
The Supreme Cultivator

Kai Chen, a pseudo cultivator meets his end while facing his only arch-enemy, the Immortal Asura dragon, and his three Divine Asura beasts. When he thought everything was over, he regained consciousness as an heir of the small commoner clan. Soon he realized that he gained many things which he didn't have in his previous life. Follow him on his adventures journey to becoming the world's strongest cultivator. My English is not that great so please do bear with me. ——————————— 1 chapter every day please show some support and leave a review! Picture cover is not mine credit goes to its maker.

Daoistgod · Fantasy
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32 Chs

C04. Friends

"Don't be afraid Chen'er. Now that you've survived, you will never suffer again for as long as I have breath in my body. You don't have to enter that damn Academy, are many still not living without graduating from the academy?"

Students in Prism Phoenix academy have the opportunity to learn directly from experts. After graduation, they are eligible to get positions in the army to earn merits through battles so that they can climb from commoners to nobles. All commoners dream about it but many die in the Battle and hardly anyone can rise from commoners rank to nobles rank. Some became aristocrats but they can be counted on fingers.

There are other methods also to rise in ranks such as increasing cultivation realm. If one can able to cultivate the peak of the Spirit realm cultivator then you could directly rise to the noble rank. But it is not as easy as it sounds,

there were only thirty or so people in the whole Azure kingdom who were the Spirit level Cultivator.

Kai Feng didn't care about any of those things and completely forgot about his surroundings when some sounds registered in his ears.

"Chen'er, quickly lie down, someone's coming," he whispered.

Kai Chen did so with resignation as his revival from death was simply too abrupt. This would be heaven-shaking news if people got the gist of him being alive. His father was asking him to keep up the dead cover for now. Alright, with this coffin as a cover, playing dead was the easiest thing in this world.

The person who arrived was Kai Chen's friend who brought his body back. his clothes were tattered and patched with cloth pieces but he never care about how he looked, in the end, he was a commoner and not some noble's son who has dozens of clothes to choose from.

"Xian Ji!" Kai Feng had taken it one step further and called him.

Xian Ji's clan influence and wealth were a bit lower than the Dragon Claw clan but he had never been ashamed of his clan but was rather proud of it instead.

His only goal was to turn his clan into a noble clan. He wanted to pay all the debt of his clan. He had seen his parents kneel before others just to provide him with sufficient money to enter the Prism Phoenix Academy. He wanted to change the living standard of his clan so that they never bow down to anyone anymore.

He was the most brave-hearted but not the most intellectual. He always does what his heart tells him instead of thinking it through. But one thing was that he was loyal to his clan and friends.

The Xian Ji was in front of the coffin with a grief expression.

Two other young men who are Kai Chen's, roughly the same age, followed closely behind the Xian Ji. Both of them also had the same expressions of grief as Xian Ji, it was apparent that they had come to pay their final respects to Kai Chen.

"Brother Chen, you promised me that we will enter the Prism Phoenix academy together. But that bastard took your life mercilessly in front of me and broke our promise." The footsteps were far away, but this wailing cry had strong feelings to it.

The heavy sound of footsteps accompanied this mournful howl.

The Xian Ji wiped away tears with one hand and continuously fished out things with his other, tossing them into the brazier already burning paper money as he did so. "Brother Chen, I swear on our brotherhood that one day I will revenge your death!"

The Xian Ji cried buckets of tears and snot as he grew even more broken-hearted as he cried. He lay there on the floor, pounding the floor in great sorrow after burning the paper money.

Kai Chen laid at ease in the coffin and made no sound. He also wanted to use this opportunity to observe if he can trust the past Kai Chen's best friends or not. Xian Ji was undoubtedly the most loyal, staunchest supporter of them all.

At this moment the Xian Ji turned around to throw a fierce glare at those behind him, heckling at them, "You two, are you best friends with brother Chen or not? Do you view brother Chen as a brother? Come swear before his memorial tablet if you do!"

The stalwart, dependable-looking young man retorted back, "Xian Ji, do you think you're the only one who is sad about Kai Chen's death? I'm also angry with Zha Nan?" his name was Hu Yue, he was the heir of Thunder Cloud clan and his clan had good ties with the Dragon Claw clan.

"Yang Quin, do you consider brother Chen as your brother or not?" The Xian Ji started to grow angry as he saw Yang Quin still not cursing Zha Nan for Kai Chen's death.

"Have you forgotten that it was brother Chen who stood up for you when you were bullied by the others?"

Both of them paid their respect to Kai Chen in a weirdly way that put Yang Quin in a bind, they were cursing Zha Nan while paying their respect.

But he couldn't do that as his clan served the Zha Nan's heavenly clan. If the heavenly family found out that Yang Quin was cursing their heir, they may cut all business ties with his clan which could be disastrous.

"Also the time when you didn't have any money to buy food, it was brother Chen who used his money to buy food for you. Did you know that because he spent his portion of the money to you, he couldn't eat fully?" Xian Ji's anger grew as he spoke, Yang Qing didn't forget about Kai Chen's good deed. But he is also loyal to his clan. He just greet his teeth and paid his respect and cursed Zha Nan in a lowered voice.

They were about to leave when quick footsteps sounded as the dragon claw clan's gatekeeper came to the door. "Master Kai, His lord the Chain Hai has arrived with his elders in order to pay his respects to the young master."

"Pay his respects!?" Xian was livid. "Is he going to shed crocodile tears? Does he think burning a few sticks of incense will cover up the fact that his relative Zha Nan Killed brother Chen mercilessly?"

"Although the duke of the Chain Ho clan is one of the pillars of the Azure kingdom and one of the powerhouses in the kingdom, and can easily manipulate many higher officials. But I also heard he is a man of courage and uprightness. he will never take the side of injustice. May he really don't know what had happened to brother Chen and think it was really an accident." Hu Yue interfered the Xian Ji.

"Hmph, if he is really a righteous man then I will make him punish Zha Nan, I will tell Chain Hai that it was not an accident and he had to punish him accordingly otherwise I would not sit quite..." Kai Feng quickly calmed his anger as he remembered that his son was still alive.

If Chain Hai really punished Zha Nan and after that they found out that Kai Chen was alive then they may really kill Kai Chen and the whole Dragon Claw clan for plotting against a noble. He even dared to call the leader of the Chain Ho clan by his name.