeling in his consciousness when he first saw her molt, but this time it was at least 10 times more intense.

'As expected, it seems that the readers are not able to understand her name. Even the author can't type her real name.' Raizen thought.


Raizen cleared his thoughts when he noticed N?$/@0 #@!%?@*% snap her fingers. She just smiled at him and explained, "A wall was broken, so I just fixed it."

Raizen just nodded in understanding. Then, the woman spoke again "Just call me Nia, since using my full name is a bit troublesome."

Raizen just nodded again. He may seem more relaxed now, but he was still ready for combat at any moment. He then decided to ask her again.

"So, Nia, why did you bring me here?"

"Ufufu~ didn't you want to find someone strong to fight with? So here I am." Nia replied. "I have been really interested in you from the very beginning. After waiting and letting you grow, I believe that you already have enough strength to entertain me".

Raizen didn't respond to her words. Seeing his reaction, Nia decided to continue speaking, "If you can give me pleasure in our fight, I will share with you some secrets that no one else knows. Does that offer sound like a good motivation?"

That offer was definitely very tempting for Raizen, since a secret that only Nia knows is definitely not something trivial. Besides, this offer was a win-win situation for him since he could finally fight someone stronger than him and have the chance to learn some unknown knowledge.

"Alright, I accept your offer." He gave his answer. Then, he quickly released his energy that he had kept suppressed all this time. His aura soared at an alarming rate; the white space trembled greatly. It was also the first time he had released 25% of his power. Normally, 1% of his power is already more than enough to destroy a multiverse along with all its top powerhouses.

Seeing this, Nia wasn't surprised or worried. In fact, her smile grew even wider.

"Perfect! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. As a reward for being a good boy, I'll share one secret in advance." Nia said happily.

"Actually~ I am still a virgin." She revealed with a slight blush, whether her blush was real or just an act. Only she knows.

Meanwhile, all of Raizen's previous seriousness just disappeared instantly. He just stared blankly at her, and was now starting to doubt his previous thoughts about the severity of the "secrets" that Nia knew.

"If you can beat me, I don't mind giving it to you~ fufu." Nia added in a very suggesting tone.

Raizen was even more dumbfounded hearing her words.

"Ara~ did you already start imagining our battle in bed. Ufufu~ you little pervert" Nia just kept on teasing (?) him. "Rest assured dear, I already know your weak points and fetishes. I guarantee you, you would never be disappointed."

"Don't worry, once I'm done pleasuring you in our fight, I'll pleasure you even more in bed that you'd never think of any other things aside from me." Raizen said, not shying away from her suggesting comments.

When Nia heard Raizen's words, a strange light appeared in her eyes, but she managed to hide it immediately before Raizen could even notice.

"Fufu~ then come and get me my little dragon"

Hearing her call him little made Raizen slightly pissed. 'How dare this old woman call me little, I'll make sure that you'd worship my "little dragon" later'

After his inner monologue, Raizen felt a chill run down his body. When he looked at Nia's face, he saw her lips smiling but her eyes were telling the opposite.

"Ufufu~ you just held an extremely rude thought towards me, didn't you dear?"

Seeing her like this, Raizen was confident that the difficulty of this fight has just risen into a whole different level.

Without wasting anymore time, he dashed towards her at an extremely fast speed. It was as if he had teleported from his previous spot. But from Nia's perspective, it was different.

He launched himself forward with his right arm scything around in a giant roundhouse strike. Nia sidestepped her body and dodged his attack by only a few millimeters. Seeing this, Raizen followed it up with a spin hook kick. Nia didn't bother dodging this attack, she simply raised her hand and caught his kick casually. That attack just confirmed some things to him. He increased the power in his foot to the limit that his current body could handle, but it appears that it had no effect on her, as he had predicted.

Seeing this, Raizen backed away, then raised his right hand and aimed his index finger towards Nia.

Magical energy started gathering at his finger tips, then he fired three consecutive shots made out of energy purely. Nia just stood still and smiled while staring at the approaching energy blast.

The moment the energy attacks reached her, it popped and vanished like a bubble.

