
The Supreme Ghost King

A young man who seemed like 25 years old was sitting on a sofa and was drinking beer. He was watching another young man who seemed like 22 years old. The 2nd young man was binding a rope on a fan. He was very calm. His eyes were blood red and had a look like a savage predator. "I wish we will be successful this time. There is no other option. Only death can free a man from his immense pain. If there is any god, please listen to me. Bless us to be successful." The 1st young man knelled down and closed his eyes. He cupped his 2 hands and started to pray. Booooom A wile later the 1st young man heard a noise. He didn't opened his eyes but his face seemed like he was very disappointed. "Huh. This time is also a failure." He sighed and stand up. sat down on the sofa and started to drink whiskey. Previously he was drinking a beer but after being disappointed he started drink whisky. "Fucking idiot. This was your 5th attempt. When are you going to die?" The 1st young man was shouting in frustration. "Hey, how do you know this is my 5th time?" The 2nd young man was startled. He turned his head toward the 1st young man. "Are you talking to me? He is talking to me." The 1st person lost his composure. He started to jump on sofa like a child. He became so much excited that he seemed like a child who got his long waited dreamed toy. Two Young man Wasim Sheikh and Aniurdh Shararma. Anirudh wanted to suicide and Wasim wanted that Anirudh could be successful in his attempt. Why he wanted such thing? Let us see further in the stroy. ...... ==== Hello guys, This is an original story by me. But the cover photo was from google. When I get an actual cover photo I will remove it. I am not native in English. So sometimes there will be some mistakes. So guys if you find any mistakes then please let me know, it will be very helpful. I hope that you will enjoy the story. If you enjoy the story please don't forget to leave behind your kind feedback. I will accept both type of feedback (Neg and pos) positively.

AnOrdinaryCitizen6 · Urban
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5 Chs

A deal with the devil

"Hey, what happened here?" They stopped a passerby who was wandering there.

"You don't know!" The passerby was surprised. Because everyone in the city knew what happened.

"No. I was not in the city last night. I just have come from outside. So I didn't hear and haven't a chance to read a newspaper yet." This street was connected to Longyun street and the city gate was located at the end of the Longyun street.

"Oh. I also don't know much. I heard last night a superb hit Dragon Slayer Army's emergency cargo supply. The fight started at Longyun street and continued till here." The wanderer picked up a cap from the ruin while speaking. It was Colonel Subash Street. It was known as shopping street. Here all type of fashion items could be found.

"Superb? What type of superb it was?" Anirudh frowned. As the future leader of the sector he almost knew every identified superb. There are many superhuman around the sector. He himself was a superb.

"People are saying that the superb was very powerful. He alone smashed the third regiment of the Dragon Slayer Army. People are saying that he was surrendered by lightening. He had to sword in his hand which was glowing white. A bow was in his back and also it seemed like blue flame was burning on his hand and head." The wandering person explained with excitement.

"Hmm. Thank you for your information." Anirudh frowned. He never heard such a powerful superb existed. He could control lightening. Be all he could do was summoning the lightening. He couldn't control it spiraling around him.

Anirudh also picked up a cap and wear it. He was a celebrity. People could recognize him. If they recognize him in here. It would be troublesome. Although police was patrolling tightly, Still many people with ulterior motives was wandering nearby. He had already enough trouble in his plates.

"Hey, give me also one." Wasim requested Anirudh.

"Fuck off. Why are you following me?" Anirudh was in confusion. Why was this person following him?

"Hey dude , When did I follow you? You stopped me to inquire. Remember?" The wandering person looked at Anirudh confusedly. Why was this person behaving like that with him? He was the one who stopped him and started to chat. He was coming from opposite direction.

"I was not talking with you. I was talking with him." Anirudh pointed to Wasim.

"Are you okay?" The wandering person frowned.

"No, I am not. He has been following me from last night." Anirudh was getting angry over Wasim.

"Ha ha ha ha. You are being a fool." Wash laughed loudly.

"Why are you laughing?" Anirudh was getting irritated.

"Because. I don't exist to other people's eyes. I am a ghost, you fool. Ha ha ha ha." Wasim smiled and looked at Anirudh intently.

"You don't see him?" Anirudh asked the wandering person confusedly.

"Dude, You need to see a doctor. You are in deep trouble. I know a doctor. I can recommend you." The wandering person looked at Anirudh sympathetically.

When Anirudh heard the wandering person, he turned his head fearfully toward Wasim who was laughing loudly. He looked at Wasim fearfully.

