
The Supreme Commander

In the distant future, humanity has expanded its reach beyond Earth and established a galactic civilization. Interstellar travel and advanced technology have become commonplace, ushering in an era of remarkable progress and discovery. However, with the vastness of space comes the inevitable encounter with other intelligent species, some of whom prove to be hostile. "The Supreme Commander" follows the journey of Lieutenant Ethan Khane, a skilled and ambitious officer in the Earth Federation Forces. Ethan's life takes a dramatic turn when he becomes the sole survivor of a devastating ambush orchestrated by a mysterious alien civilization known as the Vortans. Severely injured, he is left in a coma for two long years. When Ethan finally awakens, he finds himself in a world vastly different from the one he remembers. Earth has become a thriving metropolis, linked seamlessly with other habitable planets through an intricate network of warp gates and space stations.

JadeTalon458 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Wiping Out The Vortans Rebel

Meanwhile, on the flagship of the 1st Mixed Fleet of the ninety-fifth battalion.

"Report the battle situation!" Ethan ordered as soon as he entered the bridge and walked quickly to the command seat.

"Reporting, we will enter the attack range in two minutes."

As the two fleets approached each other, the darkness of space ignited with luminescent streaks of laser fire and the pulsating glow of plasma cannons. The battle had begun. The Vortans Rebels, led by the cunning and ruthless Admiral Zaraq, a confidant of Lord Kree.

Amidst the chaos of the dogfight, the 1st Mixed Fleet displayed exceptional coordination. Squadrons of agile starfighters, piloted by skilled aces, weaved through enemy formations, while larger capital ships exchanged blistering barrages of firepower.

The rebel fleet shifted its focus, coordinating its fire onto one of the battlecruisers. The massive ship shuddered under the concentrated attack, and before long, it exploded into a brilliant display of cosmic fireworks. The loss was a harsh blow, but it only served to strengthen the resolve of the 1st Mixed Fleet.

Ethan swiftly adopted a strategy. He ordered his fleet to disperse, engaging the enemy in multiple skirmishes simultaneously. The Vortans Rebels struggled to keep up with the rapid and coordinated attacks, leading to confusion among their ranks.

The 1st Mixed Fleet pressed forward with renewed vigor. They continued to exploit weaknesses in the enemy formation and chip away at their defenses. Slowly but surely, the Vortans Rebel Fleet began to falter, losing ships one after another.

"What a beautiful maneuver! It fully exploited the Achilles' heel of the Rebel Warships."

In the lounge, Commander-in-Chief Fisk couldn't help but praise. Not caring they're from the same race and are once comrades in arms.

As the battle raged on, the 1st Mixed Fleet's determination proved to be unstoppable. Their coordinated efforts paid off, and they systematically dismantled the Vortans Rebel Fleet.

With the enemy's command ship incapacitated, the remaining rebel ships were thrown into disarray. Some attempted to escape, but the 1st Mixed Fleet pursued them relentlessly, delivering the last blows to the defeated rebels.

In the end, the Vortans Rebellion was no more. The 1st Mixed Fleet stood victorious.

"Adjutant Chen, order the Fleet to clean the battlefield and search for the remains of our comrades! As for the battle damage data, report it after it's calculated!"

"Roger that!".

While cleaning the battlefield, Ethan opened a communication channel in the lounge.

"Commander Fisk, it's over, do you need us to send you back, or will you just make your people arrange a ship to pick you up?"

"Don't bother, the ship that will come to pick me up has already set off."

"Okay, you can go, I will relay it to the Fleet!"

"Thank you so much!"

There is not much to talk about both sides because everyone understood that once the armistice is over a few years later, it will not end until one of them is destroyed.

"Commander, the preliminary battle damage report is out!"

"Send it to my communicator!" Ethan replied.


Seven hours later, the 1st Mixed Fleet returned to Planet Odeus Base.

After coming down from the ship, Admiral Collins, who was already waiting at the docking area, carried out a funeral ceremony for the dead.

"You did good!" He said while patting Ethan on the shoulder.

"Thank you, sir," Ethan replied, still catching his breath. "It was a team effort, and I couldn't have done it without the support of my team."

"No doubt about that, Kane," Admiral Collins said. "You've all earned a well-deserved break. Take some time off, recharge your batteries, and come back even stronger."

Ethan's eyes widened at the unexpected news. A vacation was a rare luxury in their line of work. He had forgotten what it felt like to have time for himself, without constantly being on high alert.

"When do you want me back, sir?" Ethan asked, still trying to process the offer.

Admiral Collins chuckled. "Don't worry about that right now. Enjoy your leave. We'll handle things here. You've earned it."

A mixture of excitement and relief surged through Ethan. He had a list of things he wanted to do during his short break. First and foremost, he wanted to see his old geezer, whom he hadn't visited in years due to the mission's demands.


On Planet Odeus.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow across the base of the Ninety-Fifth Battalion. Ethan Kane, the Lt. Commander, leaned against a slick futuristic table in the dimly lit briefing room, his thoughts consumed with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

As his team members filed into the room, each one bearing a combination of exhaustion and pride, Ethan couldn't help but smile. They were a diverse group, brought together by their shared commitment to protecting the innocent and upholding justice. Over time, they had forged a bond that transcended mere camaraderie—it was a brotherhood, a sisterhood, a family through life and death battles.

"Good job, everyone," Ethan began, his voice steady and commanding. "I want to personally commend each one of you for your exceptional performance on this last mission. It wasn't an easy one, but we got the job done, and that's what matters."

His words were met with nods and appreciative smiles. Sarah, the team's brilliant tech expert, adjusted her glasses and offered a small grin. Malik, the stoic sniper with a heart of gold, gave a subtle nod. And Chen Xue smirked, although it was brief Ethan still noticed it.

"Now," Ethan continued, "we've been through a lot lately. It's been non-stop, and I can see it on all of your faces. We've earned ourselves a well-deserved break. Starting tomorrow, you're all on vacation. No missions, no responsibilities—just time to rest, recharge, and be with your loved ones."

Relief washed over the team, and some even let out soft sighs of contentment. The prospect of downtime was a rarity in their line of work, and they intended to make the most of it.

"I know some of you have plans already," Ethan said, glancing around the room, "but if any of you need suggestions on what to do or where to go, feel free to ask. Remember, this is your time, so make it count."

As the team members chatted about their vacation plans, Ethan allowed himself to relax, knowing that they were in good hands and that they had earned this respite. But even as they dispersed, he knew that the world was relentless, and their line of work never truly paused.