"Ara~ I think that should be enough for your little test, right?" Nia said.

Raizen nodded slightly and replied, "Yes, as I expected, physical attacks and normal magic are completely useless against you."

Those physical and energy attacks from Raizen were already more than enough to blow up a multiverse, but in front of her it was all useless.

Raizen's body was then enveloped by a very dark miasma, his whole body was covered up and only the glow from his amethyst pupils could be seen. The miasma spread across the white place, as if losing the light, the only thing left was darkness.

Nia never took her gaze off Raizen. The way she looked at him was akin to someone who was staring at their favorite pet who was about to do something amazing. It was as if her sight could pierce through the darkness and see Raizen directly. She was afraid to miss even a single moment of his transformation.

After some time, the darkness was again absorbed into Raizen, aiding his transformation.

When all the dark miasma was absorbed, what was revealed was a majestic black dragon. It was gigantic and had an entire body covered in black scales, which, in turn, were decorated with gold markings. His head had horns that were like a devil's crown, and his mouth was full of razor-sharp teeth. He has three pairs of large wings. The scales disappear at the end of its tail, which, in itself, ends in a stinger-esque shape.

This dragon was obviously Raizen.

[Raizen's Dragon Form –> Image Here]


Raizen roared loudly, as if announcing to everyone his appearance. Countless realities were destroyed, and many worlds were turned into ashes just from his roar. Fortunately, this place was where Azathoth was staying, so it was able to lessen the damage it caused.

Seeing this transformation, Nia's eyes were full of excitement.

Not minding Nia's expression, Raizen spoke.

"Shall we begin for real?" His voice was completely different from before, it contained more power and authority, as if his every word was absolute.


The two fought for an unknown period of time. Sparks and explosions from their collision were everywhere, and the previous calm white place was now filled with chaotic energies.

"Hahh~ this is definitely a first for me." Nia released a heavy breath as she wiped away some blood from the corner of her mouth. Her hair was a bit disheveled, her clothes were slightly tattered, and some scratches were visible on her beautiful skin.

On the other hand, Raizen was even more battered. Cracks could be seen from his scales, and he was bleeding all over his body.

But right now, instead of being angry at the other side, they are happy.

"I admit that this is definitely entertaining, but..." Nia stopped her sentence midway and looked straight into Raizen's eyes. "This is still not your true form, isn't it, dear?"

"The same could be said of you," Raizen retorted.

"Ufufu~ same minds think alike, don't you think?" The previous damage that was visible on her body then started disappearing almost immediately.

The same was with Raizen. His body repaired all the damages as if it had never existed in the first place.

Nia swiped her hands lightly. The white space around them was then restored to its previous calm state. Before they fought, both of them changed locations to not disturb the 'sleeping Azathoth'.

"You may start transforming now. I have already made sure to lessen the effect outside as much as possible." Nia urged Raizen.

Unlike before, when darkness enveloped the place, this time it was white. Its color was even lighter than the white space they were currently in. His massive body started glowing brighter, which caused even Nia to slightly narrow her eyes. This lasted for a few minutes before the brightness started to recede.

An even more massive dragon appeared. It was at least 20 times bigger than his previous form. Its appearance was even more majestic and noble; it had silver-colored scales with gold markings all over its body. It has a golden halo above its head and razor-sharp teeth. His six pairs of large wings are feathery in appearance, akin to an angel.

'The author is having a hard time describing my appearance so just look at the image'

[Raizen's True Form –> Image Here]

This time there was no roar, since he himself knew that even with Nia's protection, it would still greatly affect the omniverse.

"Hahh~ Hahh~" After feeling his domineering aura, Nia's breathing became more intense, her expression changed, and a strange shape even started appearing in her pupils.

She quickly cleared her head by clapping her hands and praising him.


"Hahh~ Truly wonderful, this form of yours could be even equal to mine."

"Ufufu~ I guess it's my turn now."

The atmosphere around Nia changed instantly. The previous seductive aura completely disappeared, and it was replaced by a feeling of dread, horror, and chaos.

Her beautiful figure was covered by a purple light which spread all across the space. Even outside, weaker people started to fall into despair and other negative emotions.