He screamed and started to run with his full might. He was very fearful of ghost from his childhood. He watched a horror movie once. He was so much afraid that he suffered from a 3 days long fever.

Anirudh came to his apartment running. It was in Longyun street. He entered in his apartment hurriedly and when he came to his living room he was greeted by Wasim.

He was so much frightened that his hand and leg was shivering constantly from fear. Wasim gave a sinister laugh. He was enjoying Anirudh's fearfulness.

"What do you want from me?" Anirudh asked wobbly. He was so frightened that he could be unconscious at any moment.

"Hi hi hi. Obviously I want your body. I want to take it. Ha ha ha" Wasim gave a loud sinister laugh. He started to walk toward Anirudh in a strange rhythm. Crisping voice was being heard. He intimidated Anirudh so much that Anirudh became unconscious from fear.

When Anirudh woke up, It was noon time. His secretary had been ringing calling bell for 30 minutes. She called Anirudh around 50 times.

Anirudh looked at his surrounding fearfully and ran to open the door. He opened the door and embraced the secretary tightly.

"Lily, there is a ghost in my apartment. There is a ghost." He said in a very fearful voice.

"......" The secretary lost her words. She didn't know how she should respond to his boss.

She came from a poor family. She was very beautiful. But she didn't use her beauty to reach this height.

She completed her graduation in political science only in two and a half years. While others needed at least around 4 years. She was a brilliant student. Anirudh's late girlfriend was a friend of her from the university. Anirudh's girlfriend recommended her to him.

Her dream was to be an honest government officer. But she gave in Anirudh's girlfriend's request.

Anirudh's girlfriend helped her family when they were on the brink to collapse. They were so much in debt that her whole family was ready to suicide. In that moment of needs Anirudh's girlfriend came and helped her. She owed her whole family's life to Anirudh's girlfriend.

So she agreed to be his secretary. She had been very useful to Anirudh for last 2 years. Almost all the difficult situation had been handled by her.

"Sir, please calm down. If anyone sees you like this, they will laugh at you. You have to preserve you reputation first." Although she was startled but she could see that Anirudh was really frightened very much.

"No no. There is a ghost. A very sinister ghost. Take me away from here." He was almost crying from fear.

"Sir, don't be afraid. Come with me. I am here now. Nothing will happen. Let me check first. If there is any ghost we will leave immediately." She comforted Anirudh.

Anirudh got behind her but held her right hand tightly like a scared little boy. She was startled again. She liked Anirudh as a boss and a leader very much. He was an honest person.

She checked Anirudh's apartment. Nothing was found. She helped Anirudh to shift the apartment. He wouldn't stay here anymore. He shifted to his another apartment which was brought for his late girlfriend.

She left at night. When she left her heart was in chaos. Strange feeling was starting to build up from the close contact with Anirudh. But she remained professional to the very last moment.

She came to discuss about Jin Dongmei's extortion. But couldn't discuss it at first because of the situation. Before leaving she discussed it with him. It seemed like that there was no other way except giving in.

After Lily left, Anirudh became very frustrated. His father would be very disappointed at him. His family would loss the control of the sector. It would be very hard in future to regain their current position. Jin family would do everything to reduce their power so that they couldn't raise again.

Originally sector 3 was controlled by Jin family previously and Sharma family was a migrated family. Later Sharma family raised in power and replaced Jin family. Although they took control of the city, but Jin family's power wasn't much lower than theirs.

He thought about it many times. He made another decision. If he were to die, the scheme would fail. So he was planning to attempt suicide again. He came in front of window and opened the widow.

"There is no necessary to attempt suicide again. I am here to help you." Wasim materialized himself.

Anirudh was startled greatly. He fell down outside from the window. He closed his eyes and screamed. But a second later crashed on the ground. He opened his eyes and found himself on the floor of his living room. He hurriedly stand up.

"Hey, Let's make a deal. You wanted to suicide and I needed a body to possess. So when you attempted your first suicide attempt, I started to follow you. Alas! You were never successful. But last time you developed an ability to see the ghosts. Now I think it will be great to possess you while you are alive. But possessing an alive person is very troublesome. They resist continuously. It's very harmful to me. On the other hand you don't have any wish to live. So please let me possess you at your own will and I will help you to solve your problems. You will also be able to see many incredible things." Wasim explained to Anirudh.

"Okay." Anirudh replied instantly. Wasim was dumbfounded this time. He was expecting Anirudh to resist. So he was planning his further approach. He didn't expect Anirudh would agree instantly.

"Ha ha ha. You are making a deal with the devil. Don't regret it later." Wasim laughed out loudly.