
The Supreme Evil from Another World

Story has discontinued, I no longer enjoy writing this story.

Dracoex1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

: Trapped


All I feel is myself floating. It feels nice.

Slowly the memories come back. My miserable life of my own making, the bus, the gunshot.

Wait, shouldn't I be dead?

I realize my eyes are closed, so I open them to identify where I am.

Surrounding me, I see stars, nebulae, galaxies. I look down, and immediately regret doing so as it triggered an extreme sense of vertigo within me.

Lifting my head up, I close my eyes again, trying to forget that awful sense of vertigo. Never again.

"Hmmm, that's rather disappointing."

A voice echoed. A voice both masculine and feminine, both aggressive yet meek. A voice like rushing waters and grinding rocks, of soft winds and cracking lightning.

I look up, and immediately my mind cannot comprehend what I am staring at. Arm and legs, forming and disappearing. Mouths holding galaxies than then would form into eyes, that would then close and disappear.

My mind couldn't comprehend it all, and I looked to away to my left as I felt madness chip away at my brain. I muster up my courage.

"W-W-What are you?"

I hear chuckling.

"I go by many names. To your people I am known as Shiva, Tengri, Odin, The Beginning and the End. The Big Bang. Basically, I am your God."

God?! Why the hell does God look like some Lovecraftian horror?! And most of all, what does he want with me?

"What do you want with me?"

"Well Seth, I recognize you have been through much suffering in your mortal life. Although it was mundane, boring suffering, it was suffering nonetheless."

"Um, thanks? I guess? That still doesn't tell me what you want?"

"I am here to listen to your wish, and repay you for your life."

My heart skipped a beat. Wait, do I even have a heart right now? Whatever. God wants to grant my wish?!! I was elated, excited. My wish was obvious.

"I wish for Earth to be a world where everyone could be happy and healthy, where everyone could live peacefully."

I was so excited. My life and death hadn't been in vain! I can make things better for everyone!

What happened next was beyond my expectations.

"Oh. That's what you want? Boring."

I was dumbstruck.

"Didn't you say you would grant my wish?"

More chuckling from God.

"Ohahahaha, I never said that. And even if I did, I would have been lying. No you fool, I'm here to repay you for your life."

A chill ran down my spine. This situation has gone a full 180, and I wanted out.

"Yes, that look on your face, the emotions you're radiating! I do enjoy them so much."

"Wait wait wait, you're supposed to be the top god! Aren't you supposed to reward virtue and despise evil?!"

God, or rather, this being, laughed louder, then leaned down towards me.

"HAH! That's just a label you mortals pushed on me. True, I may have once loved the ideas of love and peace, but I've grown tired of such boring concepts."

I turned and tried to run.

This isn't happening. I need to get out of here.

I felt my sides being compressed, almost to a point of crushing me. I felt myself be lifted up and brought closer to the face of this thing that called itself "God".

"And you, Seth. You see, I had my fill of watching civilizations and empires suffer, but now I'm more interested in watching individual suffering. And Seth, you just happen to be a lucky candidate to be my personal source of amusement."

This can't be happening, I need to get out of here. I need to escape.

"See, your emotional pain was exquisite! There are very few mortals who suffer like you do and still attempt to remain virtuous. And the attempt at virtue only made you suffer more!! Oh, it was so delightful to see your soul coil and roll in agony! However..."

Fuck what do I do I need to get out of here shitshitshitshitshit

"I found the lack of physical suffering.... distasteful. Yes, there was a bit of that in your childhood, but it wasn't nearly enough to satisfy me! I wanted you to become a killer, a monster!! And instead you became a punching bag for your feelings. AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!"

I fucking hate this, I swear if I escape I'm going to fuck up this so called God-

"So, I'm going to give you a second chance to entertain me. I'm going to send you to a world just to watch you suffer, but you'll never die or go insane. All you'll feel is pain, and I can't wait to see all of it!"

My heart dropped. No, it can't get worse that it already was. Infinite pain? Infinite suffering? no no no no NO NONONONO

and my mind snapped


I continued to yell, scream. I struggled, but I couldn't escape.

And all this asshole did was laugh.

"Well, if you're so determined to kill me, go ahead and try, but just to make sure, I'll make some precautions.... there we go! Alright Seth, I'm counting on you for some good laughs and smiles, good luck! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

I was too far gone into my rage to make sense of what he said, and too far gone into madness to notice that I was falling for what seemed like an endless time.

All I remembered was my rage and my hate towards this Thing. I would kill that Thing, and I would make It suffer.

As I continued to fall and my consciousness began to fade, I heard a strange sound followed by a voice in my head making strange announcements.....

[Seth reborn as Human]

[Special class: Human Sacrifice, unlocked]

[Negative status condition: (Curse, Eternal Suffering (rank: DEUS)) inflicted]

[Negative status condition: (Curse, The Powerless (rank: DEUS)) inflicted]

[Passive skill: (Death Seeker) acquired]

[Due to the effects of (Curse, The Powerless), and contradiction with (Curse, Eternal Suffering), Passive skill: (Death Seeker) will be converted into (Curse, Extreme Misfortune)]

[Negative status condition; (Curse, Extreme Misfortune (rank: DEUS)) inflicted]

[Passive skills: (Ritual preparation), (Sacrifice Honoring), and (Martyr's blessing) are unable to be learned due to the effects of Negative Status Condition: (Curse, the Powerless), and thus have been deleted]

As I tried to comprehend it all, my mind slowly faded out, still burning with rage.....