Raizen just watched her transformation quietly. He also covered them with his power to add more protection, but it seemed it was not enough. Not that he expected to completely stop it anyway.

Her transformation took a bit longer than Raizen's. As the purple light started to slowly disappear, it revealed a creature with an appearance that is impossible to describe.

[Nia's True Form –> Image Here]

The white space started to crack, as it was unable to contain both their powers.

"It seems that fighting in this form is not a good idea. Everything would be destroyed just from our single exchange of blows." It was Raizen who spoke first.

"It seems so. I don't really care about those lowly beings, but it would be boring to lose something to watch." Nia said with great disappointment.

The two of them were actually speaking through magic, since even their voices were already at the level of destroying multiverses. Hence, both of them returned to their initial form.

"Even though our fight didn't reach a real conclusion, but I believe it was enough to entertain you, right?"

"Ufufu~ most definitely. Don't worry, I won't take back my words, I'll tell you some interesting secrets"

"Hmm~ where shall I begin?" Nia crossed her arms below her breast and hummed while thinking. Her actions were filled with seduction.

After organizing her thoughts, she begun to speak.

"I'll start with this space. This place isn't actually outside of existence or the core of the omniverse; this is something I made somewhere randomly to hide this empty shell of mine. But it is absolutely impossible for anyone to come across this place without my interference."

Raizen nodded at her explanation.

"Then, what is the pur-" Just as he was about to ask a question, Nia interrupted him.

"Fufu~ Just a moment dear, let's go to my place first, it's really boring to stand and talk here."

Seeing that Raizen wasn't disagreeing, she snapped her fingers and the whole scenery around them instantly changed.

From the previous white space, everything looked as it would seem in a fairytale. The sights, the sounds, and the smells of the world. The sky was punched with clouds, stretching like a dome. Raizen could smell the caramel in the air and hear the music of the meadow echoing in his ears.

The meadow appeared to be a haven from the lost heavens. The sense of inner peace and harmony was unmatched. The grasses seemed to have a party with the wind, dancing in their own rhythm.

The lush green, the landscape, the warmth of the sunlight, everything seemed so coherent. Raizen could hear the chorus of the pleasant-sounding birds. The trees seemed like silhouettes in the glorious expanse. His feet brushed past the fluffy grass.

[I'll leave this to your imagination]

Raizen has undoubtedly been to many beautiful places, but this place brings him a different feeling of satisfaction. He closed his eyes and smiled warmly as the breeze caressed his face.

Seeing his reaction, Nia was more focused on Raizen's face than the scenery. Raizen always had a smile on his face, but this one was different. He was smiling sincerely. She couldn't help but be more attracted to him.

"This is another one of my, no, our secrets. Fufu~ it's beautiful isn't it? I'm really proud of this creation of mine." She spoke with smugness in her voice.

Raizen opened his eyes and looked at Nia's eyes with a warm smile. "Yes, it's really beautiful." Nia's heart couldn't help but beat faster. Seeing her like this, Raizen didn't miss the chance to tease her back. He brought his lips close to her ears and whispered, "But it is nothing compared to my Nia." Her face became redder and redder. But it seems Raizen has different plans. "What's the matter, dear? Are you sick?" He said with a fake worried voice while bringing his forehead to her's.

Since their heights were so close, their lips were only a finger apart from each other. Raizen kept staring at her eyes intensely. Seeing his gaze and feeling his breath, Nia closed her eyes as if expecting something to happen. Seeing her reaction, Raizen smiled and distanced his face from hers. When she felt his action, Nia opened her eyes and saw a smug smile on Raizen's face.

"It seems that Lady Nia is finished with her daydreaming. Can we now please continue with our discussion?" Raizen spoke with a playful tone. Hearing her words, Nia almost couldn't control herself and smashed this guy's head.

"Ufufu~ it seems I went a bit too easy on you earlier. Please continue your question from earlier." Nia said with a dangerous smile.

Seeing her like this, Raizen decided to stop his teasing to avoid some pain.

