
The Supreme Being: A Tale of Betrayal And Magic

The novel is about a man named James who was betrayed by his wife and got struck by lightning. When he woke up, he found himself in another world where everything seemed similar to the world he came from but had magic. In this new world, he discovered that there were people called "Gifted," who had gained superpowers due to a black hole that had appeared in that world. James' wife was the main villain of the story in this new world, and he had to defeat her to obtain the power of another version of himself, who was a powerful being called a Supreme being. With this power, he became the supreme being of that world and eventually returned to his original world to confront his wife. The story continues in Season 2 and Season 3, where James faces new challenges and adventures.

Wejai · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

2: The First Strike

As James trained with the Guardians, he became more and more adept at using his powers and honed his fighting skills. He quickly learned that his experiences in the magical world had given him a unique perspective and approach to combat, which he used to his advantage.

One day, while the Guardians were discussing their next move against the Shadow and his allies, they received an urgent message. One of their allies, a powerful Gifted known as the Crimson Phoenix, had been attacked by a group of villains.

Without hesitation, the Guardians set out to rescue their friend. James and the others arrived to find the Crimson Phoenix badly wounded and the villains still nearby. The Guardians engaged the villains in battle, but they quickly realized that these foes were more powerful and organized than they had anticipated.

As the fight intensified, James felt a sudden surge of power within him. Without fully understanding what was happening, he unleashed a massive blast of energy that overwhelmed the villains and sent them fleeing.

The Guardians were shocked and amazed by James' display of power, but they knew that it had come at a cost. James had tapped into a well of energy that was dangerous and uncontrollable, and they feared that it could consume him if he did not learn to master it.

As they tended to the wounded Crimson Phoenix, the Guardians discussed their next steps. They knew that the villains would not rest after their defeat, and that they needed to prepare for the next strike. James knew that he had to focus on mastering his powers, but he also felt a growing sense of responsibility and duty to protect the worlds from the villains' schemes.

The first strike had been made, and the battle was far from over. But with James' newfound power and the Guardians' determination, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.