
The Supreme Cultivator

Kai Chen, a pseudo cultivator meets his end while facing his only arch-enemy, the Immortal Asura dragon, and his three Divine Asura beasts. When he thought everything was over, he regained consciousness as an heir of the small commoner clan. Soon he realized that he gained many things which he didn't have in his previous life. Follow him on his adventures journey to becoming the world's strongest cultivator. My English is not that great so please do bear with me. ——————————— 1 chapter every day please show some support and leave a review! Picture cover is not mine credit goes to its maker.

Daoistgod · Fantasy
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32 Chs

C09. The Golden Dragon Jade Medallion

The Prism Phoenix Academy teachers are very proud and arrogant. The name of the Prism Phoenix Academy was scattered throughout the four kingdoms.

But not just anyone could make the Prism Phoenix academy reevaluate the exam just for one person who has already failed the exam.

Chain Hai has to a large sum of money for the job done, even that might be not sufficient since the Prism Phoenix didn't lack in money and resources. Fortunately, he had a good connection with the academy. Chain Hai was willing to go to any length for his daughter's sake.

It was a good deal but Kai Chen didn't express his emotions in front of him and remained calm. 'It's not enough, I want more,' Is what he indicated to Chain Hai.


'Such a greedy brat. You better cure my daughter or else...' Chain Hai understood Kai Chen's gesture and brought out a medallion and gave it to Kai Chen.

"My Lord! That's...That's..?!"

"My Lord, please reconsider it before giving it to this boy? He may miss use it?!"

"Yes, who knows if what he is telling is true or not?! And even if it is true I don't think it is worth it?!" All elders exclaimed as if Chain Hai gave the family treasure or something.

"Be quiet!! Not worth it? Did you say my daughter's life is not worth it!!?" Chain Hai gave a death-threatening glare to the elders. His eyes were bloodshot, ready to kill anyone. They couldn't help but gulp saliva in fear. They all have come today to help Zha Nan slander the Dragon Claw Clan so that could earn some extra money but after Chain Hai's warning, they didn't dare to utter a single word. They all cursed Kai Chen in unison.

But on the other hand, Kai Chen was left confused, 'what this medallion was that Chain Hai gave him? What is it used for?' He inspected the medallion carefully but failed to recognize it. It looks like the Past Kai Chen had never seen it before in life.

"Hm? What is this thing? A jade medallion? It has a Golden Dragon engraved on it. What is it used for?" Kai Chen asked confused.

"Brother Chen, this is the Golden Dragon Jade, there are only two Golden Dragon Jade in the whole Azure kingdom. The founder of the Azure Kingdom, the first king issued it himself. One of them is the current king's possession and the second one is that you are holding right now. The founder of the Azure kingdom was also the person who established The medicine and The Prism Phoenix Academy." Chain Xudan explained. Turn out the Medallion was more valuable than any family treasurer, which also explained why the elders were shocked when Chain Hai handed it over to him.

Kai Chen was impressed with her knowledge of history. She felt like a bird who was caged from the day she was born. She had to stay in her room because of her weak body. So she spent most of her time alone, reading books. She doesn't have anyone who she can consider a friend.

But knowing from the Medicine Palace elders that his daughter only had one year left he decided to spend most of his time with his daughter. Chain Hai also brought her to Kai Chen's funeral so that she could have a change of view in the countryside. But fortunately, things turned out like this. It gave him a ray of hope.

"Ahem...As I was about to say, you can't compare its worth with money. My family had sacrificed blood and sweat and had been loyal to King for generations to get this Golden Dragon Jade Medallion. So I can't give it to you but I will let you borrow it until you make Xudan healthy. You can get VIP treatment at the Medicine Palace and don't have to pay for the herbs and pills. Use it wisely." Chain Hai was not a fool to hand over such a precious thing that his ancestors earned with their loyalty and hard work.

Kai Chen accepted it and quickly put it in his pocket without showing any politeness or sincerity.

Chain Hai's Eyebrows twitched in annoyance, no one has ever disrespected him like this before not even the Prince. He laughed awkwardly but on the inside, he wanted to give a good beating to Kai Chen for showing disrespect to him. But he let it go, after all, he was an adult. He didn't wanna upset the only person who could cure his daughter.

Chain Xudan chuckled, she found Kai Chen amusing and daring, playing dead, not scared of her father or anyone, doing whatever he wants, not caring about the outcome.

"My lord, right now the most pressing issue is to prolong miss Xudan's lifespan. This process will be complex as there is no quick and easy fix. We have to release all the yang energy that pilled up in her body. if you trust me, then please give miss Xudan's life into my keeping. Everything that miss Xudan will do, she has to ask me first so that I could check if it is safe for her or not" Chain Hai didn't have any choice but to put his trust in him. He allowed it without hesitation. Chain Xudan hid her cheeks as they got red because of blushing.

"So when will you start your treatment? And what things do you need? Tell me and I will prepare it beforehand." Chain Hai wanted her daughter to cure as soon as possible.

"My Lord, I need some time as you can see I have received heavy injuries because of Zha Nan? I need at least a month to recover and only after that I can start Miss Xudan's treatment...cough!" Kai Chen coughed to show his pain to Chain Hai.

Chain Hai took a long breath and said, "Sigh what do want me to do? Should I punish Zha Nan? But remember one thing I can't be too harsh on him after all he is my sister's son."

"Maybe slapping himself three in front of everyone would be fine?" Kai Chen suggested.

"Ok, call everyone inside!" Chain Hai ordered the elder.