"Ahem, I was about to ask about the purpose of that molt." Raizen immediately tried to put the subject of their conversation back on its right course. He already had his guess, but since Nia could explain it herself, why bother talking?

Nia already guessed what he was thinking, but still went along with it. But before she started explaining, she made a small table with tea and cookies, and two chairs appear. She gestured for him to sit down. Only then did she begin speaking.

"It is true that everything is a part of my dream, and everything will cease to exist once I awake, but it was a misconception that I was not aware of these realities' existence since the real purpose of my molt was to hold that dream and make it continue to exist. You may ask why I did that. Well, simply because I was bored of being alone. When I came to be, I was all alone in a white space, similar to that place earlier. I just copied the exact same look of my original home when I made that place. All I did back then was sleep for who knows how long, but then, from my dreams, a reality was created, and life appeared. From the beginning, I was already aware of everything. It was really peaceful back then. Honestly, it was very boring. But ever since I decided to take a human form and interact with those beings, negative emotions have started to appear. They would use everything to start a conflict and fight the others. They were greedy for power, envious of their companions, and lust for good-looking people. Because of that, everything becomes more interesting. Thus, I decided to create 'my children' to spread madness and chaos. They are what you may know as the outer gods. From them, more were created, which are the great old ones. They care little for other things and are dedicated to their tasks without question. I don't really care about any of those other beings. Since they were made by me, they should at least pay me back by becoming my entertainment. After playing with those lowly beings, I also saw many beautiful things, so I decided to change my own home a bit. But since they are inside my dream, it would be impossible for me to wake up. So I went ahead and copied what those reptiles do and shed my skin to use it as a container for my dream. After doing that, I told the lesser deities to play a specific tune to make sure that the molt would be preserved. I could actually empower it myself, but as I said earlier, since I created them, they should do something in return. Then, to make things more interesting, I appeared in some random man's dream and gave them some idea about my existence. I hoped for him to spread it, and I was not disappointed. The Cthulhu mythos was created. Though it was not perfect, at least it gave everyone some ideas about me. When everything was done, I started changing my home to how it looks now. This place is infinite and ever expanding. It should have been impossible for anyone to enter this place without my protection since they would immediately disintegrate out of existence when going outside my dream. But you were an exception, which made me interested in you." Nia told her own story as if were not her own.

"You should have felt earlier that it was impossible for you to defeat me even in your true form, right?"

Raizen nodded at her question. She was right. Earlier, he felt that the most he could do against her was some minor external damage. There was some kind of more chaotic force that she controlled, which he couldn't comprehend.

"What you felt earlier was primordial chaos. It allows me to create, shape, and manipulate primal chaotic forces in the omniverse, allowing me to manipulate probability or manipulate and shatter reality. I am also able to change, manipulate, create, and destroy anything and everything. This type of chaos is the one that gave way to creation and destruction. As such, it gives me infinite power over creation, destruction, and change. Your chaos manipulation is a variation of my Primordial Chaos. If you want to beat me, you need to be extremely proficient in this element." Nia explained.

"No one could control this element better than me. There were some who were able to use a tiny part of this element; they were like using a single drop of water from the vast ocean, and they were only able to use it because I allowed them to. But I am confident that you are able to reach and even surpass my level. Unlike you, I was born to be able to manipulate primordial chaos as if it were my own, but you, on the other hand, were able to reach your current level in chaos manipulation without anyone's guidance. Mastering this element would only be a matter of time." She added.

"Fufu~ don't worry dear, I'm here to guide you."

"Why does it seem like you want me to defeat you?" Raizen felt that she wanted him to beat her badly.

"Ara~ did you already forget? It's because I can't give you my virginity and have intense sex if you don't beat me."

"Hahh~ I really want you to mess me up right now and impregnate me with many, many daughters." Her breathing became more and more intense. "I want my husband to be stronger than me. I want him to dominate me. Ahh~ Hahh~ I need to be more patient, just a little bit more."

Nia realized that she said that out loud, so she calmed herself down and acted as if nothing had happened.

"Ara~ it seems my thoughts slipped. Please don't mind me."

