
The Supreme Commander

In the distant future, humanity has expanded its reach beyond Earth and established a galactic civilization. Interstellar travel and advanced technology have become commonplace, ushering in an era of remarkable progress and discovery. However, with the vastness of space comes the inevitable encounter with other intelligent species, some of whom prove to be hostile. "The Supreme Commander" follows the journey of Lieutenant Ethan Khane, a skilled and ambitious officer in the Earth Federation Forces. Ethan's life takes a dramatic turn when he becomes the sole survivor of a devastating ambush orchestrated by a mysterious alien civilization known as the Vortans. Severely injured, he is left in a coma for two long years. When Ethan finally awakens, he finds himself in a world vastly different from the one he remembers. Earth has become a thriving metropolis, linked seamlessly with other habitable planets through an intricate network of warp gates and space stations.

JadeTalon458 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Butterfly Effect

Planet Odeus.

Knock… knock… knock… A report for the Admiral!"

"Come in!" Admiral Collins replied.

"Commander, the 1st Mixed Fleet of the ninety-fifth battalion has sent back the battle report!"

"Huh? Show it to me quickly."

The adjutant then handed over the documents immediately, and he took a look at them.

"Haha, this kid Ethan did not disappoint me" Admiral Collins laughed heartily.

"But, Commander, what should we do with the Fifth Prince of the Vortans?" His Adjutant asked.

"We don't need to worry about this, the Grand Vizier and the President will make the best use of this Prince, haha!".


Presidential Office, Earth.

A striking individual with a rich African heritage reflected in his physical appearance. He possesses a commanding presence and an air of confidence. His skin is a deep, warm ebony tone, radiating a natural glow that speaks of a life well-lived under the African sun. His complexion is flawless, accentuating his distinct facial features, with high cheekbones that hint at strength and resilience, his expressive, almond-shaped eyes are a captivating shade of dark brown, sparkling with intelligence and warmth.

Uhuru Mbeki, the 7th President of the Earth Federation.

Proudly wearing a majestic afro, its tightly coiled strands framing his face in a halo of soft, dense curls.

He tapped the desk softly while reading the report sent to him from the frontline, seemingly in deep thought.

'Just like his father, he's talented and has a bright future ahead of him'.

'After the ambush, he seems to be reborn. I hope those f**ckers don't do to him the way they did to his parents.'

"Immediately summon the Council of Representatives for an urgent meeting" the President speaking to his communicator.


In a secret chamber, Europe.

A dark conspiracy silently took shape. Its tendrils reached out, seeking to ensnare Ethan Kane, whose victory had set in motion a chain of events he could not yet fathom.

Unbeknownst to Ethan, his battle report had stirred something sinister in the depths of power. A clandestine organization, known only as The Order, had been observing him from the shadows. They saw in him not just a talented warrior but a threat to their plan.

Within the dimly lit chamber of The Order's secret hideout, figures in hooded robes huddled around a table covered in maps and documents. Their leader, a shadowy figure known as The Mastermind, outlined the plan to neutralize Ethan's growing influence.

"He's becoming a threat," The Mastermind whispered.


Planet Odeus 3rd Star Port Base, Ninety-Fifth Fleet Battalion.

All the warships of the 1st Mixed Fleet have just finished docking.

The crew members did not immediately leave after disembarking but instead lined up in the harbor.

There's also Admiral Collins Bob, who had come here a long time ago and waited for Ethan's return. He was currently standing at the top of the Flagship's suspension ladder along with Ethan and Chen Xue while wearing a solemn expression.

Soon after, a large number of people stepped out of the Flagship. They were in groups of two, with each group carrying a coffin, and each coffin was covered with a flag of the Earth Federation. There was a total of 343 groups.

There was no sound in the whole dock until he yelled.


At this order, the more than 50,000 people solemnly saluted in the direction of the Flagship suspension ladder while watching the coffins covered with Federation flags.

As the farewell procedure progressed, everyone's eyes were a little red. These 343 soldiers were their former partners, but just a few hours later, they left the world forever.

Finally, all the coffins were shot from the Starport and flew toward the depths of the universe. This is a unique tradition of the Federal Fleet since Earth entered the galactic age.

After seeing off the 343 deceased soldiers, Lin Fan announced the order to disband.

"Ethan, you did great! You didn't disappoint me!"Admiral Collins walked up to Ethan and praised him.

"I haven't done well enough, there are still 343 comrades sacrificed!"Ethan replied, shaking his head while looking at the beautiful scenery of the space.

"Ethan, you have to understand that there will always be death in war, you have already done well enough!"

"Admiral Collins, I understand, but I want to do better next time!"

"It's okay as long as you understand. I have a new task for you that's why I came here this time."

"Yes! Admiral, please give the order!"

"Well, it's about the Fifth Prince that you captured. The President held a special meeting regarding this matter and finally decided to use the Fifth Prince as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the Vortans. The negotiation team will arrive in a few days. You will be responsible for escorting the team and their security."

"Yes Sir!" Ethan immediately stood upright.

"Alright, you just went through a big battle. You should go take a rest!"

Admiral Collins patted him on the shoulder and left.

Soon after, Ethan returned to his office and lay on the bed, entering into a deep sleep.

But what Ethan didn't know was that the door of his office was open.

Life is full of wonders and whenever you don't lock the door, something will inevitably happen!

Chen Xue walked into Ethan's office and found no one. She then saw the door of the bedroom open and took a look.

When she saw Ethan was already "asleep" on the bed, Chen Xue walked in lightly and stood in front of Ethan's bed. She looked at him, who had a serene face, with a smile on her face.

If Ethan saw this scene, he would be shocked that his mouth would drop to the ground.

Unfortunately, Ethan couldn't see this scene.

A minute later, she recovered her iconic ice face and left Ethan's office.

(A/N: I hope Ethan recovers his memories faster, she is waiting😉).