"Nia, are you perhaps what they call a yan-" Raizen couldn't help asking, but was interrupted by her in a flat voice.

"I am not."

"Yes you are."

"I am not."


"I am not."

Raizen could only sigh at her behavior. "You won't even let me finish sp-"

"I am not."

"Fine, you are not. Could you let me finish speaking now? "

"Ufufu~ it's good that you understand. Go ahead, dear" Nia said with a satisfied smile while elegantly sipping her tea.

Raizen deadpanned at her. It seems he just discovered a very dangerous information, for the omniverse, and especially himself.

'This may be the most important secret I learned, I need to become even stronger to tame this thirsty woman. But surely she wouldn't do anything to those women I slept with, right?' Raizen's thought started wandering.

"Ara~ it seems you really care about those lowly bitches you slept with. Should I torture both their soul and body, or just kill them and destroy their souls. Hmm~ why not both... Fufu~ just kidding, I'm not that unreasonable." As if reading his mind, Nia spoke with amusement.

Raizen would have passed it off as a joke if not for the immense killing intent she is releasing right now.

"Ufufu~ Rest assured, I really wouldn't do anything. In fact, I'm open to the idea of having your own harem. We would all then live in this place together forever with our daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters, and so on."

"Can you perhaps start teaching me now?" Raizen just ignored her words.

"Fufu~ of course. It's good that you're also excited." Nia said with a smile as she slowly stood up and walked towards Raizen.

Nia raised her index finger and touched Raizen's forehead. She used her primordial chaos to make Raizen's chaos element evolve. This process took a few minutes. Raizen felt that his chaos element had become more wild and uncontrollable. It began to leak from his body and spread to his surroundings. The grass started withering, the animals lost their vitality, and everything around him started collapsing. Nia contained his leaking power to stop further damage, and she repaired those that were already affected. There was nothing else she could do but wait.

Meanwhile, Raizen was currently trying to understand this unfamiliar element and calm it down. He should be immune to any type of attack, but this was causing him pain that was totally on a whole different level. It was as if I was being beaten up by Nia without having the power to defend or fight back. His body which allows him to grow infinitely was slowly adjusting itself to be able to wield this power.

Almost an hour later, the leaking power was slowly returning inside Raizen. Nia was always observing him throughout the process. Seeing Raizen successfully control his new powers slowly was really satisfying for her. She knows that he still has a long way to go before posing any threat to her. But that's why she is here, to help her train this power in the best and easiest way possible. Hence, Raizen's training began.


His training lasted for an unknown number of years, since the time in that space was different from the reality Nia created. She taught him different things along the way, such as Primordial Order and Omni-Manipulation. Thanks to his special constitution, Raizen was able to increase his power at an even more ridiculously fast rate. They would also spar with each other along the way, ending with Raizen being beaten every time. But as they progressed in training, he was slowly gaining equal footing with Nia. But things started to change in Raizen's favor when he was in his nth year of training. He would often place her in disadvantageous positions, but he could never truly beat her. When Raizen mastered all his new powers and reached omnipotence, they once again fought, but this time while they were in their true form. It became possible by combining both Raizen and Nia's powers to create a different reality where they could fight without destroying everything. It was unknown how long they fought, since time was nonexistent in that space. It could have been just a few months or maybe a billion years. No one knows.

Unlike the usual outcome, Raizen was finally able to defeat Nia. It was a really close fight, but he finally won nonetheless.

After winning the battle, Raizen had no time to celebrate, because the moment they returned to their human form, Nia jumped at him and took them back to their home, where they had the most intense sex. Nia didn't forget to remove the concept of time from that space. Like in their last battle, whether only a few million years or septillion years, no one could actually tell how much time they spent mating like wild beasts.


Right now, in a very luxurious bed. Raizen was laying down while hugging and stroking Nia's smooth black hair while she was laying on top of her. Her abdomen was slightly bulging, filled with Raizen's seeds, as even some were leaking from her anal and pussy. She was purring like a tamed kitten as Raizen stroked her hair, and her face was filled with an extremely satisfied smile.

"Are you satisfied now?" Raizen asked as he continued to stroke her head.

"Umu~" Nia purred in agreement.

"What are your plans now, dear?" She asked while her eyes were still closed.

"I don't know, maybe just do my 'job' and watch everything here with you." He answered while thinking for a bit.

"That's a wonderful idea dear!" Hearing his words, Nia immediately opened her eyes in excitement.

"If my Nia wants that, then let's do just that." Raizen chuckled, seeing her reaction.

Hearing him, Nia felt even more satisfied and completely closed her eyes to take a nap.

Just as he said, Raizen stayed with Nia. They built a simple house for them to live in. Nia also changed the time ratio so that 1 year inside reality, would be 100 year in their space. They would joke around, do his job, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, job, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex, eat, sex Well, they mostly had intercourse, and from time to time, Raizen would do his job to observe and clean up dangerous existences in different multiverses. This had been his life for the previous years. Yet, even after so much intense sex, Nia has not yet gotten pregnant. The stronger the being, the harder it is for them to produce their offspring. Given the fact that both of them belong to the absolute peak of power, it would be even more surprising if she were to conceive quite easily with "only" that much sex. But this doesn't apply to Raizen since he is able to manipulate the fertility of his seeds. He isn't really in a hurry to have a child. Nia, on the other hand, already wants to have a few daughters. But even with their power, however, increasing Nia's impregnation rate to 100% is impossible because she is a one-of-a-kind existence. So they just let things go, kept making love, and enjoyed their time together. They have all the time in the world anyway.

"Nia" Raizen suddenly called out to Nia while observing a world.

"What's the matter, dear?" Nia, who was busy cooking, looked in his direction.

"How much time has passed since I started my job?"

"You officially started when you were 10 years old, and now you're already 24 based on their time. But to be exact, it is 14 years, 5 months, 3 days, 6 hours, and 43 minutes." She answered almost immediately.

"I see, that's already pretty long, right? Don't you think it's time for me to retire?" He saw that people would retire after working hard enough, so he got the idea of retiring from his job as a guardian and peacekeeper.

"Fufu~ just do whatever you want, dear."

"Then I'll do just that."

Thus, the Supreme God Raizen finally retired from doing his job. This news quickly spreads across different multiverses. They were all unwilling to let him go, especially after experiencing peace. But Raizen doesn't really care since the main reason he accepted the job in the first place was to kill his boredom.

"Do you have any plans, dear?" Nia asked Raizen, who was lying in bed.

"I haven't really thought about it aside from spending time with you." He replied lazily, without opening his eyes.

"Fufu~ Though I'm really happy to hear that, but why don't we have fun and travel? We might also meet some interesting women for you. What do you think, dear? " Hearing her, Raizen perked up his ears, seemingly interested. He sat up and agreed with Nia's suggestion.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea, traveling without any real goal and just spending time leisurely."

"Ara~ did the idea of having your own harem ignite your fighting spirit?" Nia teased Raizen. But his reply caught her off guard, it was not what she was expecting.

"Of course." He answered in a matter-of-fact tone.


Nia's eyes twitched from his words. Raizen couldn't help but laugh and be amused at her reaction.

"Didn't you tell me to have a harem? As a good husband, it is my duty to follow my wife's wishes." Raizen said as he extended his hands towards Nia.

"Ufufu~ it seems my dear husband has forgotten what I could do." She replied in a threatening tone, but still took his hands. Raizen just ignored her little threats.

"Shall we start our adventure, Nia."

"Fufu~ of course, dear."

The two of them giggled and readied themselves to go. Raizen raised his right foot and tapped the floor lightly. A small spatial crack appeared in front of them, which would lead to their first destination. Once they enter, the two strongest beings' adventure in the vast omniverse would then soon officially begin.


[Just a small reminder]

[ This is based purely on imagination. Also, I am writing this mainly to entertain myself, but I also hope to maybe entertain you guys as well, so feel free to point out my mistakes, give suggestions, and make recommendations. Also, updates would not be consistent since this is just a simple hobby, but word counts for each chapter would be at least 10,000 words. That's all. Thanks for reading. Until next time. umu~]